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Rewarding Activity and Networking in the Gala Music Ecosystem

Rewarding Activity and Networking in the Gala Music Ecosystem

At Gala Music, we’re all about empowering artists, fans and collectors to create a new world of music where anyone’s success is everyone’s success. Incentives to share are some of the most important ways that we can empower everyone while improving the platform’s long term success and scalability.

Tracing today’s web3 back to its earliest days will reveal a narrative whose backstory began with marketing ideas such as loyalty programs, incentives and networking. The founder of Gala saw an ecosystem where everyone was stronger together, recognizing that if an entertainment company could properly incentivize its users to share the vision with new users, then everyone could benefit from the money saved that would otherwise go to social media advertising companies and their stranglehold on web2 marketing. By pairing this revolutionary idea with the empowerment made possible by blockchain tech, Gala was able to thrive by rewarding its early adopters.

If you’re familiar with Gala Music at all, you already know that you can own NFT tracks for a share in the daily $MUSIC generated by the plays of your track on the platform. But you may not realize that there are tons of other ways (besides track ownership) to start stacking $MUSIC rewards of your own!

Gala Music Rewards

In Gala Music, engagement rewards are simple and (in true Gala fashion) somewhat gamified. Using a daily distribution point system, we are able to add yet another strategic dimension to your Gala Music experience. Each day, a portion of new $MUSIC is available for distribution as rewards for activity on the platform.

Qualifying actions for these rewards are designated in the Whitepaper as Ecosystem Supporting Actions. Making up 25% of the generated $MUSIC on a daily basis, they are designed to promote the growth of a healthy ecosystem and give all users a way to generate $MUSIC simply by engaging with Gala Music. For most rewards, there is no requirement to own NFT items, and for some, there is no spending prerequisite of any kind!

To determine the amount of $MUSIC that a user will receive for their interaction, various platform sharing activities qualify the user for various numbers of points. Then at the end of each 24 hour period, $MUSIC rewards are distributed proportionally to those points.

Below is the current list of point-qualifying actions and how many points are received for each. 

  1. A referred user purchases and pairs an NFT track – 1 Point
  2. A referred user purchases a Jukebox Node – 15 Points
  3. You tip an artist >250 $MUSIC – 10 Points
  4. You purchase and pair a new NFT track – 5 Points
  5. You unlock a new Jukebox Node slot – 50 Points
  6. You purchase an All Access Experience – 5 Points
  7. You redeem a Mystery Box – 5 Points
  8. Listen to unique tracks – Up to 10 Points
  9. You purchase a Jukebox Node – 500 Points
  10. Live stream chat – 1 Point
  11. BEATS live stream purchase – 5 Points

Learn more about the various types of engagement rewards on Gala Music’s Referrals and Rewards page.

Swap $GALA for $MUSIC on GalaSwap

As the Gala ecosystem continues to grow, your referred users will continue to be connected to you for various rewards and situations where you may receive credit for referring them. Do not underestimate the power of referrals in the web3 world. With Gala’s dream of onboarding the first billion users to blockchain in the entire world, imagine how many of those could be your referrals!

How to Share

You’ll find your referral link in multiple locations of your Gala Music account, such as at the top of the Referrals and Rewards page.

Additionally, if you use the social share option on individual tracks to share directly on social media, your referral will automatically be connected when your friends create an account as a result of your share.

That’s it! Get out there and start sharing your favorite Gala Music tracks and referring new users. 🔥

Rewards are waiting.

Join Gala Music

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Recap

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Recap

The great battle for the Ring has been fought. Were you victorious? Will the shattered timeline of Elysium bring you success or defeat in the next iteration…

The paradox continues, but maybe the right Captain seizing control of the power can change the fate of Elysium. It’s time for a fresh start. Old rivalries are broken, will old alliances be renewed?

Alex: So exciting to be here again! Teeehehehe, more explosions!

Emma: Wha… Where are we?

