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First Founder’s Node NFT Ownership Transfers

First Founder’s Node NFT Ownership Transfers

It’s been quite a road to get here… but Founder’s Nodes are now fully tokenizable! The first peer to peer ownership transfers have successfully occurred!

Our friends over at NFT Harbor had the first transfer go through on their platform shortly after the tokenization procedure was complete! 

NFT Harbor is an escrow-based marketplace, and we’re incredibly happy they incorporated Founder’s Node NFTs quickly!

A Big First

Founder’s Nodes are a cornerstone of the Gala ecosystem. They were one of the earliest features of Gala, and all $GALA comes through the operators of the nodes as they help support the Gala platform and GalaChain.

Part of the power of the node network is that node operators are engaged in governance and supporting the ecosystem. Giving Node owners the opportunity to transfer their licenses helps ensure that Founder’s Node operators are always those who are most excited to support and develop this ecosystem.

We’d like to congratulate the Fuzzle Prime DAO for acquiring the first recorded transfer of a Founder’s Node NFT! Fuzzle Prime has been active on GalaChain since the very earliest days of the chain, and seeing them lead the charge into a more involved and supportive node network is amazing!

Securing the Founder’s Nodes has put us in a strong position to launch the platform without fear of it ever shutting down.

GingerbreadMan, Fuzzle Prime DAO

A Bigger and Better Node Network

We of course hate to see any Node operators send off their license to someone else, but on the flip side we do certainly love to see people who want to support the network get their hands on Founders Node NFTs!

We’ve got big plans for the Founder’s Node network in the future. We want to use Founder’s Nodes to create more decentralization and community governance within the Gala ecosystem. Founder’s Nodes always have been and always will be a critical part of what makes Gala!

A better node network needs better support, so tokenization was a necessary step to let the most enthusiastic operators get behind Founder’s Nodes. 

We are thrilled to see the next generation of Founder’s Node operators start to get their hands on licenses, and we can’t wait to work with every single Founder’s Node operator to make Gala the best it can possibly be!

September Mirandus Town Hall Meeting

September Mirandus Town Hall Meeting

Welcome adventurer… Mirandus waits for you.

Come warm yourself by the fire, and let us discuss the growth of this great land. Hill, tree and mountain are but a stage… tis Exemplars that truly bring Mirandus to life.

Mirandus Town Hall

You are cordially invited to our upcoming Town Hall, adventurer. Join us as we discuss the state of Mirandus and where the future will lead us. 

This gathering takes place at 11am PT on September 26th. All are welcome to come discuss the glorious land that is Mirandus!

Click above to make sure you’re notified when we get started. 

We can’t wait to see you there!

Gala Ecosystem Introduces Telegram SSO for Seamless Onboarding

Gala Ecosystem Introduces Telegram SSO for Seamless Onboarding

We’re pleased to announce as of earlier this week, the Gala ecosystem has added a Single Sign-On (SSO) option using Telegram login credentials. This new feature is set to revolutionize the onboarding experience for users discovering our platforms through the viral success of our $TREZ “tapper” games on Telegram mini apps.

Streamlining User Experience with Telegram SSO

One of the most important challenges to web3 mass adoption has been the convenience factor. Web2 was a world that introduced social media that evolved into the smoothest onboarding experiences in the world. Today, it’s imperative to offer SSO options for existing web2 platforms with which users are already familiar. Telegram is one of those platforms.

As Treasure Tapper and Music Miner continue to capture the attention of Telegram mini app users worldwide, we recognize the importance of providing a seamless and efficient way to join the Gala ecosystem. With Telegram SSO, users can now create accounts on all core Gala platforms – Gala Games, Gala Music, and Gala Film – using their existing Telegram credentials. It’s as simple as a login, just like our Google account SSO option.

This integration simplifies the registration process, making it easier than ever for new users to dive into the rich, decentralized experiences we offer. A simple sign-in has a lot of power, especially when transitioning from your web2 comfort zone to all the new empowering responsibilities that come with web3 ownership.

Right away, SSO users will gain access to our free games, our entire music catalog and more. Then as they learn the ropes of our ecosystem, Telegram users can then create and connect their web3 wallets at their convenience, gaining access to everything Gala offers.

