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A Million Tappers Strong | What’s Next?

A Million Tappers Strong | What’s Next?

Play Treasure Tapper now

How about that, crypto wizards and early adoption experts? We hit a huge milestone and this little tap-for-rewards game is just getting started. 😎

First off, if you haven’t started tapping and collecting TREASURE coins yet, there are only a million people ahead of you, so you can still be early.

Send a Telegram message to @Treasure_Tapper_Bot to get started, or just scan the big ol’ QR code with your trusty mobile device. 👇 In a matter of seconds, you’ll be tapping and collecting your first token rewards with Treasure Tapper.

Click here if you need a little more help getting started

Why a Million is Just the Beginning

This Treasure Tapper train has only been rolling for a few weeks now, but we’ve already received an amazing reception from the wider web3 community, who apparently love tapping their phones for in-game rewards. 

Thanks to Telegram’s recent mini app platform and integration with the web3 functionality of The Open Network (TON blockchain), crypto games are now simpler than you ever imagined. With mini apps like Treasure Tapper, there’s no need to download a game– It’s launched within Telegram, the trusted messenger app you’re probably already using.

So why are they all here, tapping away day after day? The token frenzy!

The rewards that players are collecting like crazy will soon be minted as crypto tokens on both TON and GalaChain, where owners will have the ability to swap them for other crypto using sites like GalaSwap!

When is Token Minting?

As you’ll often hear in the crypto world, we cannot yet divulge that information, so let’s just say soon. 

Here’s the thing. No matter when it happens, it will be in the future, which means you can definitely collect more TREASURE in the game than you currently have. We think you’ll agree that having more will be better in the long run, especially once minting rewards has begun.

How Will it Work?

Once it’s time to mint your $TREZ tokens, you’ll have to meet a couple simple requirements to ensure there’s somewhere to deliver your tokens. Minting reward tokens will not be automatic, but will require some action on your part, so be sure to keep watch over the Treasure Tapper Announcements channel and other official communication.

Watch out for Scammers!

A true web3 visionary is vigilant at all times, ensuring that they don’t fall for anything. Such vigilance is easier than you may think:

  • Be suspicious of links
  • Say something if you see something suspicious
  • Only believe what’s announced on official channels
  • Don’t trust messages about Treasure Tapper from strangers or the Treasure_Tapper_Bot

👉Official channels:
Gala Games Twitter
Gala Games Youtube
Gala Games Facebook
Gala Games Instagram
Gala Discord
Gala blog
Treasure_Tapper_Bot (Telegram)
Treasure Tapper Announcements (Telegram)

Tapping to Two Million

Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed tapping into TREASURE so far. We’re having a great time building this game!

We’ll let you know when we get to 2 million Treasure Tappers. Until then, keep those fingers warm!

Play Treasure Tapper now

Last Expedition | Play with the Devs | July 17, 5pm PT

Last Expedition | Play with the Devs | July 17, 5pm PT

Download and play Last Expedition

We’ve got the perfect way to wrap up a hot summer hump day, enjoying some explosive extraction PvPvE action with Last Expedition, the future of FPS powered by GalaChain.

These live “Play with the Devs” events in Discord are always a community hit, and not only because the game is so awesome. These folks are some of the most experienced FPS game developers in the world, having contributed to renowned franchises such as Halo and Call of Duty. Basically, they live and breathe gaming. Think you have what it takes to literally beat them at their own game?

It’s all happening at 5pm PT in the LE-Lobby channel of the Gala Games Discord community.

Set a notification and share the event here

Take on Aura

If you’re prepared to take on the nightmare predators of Aura, suit up and get ready for action. If you haven’t played before, make sure you get the game downloaded and installed, then get some practice runs under your belt.

All you need to get in the game is a free Gala account and a free Epic Games account. Get started at Discord voice chat will be used for in-game communication during the event, so be prepared to voice collaborate with your team.

Spectator Mode

Even if you don’t feel like playing, Last Expedition has a killer spectator mode that allows you to control camera angles and toggle between remaining players to get you as up close and personal with the FPS action as possible.

Get Unique Insights

While the team is playing, there’s a good chance they’ll let some awesome info nuggets slip about the future of Last Expedition. Remember, this game is still in Early Access and there is a ton of excitement still to unfold. Spend some time with the ones who know and you’ll probably learn something valuable.

Offer Feedback

These developers are great down-to-earth people who love connecting with the community over games. They’re happy to hear your feedback and they’ll always take it to heart, working out ways to deliver the most cutting edge empowering gaming experience you’ve seen.