Alex: Oh, that’s not important. I just go with it and it always works out for me.

Emma: You are wise, explosion pirate. I shall follow you into this mystery.

Alex: Oh ho! We’re going to get along splendidly Emma! For now though, let’s get to the results of Season 3!!!

Conquest: The Victorious

The battle for the Ring is fierce. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers meet their end each time the powers of Elysium meet to do epic battle. The Captains that persist through the difficulties and rise to the challenge each Conquest are worthy of our respect indeed. We salute them!

Note that due to S12’s signature tactic of altering their names to be difficult to distinguish at the final conquest, most of our winners are somewhat mysterious heroes this season.

  1. Win
  2. IlIllIIllIIl


  3. Iiiiiiiiii


  4. Iiiiiiiiiiii


  5. Iiiiiiiiil



Most Powerful Captains

Conquest is a team sport. Pure battle power is a measure of the forces an individual captain can muster. No unexpected critical or tactical misstep in Conquest will change the results here… Those who amassed the most forces and the most Battle Power over the course of season 3 are true warriors.

  1. Ralf
  2. Firstblood
  3. Nerdalicious
  4. PalafinHF
  5. Elof

Arena Victors

Hiding behind your soldiers seems easy compared to the heat of the Arena. The Captains that rose to the top in this category are brutally efficient with their team of Mercenaries and can defend their spot with vigor to repeatedly come out on top.

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Win
  3. Kazuto1995
  4. Melio_das
  5. Firstblood

Most Honorable Mentions

This season, we have two Captains that were able to show their mettle in all three categories and rise to the top 10 across the board…

Congratulations to Firstblood and PalfinHF, the two Captains to accomplish this great task this season!

Season 4 Is Live!

Season 4 is already live! Get out there and conquer! 

There’s tons of new features coming in season 4.

  • Jinryu, new Fire-type Mercenary
  • Guild Arena
  • Mercenary Collection System
  • New Season Pass, May Mayhem Pass, and Arena Pass!

Beyond that, there are tons of new balances, meta changes and improvements! Small changes make major tactical differences, and no two seasons of Eternal Paradox are alike!

…And Here We Go Again!

Emma: The strange, invisible narrator is correct. Tiny variables can greatly influence plans.

Alex: I never was one for plans. I think this time I’ll do what I do every time… blow stuff up! Bwuahahahaha!!!

Emma: A wise stratagem. Why fight the wind when you can fly on it?

Alex: Hahaha! You’re SOOOO much better at this than Torsten.

Emma: That does not surprise me. We are prepared for battle mysterious voice.

Thanks Emma and Alex, and good luck out there this season!

49 days to go –

Emma: 48 days. 

Uhhh, right. You heard the woman! Get out there and conquer. We’ll see you at the battle for the Ring!

Mayhem Has Begun

Mayhem Has Begun

Every year around the same time, we get just a little stir crazy here at Gala. It’s not that the winters at our HQ are necessarily too balmy to go get some sun… it’s just that we’re excited to get down to some fun and games with our awesome community!

Gala has grown a lot, and the launch of extremely diverse projects across GalaChain has taken the Galaverse far beyond just games. This year we want to showcase a month of fun all across the GalaChain ecosystem.

Many projects will have competitions, giveaways and events throughout May. We know that GalaChain is a constantly growing place, so rewards and mechanics of each event are going to vary greatly from project to project. Don’t worry though, we’ll try to keep it as simple as possible so that you can find some events you may love.

MAY I Have Your Attention, Please?

We (more expressly, the writer of this article) would love to have a nice and simple cookie-cutter event to throw at all of you. But where’s the fun in that? More importantly… where’s the MAYHEM in that!?

Don’t worry though, we’ll walk you through everything… well, we’ll walk you through what we can. We told you, this is Mayhem! It wouldn’t be very Mayhem without a few surprises, would it?

