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Mirandus: The Road Ahead

Mirandus: The Road Ahead

The journey takes you far… ever closer to Mirandus.

The wild and untamed land continues to grow more vast by the day as the team works diligently to craft Mirandus. A lot of progress has happened since the last time the community got Exemplar boots on the ground, and there’s going to be even more coming next week in our Town Hall!

Internal Playtest

Many of us at Gala Games hopped into an internal playtest recently! It was an absolute blast. I wish we could say that we’d prepped a bunch of material from it, but we were mostly laser focused on critical feedback.

That having been said, some little clips and snips of a few players’ experiences:

Just minding their my business – the beauty of the hills around the citadel! Then,

…Then, of course…

Running around getting eaten by wolves is fun… but are reasons that we test behind the scenes!

Bugs need killing, and one of the best things at Gala is that we can get such great feedback from other teams when we need it.

Just Chillin
They call me the Long Thumbed Stabber of the Beating Heart Clan” Deathlicious

Other Mirandus Updates

We’ve been working on compiling and standardizing our entire catalog of assets for buildings, settlements and enemies. An MMO world needs to be diverse and engaging, and this leans heavily into the assets used to fill out the world. In a player-driven world like Mirandus, many assets need to be fine-tuned so that they work as intended and look like they belong in a wide variety of environments.

We’ve been doing a lot of work under the hood on systems. A full replacement of the asset loading system has solved multiple issues, and we’ve started crafting a new analytics system to really track behaviors better in game.

A lot of long work continues, as detailed systems require detailed efforts. Big strides have been made on designing the progression system and mechanics for armor and weapons. We’re exploring new concept art for animals, weapons and Purgatory.

The style and feel of armor is crucial to the gameplay experience of an MMORPG.

Not only does the armor need to enhance the player’s identity and fit in with the world, but it has to be designed to accommodate all the actions and animations that any Exemplar may need!

On the Horizon…

So, what’s coming up in Mirandus? Enough that we’d like the team to be able to tell you themselves!

Join us for a Town Hall meeting on June 26th where we have some exciting updates for you.

We look forward to talking more about what we’ve been working on, but also really dive into what’s happening right now and into the future.

We’ve internally solidified our roadmap throughout the rest of the year and it’s time to share with you where the journey will take us. Don’t miss this Town Hall!

Join us on June 26th!
The Guardian Papers 5: Too Good to Be True

The Guardian Papers 5: Too Good to Be True

Welcome back to The Guardian Papers, the series where we help bolster the security super sense of our community on GalaChain and beyond! Today we’re continuing our dive into the world of cons and villainy as we explore the methods that scammers use to deceive unwitting marks. Educate yourself on their methods, and soon you’ll be a defender of others rather than a target!

Scam Profile: Too Good to Be True

Hey there! Would you like to amass riches without any effort whatsoever?

If you answered yes to this question,  you may be a human being!

Seriously,  everyone wants this.  This is what the scammers out there are counting on, and how they reliably reel in their prey.

Rather than exploring how scammers deceive you like last time, today we’re getting a bit more cerebral. We’re talking about the bait –  the incentives that scammers will use to get you to throw aside caution and logic to dive head first into their trap. 

If something seems too good to be true… it probably is. 

Common Motivations

We’re living in a material world… and the vast majority of us are material people. That doesn’t mean we’re obsessed with our stuff or money hungry,  but most people live in a state where an infusion of money could totally change their lives. Whether it’s an increase in living standards, a better life for our kids or simply a way out of debt, most humans have an amount of money that will reliably spur their motivation. 

The amount of easy money that may light a fire under us may differ,  but the important thing is that the scammers know there is likely an amount that will push caution and logic out of your head and replace it with dreams of escaping whatever financial situation you’re worried about or transforming your life for the better. This is exactly what they’re counting on. 

Once they’ve got you dreaming about easy money,  they can count on your critical thinking skills being less engaged. After that, all they have to do is keep you on the line and let you dream.

