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Last Expedition: Are you Mission Ready?

Last Expedition: Are you Mission Ready?

The hunt has been lucrative for everyone here on the platform. Aura is remote… you know though, word spreads quick about treasure like this. 

You haven’t noticed? It’s on everybody’s mind – no one has to say anything. With the riches we’re finding on this planet, a hunter could do a year’s worth of business in a few days. That kind of opportunity doesn’t stay undiscovered for long. 

Everybody’s gearing up to get as much as they can as fast as they can. Never mind the parasites and the ravagers… more dangerous things will be here soon.

Prepare for some big updates coming to the planet Aura! This hunt just got serious.

Last Expedition: Mission Ready is a massive update to existing gameplay. Get ready for tons of new content, systems, fixes and much more danger.

The Mission

The hunter grind isn’t the easiest, we get it. That’s why Platform management has graciously agreed to recognize the sacrifices of intrepid hunters with a new performance-based advancement system! Thank you for your continued excavation of Aura in the face of workplace risks such as abandonment, disembowelment or alien ingestion!

Hunters will now gain XP from each play session, which will gradually let them unlock new ranks in Last Expedition.

As you achieve each new rank, you’ll receive rewards in Last Expedition’s new Character Token – LECHAR.

As new hunters rush to the Platform to hunt invaluable resources on Aura, LECHAR can be used to unlock new playable characters, each with a new assortment of abilities and strategic importance for a team of hunters. There may be a new one to unlock very soon… 👀

Modern Style

The Platform is exceedingly remote, so they don’t often get much exposure to the latest fashion trends across the galaxy. With the escalating influx of new hunters eager to plunder aura for big time loot, however, many new styles and trends have inundated the Platform.

Care to freshen up your style and sport some new fashion? Mission Ready will bring 16 new character skins along with nine new weapon skins.

Have you been stocking up on Minerals Core Chunks and Fragment Chunks? With this update, these hoarded resources are how you’ll gain access to these new character skins. Each of the 16 new Character skins has four different rarities – Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

Remember though, only one team can keep the resources that they find to spend on new threads. There’s not enough room on this extraction platform for all of us!

More Danger = More Rewards

Higher threat level creatures and servers will have increased loot drops for the Mission Ready release. In tougher matches, you’ll get more XP, more resources and maybe even exclusive loot drops for escaping with the core.

The nine new Mission Ready weapon skins will be dropping from some of the most vicious aliens out there. Get ready to fight for it, because they’re not letting go of it easily!

Be Ready for the Mission

Expect to hear more soon from us about all the new content coming up in the Last Expedition: Mission Ready release. Until then, good luck out there… and good hunting!

Gala Music Brings Fairness and Creative Empowerment to Recording Artists

Gala Music Brings Fairness and Creative Empowerment to Recording Artists

As the music industry continues to grapple with the complexities of fair compensation and artist rights, Gala Music is emerging as a transformative force, championing the interests of emerging artists in a landscape often dominated by established platforms and traditional mechanisms. This is increasingly significant in light of recent developments, such as Spotify’s decision to reduce royalty payments to songwriters, which is poised to further squeeze the already modest earnings of creative professionals​​.

Spotify’s latest subscription rate hike plan to include audiobooks as a Premium tier feature, songwriters and publishers did not get the royalty boost that might be expected from a subscription cost increase. Instead, the membership restructuring will introduce a new bundle disbursement rate for royalties that includes audiobooks. As a result, US songwriters and publishers’ royalty value will drop by an estimated $150 million over the coming 12 months. SOURCE

Fair Pay for Gala Recording Artists

Gala Music, built on the innovative GalaChain, leverages cutting edge web3 tech to create a decentralized ecosystem where artists can thrive by maintaining control over their music and directly engaging with their audiences.

Unlike traditional music platforms that offer minimal royalties and limited transparency, Gala Music introduces an equitable revenue model where artists receive a substantial 70% share of the revenue from NFT track sales. This model not only ensures artists are fairly compensated but also aligns with Gala Music’s core philosophy of empowering artists rather than exploiting them for profit.

But NFT track sales aren’t the only way for artists to earn with Gala Music. Artists can also receive $MUSIC in a variety of ways, including direct tips from users, rewards based on platform track listens and more. By building a fan base on Gala Music, an artist is securing a plethora of potential revenue streams with the power to significantly boost their careers.

To learn more about Gala Music’s industry-empowering vision, read the Gala Music Whitepaper.