So come join us in Discord for “Play with the Devs,’ tomorrow (Wednesday, July 17th) at 5pm PT and let them know that you can’t wait to make this a weekly tradition. Invite your friends and let’s make this event one to remember!

Download and play Last Expedition

From the Shores of Mirandus – Join us for a Live Town Hall

From the Shores of Mirandus – Join us for a Live Town Hall

The magnificent fantasy world of Gala Games’ legendary fantasy MMO is coming to life before our eyes, moving faster than ever. Games of this magnitude are often years in the making, and some of our most dedicated community members have been patiently waiting for Mirandus since the dawn of Gala Games.

Mirandus is one of our most community hyped gaming projects, set to redefine an entire genre of gaming with a fantasy simulation as aesthetically beautiful as it is strategically challenging– A land where magic reigns, Materium flows and “dying hurts.” Players are itching to get into Mirandus more than ever… and we can’t wait for them to experience it!

Dig into the latest blog for an up-to-date roadmap with what you can expect in the coming weeks and months.

If you’re not able to catch this Town Hall live, then don’t forget to watch the replay. You don’t want to miss this one.

Join us at 12pm PT today, June 26th. Set a notification at the link below!

Sweep Up Some Strategy Tips with Sweep It Poker

Sweep Up Some Strategy Tips with Sweep It Poker

Ready to up your poker game? Sweep It Poker, Gala Games’ free-to-play casual poker game, is here to help you hone your skills while giving you a chance to win $GALA in our weekly Sweepstakes!

Play Sweep It Poker Now

In this series of blog articles, we’ll dive into the basics of poker to get you playing like a pro in no time. In this series, we’ll stick to the games currently included with Sweep It Poker, Texas Hold’em and Omaha Hold’em.

Let’s start with the fundamentals

Understanding the Basics: Poker Hand Rankings

Mastering poker begins with knowing the hand rankings. Here’s a quick rundown from the highest to lowest:

  1. Royal Flush: A, K, Q, J, 10, all of the same suit.
  2. Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit.
  3. Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank.
  4. Full House: Three cards of one rank and two cards of another.
  5. Flush: Any five cards of the same suit, not in sequence.
  6. Straight: Five consecutive cards of different suits.
  7. Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank.
  8. Two Pair: Two different pairs.
  9. One Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
  10. High Card: When no other hand applies, the highest card wins.

Action on You – The Art of Betting


Betting is a crucial aspect of poker that can make or break your game. Here’s a breakdown of common betting actions:

Check: If no one has bet, you can choose to check, passing the action to the next player. This action is signified by the player saying “check” or knocking on the table felt.

Bet: Wager chips into the pot. Once a bet is made, players must call, raise, or fold. Betting can be verbally announced or visually as the player slides or tosses chips into the pot area.

Call: Match the current bet by announcing “call” and contributing chips to the pot.

Raise: Increase the current bet by announcing a raise or adding at least 2X the chips that have already been bet. If you don’t have twice as many chips in your stack, you must raise all in or fold.

Fold: Discard your hand and forfeit the current round, indicated by tossing cards face down onto the table.

Understanding Position


Your position at the poker table affects your strategy. Position in this case refers to your location on the table relative to the “Dealer” button, which moves clockwise around the table hand by hand.

Early Position: The first few seats to act. Play conservatively here because you have less information about other players’ hands. If you’re first to act in a new round of betting with several players, you’ll probably want to let another player open the betting for that round.

Middle Position: The seats in the middle of the table. You can start to play a bit more aggressively in the middle position, but you should still be cautious. A raise here could risk a reraise from a late-position player with awesome cards.

Late Position: The last few seats to act, including the dealer. You have more information on how opponents are playing, allowing you to be more aggressive. The player with the Dealer button has the last choice, allowing them to “position bet” if every other player has checked in that round.

Basic Poker Strategy Tips


Play Tight-Aggressive: Focus on playing strong hands aggressively. This makes you less predictable and maximizes your winning potential. Play into your patience and fight the urge to play every hand no matter your cards.

Bluff Wisely: Bluffing can be powerful but should be used sparingly. Always consider your position and your opponents’ tendencies. More chips are won by betting appropriately on mathematically winning hands than bluffing with rags (bad cards).

Observe Opponents: Pay attention to how your opponents play. Look for patterns and tendencies that you can exploit. This doesn’t necessarily mean only physical and vocal mannerisms– More often, it’s patterns in their betting and raising habits. Any time the cards are shown at the end of a hand, there is a lot to learn from your opponents.