Preying on Need and Greed

We all have needs to survive. The scammers out there can capitalize on this to make you justify some degree of trust or risk. Sometimes, they get you in the door with only fairly unbelievable claims… the level where your curiosity is piqued, but your brow may still be furrowed.

We don’t know what your job searching experience is… but from the writer of this article’s perspective, tech jobs at major metropolitan competitive prices don’t just drop into cold calls without some major strings attached.

The wages given are very high for someone sliding in to mass announce job openings. That having been said, they are not high for competitive jobs within the industry for the very qualified. The intention is that your brain says it’s implausible… but not impossible. So you DM out of curiosity. Then they have a direct line to work on you hard.

At the point they get you into their DMs or on their site, there are any number of scams that they could attempt to run on you. The important thing is that they now have you where they want you, thinking about what that money could do for you.

Sometimes these types of scams run a little more flagrantly too good to be true. As the reward is cranked up however, our mind has a way of justifying a greater amount of perceived risk.

In the case of this DM (that I received four of at the exact same time from four different accounts 🙄) they’ve abandoned the idea of believability. Instead, they’ve employed several ‘hard sell’ techniques to make the target careless enough to slip up.

First, there’s the ludicrous amount of free money they’re offering. They temper this free thousands of dollars worth of ETH by having the target ranked third… leaving a quiet voice in the back of your head saying, “Surely if it was a scam they’d have put me in first.” 

Then there’s the time sensitivity. You only have 24 hours to activate your code! Oh no! No time to hesitate!!! Your decision-making reactively goes into high-pressure mode, making quick decisions with less information than it normally would. Of course once you go to their site, you’ll be asked to connect your wallet to get your winnings. Then they have access, and you are drained.

Note the inconsistencies across the messaging. “You have been RANDOMLY selected among users of Crypto Discord Servers.” AND If you don’t know what is crypto and how to use it – ignore this message”. But how can both those things be needed? Why would they send this to someone who didn’t know ‘what is crypto’ if they selected participants from among crypto communities only? 🤔

Think about that… selected from “Crypto Discord Servers”. That makes sense for an airdrop of some new token from a brand new ecosystem trying to get its name and token out there… but what would a trading platform have to gain by giving away so much to people who are NOT already part of their platform?

There’s no CTA to sign up. No email opt-in to enter. No marketing win for the company who fronted the prize… big red flag. At best, they’re getting 3 new users out of this ~13.9 ETH prize. That’s not how marketing budgets work.

Also, did you notice how seemingly random words were capitalized throughout the message? The capital words in the first section act as subconscious triggers for your brain, priming you to follow through on the scam. When you scan the text, your brain automatically considers the capitals more important. If you’re old enough to remember the classic tag cloud on websites, think of it as that… except it’s logging keywords with your brain instead of AOL Search and AskJeeves.

Scamming Human Nature

You may be reading this and nodding your head thinking, “This kind of stuff would never work on me!” You’re probably wrong. It can work on anybody.

The reason that scammers use these tactics is that they do work. Everybody has an instinctive reaction when presented with these kinds of stimuli. We are able to overcome them by informing ourselves, but the instinct is still there. That is what scammers exploit.

If you are informed, however, you usually cease to be a target. Notice how the last example above said to ignore the message if you didn’t know what crypto was? They don’t want difficult onboarding. They want people to slide through their trap easily with just a little butter. If you are a difficult mark, you are no longer worth their time. 

Most people are familiar with the classic Nigerian Prince con… again, a ‘too good to be true’ type of scam. In this type of advance payment scam you’ll often see the scammer deliberately misspell words, punctuate awkwardly or more or less just fail to perform the language they are typing in. This is because they don’t want people who think too critically to respond.

If you overlook all those obvious errors and their inconsistency with the idea of wealthy, well-educated royalty… you’ll probably overlook other things. If you spot the signs right away, the sharks don’t smell blood in the water.