Gala’s partially decentralized structure allows artists to bypass the restrictive practices of the music industry that have historically undermined their financial and creative autonomy, while still adhering to high quality standards for platform offerings. Through features such as the Gala Music Jukebox Node DePIN, the Artist Upload self service portal and the All Access store that allows artists to share unique and creative experiences, artists and fans can interact in novel ways with the potential to transform an entire art form for the better. From direct sales to live concerts, special promotions and more, Gala Music is a game changer for artists’ careers.

The recent shift by Spotify highlights a broader industry trend where the economics do not favor the artist. According to reports, Spotify’s bundled subscriptions for audiobooks and other content are expected to further reduce the royalties that songwriters can earn from the platform, pressing the need for alternative solutions like Gala Music where artists’ contributions are valued and rewarded​​.

Resonating Change

Gala Music’s response to the industry’s challenges is not just about offering better pay. It’s about a revamp of the artist’s role in the music industry that puts the creators back in the driver’s seat. 

Through blockchain technology, Gala Music provides transparency, allowing artists to see exactly how their music is being consumed and ensuring that they are compensated accordingly.

Smart contracts make it possible for artists to easily manage things like releases and rev shares, and the unsurpassed security of GalaChain ensures a safe environment that uplifts and rewards artistic integrity. This level of clarity and fairness is absent in conventional music streaming services, which have often been criticized for opaque payout processes and disproportionately low payments to artists.

Gala Music is much more than a free streaming platform; it’s a movement towards a more just and artist-focused music industry. It represents a shift from a corporate-dominated space to one where independent artists can pave their own paths and receive the full value of their creative output. As the landscape of music continues to evolve, Gala Music represents hope and fairness in the future of music, promising a better deal for artists and a richer, more diverse musical culture for fans around the world.

Create an account to start listening for free to stack $MUSIC rewards

Guardian Papers 4: Beware the Impersonator

Guardian Papers 4: Beware the Impersonator

Congratulations hero, you’re ready for the second module of The Guardian Papers. In our introductory lessons, we discussed the absolute bedrock fundamentals for safely navigating the web3 frontier. Now that you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to move on to the basics of digital self-defense in specific circumstances. 

If you feel like you need a refresher on any material covered in module 1, don’t hesitate to dive back in!

Prepare yourself to move on from simply scratching the surface. For module 2 we’re going to dive into the underbelly of digital villainy in the web3 world, and talk about some of the most common ways that the good people of the blockchain world are preyed upon.

To protect yourself, you must first understand the danger.

Scam Profile: The Impersonator

Imagine, noble citizen of the web3 world–

You’re minding your own business, heading over to GalaSwap to make a few small trades and maximize your May Mayhem experience.

You click a handy link off Discord to It loads a little slow and the layout looks to have changed very slightly… must’ve been an update. For some reason you aren’t logged in… that’s weird, you were just a little while ago. But that can be easily fixed! Then you notice something weird after you put in your transfer code… you can’t see your balances or accept any swaps! 

Suddenly panicking, you switch over to a new tab and open your inventory… oh no! Your wallet is drained! Looking back at that link… an upper-case ‘i’ sure looks a lot like a lowercase ‘L’ 😭

You’ve just fallen victim to an impersonator scam. This one may have been elegantly simple, but they come in all shapes and sizes. Even a small scam can mean total damage.

Did we even have to change the L to an i though? A link can be anything, the text that you see is just an anchor that the real URL is tied to. Case and point — where do you think this leads? (I promise that L is not an i!)

This con relies on the scammer earning enough of your trust that you give them sensitive information before thinking twice. These types of scams get easier to recognize and rebuff as you become more experienced in the web3 world. They can also, however, almost always be prevented by maintaining normal security standards, no matter the situation.

The Personal Touch

We’re all humans and that means we’re instinctively social creatures. When a scammer is trying to gain your trust, they have two options. They can either set up an impersonal trap like we mentioned above, or they can reach out more directly to their victims. A wide-reaching trap may catch a few marks for them, but many scammers will target individuals knowing that it’s a faster way to generate the trust needed for the con to work.

Sometimes, even a simple misspelling or low effort fake name may be enough to trick someone.

In this example, someone in a hurry may not even notice that extra s before reaching out to their friendly, neighborhood Taco!

Since this scammer has Taco’s exact PFP, they are counting on the trust that people associate with that image making them let down their guard enough to get sensitive information.

Someone only has to trust the scammer for a few minutes to make a horrible mistake!