Where to Find the Mayhem

Like we said, GalaChain is a big place… but there are a few specific corners you may want to keep your eye on this month.

Our first full week of Mayhem starts on May 6th. Below, you’ll find a breakdown of the first week of festivities.


Since its release earlier this year, GalaSwap has totally changed the way that we can all interact with GalaChain as a community. It’s never been easier to get the tokens you want, and more features and new pairs are coming all the time!

With all that said, of course GalaSwap is getting in on the Mayhem!  Starting on May 6th, the leaders in the following categories at the end of the week will receive a pile of bonus $GALA.

  • Highest $GALA volume
  • Highest $GUSDC volume
  • Highest $MUSIC volume
  • Highest $LEFC volume
  • Highest $TOLK volume
  • Highest $GSWAP volume

…and that’s only week one 😉

Eternal Paradox

Eternal Paradox will have extra events going on all month! May Mayhem pretty perfectly lines up with the start of Season 4… and what a season it’s going to be! 

The first week of Mayhem, you’ll see a Daily Coupon event coming out (👀on Discord!), and that’s just the start. There will be special in-game events and opportunities to partake in some Mayhem throughout the month!

Gala Film

You think Gala Film is going to miss out on the Mayhem? Remember to take a break from all the competitions once in a while. Maybe get some popcorn, kick your feet up and turn on Gala Film? 😁

For the first week of Mayhem, you’ll get two free RZR Mystery Boxes for each episode you watch! If you haven’t seen RZR… double rewards time starts May 5th. Get comfy and start binging!

Common Ground World

CGW has an express depot load of stuff going on this month, and we can’t possibly cover it all here. We’ll try to at least get you started.

There will, of course, be amayzing competitions… Week 1 will bring the Everybody Is Welcome competition, with 2500 reward seats and 31% extra $GALA!

Each week will also bring a rework to an existing NFT (don’t worry, we’re pretty sure you’ll be happy with them 😉). Be ready, the first two kick off this Friday!

There are also some items that never had their full supply released in the past. During this Mayhem, you’ll get a second chance on four long-lost NFTs… one per week. Be on the lookout early next week for a limited amount of the first of these treasures!


It’s a VOX invasion!!! This week, VOX is spreading Mayhem in Common Ground World!

Win an all-new VOX Dog pet by landing in the top 100 Bicycle sellers in next week’s competition! These fluffy border collies are only going out during May Mayhem, so get them while you can.

If you don’t place high enough, you’ll have a second chance in a special Mystery Box sale at the end of the month… but these furry friends need a home now! Will you rise to the challenge?

Champions Arena

All month long the arena will be full of Mayhem. Various activities in the game will reward you with M-tickets, which you can spend in the special M-Ticket shop. Get as much as you can for four weeks!

There will be a bit more going on for Summoners in Champions Arena throughout May. Look for a special 15% Gem pack discount to kick off the festivities on Monday the 6th!

Non-Fungible Tower Defense

We hear our friends over at NFTD are having a leaderboard competition every week of May. If you haven’t checked their alpha playtest out since their Judges’ Choice win at GALAthon in March… now is the time!

Legends Reborn

You think Tolkheim is going to miss out on May Mayhem!? Get ready for a month of competitions at the tables!

Starting on May 6th at noon PT, rack up as many games as you can at your favorite table… or any table really. Just go play!

Throughout the whole month, players who achieve the following epic benchmarks of table experience will be granted free NFT cards:

  • 50 PvP matches played – Common Glacial Spear
  • 100 PvP matches played – Common Viridian Dragon
  • 150 PvP matches played – Uncommon Phoenix

In addition, during week one starting on May 6th, a special prize of $500 of $GALA will be given out to the player with the most matches played and to the player with the most matches won by the end of the first week. Get your best Creatures in your deck and get ready to battle!

Last Expedition

Things are heating up in Last Expedition… are you mission ready? Last Expedition is going to be laying low in the first week of Mayhem… can’t get the ravagers too riled up early can we?

