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Common Ground World Node Workload NFT V2 Incoming

Common Ground World Node Workload NFT V2 Incoming

We’re coming up on the second phase of our distribution for Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs. Check out how this affects you, your guild and your $DIRT!

Guilds are live in Common Ground World, and Node Workload NFT owners are already rallying their guilds to build bigger and better together!

There is one more step in our distribution of Node Workload NFTs, however. Coming up next week, we’ll move to V2 of these NFTs!

Node Workload NFT V2

During the initial distribution of Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs, we made a miscalculation in our numbers, and 97 users were left without the NFTs to account for their existing Town Star Nodes. To rectify this issue and pave the way for the development of upgradable Node Workload NFTs, we will be issuing new V2 Node Workload NFTs for Common Ground World.

These NFTs will be identical to existing versions from a functional standpoint. In fact, you’ll still pile up daily $DIRT whether you have a v1 or a v2. To use your Workload NFT in-game as a guild, however, you’ll need to convert to the new v2 NFTs. 

Updating your Node Workload NFTs

When the exchange opens, you’ll be able to find Common Ground World Node Workload NFT v2 in the Common Ground World Store. Unlike a regular purchase, however, the cost of acquiring this item will be one Common Ground World Node Workload NFT v1. This will initiate an even exchange for these two items, giving you the updated NFT.

This distribution will begin on July 29th at 10am PT.

At the time the exchange opens, all guilds in Common Ground World will be disbanded, as the v2 NFT becomes the official guild NFT. Guild owners should exchange their v1 for a v2 as soon as possible so they can get their guild together again using the new item.

Again, this is only necessary if you intend to use your Node Workload NFT as a guild in Common Ground World. If you do not, either the v1 or v2 versions will be identical in your wallet for the time being.

There is currently no duration for this exchange. If you purchase a Node Workload NFT v1 from a secondary market, you can easily exchange it for a v2 version. When/if the exchange is closing, we will let you know significantly in advance along with explaining the next steps.

NOTE: While you will need to have a v2 Node Workload NFT in your GalaChain wallet to use it in game, all Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs will still receive $DIRT distribution. All Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs will still get their $DIRT distribution, regardless of whether they are v1 or v2 – in your GalaChain allowance or your wallet on GalaChain.

Building for the Future

We realize this may be an inconvenience for some, but seeing this process through will create an easier path forward for all players. We’re proud to be the first operating Node Workload NFT in the Gala Ecosystem, and we thank you all for taking this journey with us!

This transition is coming. We’ll be in touch with more details as it approaches, but we wanted to alert everyone to the change as soon as possible.

Get your guilds ready and get the word out there so you can keep building the future of Common Ground World!

Action Required for GalaSwap API Users: Important Security Upgrade on GalaChain

Action Required for GalaSwap API Users: Important Security Upgrade on GalaChain

In our continuous effort to enhance the security of GalaChain, we are implementing a significant security upgrade to the GalaSwap API that will require action from users of the API. If you’re using the GalaSwap API, we appreciate your cooperation in this process to ensure that your integration continues to operate correctly.

Security Upgrade Overview

This update focuses on enhancing the security of API operations by standardizing the signature process. Moving forward, GalaChain will only accept one specific signature out of the two possible valid signatures for any given operation. As a result, API users must update their signing code to generate the newly accepted signature. Failure to do so will cause approximately half of your signed requests to the GalaSwap API to fail with an error message such as “S value is too high.”

Required Actions

  1. Review and Update Request Signing: Please consult the updated Request Signing section of the GalaSwap API documentation. Ensure that your signatures are normalized according to the new guidelines provided in the example code.
  2. Update Your Code Before August 1, 2024: It is critical to update your code to comply with the new signature requirements before the deadline. This includes users of Gala’s open-source bot, who should pull the latest version of the bot’s code. If you interact with third-party services using the GalaSwap API, consult the operators of those services to confirm they are also prepared for this change.

Why This Matters

This proactive security improvement is not a response to any current vulnerabilities but a strategic enhancement to our security protocols. For more information on the technical details and the importance of this update, refer to this informative article on Signature Malleability.Thanks for your prompt attention and support for this important update. Ensuring the security and integrity of GalaChain remains our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in achieving this goal. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to Gala Support.

RingWatch: The Final Stretch of Season 5

RingWatch: The Final Stretch of Season 5

Season 5 of Eternal Paradox is nearing its climax. Are you prepared for the final battle for The Ring?

Alex: You know, this mysterious voice is always asking if we’re ready. I’m pretty sure you can tell from my bombs that I was born ready! BWAHAHAHAHAHA 

Emma: Yes, that bomb is indeed already lit. How irresponsible. 

Alex: Oh they’re always lit. I just make sure and pass them along before the party starts.

Emma: Hmm… it would seem that you are wise, even if insane. 

Alex: It took you that long to realize my genius, Emma?

