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Get an Inside Look at the Upcoming Mission Ready Premium Event

Get an Inside Look at the Upcoming Mission Ready Premium Event

Attention, Hunters! As we prepare for the upcoming Last Expedition Premium leaderboard event, the dev team is ready to assemble once again in Discord for some gameplay and chatter you won’t want to miss!

Learn more about the upcoming event in THIS BLOG, then get out there and collect some Core Chunks (LECC) so you’re ready to unlock Premium access and give yourself the best possible chance at some killer prizes!

Join the team today in the Gala Games Discord community starting at 5pm PT, where you’ll get the latest inside information directly from game’s creators. If you’re lucky, they may even let you know when the Premium Event will begin!

Unlike Youtube live streams where you can watch a replay, you’ll have to be there in Discord to catch the action and get in the game with the devs.

Play Last Expedition

If you haven’t yet, download Last Expedition today and start playing absolutely free. This game is the future of Extraction-style FPS games, a brilliant combo of PvP and PvE elements, enhanced with the empowerment and ownership potential of web3. Plus, Last Expedition was created by some of the most experienced and skilled developers in the history of gaming. Check it out and happy hunting!

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Last Expedition – The Mission Ready Premium Event is Coming Soon

Last Expedition – The Mission Ready Premium Event is Coming Soon

Attention hunters! Get ready for a major update to Last Expedition’s pre-alpha Mission Ready build, currently free to play with your Gala account!

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About Last Expedition

This game is an action-packed and visually stunning PvPvE extraction FPS adventure, set on a hostile alien planet called Aura. After picking a Hunter (one of four with unique abilities and specialties), players team up and prepare to take on Aura.

Your mission is to collect a priceless alien artifact with untold technological power: The Notari Core. While fighting off countless vicious predator aliens and other extraction teams, your team must locate and extract core fragments, leading ultimately to the Core, the main focus of the mission. Once you have extracted the Core, it’s a no-limits dash to the dropship, where only one team can escape with the Core (and their lives).

From the moment you drop onto Aura’s surface, you’re in for a high-powered adrenaline rush that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Stay close to your team and you just might be able to protect yourselves long enough to mine and extract the Notari Core.

The Premium Event

Starting very soon and running for two weeks, Last Expedition will hold a Mission Ready Premium Event. Watch closely for updates and announcements.

To participate, players must purchase an event pass in-game for 3 Core Chunks LECC. The ability purchase this item will become available when the Premium Event begins.

LECC can either be acquired by swapping for $GALA on GalaSwap, or by successfully extracting with a Core in-game.

Purchasing an event a pass will unlock the ability to play on Premium Servers and experience Aura like never before. Seven new creature variations will challenge players from the moment they land. We’ve even included a secret feature designed to push player skills to the limit!  

Premium Servers give 3 types of premium rewards! There will be XP rewards, Character Coin Rewards and Fire Skins, all exclusive to this event. But wait there’s more! Players who place on the Premium Leaderboards in the top 10 will receive Alice Fire skins, LEMIN, and LEFC. The top 3 Finishers will also receive a bonus “Darkness Sniper Rifle Skin.” 

The Last Expedition Leaderboard is the ultimate measure of your skills as a hunter. Wins, PVP Kills and Creature Kills all contribute to your score so don’t delay. Get your pass and start hunting! 

Upgrade your Node 

Last Expedition Node Operators (OPs) will play an integral part in this premium event. Upgrade your node with a special Operator’s Premium Pass for only 3 LECC to unlock the ability to host premium matches on your server. This pass will last for the duration of the 2 week event, setting up your Node with a preselected bundle of creatures. This will give all participating nodes a consistent threat level, providing the competition with a level playing field. When the event is over, your node will return to its original configuration and threat level. 