We all know to look out for scammers… and we’d all like to think that we’re far too observant for it EVER to happen to us. But it still happens. 

Just because someone is a scammer doesn’t mean they’re incompetent. They know what works and how often… after that it’s just a numbers game until we all wise up to their tactics.

Here’s one we’ve all likely seen before, but they’re almost always targeted at someone who needs help and isn’t aware of what proper steps to take next.

When we want help, we want to be helped. The scammers are counting on this. When you can’t figure out what to do to fix a problem, frustration will start to build. A good scammer sees how long you’ve been looking for answers, and understands how frustrated you must be getting with the situation.

After that, it’s just a matter of providing you what you want to see in that moment – someone offering a simple and quick solution. This is the kind of situation that arguably traps the most victims for the web3 bandits.

Humans tend to see what we want to see to some degree, particularly at elevated levels of stress. If you’ve ever fallen for these types of scams, you shouldn’t feel ashamed. Many scammers out there are very good at what they do… which is why we all have to know more so we can fight back better.

This particular scammer seems to have found the ideal mark… the victim announced that they are having trouble sending $GALA and that there’s a problem with their wallet connection. 

These are easy pickings for a scammer. Often when they are initiating the conversation, they’ll be attempting to extract very sensitive information, like your seed phase or transfer code. Since they know this person is having trouble connecting a wallet and sending $GALA, the bad guy wouldn’t have to gain full control over the wallet to make a buck off the poor mark.
Once they can grab you in DMs, they’ll start “tech support” on it, which will often end with you either sending $GALA to their address or linking your wallet to their dApp surprisingly quickly.

The key here is trust. Once someone has your trust, they can usually make you compromise one security measure or another using some tried and tested methods.

The phrase “con man” or “con artist” comes from “confidence man.” These are criminals that have always existed, though the term first came to prominence in the mid 19th century. Even back then, everyone understood that confidence alone can often be enough to win trust. These scammers sound convincing, because that’s their profession… to be confident and gain your trust.

Here we’ve got a closer look at the profile of one scammer on the prowl. They call themself a dev in their name. Well that settles that!

Notice that “Discord Owner” is in the profile description box, meaning they wrote it in themselves. Since you see it before the “Role” section when you scroll down, however, your mind can easily just associate that name with “Discord Owner” and then Admin and Mod underneath!

They have used emojis in the about me section to make their “Admin” and “Mod” text look more official, as if that were a standard tag to denote role.

As usual, it’s all very convincing until you get down to the stuff you can’t fake. This person has been a server member for a very short time… how likely is it that they are the server owner?

Finally, we come to their role and see a simple member role. Since this info is below the lies above… will a person be more likely to disregard the information they see first or second?

When taken in isolation like this, many of these tactics seem so obvious. A scammer doesn’t have to succeed every time to make off like a bandit though. During the hustle of everyday life, there’s surely a moment or two when you let your guard down. That’s payday for the scammers.

This scammer rolls a lot of the concepts we’ve discussed into one effort. Their name isn’t particularly impersonator, but they’ve included the hexadecimal ETH prefix for a small air of authority.

They see that the victim is having trouble connecting a wallet. As we discussed above, this is a prime moment for these predators to strike. 

Realistically, this scammer knows that this user is likely trying to connect the wrong address… time won’t help.

At first, the scammer is just helpful. They don’t try to immediately push too hard, even mentioning that it may just need more time.

After being given a moment to consider the helpful stranger’s advice, the mark comes straight back to the scammer and asks for their help directly. Here again, we see the scammer build trust… they don’t immediately jump on the opportunity to strike but instead tell them they should talk to an admin.

When an admin fails to respond untagged after a few minutes, the scammer is quick to jump in and mention that they’ll send the mark the right way if they’d only DM them. Once the victim has reached out via DM, they’ll likely be sent a link to another user… the impersonator admin. They could also be sent a fake help desk link as we’ve seen above.

We have to stress again… absolutely anyone can fall victim to these kinds of tactics!!! People have used these kinds of cons for generations because they work! The best way to make sure that they don’t work on you is to learn about them and know better.

Did You Know? Victor Lustig famously sold the Eiffel Tower to scrap dealers in 1925… despite not being affiliated with the French Government. Later, he pulled off the exact same swindle a second time. Don’t ever think you’re immune to a good scammer!

Staying Safe and Secure

We’re being a bit drastic because this is a serious issue. Realistically, are there scammers everywhere throughout the web3 world and you should just be suspicious of everyone all the time?