Why Telegram SSO Matters

  • Ease of Use: By leveraging existing Telegram accounts, users can skip the hassle of creating new credentials, saving time and reducing friction.
  • Enhanced Security: Telegram SSO provides a secure login method, ensuring user data protection.
  • Unified Access: One Telegram account opens doors to the entire Gala ecosystem, unifying user experiences across gaming, music, and film platforms.

A New Era of Onboarding

Although small at a glance, this is actually a huge step in our ongoing efforts to make blockchain-based platforms more accessible to mainstream audiences. As we continue to innovate and expand, we are committed to breaking down barriers and simplifying user interactions with our ecosystem.

Join the revolution today by logging in with your Telegram account and exploring the endless possibilities within Gala Games, Gala Music, and Gala Film.

Not Tapping for $TREZ yet?

Play Treasure Tapper

Play Music Miner

An Interview With LionHeart Entertainment

An Interview With LionHeart Entertainment

Music has always been an impactful voice for charitable causes, and at Gala we’re excited to bring that kind of passion and energy into the web3 world.

Throughout the world, people love to enjoy music in all its forms. No matter what people are going through or what challenges they’re facing in life, music is there to underscore their journeys. With a performance-based art form that commands such attention, it’s no wonder that musicians often put their gifts and talents to work for various causes that are meaningful to them. From performing at charity functions to donating revenue and speaking out in support of or against issues, many musicians do not miss an opportunity to be heard, on multiple levels.

With the community empowerment principles upon which GalaChain and Gala Music were built, it was only a matter of time before a new Gala Music artist hit the scene as a dedicated charity-focused project. Web3 has proven especially effective at encouraging artists to think outside the box and find new ways to reach the ones they want to reach. 

No matter what people are going through or what challenges they’re facing in life, music is there to underscore their journeys.

Today, we’re sharing some written interview content from LionHeart Entertainment, who recently launched a Gala Music debut NFT with a different approach.

Listen to LionHeart Entertainment’s “The Anthem” now on Gala Music

How did LionHeart Entertainment get started?

LionHeart Entertainment was chartered on 5/21/24 to enhance the well being of not only the emerging artist but the communities surrounding them. Our core mission is not only to assist at risk communities but to inspire hope. This will be accomplished by hosting charity concerts and other types of events across the US and abroad.

LionHeart Entertainment is a nonprofit organization. What causes are you passionate about, the ones that will always be a strong focus of your project’s giving?

Having been involved with various non profit organizations for over 20 years I am passionate about helping many causes. It is said you can change the world one child, one community at a time. Going into the heart of these at risk communities, helping to rebuild, inspiring hope, providing mentorship can have such an everlasting impact on generations.

Veterans will be a focus as well not only because I’m a combat veteran but if it wasn’t for their sacrifices none of this other stuff could be possible. In the United States, there are nearly 33,000 homeless veterans, we believe one is too many. Upon returning home, veterans face many challenges that can lead to homelessness, such as mental illness, substance abuse, foreclosure, poverty and unemployment. These issues are often compounded by misconceptions about veteran homelessness, particularly regarding the amount of support they receive from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

What can Gala Music’s web3 ecosystem uniquely bring to the table to enrich the experience of contributing to and supporting a nonprofit?

Specifically in regards to LionHeart Ent., Gala Music can bring a lot to the table as our members are Gala Music artists, so when we approach the different venues, they are the ones who could potentially be performing depending on schedules. LionHeart Entertainment complements the Gala Music ecosystem and has the capabilities to not only get exposure to the artist and the Gala Music ecosystem through hosting these different charity events that will greatly impact at risk communities. With the Gala Music team’s vast knowledge in different areas having their support will greatly increase the reach and overall success of the different missions as we look to host events across the US and abroad. Having Gala Music as a core sponsor would greatly increase the power and reach of LionHeart Entertainment.

Did you create Lionheart Entertainment from ideas inspired by blockchain, or did you find that blockchain was the ideal way to make a previous vision into reality?

