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GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Michele Guo, Pioneering Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Michele Guo, Pioneering Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

In the group of judges we’ve assembled for the upcoming GALAthon Hackathon at GDC 2024, Michele Guo stands out for her unique innovation and strategic insight in the web3 gaming realm. Her work in the industry has made major contributions to the blockchain space since 2017. Her journey through this frontier has taken her across multiple major innovations – from co-founding the first U.S. web3 gaming expo focusing on quality B2B gaming industry leaders and game studios, to her advisory roles for early web3 startups. This visionary recognized the early fragmented gaming industry’s need to be united for a more collaborative ecosystem with emphasis on network effects in the space. We’re proud this ecosystem pioneer could join us as a judge!

Michele Guo: A Trailblazer in Crypto and Strategy

Guo co-founded the 3XP Gaming Expo which brought together the largest web3 game developers in the US for an immersive experience of gameplay demos, esports competitions, and panel content, working with industry thought leaders and gaming founders. Michele spearheaded marketing and partnerships, ensuring the conference’s attendance from notable web2 and web3 game studios and content creators for the first web3 gaming conference held in the U.S.

With Alpha Strategy Consulting, Guo’s influence extends through her angel investments and advisory for early-staged web3 startups. She predominantly focuses in the gaming space on go-to-market strategy, marketing, partnerships, growth, and finding product-market fit, whilst facilitating network effects within her web3 gaming ecosystem, especially rooting from 3XP’s funnel.

Prior to starting Alpha Strategy Consulting, Helios Capital further showcased her adeptness in navigating the nuanced landscape of the tech investment world. In her time there, she not only sealed critical deals and partnerships, but also managed high-profile relationships and supported portfolio companies to thrive under the Helios banner.

Starting her crypto career on the operating side at her first startup in 2017, Guo was the first employee and later became Chief Strategy Officer at Axon Trade, where she demonstrated an immediate knack for partnerships, business development, and strategy, proving essential for the startup’s success. 

A Judge with an Eye for Strategy and Scalability

Michele Guo’s multifaceted experiences equip her with a unique perspective to evaluate the GalaChain Hackathon entries. Her background suggests she will value projects that exhibit technical innovation and a clear, compelling product-market fit.

Guo understands the crucial interplay between technology, market positioning and strategic partnerships that can boost a project’s success and scalability.

What Might Michele Guo Look for in a Winning Entry?

Given Michele Guo’s experience, her criteria for a winning GalaChain Hackathon project likely include:

Strategic Innovation: Projects that go beyond GalaChain’s technical powers and demonstrate innovative approaches for solving real market needs within the web3 world.

Market Readiness and Scalability: Entries that show a clear path to market adoption, including an actual strategy for implementation and scalability that is potentially attractive to partnerships and funding in the future.

Impact and Viability: Projects that present a sustainable business model with real potential for long-term impact, including how the project plans to maintain relevancy and adapt to evolving web3 space. 

Community and Partnership Potential: Initiatives that understand the value of community with a clear path on how to build a strong and sustaining community in the web3 space, whilst being well positioned to leverage strategic partnerships to enhance their reach and go-to-market strategy.

Beyond Technology: Strategy as Key to Success

Michele Guo’s involvement in the GalaChain Hackathon is a testament to the importance of strategic vision in the success of blockchain initiatives. Her perspective will push participants to think beyond the code, considering how their projects fit into the broader web3 landscape. Innovation for the sake of innovation isn’t enough… a project must be practical and have real applications.

As we inch closer to the hackathon, let Michele Guo’s journey through web3 inspire you to blend innovation with strategic acumen. The hackathon presents a unique opportunity to showcase how GalaChain can serve a home for projects that are technologically innovative while also solving practical problems. 

Michele Guo’s presence on the judging panel elevates the GalaChain Hackathon, and we’re excited to see what projects stand out to her during judging. Innovative tools need to serve a real purpose if they are going to be adopted. What problem will your project solve?

Register for GALAthon

GalaChain Hackathon – Compete in Person to Win Big

GalaChain Hackathon – Compete in Person to Win Big

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With a web3 event as legendary as GALAthon, there’s something special about coming together in person…

Maybe it’s the massively influential panel of more than a dozen judges from around the world. Look for our “Meet the Judges” announcements coming out every day until the event begins to learn more about this panel and what they might be looking for in winning entries.

Maybe it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars in USDT prizes up for grabs only to in-person contestants for the coveted “Judges’ Favorite” category. Here’s a complete list of GALAthon prizes up for grabs in our 24-hour hackathon event.

