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Introducing GalaSwap: Decentralized, P2P and Now Live on GalaChain

Introducing GalaSwap: Decentralized, P2P and Now Live on GalaChain

GalaChain is continually evolving as we build this ecosystem into a place where major advancements and innovations will continue long into the future. Today, we mark a significant milestone in this journey with the introduction of GalaSwap on GalaChain. 

This initial version, while streamlined in features, lays a solid foundation for a feature-rich platform where tokens can be exchanged p2p, right on GalaChain.

Open Source Commitment

In alignment with Gala’s commitment to openness and transparency, future versions of GalaSwap are planned to be entirely open source. This approach not only allows community engagement and collaboration but also ensures that the platform evolves through collective expertise and insights.

We have a few more features that we’d like to implement before opening the floodgates to our community developers, but this is the future we envision for Gala overall. We don’t want to hold the community back, and we want the visionaries across the Galaverse to be able to take what we’ve done to the next level… creating specialized tools that fit their exact needs on GalaChain.


This site in its current form allows swaps for seven tokens in the Gala Ecosystem, but more tokens will be available over time. To expedite development on this project, $MUSIC will not be available in the initial version. As this token is on a different channel of GalaChain, it will be available after cross-channel swaps are integrated in the near future.

Our goal is to offer our community trading opportunities throughout the expanding Gala Ecosystem. The platform is designed to accommodate all future currencies developed on GalaChain, promising a continually evolving and expanding trading ecosystem.

  • $GALA
  • $ETIME
  • $SILK
  • $MTRM
  • $GUSDT
  • $GUSDC
  • $GWETH

We’ve prioritized basic functions in this initial version, meaning that some more advanced features like liquidity pools or slippage are not currently available. However, all transactions will be totally peer to peer, with the chain itself serving the role of a central order book.

On GalaSwap you can search offers between $GALA and supported tokens. Once you find what you’re looking for, you can snag it right away and fill the order. As this is a direct swap with another user, you can only swap the amount that is part of the offer. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can create your own swap and wait for another person to come along and fill that!

It’s important to note that all swaps on GalaSwap are for $GALA. This means that if you want to trade $ETIME for $MTRM, for instance, you’ll first have to swap your Eternal Time into $GALA before trading it for Materium.

Gas costs will be 1 $GALA to each participant – that’s 1 $GALA to list a swap, and 1 $GALA to initiate the other side of a listed swap.

Still confused? No worries!

For those that are not familiar with the idea of decentralized exchanges, it may be best to draw a comparison from our roots in gaming. GalaSwap will work very similarly to a traditional Trading House mechanic in a game, where users can list their trade to be searched by every other user. 

If you list 1000 $GALA for 1500 $ETIME on GalaSwap, anyone else looking through orders will be able to see your listing and accept it if they want. At this moment, no one will be able to trade you a partial amount like 750 $ETIME for 500 $GALA, and the token you listed is still yours until a swap is accepted. Once a trade is accepted, the users’ new tokens will be automatically transferred into their accounts. This will change in future versions.

The Future is Open and Decentralized

The launch of GalaSwap on GalaChain is more than just a new product; it’s a statement of intent. It symbolizes Gala’s vision of a blockchain ecosystem that is open, decentralized, and community-focused. GalaSwap is the first step in a series of developments that will further decentralize the landscape of GalaChain… making it more accessible, equitable, and secure for all.

Other recent testaments to this community focused approach include the GalaChain SDK and the Gala Creators portal, making it easier than ever for developers to build on GalaChain.

We have big plans when it comes to GalaChain, and we have no intention of stopping with this initial version of GalaSwap. In the future we plan to add features like API calls and developer documentation, more tokens, and eventually a token specifically to reward users of  GalaSwap.

Join the Revolution

As we celebrate this milestone, we invite you to join this exciting journey. Whether you’re a developer, a web3 enthusiast, or someone curious about the future of verifiable ownership on-chain, there’s a place for you in the Gala ecosystem. Together, we can shape a future where empowerment and innovation go hand in hand.

Build for the ecosystem–Build on GalaChain.

Stay tuned for more updates and developments as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of blockchain and decentralization.

Have questions? Need Answers? Check out these support articles to get you started on GalaSwap!

Pay with $GALA at Travala

Pay with $GALA at Travala

Travala is making travel booking easier than ever, especially for members of the Gala ecosystem, who can use $GALA to purchase anything from tickets to flights and rooms on the robust platform.

This feature is currently available for all Travala users, who also enjoy the option to pay for bookings with a variety of other cryptocurrency options.