Bankroll Management: Set a budget for your poker play and stick to it. Whether you’re playing in a real money game or a casual free game like Sweep It Poker, never chase losses.

Sweep It Poker offers a fantastic platform to practice these basics without the risk of losing real money. The more you play, the more entries you can stack for the weekly Sweepstakes, enhancing your skills in a fun and engaging environment surrounded by members of the Gala community.

Stay tuned for our next blog post where we’ll dive deeper into advanced strategies and tips to help you dominate the poker table. Thanks for being a part of our vibrant community and may your hands always be winning!

Play Sweep It Poker Now

Common Ground World Weekly Blog: Kimchi Craze and Upcoming Events

Common Ground World Weekly Blog: Kimchi Craze and Upcoming Events

Spice Up Your Town with Kimchi Craze!

Greetings, Common Grounders! This week, we are excited to introduce a new delicious twist to your town in Common Ground World. Starting tomorrow, you can sell tangy, mouthwatering Kimchi crafted from fresh Lettuce and a Shrimp-based Fish Sauce at the new Korean Restaurant. Spice up your town and ferment your way to the top with this new exciting addition!

You’ll find all the latest Common Ground World discussions in the Gala Games Discord community!

Kimchi Craze Details

  • Meta: Sell Kimchi
    • Trade Time: 20s & 1 Gasoline
    • Biome: Desert N
    • Edges: Desert N, Ocean E, Ocean S, and River W


As always, landing on the leaderboard in the Kimchi Craze will get you standard $GALA rewards at the end of the competition, depending on your final rank.

As you collect more Stars for producing and selling goods, you’ll rise on the leaderboard.

The higher you finish on the leaderboard, the greater your $GALA rewards!

New Crafts


  • Cash: $22,460
  • Stars: 518 (increased to 50K for this week’s event!)
  • Ingredients: 4 Lettuce Head, 1 Fish Sauce, 1 Sugar, 1 Rice Vinegar, 2 Seaweed
  • Craft Time: 120s
  • Affected by: Nothing
  • Craft Location: Made in the Korean Restaurant, Stored in the Storehouse

Fish Sauce

  • Cash: $8,600 (meta value this week is $21,000)
  • Stars: 174
  • Ingredients: 1 Water, 2 Salt, 2 Shrimp
  • Craft Time: 360s
  • Affected by: Nothing
  • Craft Location: Made in the Sauce Facility, Stored in the Storehouse

Cash Boosts

  • Salt: $2,250 -> $5,000
  • Fish Sauce: $8,600 -> $21,000

Star Boosts

  • Kimchi: 50k

For all standard and meta cash/star values for crafts, check the official chart.

New Sales

The Small Seaweed Farm (released Friday June 21st) will help you craft Seaweed faster using a smaller footprint!

The Wishing Well (released Saturday June 22) will clean up Dirty in a 3-2-1 area around it using less footprint!

Upcoming Events

Here’s a sneak peek into our exciting event schedule for July 2024. Please note that all dates are subject to change.

July Events:

  • July 2-5: Starlight Market Box (Apple Pie and more)
  • July 9-12: Chocolate Ice Cream
  • July 16-19: A Tasty New Cake

Free Storage NFTs:

Game Tips and Reminders

To ensure you get the best results from playing Common Ground World, here are some crucial reminders:

  • When using offline mode, make sure to log back in before the event ends to trigger fast forward.
  • Regularly check in if you use Fast Forward to keep your town up to date.
  • Ensure the game runs as the only tab in your browser for optimal performance.
  • Relaunch the game if another window covers the browser fully while playing.

Join a Guild

Guilds are live, and a great chance to enhance the Common Ground World experience with cooperative strategy while unlocking new levels of competition!

Every Common Ground World Node represents a Guild, as described in this blog. If you don’t own a Common Ground World Node, ask an operator friend to invite you to their Guild. You’re likely to find Guild leaders recruiting in the Common Ground World Guilds Discord channel. Go make some friends!

Community Feedback

We are actively seeking feedback on the lite paper released a few weeks ago. Your insights are invaluable to us. Please share your thoughts using the links below:

Watch Our Recent Town Hall

Don’t forget to catch up on the latest updates and discussions from our recent biweekly Town Hall. Watch the YouTube replay to stay informed about all the exciting developments in the Gala ecosystem.

Stay tuned, and happy crafting!