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GalaSwap – Dozens of Shiny New Tokens. Where’s Yours?

GalaSwap – Dozens of Shiny New Tokens. Where’s Yours?

Have you noticed that new tokens are popping up like wildflowers on GalaChain’s official token swapping platform? It’s true. With more than 60 unique project tokens already created by the community since the launch of the new Project Token Creation Tool, GalaSwap is becoming a veritable treasure trove of tokens.

Which of them will have a fortuitous future, and which will fizzle into meme coin obscurity? Only time will tell, but now that these tokens live on GalaChain, there are no takesies backsies!

👆 Look how easy it is to create a GalaChain token for your project on GalaSwap! In a little over 24 hours from your submission, your token can be ready to mint and listed on GalaSwap for trading, with a small portion awarded to active Gala Founder’s Node operators for powering the ecosystem. 

Who will receive your token? How will you decide what it stands for? These are yours to decide, and that’s the beauty of it. To a normie unfamiliar with the capabilities of web3, this may seem like ambiguity, but for a true innovator, this is the kind of freedom that turns dreams into reality, decent ideas into brilliant visions.

Imagine building a service that integrates with GalaSwap and uses your token as a reward for subscription, engagement or any type of interaction. Imagine offering physical and digital rewards for redeeming your token, or unlocking special access to exclusive content for holding various amounts of your token. The possibilities are quite endless, and we are extremely excited to see what the most innovative GalaChain users will do with their newly created project tokens.

Here’s a list of project tokens that have been approved already and added to the ecosystem:

  • AGBT
  • BEEF
  • BENE
  • ROI
  • BB
  • CASH
  • CWC
  • JAUM
  • FUND
  • CCF
  • DM
  • TWIN
  • FBB
  • TORY
  • HG
  • LUMN
  • MRVS
  • NDCX
  • REPS
  • RFKJ
  • SOON
  • SVR
  • TVB
  • TACO
  • TIP
  • USA
  • MOUM
  • WEN
  • WOOF
  • MAG

That’s all for now! When you’re ready to see your project’s token on the list, just visit THIS PAGE and start creating!

Spider Tanks Showcase: Shrouded Shrine

Spider Tanks Showcase: Shrouded Shrine

Deep in the jungles of Silvanus, an ancient ruin from a mysterious, departed race hides beneath the canopy. Perhaps this was the site of great battles or horrific sacrifices in ages gone by.

Today, the grandeur of the crumbling structures and the great device in the center of the ruins bear witness to some of the greatest destruction in The Planetary Union.

The Shrouded Shrine arena is a favorite of Spider Tanks Pilots among the Silvanites. The balanced, circular arena allows evenly-matched starting points like no other arena can, and the 180-degree path of the carnage creates unique avenues to leverage superior strategy and teamwork.

Whatever this ruin was originally designed for… it sure feels like it was designed just for Spider Tanks.

Know Your Battlefield

Shrouded Shrine has several key features that distinguish it from other Maps and require you to fine-tune your strategy to excel. There’s no large open area on this map, which may shift the advantage towards speedier Tanks. There are only two Repair Kits available here… one on a bridge in the North and one on the cliff at the South end.

Area 1: The Outskirts

Both the East and West sides over the bridges are questionable areas to dig in. These locations allow any enemies surrounding you easy access to repair kits, while you have none. 

Don’t get stuck here, there are too many angles to approach you. Instead, use these lanes as a second and/or third vector of attack when the enemy is bunkered in on the North or South side.

Area 2: The Cliff’s Edge

The South side of the arena is a mixed bag. On one hand, with readily available Repair Kit and the center mechanism to hide behind, this are offers a lot of cover. On the other hand, there are four lines of approach to attack you here.

With some clever maneuvering, this could be a great place to maintain a stronghold. Attacking Area 1 through this area is particularly effective, since you can brush off early hits with the Repair Kit.

Area 3: The Runway

On the North side of the arena, you’ll find a large strip of straightaway with only one bridge to access it. Controlling this area is often the easiest, if you can maintain the bridgehead enough to keep enemies from using the Repair Kit to their advantage.

You’ll be open to fire across the chasm, but there’s plenty of room to shelter outside of most Weapons’ range. Controlling this area is a particularly effective way to have clean access throughout the entire map.

Area 4: The Killbox

Area 4 is where it all happens. Here, you’ll find the Control Point during King of the Hill.

Literally any other area on the map can threaten this position from some angle. That having been said, you can threaten everyone else from here as well. If a team can properly control this area, the other team will have no choice but to hide out trapped on this cliff or the south side of one of the outskirts.

Shrouded Shrine Best Practices

Keep Moving

Staying mobile is absolutely key. The arena is a circle, so you if you stay perceptive of enemy and ally positioning, you can bob and weave through the level without ever needing to turn around or run a straight line for too long.

The outskirts and the runway are large enough to weave back and forth… and you’ll need to. There’s no fence protecting you, so keep zigging and zagging as you serpentine through the level to get the advantage on your enemies.