Emma: We are prepared, voice!

The Road to Conquest

The second Conquest event wrapped up the early gameplay of the season over the weekend. We’re headed into the finale now.

During the second conquest, several guilds distinguished themselves on the field of battle. We saw some familiar names top the leaderboard, but there were also a few surprises.

Congratulations to all top finishers!

SquareXII ran away with this one. With over a 50% lead compared to second place, they were the undisputed champions of this Conquest event! Congratulations to them for all their hard work and strategic thinking.

The real fireworks during this battle, however, happened between places 2-4. With BTB, EPx and GFX neck and neck headed into the final bonus tally, there was a critical moment to make one last push. 

EPx wasn’t going to let that opportunity go. They launched a furious assault in the last moments against GFX, destabilizing their control over ruins and directly attacking the GFX hive to throw off rallies they could use to recover.

Hard to maintain pressure on the Ruins when your base is in absolute chaos.

While EPx was not successful in their bid to shift upwards into the number 2 or 3 rank, their attacks did successfully prevent GFX from being able to challenge BTB in the last moments of the battle. 

A big battle with big consequences.

XII goes into this coming Conquest with a huge point advantage, but there’s still room for other guilds to close the gap! 

The Coming Battle

The final Conquest is when things will really reach their glorious climax. With players no longer able to convert prisoners beyond their own barracks level, T10 soldiers are very rare to see in the first two conquests.

 Some of the biggest and baddest Captains out there may have been sporting some T10s, but the ultimate power of T10 Dark and Light soldiers will be in quite a few players’ hands in the upcoming battle.

Bigger forces means bigger battles. Some tips to remember:

  • The bonus points for holding a Ruin at :30, 1:00 or 1:30 into Conquest are HUGE. Plan your strategy around these and know that others are doing the same.
  • Hunting synergy means nothing vs other players. War synergy can get you up to +40% power against your opponents. Dark and Light Mercenaries and Soldiers are the best here.
  • Pay attention to Mercenary Command Skills when you’re making your teams.
  • Sometimes T1s in your troop are nice to minimize losses. This hurts your war synergy and troop power though. If you want to minimize losses in conquest, make some T6s of the appropriate Dark or Light soldiers ahead of time.
  • If the rally leader’s fortress warps, the entire rally is disbanded… even if in a Ruin.

Battle Looms

Alex: So Emma, who are you looking to cross off your list this next Conquest? Are we both racing for a chance to KO Torsten again?

Emma: I will be seeking to battle Bianca. I do not trust that pirate. She knows more than she lets on.

Alex: Oooo, coming after us pirates, huh? That may not end well for you!

Emma: All is fair in Conquest boomy one. I shall relish a chance to meet you fairly on the field of battle.

Alex: It’s a date, Emma! MWUAHAHAHAHA! Now, if you don’t mind mysterious announcer… I seem to have some preparation to do.

Thanks Alex and Emma. Good luck to you in the upcoming final battle, and good luck to all the Captains out there. Make your guilds proud!

Want to hop in and prepare for Season 6? The upcoming fresh start at the season transition is a great time to start playing Eternal Paradox!



Get an Inside Look at the Upcoming Mission Ready Premium Event

Get an Inside Look at the Upcoming Mission Ready Premium Event

Attention, Hunters! As we prepare for the upcoming Last Expedition Premium leaderboard event, the dev team is ready to assemble once again in Discord for some gameplay and chatter you won’t want to miss!

Learn more about the upcoming event in THIS BLOG, then get out there and collect some Core Chunks (LECC) so you’re ready to unlock Premium access and give yourself the best possible chance at some killer prizes!

Join the team today in the Gala Games Discord community starting at 5pm PT, where you’ll get the latest inside information directly from game’s creators. If you’re lucky, they may even let you know when the Premium Event will begin!

Unlike Youtube live streams where you can watch a replay, you’ll have to be there in Discord to catch the action and get in the game with the devs.

Play Last Expedition

If you haven’t yet, download Last Expedition today and start playing absolutely free. This game is the future of Extraction-style FPS games, a brilliant combo of PvP and PvE elements, enhanced with the empowerment and ownership potential of web3. Plus, Last Expedition was created by some of the most experienced and skilled developers in the history of gaming. Check it out and happy hunting!

Download and play Last Expedition

Gala Gold | The original VIP club of the Gala Games Ecosystem

Gala Gold | The original VIP club of the Gala Games Ecosystem

We don’t often talk about the exclusive VIP community of Gala Games because we don’t want to overgrow it. If every audience member found their way backstage at the big show, would it still be a special and exclusive experience? 

Exclusivity comes from curation and limitation. That’s why we’ve always gated Gala Gold membership behind a cost. At first when we were small, it was only $10 for lifetime membership in Gala Gold. Then for a time it was $50. Now the same lifetime membership will cost you $100. This is a carefully calculated cost to ensure that our VIP community of testers and early adopters remains small in comparison to the constantly growing Gala community at large.