For every match hosted during the event, Node owners will be rewarded an extra 25 percent of LEMIN, LECC and LEFC. In addition, Operators will receive the following participation rewards: 

  • 10 LEFC
  • Legendary Alice Fire Skin
  • Splat Grenade Launcher Fire Skin 

In-Game Loot Drops

Here’s an in depth look at all the loot items players can find by killing creatures on Premium  Event Servers during this event: 

  • XP drops
    • Common – 250 XP
    • Uncommon – 500 XP
    • Rare – 750 XP
    • Epic – 1000 XP
    • Legendary – 2000 XP
  • Character Coin Drops
    • Common – 110 CC
    • Uncommon – 220 CC
    • Rare – 440 CC
    • Epic – 880 CC
    • Legendary – 1000 CC
  • Fire Skin Weapon Drops
    • Stalker Assault Rifle
    • Cease and Desist Shotgun
    • Hornet SMG
    • Hagelsturm LMG
    • Jackal Pistol 
    • Lynx DMR
    • Splat Grenade Launcher
    • Tempest Rocket Launcher
  • Character Coin and Fire Skins are shared so the person on the team that is carrying them has to extract for it to be rewarded to the team. The CC rewards are not split. Each member receives the amount specified above. Finally XP rewards are granted to the individual that picks them up, awarded at the time of pickup. 

Hunters Prepare

The bottom line is that it’s time to get some skin in the game and extract some Cores. Download and play Last Expedition now on PC, completely free through the link below.

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Get an Inside Look at the Upcoming Mission Ready Premium Event

Last Expedition | Play with the Devs | July 17, 5pm PT

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We’ve got the perfect way to wrap up a hot summer hump day, enjoying some explosive extraction PvPvE action with Last Expedition, the future of FPS powered by GalaChain.

These live “Play with the Devs” events in Discord are always a community hit, and not only because the game is so awesome. These folks are some of the most experienced FPS game developers in the world, having contributed to renowned franchises such as Halo and Call of Duty. Basically, they live and breathe gaming. Think you have what it takes to literally beat them at their own game?

It’s all happening at 5pm PT in the LE-Lobby channel of the Gala Games Discord community.

Set a notification and share the event here

Take on Aura

If you’re prepared to take on the nightmare predators of Aura, suit up and get ready for action. If you haven’t played before, make sure you get the game downloaded and installed, then get some practice runs under your belt.

All you need to get in the game is a free Gala account and a free Epic Games account. Get started at Discord voice chat will be used for in-game communication during the event, so be prepared to voice collaborate with your team.

Spectator Mode

Even if you don’t feel like playing, Last Expedition has a killer spectator mode that allows you to control camera angles and toggle between remaining players to get you as up close and personal with the FPS action as possible.

Get Unique Insights

While the team is playing, there’s a good chance they’ll let some awesome info nuggets slip about the future of Last Expedition. Remember, this game is still in Early Access and there is a ton of excitement still to unfold. Spend some time with the ones who know and you’ll probably learn something valuable.

Offer Feedback

These developers are great down-to-earth people who love connecting with the community over games. They’re happy to hear your feedback and they’ll always take it to heart, working out ways to deliver the most cutting edge empowering gaming experience you’ve seen.

So come join us in Discord for “Play with the Devs,’ tomorrow (Wednesday, July 17th) at 5pm PT and let them know that you can’t wait to make this a weekly tradition. Invite your friends and let’s make this event one to remember!

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Lessons Learned in the Belly of a Primal Ravager – Last Expedition

Lessons Learned in the Belly of a Primal Ravager – Last Expedition

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It’s true. I survived an expedition on Aura. I faced alien creatures that would make your worst nightmares shudder. And somehow I made it out.

The credit goes to my skilled extraction team. I went down, but they were there to pick me up. Even with only four of us on the field and threats coming at us from every direction, we located the Notari fragments and extracted the core. I even managed to pick off a couple loafers from a competing extraction team. Like they say on the platform, we’re all on the same team until we hit the surface. Then it’s every hunter for himself.

I was keeping watch while Jasper mined the core. I guess I was watching the distant Porcupines too close, dodging their acid-tipped quills so carefully that I didn’t notice the deadliest predator bearing down on me. When a Ravager’s coming at you hard, you don’t have time to  run. So I got eaten.

I’d heard plenty of stories about getting swallowed by these monstrosities, but descriptions don’t really do the experience justice if you know what I mean. They swallow their prey whole and alive. The goal is to make it past the teeth without any major gashes. Something on the inside of the Ravager’s belly reacts violently with human blood and makes things even worse.

The Ravager’s belly sack closes around you like a squishy and burning wet blanket. Once you’re in there, the Ravager will buck around like mad, but try to keep your cool. I was only inside that thing for probably 10-15 seconds, but I had time to question an entire lifetime of bad choices. Maybe there’s some kind of psychoactive toxin in its stomach acid to make sure the experience is unimaginably horrible, or maybe it was just my life flashing before my eyes. Who knows, but in that moment I decided I was never coming back to this Godforsaken planet if I got out alive.