Something tells us you may want to drop in and freshen up those fragment gathering and ‘staying alive while things are trying to eat you’ skills. Big things are coming during the Mayhem, and you definitely want to be ready.

Mayhem Building

This is just a quick peek at week 1. So much more is coming. Welcome to Mayhem!

There may be more popping up here and there. We promise nothing… like we said, Mayhem.

Every one of you in our community is what makes Gala so great, and we can’t wait to share the Mayhem with you all month. Have fun!

GALAthon Winners and Prizes

GALAthon Winners and Prizes

GalaChain is growing all the time, with more people jumping in and building on-chain every day! Last month’s hackathon, however, was a moment like no other in the growth of GalaChain. We saw amazing developments and innovative new ways to use the chain for a better web3 world.

After intense deliberation by our esteemed GALAthon guest judges and our chain team, the time has finally come to announce the results! Congratulations to each and every one of the winners… and thank you to every single participant! It’s all of you who make GalaChain amazing!

Judges’ Favorites

We’ve already discussed the in-person judges’ favorites, but we wanted to sing the praises of these innovators again.

  1. NFTD.GG –

200,000 USDT + $10k AWS Credits, $25k VGX and a $400 Alienware Monitor

  1. Team No Rest –

150,000 USDT + $5k AWS Credits and $15k VGX

  1. Corgi AI3D Forever –

100,000 USDT + $5k AWS Credits and $10k VGX

We’re proud of all the projects that participated at this hackathon, and we think the judges made incredibly astute observations to pick these three top projects.

Remote Participation Prizes

After going through each project and presentation, we have awarded a number of additional prizes in several categories:

Best Use of AI: Fuzzle Prime

Fuzzle Prime is a project that embodies the ideology of blockchain technology in so many ways. For this Hackathon, they created Fuzzle UniverCity to leverage the powers of AI to create instructional course content using GalaChain!

Prize Awarded: 50,000 USDT + $10k AWS Credits

Most Creative Project: Dragon Slayers

The Dragon Slayers crafted the Dragon Board, a way to burn NFTs directly for fungible tokens on chain. This could be a way for users to recycle NFTs they are no longer using, allowing a natural increase in scarcity and overall letting users engage with their on-chain items in more ways.

Prize Awarded: 50,000 USDT + $5k AWS Credits

Most Innovative Solution: KFS

During GALAthon, KFS built out their concept of “CourseHub”, an educational platform powered by GalaChain. CourseHub is designed to reinforce education through blockchain, by monetizing educational content with incentivized learning. Eventually, KFS hopes to issue digital certificates using NFTs.

Prize Awarded: 30,000 USDT + $5k AWS Credits

Best Representation of Gala Community: Valley Games

Valley Games is the brainchild of Happy Valley Arcade Bar in Beacon, NY. Valley Games will bring web3 gaming to the classic cabinet, by integrating a multi-game arcade cabinet with GalaChain games. Eventually, the team hopes to streamline rewards on Valley Games with a token on GalaChain. Talk about incentive for that high score! 

Prize Awarded: 5000 USDT

Best Integration with Gala Film or Gala Music: Taco Truck

Taco truck set out to create the first memecoin on GalaChain – $TACO!  Along the way, they engineered a pipeline for users to mint their own coins. In cooperation with Emily Lazar from September Mourning, they hope to soon use this system to allow artists to create their own verifiable tokens directly on GalaChain.

Prize Awarded: 5000 USDT

Best Use of On-Chain Data:

Achis was mentioned as a community option in our recent Founders Node vote about block explorers… but is far more than just a block explorer. Using powerful data analytics, Achis continued to build out its functionality during the hackathon. Using powerful data analytics and on-chain data, can show users what’s happening on GalaChain in terms they don’t need decades of programming experience to understand.