LionHeart Entertainment was inspired by the desire to not only help at-risk communities, but to help the artist and ecosystem get the exposure they deserve. It is difficult for artists to get those chances to have their breakout moments. With LionHeart Entertainment hosting charity concerts we are able to accomplish many of our goals at once, by combining our forces to rebuild and inspire hope in at-risk communities while getting exposure to our artists and the Gala Music ecosystem.

LionHeart Entertainment was inspired by the desire to not only help at-risk communities, but to help the artist and ecosystem get the exposure they deserve.

Tell us about your musical background? What are your favorite genres and artists, and what kind of songs move you on a personal level?

Growing up in New Jersey with my family involved in music, I have been immersed in the culture for a majority of my life in one form or another. I have been involved with setting up different music events at the Prudential Center for 9 years. My understanding and knowledge of the industry is always evolving as there are a lot of different aspects. I listen to different genres of music depending on what I’m doing, whether going to the gym, driving, or getting ready for bed. I tend to listen to a lot of music I resonate with. Music activates just about all areas of the human brain; it can also stimulate new connections. As Bono once said “Music can change the world because it can change people.”

You’ve said that NFT holders will sometimes receive special access to events. Do you have any teasers about what audiences can expect from your inaugural special access event (locations, venues, performers, etc.)?

I have approvals for different venues from Boston to Florida. I plan to hold these events from the east coast to the west coast and abroad. NFT holders will receive backstage vip access with exclusive meet and greets with the artists. I am currently working on securing the funding to lock in the dates. I can’t reveal too much, just know it is going to rock the foundation.

Do you plan to release Gala Music tracks regularly?

Yes, LionHeart Ent. plans on dropping more tracks. I’m hoping for some special drops in the near future as our members who are artists on the platform are able to drop tracks under LionHeart Entertainment’s profile, without disrupting their regularly scheduled drops, in order to help contribute towards the various causes. Artists still receive 20% of the drop plus the daily distribution of rewards.

Where can fans learn more about you, your project and your music?

LionHeart Entertainment recently created their social accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I am in the Gala Music discord regularly, @CryptoLion_420, feel free to message me with any questions. Right now we are in the process of having our website created and will share it as soon as it is complete.

Any advice for musicians considering applying to become Gala Music artists?

The best advice I can give to the artist wanting to join the Gala Music ecosystem is to get on discord and other socials and be active within the community while also promoting the ecosystem and your music. Gala music has the greatest community in web 3. It is truly a unique platform where you get to build a personal relationship with your fans like never before. You both get to experience the journey together in a beautiful symbiotic relationship.

“Even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there.” — Stephen Chbosky

Gala Music Discord community

Big thanks to @CryptoLion_420 for sharing so much with us about his exciting and inspirational music project!

Get “The Anthem” now while supplies last!

Gala Gold | The original VIP club of the Gala Games Ecosystem

Gala Gold | The original VIP club of the Gala Games Ecosystem

We don’t often talk about the exclusive VIP community of Gala Games because we don’t want to overgrow it. If every audience member found their way backstage at the big show, would it still be a special and exclusive experience? 

Exclusivity comes from curation and limitation. That’s why we’ve always gated Gala Gold membership behind a cost. At first when we were small, it was only $10 for lifetime membership in Gala Gold. Then for a time it was $50. Now the same lifetime membership will cost you $100. This is a carefully calculated cost to ensure that our VIP community of testers and early adopters remains small in comparison to the constantly growing Gala community at large.

Benefits to Gala Gold

Gala Gold was originally formed as a way to distinguish the most dedicated community members from the more casual ones. We understand that the majority of users in the GalaChain ecosystem might have no interest in spending much time in the Discord server, making online friends from around the world or even in testing games through various stages of development.

By gating the Gala Gold community behind a one-time fee, we were easily able to assemble a group of fully committed people, interested in providing feedback (good, bad or ugly), testing games and getting their hands on early collectibles.

Gala Gold is a Lifetime Membership

We won’t ask for a repeating subscription fee for a Gala Gold membership, but we can predict that the cost of joining Gala Gold will go up from time to time. This mechanism ensures that the earliest arrivals are appropriately rewarded for their loyalty and participation.