GALAthon Prizes

Maybe it’s the palpable sense of camaraderie, community and cooperation toward a common goal that can only be found at a GALAthon event. We’ve always said that we’ve got the best community in the web3 world; join us at GALAthon and we’ll prove it.

Maybe it’s the awesome bag of swag including an exclusive event tee, Gala coffee mug, Legends Reborn physical card collection, Gala wrist-rest mouse pad, Tiki phone wallet and more. You know you want some Gala branded merch.

Maybe it’s just a chance to get out of your house for a couple days. You might form lifelong friendships and build strong business relationships. You might even have a chance to pick the brains of some of your favorite Gala or web3 personalities! We’d love to host your team’s dev frenzy in San Francisco, so come on out!

Register Now

Before it’s too late, get your registration in. The event is happening in San Francisco next week, starting at 11am PT on  Wednesday March 20th and ending exactly 24 hours later.

If your team already registered to participate remotely, there is still a chance to upgrade your team’s participation to onsite, but hurry! We expect to fill the space, and once enough onsite contestants have confirmed, we’ll have to shut down onsite registrations.

Register or change your existing registration at the link below!

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GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Jinpyo Hong, Revolutionizing Gaming with Netmarble MarbleX

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Jinpyo Hong, Revolutionizing Gaming with Netmarble MarbleX

We are proud to announce Jinpyo Hong, CEO of Netmarble MarbleX, as one of the judges for the upcoming GALAthon GalaChain Hackathon at GDC 2024! 

With a distinguished career that spans across the entire scope of the gaming industry, Hong’s leadership at Netmarble MarbleX has been focused on integrating blockchain technology with mainstream mobile and online gaming – offering players new ways to engage with digital worlds.

Jinpyo Hong: A Leader in Blockchain Gaming Innovation

Netmarble MarbleX is a major force in the gaming industry under Hong’s direction, always at the forefront of the push to leverage blockchain tech to enhance how players engage with their games.

This innovative approach has set new standards within the gaming community, and it also continues to demonstrate the potential for web3 to redefine the boundaries of entertainment.

A Unique Perspective on Game Dynamics and Blockchain Integration

As a judge for the GALAthon Hackathon, Hong’s deep understanding of the synergies between gaming and blockchain gives him a unique angle to evaluate entries. His experience points to a preference for projects that:

Merge Engaging Gameplay with Blockchain: Hong is likely to favor entries that seamlessly integrate blockchain technology to enrich gameplay, offering novel mechanics and features that elevate the gaming experience.

Prioritize User Experience: Hong will be looking for projects that not only incorporate blockchain technology but can effectively do so in a way that enhances the player’s experience overall.

Innovate in Game Economies: Hong is likely to appreciate projects that introduce new and innovative economic models within games or communities, using blockchain to provide real value to users through ownership.

Demonstrate Market Viability: Hong’s extensive experience in the gaming industry suggests he will value projects that not only show technical and creative prowess but also are designed with an awareness of market demands and potential for widespread adoption.

Pioneering the Next Generation of Gaming with Jinpyo Hong

Jinpyo Hong’s involvement as a judge signifies the GalaChain Hackathon’s dedication to discovering groundbreaking web3 innovations that push the industry forward. He has led Netmarble MarbleX into an exciting world where web3 meets gaming, and we think that will resonate very well with GalaChain’s roots.

As we move closer to the hackathon, we’d encourage you to draw upon Hong’s example, always thinking about the possibilities of the intersection between gaming and blockchain. Even for projects that aren’t games, his innovation and ability to rethink established concepts in new ways is worthy of emulation. What concept will you reinvent?

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GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Amelia Daly, Fostering Innovation through Partnerships

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Amelia Daly, Fostering Innovation through Partnerships

As we continue to unveil the panel of judges for the GalaChain Hackathon during GDC, we’re extremely excited to spotlight Amelia Daly, Head of Partnerships at the Solana Foundation. Daly’s prominent role within one of the most influential organizations in the blockchain space plays perfectly into her understanding of what it takes to build and sustain meaningful collaborations that drive innovation and growth within web3 ecosystems. 

Her insight into partnerships and strategic development positions her to judge with a unique eye for projects that promise not only technical excellence but also significant potential for impact and collaboration.

Amelia Daly: A Catalyst for Collaborative Innovation

In her role at the Solana Foundation, Amelia Daly has been instrumental in cultivating partnerships that extend the reach and utility of blockchain technology across various sectors. By fostering collaborations that leverage Solana’s high-performance blockchain, Daly has contributed to the development of a more accessible and scalable web3 landscape. 