Benefits to Gala Gold

Gala Gold was originally formed as a way to distinguish the most dedicated community members from the more casual ones. We understand that the majority of users in the GalaChain ecosystem might have no interest in spending much time in the Discord server, making online friends from around the world or even in testing games through various stages of development.

By gating the Gala Gold community behind a one-time fee, we were easily able to assemble a group of fully committed people, interested in providing feedback (good, bad or ugly), testing games and getting their hands on early collectibles.

Gala Gold is a Lifetime Membership

We won’t ask for a repeating subscription fee for a Gala Gold membership, but we can predict that the cost of joining Gala Gold will go up from time to time. This mechanism ensures that the earliest arrivals are appropriately rewarded for their loyalty and participation.

Gala Gold membership was first sold for $10, then updated to $50. Today, membership in this club will cost you $100. We cannot predict if or when the Gala Gold price will increase again.

Free NFTs from Time to Time

Oftentimes you’ll find Gala Gold the best place to receive special NFT items that relate to games in development or various stages of release. It could be that a certain game would like to start by distributing a certain in-game item to a select group, including thousands of people. Because of the limited-supply nature of NFTs, it rarely makes sense to distribute an item to all accounts. We prefer the approach where NFT item ownership has a degree of exclusivity attached to it.

All Gala Gold members receive the Common Ground World Express Depot, allowing them to make deliveries faster in-game, placing and replacing their Depot as they see fit. In the past, special characters, skins, weapons, avatars and more have been given to members of Gala Gold. 

When Gala Gold NFT drops take place, they are based on a snapshot of everyone who is currently a member of Gala Gold, meaning that if you haven’t signed up and paid your fee by the time of the snapshot, you miss out on that drop.

Please note that there is no set schedule for regular NFT drops to members of Gala Gold. Instead, items are given at the discretion of individual game teams. Several months will often go by with no Gala Gold NFT drops, so joining with the expectation of regular free NFTs can lead to disappointment.

Discord Access

For the past couple years, most members would agree that the greatest benefit to Gala Gold is access to a special Gala Gold area of Discord.

Join the Gala Discord community

Complete with an announcement channel, a special sneak peek channel, a place for suggestions, a bustling ongoing discussion hub and an exclusive stage for hosting events, Gala Gold is essentially a gated community within the greater Gala community.

Here you’ll find opportunities to bend the ears of team members in a more intimate setting, a place where we feel free to talk more openly about the ecosystem than in general channels. Company leaders are often directly involved in the conversations in Gala Gold, whether exchanging comments about the latest games and feature releases or accepting valued feedback from a trusted community. 

Basically, Gala Gold Discord channels are a fantastic place to be heard, especially if you have constructive ideas (or criticisms) of the ecosystem. We have often been known to suddenly shift strategies based on important discussions that have taken place here.

In terms of leaks and alpha info, there is nothing better than Gala Gold. A company like Gala operates like a complex gear mechanism– When a company leader wants answers or responses quickly, they’re likely to take it straight to Gala Gold first. In many cases, you’ll have a chance to see something discussed here 1-2 days before it is mentioned on social media or in an official Gala blog. You may be surprised at the difference a couple days can make when it comes to the flow of information in the web3 era.

From the Gala Gold Suggestions channel

Testing Games

Testing is an incredibly important part of shipping games, whether it’s a first, second or third party title. For the community, testing is often seen as a special perk to paying attention. We take the testing of our games very seriously, and different stages of development require different sizes of test groups.

When testing a game with a community audience, we want to make sure that:

  1. The size of the audience fits the game in its current state – Gala Gold is often called upon to test games in early stages, when the game is too far along for an “internal only” playtest” but not quite ready for a whole public platest.
  2. Our testers are diligent and experienced – Being an early Tester of a game is super fun, but we also want to ensure that as many participants as possible take the responsibility seriously. We have found that in Gala Gold, our members are very committed to the overall success of individual games, so they will honestly seek out bugs and provide excellent feedback.
  3. Improvement is priority one – Finally, we want to ensure that our testers understand that anything can happen in a testing cycle for a game, no matter the genre or platform. Our Gala Gold members have repeatedly shown that they are mature and adaptable in these situations, never getting mad at us for doing what is necessary to improve a gaming experience.

Future Benefits Unknown

Gala Gold can be expected to evolve along with the Gala ecosystem. Existing perks can change as needed and new benefits will sometimes appear as new GalaChain functionalities allow.

Gala Gold is not for everyone, but we encourage anyone to join who considers themselves part of our most dedicated fanbase. If you’re spending a lot of time in the Discord community channels and are not yet a member, we think you would meet a lot of great people and find tremendous benefit in the Gala Gold channels.

As always, thanks for being part of the Gala community!

Join the Gala Discord community

Join Gala Gold