Stay in Contact

Always know your allies’ position on this map. On Shrouded Shrine, it’s easy to get cut off as enemies move around the circle.

If you let the enemy get between you and your team, they could easily just herd you down into the Southeast or Southwest corner and separate you. Then you explode.

Solid example of how quickly Shrouded Shrine can turn on you 👆

No Cover Is Reliable

The bridges have no fences on them. The chasm has no fences. What cover there is on the South side is even made vulnerable by the gaps in cover around the SE and SW bridges. 

The mechanism in the middle isn’t even particularly reliable cover, as any enemy could bring you into their sites by just running around the opposite side a bit, only to duck back into cover right away.

Bridges Are NOT Safe

The bridges on the East and West sides can be hit from the bridge opposite them to the North and South. This makes them ways to get from point A to point B rather than reliable bridgeheads to hold.

The North bridge is less exposed, but still very dangerous. It can be hit from a wide range and is arguably the most exposed spot in the map, but very powerful if you can hold it.

Rumble in the Jungle

Shrouded Shrine can be hard for beginners to wrap their heads around, since you can get everywhere from everywhere basically. This can be an advantage though… once you learn to use it. 

That’ll be all for us this week, but we’ll be back next week to knock up our bolts and zoom in on the Crossbow Weapon!

Let us know your favorite ways to destroy Tanks with the Crossbow for a chance to be featured in the next edition!

RingWatch: EPX Season 4 Recap

RingWatch: EPX Season 4 Recap

Great battles have been fought. Some won, some not. In Elysium, however, neither victory or defeat are forever. The paradox goes on, and great warriors must once again vie for power and the Ring itself.

What will you change this time? How will your strategy differ? Will you rise or fall?

Alex: I’ve always been more of a fan of rising than falling… but maybe that’s just me.

Emma: Yes, success is sweet. I will choose that one.

Alex: Wise as always Emma. You have any epic battles worthy of song this time? 

Emma: Certainly, pyromaniacal one. Most interesting to you would probably be me bringing down your friend Torsten in one hit at the Dimension Ruins.

Alex: Ooh ho! Indeed, worth of a shanty! Just let me warm up my pipes BWAHAHAHA!!!

Emma: Singing for later, boom man. It is time to review the greatest Captains of Season 4!

Conquest: The Victorious

All great fights across Elysium always end with The Ring. Captains fight across the whole of the world for control of the strange ruins that seem to trap us within this paradox. Warriors leave it all on the field, knowing that every Conquest of The Ring is a do or die moment… their one chance to hold the great power at the heart of Eylsium.

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Anti91
  3. PasinduDE
  4. Bianca
  5. Alp_Er_Tunga

Most Powerful Captains

The true warlords across Elysium build their forces deliberately, steadily and constantly. They cultivate skilled Mercenaries, craft and improve the best gear, and develop their fortress to an impregnable level. Unlike the victorious at conquest, this measure of a Captain’s worth doesn’t take their team into account. Battle Power doesn’t lie. Here’s the top Captains in Season 4:

  1. PalafinHF
  2. DubstepRod
  3. Bianca
  4. HelloWorld
  5. Nerdalicious

Arena Victors

Elite soldiers and numbers may protect you in the field, but the Arena leaves nowhere to hide. Your Mercenaries must fight it out with only their skill, gear and squad tactics. How did your team fare this season? Did you favor the correct warriors, or did you languish in defeat?

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Anti91
  3. PasinduDE
  4. Bianca
  5. Alp_Er_Tunga

Most Honorable Mentions

This season, there were 3 Captains that succeeded against all odds to land in the top 10 of all three competitive metrics. We salute you!

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Bianca
  3. Alp_Er_Tunga

Season 5 Is Coming!

Alex: 🎼I sailed the great sea, searching every wave…

Emma: I still don’t believe that it is singing time pirate.

Alex: 🎶 but there never was enough thrill for me.

Emma: I see that my opinion does not change yours.

Alex: 🎵But then I saw mighty Emma melt down Tor-sten, in bat-tle… in…stant…ly!!!🎶

Emma: Indeed. This song is fair enough, explosion pirate.

Alex: Well thank you Emma. I was a bit concerned that the disembodied voice wasn’t going to give me enough time to fin–

You’re right Alex! That’s all we have time for before we have to get ready for the start of Season 5!

Emma: Shall we place wagers on who vanquishes Torsten first Alex?

Alex: Ohhh, I REALLY like your style Emma. Let’s talk numbers. 

Thanks for a great Season 4 everyone! We’ll see you on the field of battle for Season 5 tomorrow! 

Harry Shotta Drops “Growth (Gala Audiophile Edition)” on Gala Music

Harry Shotta Drops “Growth (Gala Audiophile Edition)” on Gala Music

Gala Music is excited to announce the return of electronic hip hop artist Harry Shotta with his latest track “Growth (Gala Audiophile Edition),” releasing on June 5th. This marks Harry Shotta’s second track drop on the Gala Music platform, following his popular debut “Do What Ya Like” (produced by Macky Gee), which is still available in limited supply. Now is the perfect time to build a complete Harry Shotta collection as he continues to rise through the ranks of Gala Music’s elite artists.