Her work is all about building bridges between technology innovators, developers and users to unlock new opportunities and drive collective progress.

A Perspective for Collaborative Potential

Given her extensive experience with strategic partnerships and ecosystem development, Daly’s approach to judging the GalaChain Hackathon entries is likely to be centered on each projects’ potential for collaboration and real-world impact.

She understands the transformative power of blockchain when aligned with strategic partners and will likely aim to identify projects that show strong potential for adoption and appeal.

What Amelia Daly Might Look for in a Winning Entry

Scalability and Efficiency: Projects that demonstrate innovative use of GalaChain’s capabilities while also offering solutions that are scalable and efficient.

Potential for Strategic Partnerships: Entries that present clear opportunities for collaboration with other entities within the web3 ecosystem in new or exciting ways.

Real-world Impact: Projects that go beyond theoretical applications to address tangible challenges and needs.

Inclusivity and Accessibility: Initiatives that make blockchain technology more accessible to a diverse audience, reducing the bar for entry for less web3 educated users.

Pioneering the Future with Amelia Daly

Amelia Daly’s involvement as a judge highlights the GalaChain Hackathon’s commitment to identifying and nurturing projects with real potential to make a substantial impact on the blockchain landscape and beyond. Her perspective will guide participants towards creating solutions that are not just technologically advanced but also strategically positioned for success through practical application and partnerships.

As the hackathon approaches, let Amelia Daly’s work inspire you to envision how your project can contribute to the evolution of the blockchain ecosystem. Through strategic collaboration and innovative thinking, the GalaChain Hackathon is your opportunity to showcase the next wave of projects poised to shape the future. What need can you fill with what you build?

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Edward Chen, Bridging Finance and Innovation

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Edward Chen, Bridging Finance and Innovation

In the quest to highlight the incredible diversity and expertise of our GalaChain Hackathon judging panel at GDC 2024, we’re proud to introduce Edward Chen – the Managing Director of HTX Ventures (previously known as Huobi)!

His insights and experience in the digital asset exchange sector have not only shaped the blockchain landscape, but they have also paved the way for groundbreaking innovations in the space. Chen’s role at HTX Ventures, a veritable titan in the world of digital assets, highlights his pivotal position in driving blockchain adoption and innovation forward.

Edward Chen: A Vanguard of Digital Finance

Edward Chen’s journey through the blockchain sphere is marked by significant contributions to making digital assets more accessible, secure and reliable. Under his leadership, HTX Ventures has grown into a bastion of digital finance. It has become renowned for its robust platform that serves millions globally.

His vision extends beyond mere transactions and trades, however. It encompasses a broader ambition to integrate blockchain technology into the fabric of global finance, thereby fostering a more decentralized and empowered future for everyone.

A Focus on Utility and Adoption

As a judge for the GalaChain Hackathon, Edward Chen brings a sharp eye for projects that not only showcase technical prowess but also demonstrate clear utility and potential for widespread adoption. His extensive background in digital finance suggests he will value entries that can bridge the gap between blockchain technology and real-world application. 

Chen is likely to be drawn to projects that leverage GalaChain to solve existing challenges in the financial sector, offer innovative financial services or introduce new models of economic empowerment available to be adopted by even more people worldwide.

What Makes a Winning Entry for Edward Chen?

Edward Chen would likely champion a GalaChain Hackathon project that embodies three core principles: innovation, utility, and scalability. He would appreciate projects that:

  • Innovate in Digital Finance: Projects that introduce novel approaches to digital finance, whether through new forms of asset management, decentralized finance solutions or innovative financial instruments
  • Demonstrate Clear Utility: Entries that address real-world problems, offering solutions that could be readily adopted and have a tangible impact on the financial ecosystem
  • Show Potential for Scalability: Projects that not only work on a technical level but also show potential for widespread adoption, scalability and integration into existing financial systems.

Charting the Future with Edward Chen

Edward Chen’s participation as a judge is a significant step of the GalaChain Hackathon’s potential to prompt meaningful advancements in blockchain and digital finance. His expertise and perspective will guide participants towards creating projects that excel in technical achievement… but also hold true to the fundamentals of practical applicability and innovation.

Edward Chen’s role as a judge will hopefully inspire participants to blend technical innovation with strategic insights into digital finance. As we continue to build towards the hackathon, think deeply about how blockchain can revolutionize finance and beyond. With Chen’s guidance, the GalaChain Hackathon is set to uncover the next wave of blockchain innovations – and to potentially transform the landscape of digital finance. How will you break new ground with new ideas?