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Action Required for GalaSwap API Users: Important Security Upgrade on GalaChain

Action Required for GalaSwap API Users: Important Security Upgrade on GalaChain

In our continuous effort to enhance the security of GalaChain, we are implementing a significant security upgrade to the GalaSwap API that will require action from users of the API. If you’re using the GalaSwap API, we appreciate your cooperation in this process to ensure that your integration continues to operate correctly.

Security Upgrade Overview

This update focuses on enhancing the security of API operations by standardizing the signature process. Moving forward, GalaChain will only accept one specific signature out of the two possible valid signatures for any given operation. As a result, API users must update their signing code to generate the newly accepted signature. Failure to do so will cause approximately half of your signed requests to the GalaSwap API to fail with an error message such as “S value is too high.”

Required Actions

  1. Review and Update Request Signing: Please consult the updated Request Signing section of the GalaSwap API documentation. Ensure that your signatures are normalized according to the new guidelines provided in the example code.
  2. Update Your Code Before August 1, 2024: It is critical to update your code to comply with the new signature requirements before the deadline. This includes users of Gala’s open-source bot, who should pull the latest version of the bot’s code. If you interact with third-party services using the GalaSwap API, consult the operators of those services to confirm they are also prepared for this change.

Why This Matters

This proactive security improvement is not a response to any current vulnerabilities but a strategic enhancement to our security protocols. For more information on the technical details and the importance of this update, refer to this informative article on Signature Malleability.Thanks for your prompt attention and support for this important update. Ensuring the security and integrity of GalaChain remains our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in achieving this goal. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to Gala Support.

GALAthon: Post-Hackathon Recap

GALAthon: Post-Hackathon Recap

Last week’s hackathon brought a wave of new innovation to GalaChain! We saw new tools and platforms come to life before our very eyes. Thank you to everyone who participated and to everyone who followed along with the development frenzy!

We’re already starting to think about future developments on GalaChain based on some of the major innovations from this event! Before we leave the GalaChain Hackathon in the past, however, we wanted to just recap some of the biggest developments from the event!

Big Names, Big Prizes

As you may have noticed over the past few weeks, we had some big names show up to help judge entries from the Hackathon!

Judge’s carousel

While our chain team and the judges are still deliberating over category prizes for the entire hackathon, the Judge’s Choice Awards for in-person participants has already made some GalaChain hackers into big winners!

Caption: (Left to Right): Jason Brink, Team NFTD, Team NoREST, Team Corgi AI3D Forever (+ data dog)

The winners of the in-person Judges’ Choice Awards took home a combined $450,000 prize pool! The awards are far from over though, as more than $500k of prizes will soon be awarded for the rest of the general category winners!

Congratulations to the winners of The Judges’ Choice awards… and a special thanks to all the judges who joined us for this major development event!

Caption: Check out the presentation for the first place Judges’ Choice – NFTD!

Innovation on Chain

Each of the three teams picked by the judges contributed massively to GalaChain, but that only scratches the surface of what came out of this hackathon!

Those in-person represented just a portion of total participants, and there were projects that we haven’t even touched on yet diligently coding away through the 24-hours. We want to give each of those projects a chance to get the attention they deserve. Expect us to be talking more about individual efforts in the near future after our chain team has had time to appreciate the nuance of each project.

Open source development isn’t just a sprint and then done. Everything that is crafted on chain creates more tools and opens the floodgates for better and better innovations. 

Those gates are open on GalaChain, and this is just the first trickle of the torrent to come.

Thanks for Joining Us!

Whether you were laboriously swatting bugs and troubleshooting code all night along with us or you were at home just following along on Discord or our livestreams… thank you!
The GalaChain Hackathon is about creating a better ecosystem for our community, and not only the techies among us benefit from that. Your comments, suggestions, support and excitement are a vital part of this process. Even if you’re not actively building on GalaChain, GalaChain is building for you!

From Idea to Impact: Breakthrough Innovations Born from Hackathons

From Idea to Impact: Breakthrough Innovations Born from Hackathons

The GalaChain Hackathon 2024 teams are currently heads down, with only 24 hours total to bring to life their best GalaChain visions. With an impressive panel of guest judges from all sorts of unique web3 perspectives, hundreds of participating teams (both remote and in person), and over $1 million in total prize value up for grabs, this event has the whole web3 world abuzz with excitement.

GALAthon Prizes
GalaChain Hackathon Announcement
What is a Hackathon?

Hackathons have long been celebrated as fertile ground for innovation, collaboration, and the rapid development of groundbreaking technologies. These intensive events are often compressed into short, adrenaline-fueled sessions, and our GDC 2024 event (co-sponsored by AWS and Alienware) is no exception.

