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Spider Tanks Showcase: T-Rex

Spider Tanks Showcase: T-Rex

Welcome back to the Spider Tanks Showcase Pilots!

Today, we’re breaking down an ancient terror from our ancestral past – The T-Rex!

This terrifying, fire-breathing beast was first uncovered by Earthiologists decades ago. Research has since revealed much more about this ancient terror. 

The T-Rex was an unstoppable menace to early humans, and its ferocity can be seen in the arena. The limited archaeological context that’s been gleaned from the ancient discs indicates that T-Rex were originally bred as pets for human entertainment before breaking loose and nearly destroying the species.

 At the height of their saurian civilization, it’s thought that the biggest among them must’ve dined on as many as 400 or more humans a day to maintain their size and energy and ruled over half the planet. The rex was not as massive as the chicken, the long-reigning alpha predator of Earth. It did, however, still tower over all of human creation other than the largest of golf stadiumariums.

In the arena, Rex boasts the most powerful offensive weapon seen by these monstrous human creations throughout the distant history – anti-matter breath.

The King: Rex/T-Ray

The T-Rex Hero Tank is made up of the Rex Body, the T-Ray Weapon and the Prehistoric Skin. 

The Rex Body is quick and agile, representing the killer instincts of a true predator. Fabricated to scale, it actually runs quite light for its overall size. This Body won’t give you much in the way of Energy gain or durability, but it’ll zoom in for the kill when needed.

The T-Ray Weapon is entirely unique in the arena, as matter cannot stop its projection forward. It emanates from the Weapon in a very narrow cone. When you fire, your movement and turning motion will be slowed down until your ray powers down. This leaves you entirely vulnerable while your Weapon is firing, but anyone in range is also entirely vulnerable to your Weapon.

A Rex is excellent at sweeping up wounded Tanks after a fight.

The T-Rex struggles without a party to back it up, but with the right tactics it can absolutely destroy any opposing team.

Nowhere to Hide

The only way for enemies to avoid your T-Ray’s beam is by moving too quickly for it to hit them, or just running away. No amount of walls or barriers will save them. 

Walls and barriers are, however, still how they dodge the rest of your team. Often enemies will find themselves unable to concentrate on avoiding you and your allies at the same time, since how you attack is so wildly different.

If you find good cover and get protection from your allies, the enemy can be entirely stopped by the perimeter your ray creates. This is especially potent on location-based matches, like King of the Hill, Poultry Pusher… or really any Map with a bridge or choke point.

With the right positioning, they won’t be able to avoid your beam.

Your Rex is squishy, but it’s also super zoomy. Your T-Ray takes a split second to power down when you stop firing. With a little timing, you can learn to predict that delay and easily Speed Booster up and flee when you’re in danger. Put a wall between you and your enemy again using your speed, then crank up the antimatter!

Mix It Up

The Body and Weapon of T-Rex are awesome to use for different combos. The Rex body represents a solid light body with equal stats to the Chicken Body. Not quite as squishy as something like a Flea, but still with significant moving power when it needs it.

The T-Ray can be great across a number of different Bodies because of how totally unique of a Weapon it is. Those who find their Rex a little too squishy may do better with a medium sized, high energy Body like Jet or Hurricane. The extra Energy will leave you more room to apply your strategy flexibly, and the extra bulk will help you not explode.

Big Rex kind of creates cover where there is none.

A very heavy Body with a T-Ray provides a different experience altogether. With this style, you’ll function more like a stationary heavy turret on your team. 

Rather than having to hide away behind a wall like you do with Rex, using a heavy Body you could choose to be the wall yourself. How many good shots are they really going to get off on you when you’re spraying antimatter at them?

If you choose to play T-Rex with a heavy Body, make sure that you have a plan in place for melee Weapons. T-Ray doesn’t really have a defense against a Carver or a Flamethrower. Think about packing a grenade, Relay Drone or Reactive Plating.

Happy Hunting

That’ll do it for us at The Spider Tanks Showcase this week. Have fun out there with those T-Rays, and remember to exercise antimatter safety at all times in the arena. 

We’ll be back soon with another Spider Tanks Showcase… Next time we’re heading deep into the caves of Cacus to spotlight Dragon Cave. Have tactics you rely on in Dragon Cave? Let us know on Discord for a chance to be featured in next week’s showcase!

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DevSpeak: API

DevSpeak: API

API, TPS, AI, SDK, DAU… so many acronyms. Never fear! DevSpeak is here!

Welcome back to DevSpeak, the series where we try to improve your understanding of the often dense and confusing language developers use to communicate about their craft. There’s no shame in not knowing these kind of tech terms… but in case you don’t want to ask your dev friends, DevSpeak has your back.

Today, we’re talking about APIs. You’ll hear this term tossed around a lot, and with good reason! APIs are a fundamental part of how software is developed, utilized and expanded upon throughout the entire tech world!