Gala Gold membership was first sold for $10, then updated to $50. Today, membership in this club will cost you $100. We cannot predict if or when the Gala Gold price will increase again.

Free NFTs from Time to Time

Oftentimes you’ll find Gala Gold the best place to receive special NFT items that relate to games in development or various stages of release. It could be that a certain game would like to start by distributing a certain in-game item to a select group, including thousands of people. Because of the limited-supply nature of NFTs, it rarely makes sense to distribute an item to all accounts. We prefer the approach where NFT item ownership has a degree of exclusivity attached to it.

All Gala Gold members receive the Common Ground World Express Depot, allowing them to make deliveries faster in-game, placing and replacing their Depot as they see fit. In the past, special characters, skins, weapons, avatars and more have been given to members of Gala Gold. 

When Gala Gold NFT drops take place, they are based on a snapshot of everyone who is currently a member of Gala Gold, meaning that if you haven’t signed up and paid your fee by the time of the snapshot, you miss out on that drop.

Please note that there is no set schedule for regular NFT drops to members of Gala Gold. Instead, items are given at the discretion of individual game teams. Several months will often go by with no Gala Gold NFT drops, so joining with the expectation of regular free NFTs can lead to disappointment.

Discord Access

For the past couple years, most members would agree that the greatest benefit to Gala Gold is access to a special Gala Gold area of Discord.

Join the Gala Discord community

Complete with an announcement channel, a special sneak peek channel, a place for suggestions, a bustling ongoing discussion hub and an exclusive stage for hosting events, Gala Gold is essentially a gated community within the greater Gala community.

Here you’ll find opportunities to bend the ears of team members in a more intimate setting, a place where we feel free to talk more openly about the ecosystem than in general channels. Company leaders are often directly involved in the conversations in Gala Gold, whether exchanging comments about the latest games and feature releases or accepting valued feedback from a trusted community. 

Basically, Gala Gold Discord channels are a fantastic place to be heard, especially if you have constructive ideas (or criticisms) of the ecosystem. We have often been known to suddenly shift strategies based on important discussions that have taken place here.

In terms of leaks and alpha info, there is nothing better than Gala Gold. A company like Gala operates like a complex gear mechanism– When a company leader wants answers or responses quickly, they’re likely to take it straight to Gala Gold first. In many cases, you’ll have a chance to see something discussed here 1-2 days before it is mentioned on social media or in an official Gala blog. You may be surprised at the difference a couple days can make when it comes to the flow of information in the web3 era.

From the Gala Gold Suggestions channel

Testing Games

Testing is an incredibly important part of shipping games, whether it’s a first, second or third party title. For the community, testing is often seen as a special perk to paying attention. We take the testing of our games very seriously, and different stages of development require different sizes of test groups.

When testing a game with a community audience, we want to make sure that:

  1. The size of the audience fits the game in its current state – Gala Gold is often called upon to test games in early stages, when the game is too far along for an “internal only” playtest” but not quite ready for a whole public platest.
  2. Our testers are diligent and experienced – Being an early Tester of a game is super fun, but we also want to ensure that as many participants as possible take the responsibility seriously. We have found that in Gala Gold, our members are very committed to the overall success of individual games, so they will honestly seek out bugs and provide excellent feedback.
  3. Improvement is priority one – Finally, we want to ensure that our testers understand that anything can happen in a testing cycle for a game, no matter the genre or platform. Our Gala Gold members have repeatedly shown that they are mature and adaptable in these situations, never getting mad at us for doing what is necessary to improve a gaming experience.

Future Benefits Unknown

Gala Gold can be expected to evolve along with the Gala ecosystem. Existing perks can change as needed and new benefits will sometimes appear as new GalaChain functionalities allow.

Gala Gold is not for everyone, but we encourage anyone to join who considers themselves part of our most dedicated fanbase. If you’re spending a lot of time in the Discord community channels and are not yet a member, we think you would meet a lot of great people and find tremendous benefit in the Gala Gold channels.

As always, thanks for being part of the Gala community!

Join the Gala Discord community

Join Gala Gold