Creating more traditional use cases for $GALA is a huge step forward, so hats off to Travala for pioneering like this in the web3 world to remove unnecessary stress in the travel booking process!

Over 2.2 million hotels and accommodations for $GALA. Basically, the world at your fingertips.

Plan your next trip with Travala now and skip the headache of the crypto offramp entirely by paying with your $GALA.

If you’re wondering how to pay with crypto, check out Travala’s extensive blog guide HERE.

Introducing the GalaChain Creator Portal

Introducing the GalaChain Creator Portal

While we’re pioneering web3 tech to prepare for the incoming masses, one of our most important long term goals has always been ease of access. We want to make the projects built on our blockchain shine, and that means making it easy for developers to create here, regardless of their level of web3 expertise. This is where the Gala Creator Portal comes in.

Our Creator Portal is an innovative and highly user intuitive self service platform that simplifies the incorporation of blockchain tech via GalaChain for creators and developers, no matter the complexity or ambition of their projects.

Ease of Use

The Creator Portal offers a user-friendly interface to anyone who creates or manages projects on GalaChain. Currently, this includes music and film artists and game developers with in development or live titles. With no complex blockchain coding required, devs can upload tracks and other files, create NFTs, or even deploy tokens onto the GalaChain network.

Live game devs use the creator portal to manage NFT sales, database items and more.

Dev Flexibility

Using the recently released GalaChain public Software Developer Kit (SDK), developers who wish to go a little deeper also have the option to customize as they please, writing their own chain code in Typescript. If the more standardized and streamlined approach suits their needs, they can simply use the Creator Portal.


Most importantly, this portal is designed for all types of developers, whether or not they are familiar with web3 tech. This is a big deal because blockchain development has previously been gated behind a wall of prerequisite knowledge and most developers are most comfortable working with systems they already understand. Essentially, the Gala Creator Portal lowers the entry barrier to get started with blockchain tech, inviting a much more diverse range of creators to leverage the benefits and abilities of GalaChain.

If you have an idea that lends itself beautifully to web3, or if you’re an innovative developer who has been hesitant to jump into the web3 deep end so far, this is your chance–We’ve made it simpler than ever.

In the spirit of democratization of some of the most cutting edge tech in the world, we’re extremely excited to offer this Creator Portal to current and future GalaChain developers. We can hardly wait to see your genius ideas come to life, and we’ll make sure you’ve got the decentralized web3 power to make it happen.

GalaChain SDK

Gala Creator Portal

Note: For a time following the Creator Portal’s initial release, developer involvement will be curated by the core Gala team.

Unveiling GalaChain: Dive into On-Chain Data with our New Analytics Page!

Unveiling GalaChain: Dive into On-Chain Data with our New Analytics Page!

Ever wanted to peer under the hood of GalaChain, our blazing-fast and versatile L1 blockchain? We’re popping the hood wide open with the launch of our official GalaChain Analytics page!

This game-changing platform throws open the curtains on the inner workings of GalaChain, offering crucial insights and real-time data for everyone, from seasoned blockchain veterans to curious newcomers.

Why is this such a big deal? Transparency and community empowerment are core values at Gala Games, and by granting everyone access to data that’s typically behind the scenes, GalaChain Analytics embodies those ideals.

What’s There

Detailed Overview of Published Analytics: Get a bird’s-eye view of GalaChain’s activity with key metrics like:

  • On-Chain Transactions: Witness the volume of activity buzzing through the network.
  • Transactions Per Second (TPS): See how GalaChain scales with blistering speed.
  • Chain Daily Active Users (DAU): Gauge the community’s real-time engagement.
  • Chain Monthly Active Users (MAU): Track the ecosystem’s long-term growth.

What’s Coming

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! In future updates, look for new metrics like:

  • Token Distribution to track the flow of various ecosystem tokens.
  • NFT Activity to explore the world of GalaChain NFTs.
  • DApp Performance to monitor the health and usage of our decentralized apps.

Head over to to explore the treasure trove of data for yourself.

This is more than just numbers on a screen. GalaChain Analytics empowers you to make informed decisions, and to gain valuable insights that will guide your participation in the rapidly expanding greater Gala ecosystem.

Bookmark Gala Analytics to stay ahead of the curve, tracking trends and developments to anticipate the future of GalaChain and web3 mass adoption. Additionally, this page enhances your opportunity to become part of the community by joining the conversation, sharing your analysis, and personally contributing to the growth of GalaChain.