API, Defined

API stands for Application Programming Interface, and they are one of the primary tools developers will use to integrate data, services and functionality from previously made software into their new applications. APIs allow developers to call the resources of another application so that not everything has to be built from scratch every time.

APIs are a set of rules that govern the framework by which different pieces of software communicate. These rules can be customized to only share specific information, meaning developers can create and call on a wide variety of APIs for different purposes, knowing that no one is getting full, unadulterated access to software just from this kind of connection.

Let’s say that you have your collection of non-fungible teddy bears ready to release on GalaChain. You’ve got an amazing multiplayer platformer – ”Grizzly Picnic” – developed and ready to release… but you need to access the Gala platform’s data to see how much BearPower a user has when they log in. Well, hook up that API and there’s already a pipeline made for you!

Anytime you need to get information from an existing piece of software for your software to use, there’s probably an API for that.

Why APIs?

Without APIs, a new tool or system would need to be developed every time data needed to get from one application to another. That is simply not how tech grows. Applications are highly specialized, and rather than waste development time on building data pulling systems from the ground up, specialized developers would rather work on what they’re best at and plug in tested, standardized tools to build the foundation for inter-app communication.

This standardization is better for everyone. When someone builds new software, it’s usually because they want people to use it. Creating robust tools for other developers to integrate your app into their project is a great way to provide more utility, but also to ensure that your product is being used in the best way possible. You give people the ability to get more out of your app, while ensuring that you are still in control of the data within your application.

Have you ever wondered why you’d see “Pay with PayPal” buttons on sites that aren’t PayPal? Let’s be honest, most of us don’t even think about these anymore before we click. At first deeper  thought though, this may seem a little suspicious. If you’re on some obscure store page, why would you give them your credentials? PayPal has created an API for people to verify encrypted info and initiate payments on their platform. More for retailers, more for customers… and it has been absolutely critical in PayPal’s rise to a ubiquitous payment method on all sorts of different transactions.

Ever wonder why your phone seems to know when you travel? Google Maps APIs allow tons of apps to call all sorts of data about your location and the services around you. Or sometimes the other way. You know exactly where that driver with your tacos is because their phone is sending data to an API, then the app you’re seeing it through is calling that data through an API.

APIs are ways a piece of software can be connected to, meaning they can be customized in a huge variety of ways. There are definitely APIs for specific data calls, but there are also private APIs that can only be used by specific entities or apps. Companies will often have private internal APIs just for managing and calling customer or employee data.

APIs Are Everywhere

It’s important to understand that we’ve discussed some examples, but APIs are incredibly varied. We are not exaggerating when we say that they are everywhere. Think of APIs as the nerve tissue connecting all the disparate parts of our body of technology in the modern world. The APIs are what keep our tech working together and building on the foundations created by each other.

Most apps you engage with are constantly using multiple APIs to call data. Why embed everything in the front end and bog it down when you can create a secure API for the front end to communicate with the back end? 

Any upgrade to any of your programs or devices at any time is using an API to distribute those new files. 

Anytime you stream, you’re being sent that information through an API.

Swipe a card? API. 

Any time that two or more pieces of software are communicating with each other, you’ll find APIs behind it. 


That’ll do it for this DevSpeak, but we’ll be back soon to dispel the confusion around other common tech terms. If you’ve missed any of our previous editions, check them out below!

Gala Film Boosts: Supporting the Projects you Love with $FILM

Gala Film Boosts: Supporting the Projects you Love with $FILM

Barry Brewer’s new special, “Chicago, I’m Home” premieres on Gala Film Saturday, July 13th

Watch RZR on Gala Film

Gala Film is thrilled to announce an exciting upcoming feature called “Film Boosts,” launching alongside the creation of the $FILM token on GalaChain. This innovative addition to our platform will empower fans to play a crucial role in advancing and promoting their favorite films, creating a deeper connection between artists and their supporters.

What are Film Boosts?

Film Boosts offer an unprecedented way for fans to support and promote their cherished films using the $FILM token. By holding $FILM against a specific film title, fans can elevate the film’s level within the Gala Film ecosystem. This elevation enhances the “watching weight multiplier” of the film’s moments and unlocks exciting “level ups.”

Benefits for Artists and Fans

The Film Boosts system offers dual benefits:

For Artists: As films climb through various levels, they unlock significant opportunities and perks. For instance, reaching level 10 could grant a feature on the platform’s homepage, while level 20 might initiate an expanded marketing campaign. Film producers, actors and cast members can reward their most dedicated fans with exclusive benefits such as discounts on products, access to limited edition merchandise or even opportunities for personal meet-and-greets.

For Fans: This system incentivizes deeper engagement, allowing fans to receive unique perks and a closer connection with the artists they support. Locking tokens against a film provides on-chain proof of dedication, enabling artists to independently recognize and reward their most loyal supporters without centralized control.