Hackathons bring together the brightest developer minds to solve complex challenges or breathe life into novel ideas. You might be surprised at how many notable products and technologies began as hackathon projects, going on to transform industries and shape our interaction with the digital world. Here’s a look at some of the most remarkable innovations that started from the a hackathon:


GroupMe, a mobile group messaging app, was conceived at the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon in 2010. It allows users to create private chat rooms with friends, significantly simplifying group communication. The idea, spurred by the need for better group communication tools at festivals, quickly gained traction. Within a year of its inception, GroupMe was acquired by Skype for about $80 million, showcasing the potential of hackathons to generate viable, high-value products.


Firebase, now a pivotal component of Google’s development platform, started as a hackathon project called Envolve. Initially, it provided developers with an API to integrate chat functionality into their own websites. However, the founders recognized the broader potential of their technology for providing real-time backend services, which ultimately led to the creation of Firebase. Today, Firebase offers a comprehensive suite of tools for managing databases, analytics, messaging and more.

Oculus Rift

The Oculus Rift is a pioneering virtual reality headset that has become synonymous with immersive gaming and experiences. Development of this headset was significantly propelled forward by hackathons. Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus, developed early prototypes that gained attention and development momentum through community hackathons. These events showcased the potential of VR technology, leading to a successful Kickstarter campaign and eventually, a $2 billion acquisition by Facebook.

Easy Taxi

Launched at the Startup Weekend Rio in 2011, Easy Taxi is a prime example of a hackathon project that addressed a real-world problem—hailing taxis in busy urban centers. The app connects passengers with drivers, making taxi services more accessible and convenient. Easy Taxi grew rapidly, becoming a global brand operating in multiple countries and exemplifying the potential for hackathon projects to scale into significant business ventures.


Docracy, an open-source platform for sharing legal documents, was first conceived at a hackathon hosted by General Assembly. It addresses the need for accessible, reliable legal documents, allowing users to find, sign, and secretly share agreements. Docracy democratizes access to legal resources, illustrating how hackathons can foster solutions to widespread challenges beyond the tech industry.

Building a Decentralized Future

By providing a space for creativity, rapid prototyping, and collaboration, hackathons have contributed to the launch of products and technologies that impact millions of lives worldwide. Given the right environment and resources, a simple idea can evolve into a revolutionary product, driving progress across various sectors. 

We’re thrilled for the opportunity to host this GDC Hackathon, co-sponsored by Amazon Web Services and Alienware. We hope that for its participants, the experience is even more highly valued than the incredible array of prizes.

Brilliant Simplicity: Your First Adventure with GalaChain SDK

Brilliant Simplicity: Your First Adventure with GalaChain SDK

You’ve probably heard all about Galathon 2024, the epic GalaChain hackathon event co-sponsored by AWS and Alienware with over $1 million in total prizes up for grabs. With both remote and in-person participants at GDC 2024, hundreds of teams are currently scrambling in a 24-hour rush to build some incredible new things on GalaChain.

We’ve teamed up with some of the most respected and well qualified experts from across the web3 world to ensure we pick the best and brightest from this amazing group of contestants. Our panel of judges includes names like Snoop Dogg, Justin Sun, Edward Chen, Ciera Sun and many more.

We love the spirit of decentralization and cooperation fostered by massive events like these, which serve to bring us all together in a world that’s too easily divided. If you weren’t ready to participate this time, we’ve got a challenge for you that will get you ready for the next Galathon!

Started Building Yet?

Ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of web3 development? Even if you think you’re not, you may be surprised at how easy GalaChain is making the transition.

The GalaChain SDK offers a seamless gateway to the revolutionary possibilities of blockchain tech. If you’ve ever felt daunted by the complexity of blockchain development, it’s time to lay those fears to rest. Today, we challenge you, the developers and creators of tomorrow, to experience firsthand the simplicity and power of building on GalaChain.

Cutting Edge

The GalaChain SDK is not just a tool; it’s your entry ticket to the forefront of web3 development. With its user-friendly approach, GalaChain welcomes both seasoned blockchain developers and those who are just beginning to explore this dynamic space. The developer’s kit is designed to streamline the development process, making it more accessible, efficient and enjoyable.

Your Empowerment = Our Mission

At Gala, we believe in the power of decentralization to transform the web. Our mission is to onboard a billion users to web3, empowering them through unprecedented control, freedom and opportunity. The GalaChain SDK embodies this mission, providing a robust framework for developers to create innovative applications, games, and digital assets that champion the principles of web3.