Growing Together

This is just the beginning of our journey towards an open and transparent blockchain ecosystem. GalaChain Analytics is your window into the future of entertainment and web3. Join us as we build something truly revolutionary together.

Explore, analyze, and be amazed! The future is on the blockchain, and GalaChain is leading the way.

Announcing the official Gala Merch Store — Open for Business

Announcing the official Gala Merch Store — Open for Business

Many of you early adopters have been waiting a long time for this one.

We’re ecstatic to announce the prelaunch of our official merch store with the sale of a brand new Gala tee, available now exclusively in the Gala Music All Access Store for $MUSIC.

Very soon, the Gala Music All Access store will add the ability to pay with credit cards and other cryptocurrencies on GalaChain, but if you want to cop this exclusive merch early, you’ll have to fork over some of that $MUSIC.

Other merch exclusives in the All Access store are coming soon.

All Access Store

Why Merch?

Some of you may misunderstand this expansion into the physical realm, thinking that we’re somehow dividing our efforts and distracting ourselves from the core missions of user empowerment and the growth of our L1 blockchain. Chillax–this is not the case. Instead, we encourage you to think of it this way: We have grown very fast and we’re rapidly conquering the world of digital ownership.

Spilling over into physical item ownership was essential at this point for us to continue at the speed of tech. There are no more excuses for missing out on mainstream attention, and merch is a supercharged vehicle that will help get us there. By showing your support in your day-to-day activities even when away from your screens, you’re doing a lot to support the mass adoption of our blockchain and ecosystem.

Plus, our designers have created some truly unique and awesome stuff–We can’t wait to hear what you think of it and see your shared content on socials!

When the Digital Becomes Physical

We’re barely getting started in the digital realm, but it’s high time we created a way for our beloved community to start repping our brand in the wild, in the IRL world. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you identify more with the digital than the physical, but we’re here today to remind you that the physical world cannot be neglected. Sure, we’re opening a merch store, but we thought we’d take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of caring for our physical world.

We can create endless digital worlds at will through the power of web3, even allowing users to own and trade property within and through them. But IRL, there’s only one earth, and the responsibility of stewardship and care for that world is on all our shoulders. Since we’re all forced to live here together (for now, at least 😉), we might as well make the most of it!

We’re committed to growing as a company that gives back to the earth that hosts us. We plant trees through OneTreePlanted, we practice regenerative agriculture through Gala Properties, and we created an energy efficient and scalable blockchain with the ability to lead us away from an energy crisis, rather than toward one.

Now that we’re selling and distributing physical merchandise, you better believe that we’ll explore more opportunities to give back and ensure sustainability not only for the greater Gala ecosystem, but for the beautiful world we all share.

Never stop playing, Gala fam!

Get the Tee in the All Access Store

Revealing the Future: Gala Blueprint 

Revealing the Future: Gala Blueprint 

We’d like to share our vision as we move out of the early days of Gala’s development and into the future of GalaChain

Five years ago, we hosted one game. This was when GalaChain was, at best, a distant dream. Now here we are with over a dozen independent projects running on our own L1 blockchain. We’re not slowing down either… more projects are continuously releasing.

We will always be Gala Games, but we’re also so much more now. GalaChain is the fabric that ties together everything that we do, and we’re planning for a future where it is at the forefront of our strategy.

Building for GalaChain

GalaChain exceeds performance metrics on similar blockchains. This is primarily because it’s been forged in fire, so to speak. Gaming is one of the most demanding activities on any tech, and the fact that we’ve built GalaChain to not only accommodate it but also excel at it is a HUGE strength.

This is the need we saw when we started working on GalaChain. Nothing out there really held up to the level of demand required by popular, high-end games. It wasn’t easy, but we optimized the chain and we made the tools.

Now those tools are huge assets to us that can be converted into tools for other developers. It’s not just games either… these tools are tested for development. Many things we’ve learned under the pressure of games translates to all kinds of development.

Building for the Future

Our chain has another vital asset that we can’t ignore– our Node Network. The Founder’s Node network itself is a massively powerful tool and one of the largest decentralized node networks in the world. Even more importantly, however, we have streamlined the creation of independent node networks on GalaChain.

This means a new developer could come in and use our tools to spin up a node network to support their project. They could utilize tools that we’ve crafted after learning hard lessons. They could utilize our existing pipelines to create new and exciting things… even better than we could have ever dreamed of!

Gala Ecosystem Blueprint

We can’t do this planning document justice in just a short article though, so dive in and check out everything that we have planned!

We can’t wait to build the future with you.