Fun Fact: The ‘Nigerian Prince’ scam is actually a very old form of advance payment scams, most notably going back to the “Spanish Prisoner” scam in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The con man tells the mark that they represent a wealthy noble who has been imprisoned in Spain. The noble is under a false name for fear of political persecution, etc. If the mark can give bail money, the noble can reward them handsomely upon their return home. 

Once the mark gives the bail money, the con man comes back saying that the noble needs money for passage to his homeland where the treasure awaits. Then there will be storms and delays, extra costs. The con man keeps pumping the mark for money until the well runs dry, but the prisoner never brings back riches. They don’t exist.

Read more about the history of The Spanish Prisoner swindle in a very interesting deep dive by the Western History and Genealogy Department of the Denver Public Library. ⬇️

Guarding Through Community Education

The way to fight these scammers is to inform ourselves and those around us. These kinds of cons are not going away as long as there is a gullible audience for them to exploit. While it’s unlikely that we’ll ever be universally free of these types of predators, we can be free of them within our community with education, support and good practices.

That is, after all, what The Guardian Papers is all about. We all come from different backgrounds. Some of this may be little more than review for some members of our community, but there are others that this is all new for.

When it comes to scammers, we really are only as strong as our weakest link. As long as the villains find an easy mark within our ranks, they will be here. With every link strong and resistant against them, they’ll go elsewhere and find somewhere else to practice their evil art. That is the strength of community.

That’s all for us this week, and that will wrap up our second module of the Guardian Papers! We’ll circle back to the methodology of scammers again in a later article, but Module 2 was designed to give you a brief overview of who the villains are and what tools they use. Hopefully you have that context and it helps you in the battle against the forces of darkness.

Next time, we’ll be starting in on Module 3. In this part of the series, we’ll shift back to proactive security and talk in more detail about these mean streets. We’ll dive into the corners of the web3 world where you tend to encounter cyber criminals and talk about how to spot them in their natural habitats.

Until then, stay safe out there heroes! Keep your wits about you, and remember to share your knowledge with your friends… our community is our greatest tool to keep us safe!

Stream Unlimited Free Music with Gala Music – No Subscription Required!

Stream Unlimited Free Music with Gala Music – No Subscription Required!

Welcome to Gala Music, where you can dive into a deep catalog of music without ever paying a subscription fee. Enjoy unlimited, ad-free streaming and discover new music and live performances with ease.

Gala Music is redefining the music experience for both artists and fans through the power of web3 and GalaChain. Meanwhile, the Gala Music app lets you listen to your favorite Gala Music on the go and much more.

Get the Gala Music App

Discover New Music & Live Performances

Explore our vast library featuring chart-topping hits and hidden gems by emerging artists. Whether you’re a fan of Snoop Dogg, Earl Sweatshirt, Brray, The Alchemist, October London, or Mount Westmore, Gala Music has something for everyone.

Experience some of the most exciting talents in music, including Seon, Drex Carter, Jane Handcock, Kado, and Bronze Whale. New music discovery has never been easier.

Experience Live Music

Tune into exclusive live stream performances from top artists on the platform. Gala Music brings the thrill of live music directly to the palm of your hand, offering blockbuster concerts and intimate sets alike.

Support Artists with Beats

Show your love and support for your favorite artists using Beats, our unique gifting feature. Each Beat you send directly supports the artists, helping them create more of the music you love.

Smart AI-Based Music Suggestions

Our AI-driven suggestion feature helps you find the perfect music for every mood. Simply search by artist, genre, or mood, and let Gala Music provide personalized recommendations tailored just for you.

Create & Explore Playlists

Immerse yourself in music curated by fans and artists alike. Build your own playlists or explore those created by others in the Gala Music community. There’s always something new to discover.

Personal Music Collection

Like and save your favorite tracks to your personal collection, available anytime and anywhere. Your next favorite song is just a tap away on Gala Music.