Next thing I knew, a big hole was blasted in its side and the Ravager fell down dead in a pile of putrid gore. “You’re welcome,” Jasper said with a grin, holding the core under one arm and his weapon under the other. We took off toward the dropship, and we made it. We came out richer and I learned some valuable lessons about watching out for Ravagers – I just wish I could get the damn thing’s stink off me. 

Am I going back for more? You bet your ass I am. I’ll see you on the surface.

Last Expedition Mission Ready

You can never be totally ready for a mission to Aura, but it’ll happen sooner or later. That’s why you’re out here in the outer limits of known space on The Platform. 

Get ready for Mission Ready’s first big update, coming in the next couple weeks with a leaderboard competition, node upgrades,  special drops and more!

Solve the Mysteries of Aura.

Plunder the most powerful alien tech in the universe.

Get out alive.

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Last Expedition: Are you Mission Ready?

Last Expedition: Are you Mission Ready?

The hunt has been lucrative for everyone here on the platform. Aura is remote… you know though, word spreads quick about treasure like this. 

You haven’t noticed? It’s on everybody’s mind – no one has to say anything. With the riches we’re finding on this planet, a hunter could do a year’s worth of business in a few days. That kind of opportunity doesn’t stay undiscovered for long. 

Everybody’s gearing up to get as much as they can as fast as they can. Never mind the parasites and the ravagers… more dangerous things will be here soon.

Prepare for some big updates coming to the planet Aura! This hunt just got serious.

Last Expedition: Mission Ready is a massive update to existing gameplay. Get ready for tons of new content, systems, fixes and much more danger.

The Mission

The hunter grind isn’t the easiest, we get it. That’s why Platform management has graciously agreed to recognize the sacrifices of intrepid hunters with a new performance-based advancement system! Thank you for your continued excavation of Aura in the face of workplace risks such as abandonment, disembowelment or alien ingestion!

Hunters will now gain XP from each play session, which will gradually let them unlock new ranks in Last Expedition.

As you achieve each new rank, you’ll receive rewards in Last Expedition’s new Character Token – LECHAR.

As new hunters rush to the Platform to hunt invaluable resources on Aura, LECHAR can be used to unlock new playable characters, each with a new assortment of abilities and strategic importance for a team of hunters. There may be a new one to unlock very soon… 👀

Modern Style

The Platform is exceedingly remote, so they don’t often get much exposure to the latest fashion trends across the galaxy. With the escalating influx of new hunters eager to plunder aura for big time loot, however, many new styles and trends have inundated the Platform.

Care to freshen up your style and sport some new fashion? Mission Ready will bring 16 new character skins along with nine new weapon skins.

Have you been stocking up on Minerals Core Chunks and Fragment Chunks? With this update, these hoarded resources are how you’ll gain access to these new character skins. Each of the 16 new Character skins has four different rarities – Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

Remember though, only one team can keep the resources that they find to spend on new threads. There’s not enough room on this extraction platform for all of us!

More Danger = More Rewards

Higher threat level creatures and servers will have increased loot drops for the Mission Ready release. In tougher matches, you’ll get more XP, more resources and maybe even exclusive loot drops for escaping with the core.

The nine new Mission Ready weapon skins will be dropping from some of the most vicious aliens out there. Get ready to fight for it, because they’re not letting go of it easily!

Be Ready for the Mission

Expect to hear more soon from us about all the new content coming up in the Last Expedition: Mission Ready release. Until then, good luck out there… and good hunting!

Last Expedition – A Web3 Economy Overview

Last Expedition – A Web3 Economy Overview

Gala’s extraction FPS will employ a complex meta-economic system to ensure a truly unique player experience, no matter how you choose to enjoy the game.

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Buy Node Operator’s License Bundle

The mysteries of Aura run deep. Hunters risk life and limb there to extract priceless resources and bits of tech. But under the terrifying surface, they can tell that nothing on Aura is as simple as it seems. There is more to this story than meets the eye.

Similarly, players of the cutting edge extraction FPS are tempted to get lost in the fight for survival as frightening predatory creatures threaten to rip them to pieces at every turn. They must cooperate with their team on each expedition, knowing that only a single team can escape alive from the hellish yet ore rich alien wasteland. To the survivors go the spoils. If players get the idea that the planet itself is conspiring against them, they may be onto something.