Prize Awarded: 5000 USDT

Most Useful Day-to-Day: THX

THX works with Gala on marketing initiatives on occasion, and we were overjoyed to see them hop into the hackathon and work on something to make our work even better together! Previously, someone redeeming points for rewards on THX was just receiving a unique URL that would help manually fulfill rewards. They crafted an integration so that rewards can now be distributed directly from GalaChain!

Prize Awarded: 5000 USDT + $5k AWS Credits

Most Enthusiastic Project: did what many successful innovators have done in the past… recognized a problem and designed a solution. Pearswap recognized that the bid to ask spread on GalaSwap could be improved with liquidity pools, so they created the groundwork for that system through!

Prize Awarded: 5000 USDT

Non-Stop Development

This will wrap up this GALAthon, but GalaChain never stops! The net progress that will be made leveraging all these developments on GalaChain cannot be understated. GalaChain is an entire ecosystem, and any and every application on it works together to make it a chain that can accomplish nearly anything. Every link builds us up.

We’ll have more events like this in the future, but we’d like once again to thank everyone who participated in, followed along, or even just read a thing or two about last month’s GALAthon! GalaChain is here for all of us, and we can’t wait to build the next innovation with all of you.

Introducing $GSWAP – The Official Token of GalaSwap

Introducing $GSWAP – The Official Token of GalaSwap


  • $GSWAP is here for GalaSwap users in multiple ways and promotes GalaChain trade health.
  • Get $GSWAP when you complete a trade with $GALA on GalaSwap.
  • 1 $GSWAP for every 1 USD of $GALA swapped.

It seems like only yesterday that we launched GalaChain, creating a user-empowering web3 haven focused on speed, scalability and security. By providing builders with streamlined tools like the GalaChain SDK and the Gala Creator Portal, we’re making it easier than ever for innovators to empower their communities, bringing their ideas to life in the full color of web3.

Shortly after we hit the ground running with the new open vision of GalaChain, we released the first version of GalaSwap, GalaChain’s built-to-grow trade platform. With a plethora of early updates under our belt, such as token additions, partial swaps and API release for external applications, GalaSwap is growing rapidly.

Today we’re dropping a major update, designed to allow users to participate in a program not only for using the GalaSwap platform, but using it in a way that promotes ecosystem health and Gala’s long term vision of an open source web3 future.


$GSWAP is a new kind of DEX token with a program that perfectly suits GalaChain.

Anatomy of a GalaSwap Trade

Whenever a swap is placed or accepted on GalaSwap, the initiator of the transaction is required to spend $GALA as a fee. Currently, this fee is set to 1 $GALA for all swap transactions (placement or acceptance).

With the addition of $GSWAP, each trade will also result in $GSWAP being distributed to the user who accepted the swap.  

Issuance of $GSWAP

$GSWAP is generated whenever a swap is accepted on GalaSwap. This will be on the current fair market value of $GALA, as taken from 3rd party centralized exchanges. The total USD fair market value of the $GALA portion of the swap will indicate how much $GSWAP will be distributed.

If a user accepts a swap for 1000 $GALA and fair market value at the time is reported as $.05/$GALA, then 50 $GSWAP is generated and distributed to that user.

Each day, 50% of the $GSWAP issued the previous day will be issued to the following Gala managed accounts:

  • 40% to the $GSWAP Gala company wallet, to be used as designated by Gala. 
  • 20% to the Referral program , to be used to incentivize those who bring tokens onto GalaChain.
  • 20% to the Marketing wallet, to be used for the marketing of GalaSwap
  • 20% to the Market Maker Subsidy wallet, to be used to subsidize maker fees and incentives

Soon we hope to add bridging for $GSWAP, but for the moment the token is only being rolled out on GalaChain.


$GSWAP is live right now! There’s never been a better time to explore GalaSwap!

Thank you for your ongoing support of the ecosystem. We hope this new GalaSwap program promotes healthy and sustainable growth of the GalaChain economy.

Now get out there and collect some $GSWAP!