Growth (Gala Audiophile Edition)

“Growth (Gala Audiophile Edition)” is a high-resolution, immersive listening experience where Harry Shotta takes us on a poignant storytelling journey of change, loss and hope based on true events. The second verse is particularly moving, as it honors his lost bandmate, Stormin MC, whose brave fight against cancer deeply affected the UK music scene. Produced by Erb N Dub, this track has been engineered for emotional clarity, ensuring every word and beat resonates with listeners.

Artist Bio

Harry Shotta is a Guinness World Record-breaking MC who has revolutionized the DnB scene, amassing over 100 million streams globally. Renowned for his boundary-pushing wordplay and creativity, Harry Shotta is a multi-award-winning artist who merges art, sound, and technology in unprecedented ways. From global performances with his SaSaSaS supergroup to innovative AR exhibitions, Shotta has garnered critical acclaim, establishing himself as a visionary force in both the music and mixed reality spaces.

Track Availability

“Growth (Gala Audiophile Edition)” will be available on June 5th. For $MUSIC supporters of Harry Shotta who have unlocked level 2 in his Loyalty Pool, the early access sale starts at 12pm PT. For everyone else, you can get yours starting at 1pm PT.

 Don’t miss the chance to own this exclusive track and experience the emotional depth and clarity that Harry Shotta brings to his music.

Vote on what’s next with NextUp

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Peak Mayhem: Week 4 Preview

Peak Mayhem: Week 4 Preview

Mayhem rises like a tide across the whole of the galaverse, bringing the fun to every nook and cranny!

Week 3 is in full swing until next Monday, but we’re here to give you a little taste of what’s coming in week 4!

Common Ground World

Get ready for even more Mayhem than before in Common Ground World. Next week, the Jewelry Set will be the focus, and the first guild competition will begin!

For rewards in next week’s competition, you’ll need to work as a team. The format is “Better Together”, and in it every guild members’ Stars will be added up to get a final Guide Score!

A total of 50 guilds will receive rewards, and their rewards will be distributed evenly between all guild members. The first place guild will grab up 240k $GALA!

Of course, we’ve definitely got some new NFT revamps for you coming up next week too!

This week, it’s the Masterful Distillery and the Monumental Snowman’s turn! These two NFTs are getting expanded abilities and extra effectiveness. Expect  to see a nice new discount on them in the store coming on Monday as well!

We’ve left a BIG second chance sale for last in May Mayhem. On May 28th, you’ll have a chance to grab the 100 Crystal Sanctums not sold in the original sale!

Legends Reborn

Next week is the final week of Mayhem, and Legends Reborn knows how to make it climactic.

Expect to see the same kind of competition as the last three weeks from Legends Reborn, except this time each player in the top 10 of Matches Played and Matches Won will receive rewards!

There’s $2000 of $GALA up for grabs. $100 will be rewarded to each player who manages to climb to the top 10 at the end of the week.

You still have time to rack up the wins you need to get your hands on the three free Mayhem NFTs!

  • 50 wins – Glacial Spear
  • 100 wins – Viridian Dragon
  • 150 wins – Phoenix 

See you at the tables!


GalaSwap has even more rewards coming at swappers. This week, the list of tokens that could lead to rewards has been mixed up a bit, but should still look pretty familiar:

  • $GALA
  • $GUSDT
  • $MUSIC
  • $GSWAP
  • $SILK
  • $TOLK

The highest volume of completed swaps for any of the above tokens will find some Mayhem rewards waiting for them shortly after the week’s conclusion!

Meme Contest!

Last minute addition!

Our friends over at LFG are sponsoring a meme contest!

After the month is over, their team will pick out their favorites and let Gala Gold members vote on the best memes!

Last Expedition

Did you hear about the latest Last Expedition update!? Mission Ready is the biggest content update seen yet in the game, and the fight is more fun and more dangerous than it’s ever been!

Join us on Tuesday May 28th for some celebratory matches! You’ll have the chance to win some sweet SWAG and a special guest or two may be dropping in. Keep 👀 on Discord and social media for when it’s all happening next Tuesday!


Where will VOX invade this week? They’ve saved the most dangerous for last… Last Expedition that is!

During the event next Tuesday, simply win one match to receive a special, brand-new ProtoVOX

Punk soundtrack not provided

Again, May Mayhem is the ONLY chance to get all these new VOX items. There will be a last chance Mystery Box coming at the end of the month. If you want to get your hands on these without leaving it up to chance, now is the time!

MAYHEM Forever

There’s still a few days left in week 3 Mayhem… don’t let dreams of week 4 glory stop you from rising to the top with the last of this week!

We’ve had a lot of fun this Mayhem… and we reserve the right to have a little more. There’s still plenty of days left in May for some surprises! 😉

Thanks for playing with us, and we hope you have a blast during the rest of May Mayhem!