The Simplicity Challenge

Here’s our challenge to you: Dive into the GalaChain SDK and start building your first project. From simple dApps to robust platforms, the SDK’s intuitive design and comprehensive documentation will guide you every step of the way. This is your chance to experience the ease of web3 development without the traditional hurdles associated with blockchain tech.

Step-by-Step Guidance

For those ready to accept this challenge, here’s a brief roadmap to get you started:

  1. Explore the Documentation: Begin with the ‘’ section of our comprehensive GalaChain documentation. It’s designed to familiarize you with the GalaChain ecosystem and the SDK’s capabilities.
  1. Set Up Your Environment: Follow the step-by-step instructions in ‘’ and ‘’ to set up your development environment. This foundation is crucial for a smooth building experience.
  1. Deploy Your First Smart Contract: Utilize ‘’ and ‘’ to learn how to deploy and interact with your smart contracts on GalaChain. This is where your creations come to life.
  1. Test and Iterate: Leverage the ‘’ guide to test your projects thoroughly. This ensures your applications are ready for the real world, providing a seamless experience for users.
  1. Join the Community: Engage with other developers and the Gala team in the Discord community. Share your progress, seek advice, and collaborate on exciting projects.

Witness the Revolution

By taking on this challenge, you’re not just building on another blockchain; you’re joining the movement and empowering yourself. The simplicity of the GalaChain SDK does not sacrifice power or flexibility; it amplifies your creative potential, making it easier than ever to bring your innovative ideas to life.

We’re Here to Support You

As you embark on this journey, remember that the Gala team is here to support you. Our documentation is constantly updated to provide you with the latest tools, tips, and tricks for maximizing your development experience on GalaChain.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and see just how simple and empowering web3 development can be with GalaChain SDK? Dive in, and let’s build the future together. Your adventure into the world of web3 starts now.

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Snoop Dogg, A Renaissance Man in Web3

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Snoop Dogg, A Renaissance Man in Web3

GALAthon Prizes

Web3 is a tech space, but it contains so much more. As we innovate within the scope of blockchain, it’s absolutely crucial to hear voices that not only understand the tech side, but also bring a well-rounded and creative perspective to the table. 

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce Snoop Dogg as one of the judges for GALAthon, the upcoming GalaChain Hackathon during GDC 2024!

A true renaissance man, Snoop Dogg spent decades weaving his legacy into the fabric of music and entertainment. He was an early adopter of web3 entertainment, always working at the cutting edge of blockchain technology.

Beyond the Music

Snoop Dogg is synonymous with musical innovation and cultural influence the world over. He has grown beyond even his role as a global superstar over the past few years to become a key figure in the web3 space.

His collaboration with us on Gala Music wasn’t his only foray into the world of web3, but it definitely spotlighted his versatility and highlighted his genuine interest and belief in the power of blockchain technology. His journey into this new frontier is marked by an enthusiastic embrace of NFTs and virtual experiences. Snoop is someone who understands the broader scope and potential influence of decentralized technology.

A Unique View on Innovation

Snoop Dogg’s involvement in web3 goes beyond mere participation – he has actively shaped the conversation around entertainment, art, and technology. His approach to innovations in the web3 world is characterized by a blend of creativity, community engagement and a unique sense of what captures the imagination of real people.

For the GalaChain Hackathon, Snoop’s criteria for a winning entry are likely to reflect these values.

The Next Big Thing

In a winning GalaChain Hackathon project, Snoop Dogg would likely be searching for innovation that transcends traditional boundaries between art and tech. He would appreciate projects that not only demonstrate technical proficiency and utility but also embody a strong sense of community and entertainment value.  An ideal project might leverage GalaChain’s capabilities to offer immersive experiences. Perhaps it will integrate music, virtual spaces and social engagement in ways that we haven’t ever seen.

The Snoop Dogg Stamp of Approval

Winning over Snoop Dogg as a judge means impressing him with creativity, usability and perhaps most importantly, the fun factor. He knows the importance of delighting and engaging an audience, so projects that can capture the imagination while pushing the envelope of what’s possible within web3 will definitely stand out. 

Think bold, think disruptive… and most of all, think about how to bring joy and connectivity to the community.

Join Us and Impress the Legends

Having Snoop Dogg on the judging panel is not just a testament to the GalaChain Hackathon’s prestige — it’s a challenge to all participants to dream bigger and dare to innovate. As we gear up for this exhilarating event, let Snoop Dogg’s journey beyond music icon to web3 pioneer inspire you to blend your technical skills with creativity and passion.

Stay tuned for more updates on the GalaChain Hackathon at GDC 2024, and prepare to show us (and Snoop!) what you’ve got. Let’s change the game together and forge the future of gaming on GalaChain. How will you build to transform the world?

Build on GalaChain