Boosting, Not Staking

Unlike traditional staking mechanisms that yield financial returns, Film Boosts focus on enhancing fan experience and engagement for the benefit of the entire ecosystem. This decentralized approach empowers artists to directly interact with and appreciate their fans, fostering a vibrant and supportive community within the Gala Film ecosystem.

With the introduction of Film Boosts, Gala Film continues to innovate, creating a dynamic and interactive platform for filmmakers and fans alike. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the launch of this exciting feature and the $FILM token on GalaChain.

Gala Music’s Community Governance Feature: Next Up

Gala Music’s Community Governance Feature: Next Up

Moving toward the decentralized world of music we’re creating together, Gala Music is pleased to offer an exciting feature called NextUp, our innovative community governance system. The future of music means a more democratized and community-driven approach to the art, empowering you to have a direct say in curation and addition of new music and artists on Gala Music.

Cast your vote

What is Next Up?

“Next Up” is designed to bring decentralized governance to the forefront of Gala Music. This feature allows our community to vote on new artists and tracks, making you an integral part of shaping the platform. 

Every week, the Gala Music community is invited to vote, deciding on three tracks to add to the platform and one new artist

To learn more about the vision of Gala Music and our plans for a more decentralized world of music, read the Whitepaper.

How Does It Work?

Eligibility to Vote

If you have a Gala Account and a transfer code set up, you are eligible to vote. The transfer code is necessary because all voting is transacted on GalaChain, ensuring transparency and security. You can set up a transfer code in the Security area of your account’s Settings page.

Learn more about transfer codes

Voting Power

Each Gala Music account gets one free vote. Additionally, for every Jukebox Node you own, you receive an extra vote, up to a maximum of 20 votes per voting period.

$MUSIC to Enhance Voting Power

Think of your $MUSIC as a great way to endorse your favorite artists and tracks, giving them an edge. In addition to your free vote, you can purchase additional votes for 5 $MUSIC each (any quantity. The world of web3 music runs on $MUSIC, so let’s let the $MUSIC do the talking.

Why NextUp Matters

The introduction of Next Up is a pivotal moment for Gala Music. Beyond a simple voting system, it is a testament to our commitment to decentralization and community involvement. By participating, you are helping to curate the new music and artists that will define the industry’s future, ensuring that our platform reflects the diverse tastes and preferences of our community.

Be a Part of the Future

With Next Up, we are laying the foundation for a robust and inclusive governance system. But this is just the beginning. Your feedback and participation will be crucial in refining and expanding this feature to make it even more impactful in the future.

Ready to make your voice heard? Ensure your Gala account is set up with a GalaChain transfer code. A new voting round kicks off at the beginning of every week, so cast your vote now and be part of this revolutionary step towards a more community-driven music ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates and be prepared to welcome new artists and tracks every week with NextUp. Let’s create the future of music together.

Join the music revolution with Gala

Wen! WEN!? Now, Apparently

Wen! WEN!? Now, Apparently

It’s only been a short time since the Project Token Creation Tool was released on GalaSwap, but some big things have been happening.

Since opening up the floodgates to new tokens on GalaSwap, 70 new tokens have been created on GalaChain. Over 420,000 total $GALA has been burnt in the token creation process, and we’ve seen some people really dive into new tokens on GalaSwap!

We just wanted to pop in today to highlight that one new token on GalaChain hit over $1m in market cap after only a few weeks! $WEN!

This was snipped on July 3rd, around 2pm PT on!

“$WEN is initially a memecoin based on a famous joke about delays. Within a few days, I started leveraging my knowledge of Galachain’s tools to decentralize the holdings and gamify the trading. Now it aims at becoming a token with utility, the first of which is to access to features on”

Lukabylie, $WEN


$WEN is a token created by a community member you may know as Lukabylie on Discord. They also happen to be the owner of!

WEN was first created at the beginning of June, but it’s taken off within the community with amazing speed! As of the time of writing this article, $WEN is showing a $600k market cap on galacoins!

More Than a Memecoin

We here at Gala are absolutely thrilled to see the community embrace a grassroots token like this. What’s even greater to see is that it’s not just the meme that’s making WEN desirable… just a few weeks in and the team is already providing actual utility for holding WEN!

Add in the robust transparency that they have diligently performed with distributions and allocations, and it’s pretty clear why the community has placed so much trust in $WEN!

We are thrilled with the community’s interest in the token and in What I’m personally surprised about is the magnitude of the interest and support our project received. With that in mind, we intend to expand on and create new projects if possible.

Lukabylie, $WEN

An Expanded GalaChain

We could not be happier to see WEN gaining steam in the ecosystem. GalaChain is a place for creativity and ingenuity, and we want people to build their projects here and leverage the power of this chain to achieve success.

Congratulations to the $WEN team on early success! Thanks for being a part of GalaChain!