Android Auto Integration

Take your music on the road with Android Auto compatibility. Enjoy hands-free listening so you can focus on the drive.

Download Gala Music Now

Transform the way you listen to music with Gala Music. Enjoy unlimited streaming, discover new artists, support your favorites and experience live music, all for free. Download the Gala Music today on your favorite device and immerse yourself in a new world of music.

Get the Gala Music App

Limited-Time Summer NFT Sale: Get Your Favorite Common Ground World NFTs at a Discount!

Limited-Time Summer NFT Sale: Get Your Favorite Common Ground World NFTs at a Discount!

We are thrilled to announce a special summer sale in Common Ground World, featuring over a dozen NFTs marked down for a limited time. This is a unique opportunity to grab your favorite NFTs at discounted prices, but hurry—these deals are only available for 48 hours!

Sale Details

  • Start: 11am PT on Friday, June 21
  • End: Sunday, June 23
  • No Coupon Code is necessary

NFTs on Sale

  1. Small Salt Field
    • Discount: 20%
    • New Price: $40
  2. Arcane Ring
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $84
  3. Mistletoe Arch
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $105
  4. Crystal Reindeer
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $123
  5. Sand Mine
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $140
  6. Art and Deco Shop
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $140
  7. Tunnel of Love
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $158
  8. Sauce Facility
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $175
  9. Masterful Distillery
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $175
  10. Hot Cocoa Chalet
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $210
  11. Boxing Facility
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $210
  12. Monumental Snowman
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $245
  13. Nonna’s Trattoria
    • Discount: 20%
    • New Price: $280
  14. Lantern Festival
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $280
  15. The Barista Palace
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $280
  16. Fireworks Tower
    • Discount: 30%
    • New Price: $280
  17. Giant Christmas Tree
    • Discount: 20%
    • New Price: $320

Don’t Miss Out!

Make sure to visit the Common Ground World store starting at 11am PT on June 21 to take advantage of these fantastic deals. With only 48 hours to save, now is the perfect time to enhance your collection with these unique NFTs.

Don’t miss the Kimchi Craze competition, starting next Tuesday at 10am PT!

Play Common Ground World now!

Live Common Ground World Town Hall and New NFT Releases!

Live Common Ground World Town Hall and New NFT Releases!

Join Us for the Common Ground World Town Hall

Every two weeks, members of the team come together for a live Common Ground World Town Hall, hosted on our Gala Games YouTube channel. We invite all players and community members to tune in, participate in the live chat, and stay informed about the latest developments in Common Ground World (CGW), our beloved farm simulation game formerly known as Town Star.

Event Details

What to Expect

  • Live Updates: Get the latest news and updates straight from the team.
  • Community Interaction: Engage with fellow players and team members in the live chat.
  • AMA Session: Submit your questions for the AMA portion of the Town Hall using this form.

New NFT Releases

We’re thrilled to announce the release of new NFTs for CGW. These unique items will enhance your gameplay experience and offer exciting new opportunities for your virtual farm.

Small Seaweed Farm (Rare): Available today at 11 AM PT

Wishing Well (Rare): Available tomorrow at 11 AM PT

In addition to the new releases, we’re upgrading and offering special discounts on some of our older NFTs. These upgrades come with significant price reductions and will be available for 48 hours starting today at 11 AM PT.

Upgraded NFTs

Nonna’s Trattoria (Epic)

Sand Mine (Rare)

Stay Connected

We’re committed to keeping our community informed and engaged. Don’t miss out on the live Town Hall event, the latest updates, and the chance to grab these exclusive NFTs. Whether you join us live or catch the replay, there’s always something new and exciting happening in the world of CGW.

Join the Gala Discord community

Play Common Ground World now

Stay tuned later today for the start of a special 48 hour sale on over a dozen Common Ground World NFT items!

We’ll see you at the Town Hall!