In-Game Currencies

Thanks to the power of GalaChain, many minted in-game currencies with a variety of purposes will be used to ensure a gripping player experience with virtually endless combinations and strategic choices.

With the recently released GalaSwap platform, it will be possible for users to swap various currencies for one another, and even for $GALA. This allows the in-game currencies to act as a system of rewards for the game. Dedicated players will be driven to increase their skills and extraction prowess by sinking their in-game rewards back into upgrades and items like new characters, new weapons and ammo, skills, skins, emotes, and more.

Some currencies are rewarded as  seasonal or daily missions are completed and used to make crucial upgrades that will enhance your ability to survive and extract cores in increasingly difficult servers. Others are more important on a meta level, gradually revealing the secrets of Aura in a thrilling Last Expedition narrative that will unfold.


In today’s overview we’re focusing on Notarium, the most desirable resource that can be found on Aura. Notarium is named for the Notari, a cryptic race whose unimaginably advanced tech has invaded this previously harmless colony planet, changing the landscape into a fiendish death zone inhabited only by bloodthirsty killers.

The amount of Notarium that can be extracted from any instance of Aura is dependent on the threat level of that server. A threat level is assigned to each server based on the number of Creature Mods used by the server’s OP–Essentially, as the PvE element in a mission grows stronger, more Notarium is available for harvesting.

Using Notarium

Other than trade within GalaChain, the primary use for Notarium is purchasing minted items (NFTs). Its secondary use is for crafting higher level Meta game recipes.

For OPs, this means purchasing new OP Mod NFTs for their server, increasing the threat level and, as a result, increasing the amount of Notarium that can be harvested by players in that server. Types of OP Mods include:

  • Creature NFTs
  • PvE Mods
  • Server Mods

For Hunters, Notarium is used for high level meta game crafting. Look for more information about crafting in an upcoming blog. In the current Early Access build, players enjoy access to a plethora of killer items and supplies, many of which will require crafting when the final live version of the game is released.

Only One Team can Make it Out

When 4 teams take on Aura in an attempt to extract with the Notari Core, only one can make it off the planet alive. This means that while every player can harvest Notarium and other resources during the expedition, only one team gets to keep what was harvested – the team that successfully extracts.

On top of that, if the server’s predators are victorious, no one escapes alive with the precious alien tech gathered. In these cases, the server OP gets to keep the Nortarium, along with the other resources sought by hunters of Aura.

Different Perspectives

Last Expedition looks very different to average players than it does to OPs who manage their own servers. Everyone is equally interested in gathering Notarium, and how you do it depends on your role. 

The Player Experience: Grinding for Glory

Remember, the hunter characters looking to get rich on Aura have nothing to lose. They have traveled to a remote mining platform at the furthest reaches of known space in hopes of getting their hands on some of the most valuable tech resources in the known universe. With Aura so full of such precious resources, these brave (or foolish) hunters have looked past the danger to the rewards at the mission’s end.

Players are looking to enhance their ability to emerge from Aura with more resources. Therefore, they will continually enhance their arsenals and collections in order to win more matches.

Many aspects of the player experience will require strategic resource hunts. Weapons, ammo, and even characters will require resource expenditure to unlock as you make your way on Aura.

The OP Experience: Controllers of Aura

A huge focus of the Last Expedition experience is for those who operate Nodes (OPs) and run their own servers in the game. In many ways, operating a server is a game of its own, requiring strategic attention and rewarding those who are most effective.

“Victory” for an OP means that every team was destroyed by Aura’s predators and no one escaped with the Notarium that was harvested. Node operators work for the Notari AI construct that is programmed to terraform the planet of Aura. Therefore, OP’s are direct beneficiaries of failed extraction missions, taking the harvested Notarium for the Notari in their continued mysterious efforts.

When you create an Aura with your server that is enticing but also punishing, you’ll draw the bravest hunters into your trap and clean up everything they manage to harvest. As you collect the Notarium that came from the spilled blood of hunters, you can use it to increase the threat level and difficulty of your Aura.

Next to Come

Over the coming weeks, we will release a series of articles with more information about Last Expedition’s economic nuances, including details on things like crafting, storage and rewards. Look for more details about:

  • Meta Game recipes (crafting)
  • Blueprints
  • The backstory of Aura
  • StashCoin, CharacterCoin & XP
  • Minerals (LEMIN), Fragment Chunks (LEFC) & Core Chunks (LECC)
  • And more

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