No. That’s not how this goes at all. Scammers are a part of life… wherever there is opportunity for them to make a buck at someone else’s expense, there they’ll be. Once you learn how they exploit people’s trust, however, their methods are much less likely to work on you.

It’s not just about protecting yourself though. These scammers continue to escalate and find new ways to trick unsuspecting people because there ARE people who are unsuspecting. No one should spend their entire existence paranoid that a scammer is coming to get them, but someone without any of the knowledge that we’ve discussed here probably should until they learn what they need to protect themselves.

When everyone knows how these people operate, they cease to operate. Scammers abound in web3 right now because people are not informed. New technology doesn’t only bring new opportunities for the world to culturally, economically and socially advance… it always brings an all you can eat feast to those willing to prey on the uninformed.

Guarding Yourself and Your Community

Education is the answer. There are so many assumptions people have become accustomed to making in the web2 world, where we surrender our trust to corporations in digital spaces.

In the web3 world, you maintain control over your own digital footprint. That responsibility means there’s no corporate office keeping you safe anymore… To some degree, everyone needs to be responsible for themselves and know what they are doing and why.

This is not cause to bemoan that the digital villains will always be around… this is a time to celebrate! All we have to do to get rid of this web3 riffraff is empower each other with knowledge and the tools to protect ourselves. Do your own research (more on that in a future edition!) and share what you learn with your community.

Community is important. Have people you can turn to and ask for a second opinion. Have people who will watch your back and share important information and knowledge. Have a community you trust… without having to trust some faceless corporation with ownership of all your stuff.

The Mayhem Continues: Week 2 Preview

The Mayhem Continues: Week 2 Preview

Across the Gala community, we’ve got a pretty good start on the Mayhem… but we have so much further to go! Get ready for more fun and more rewards!

Before you dive into the first full weekend of Mayhem, we’d like to leave you with a sneak peek of what you can expect next week. Don’t get distracted now… there’s still so much Mayhem left in week one!

Come What May(hem)

Next week there’s another wave of Mayhem rising, so you better brace for impact!

Below, we’ll cover everything coming up in week 2! Remember there’s still a few days of week 1 left… and plenty of May still in the future!

Common Ground World

How are you faring in week 1 of Common Ground World Mayhem? Enjoy the “Everybody Is Welcome” competition while it lasts… because we’re mixing it up in week 2.

Next week, Common Ground World will bring the ‘Best of the Best’ competition. 

This week will have half the winners of a normal competition, with only 500 places walking away with any $GALA. Even with the reduction in places, this competition will feature a 5% bigger overall prize pool than normal!

Two more NFT reworks are on the way!

This time, the Hot Cocoa Chalet and Mistletoe Arch are getting rebalanced with some all-new utility. We’ll give you more details next week when these buildings are rereleased with a discounted price!

Hatchet Hank Jr. returns!

800 Hatchet Hank Jr.s were withheld in the original sale. It’s time to get these out to the great people with big dreams of big trees… and super fast lumberjacks. All 800 will be available for $150 each next Tuesday.

Remember there’s still plenty of competition left this week! There’s also some huge discounts going on in the Common Ground World Store… if you haven’t checked it out lately, it may be worth a look!

If you want the earliest details on next week’s Mayhem, make sure you don’t miss the Common Ground World Town Hall tomorrow!


The mayhem keeps going at GalaSwap! Same story this week, highest volume in each token will find a $GALA reward waiting for them. This week, however, we’re shuffling which tokens will be catching rewards a bit:

  • $GALA
  • $GUSDC
  • $MUSIC
  • $LEMIN
  • $GSWAP
  • $MTRM
  • $TOLK

Happy swapping galaxians!

Legends Reborn

Next week in Legends Reborn brings yet another competition, with $500 of $GALA rewards waiting for the top player in the same two categories as last week – Most matches played, and most matches won!

There’s still plenty of time to rack up matches to get free NFT rewards during May!

  • 50 PVP games played – Glacial Spear (Common) (NFT action card)
  • 100 PVP games played – Viridian Dragon (Common) (NFT creature)
  • 150 PVP games played – Brightscourge Phoenix (Uncommon) (NFT creature)

You better get to the tables and get practicing… Early Mayhem has a way of slowly building to something bigger…

Gala Music

Ok, this isn’t exactly MAYhem-related, but it’s still pretty Mayhem, so we couldn’t pass it up. As explained in the Gala Music Whitepaper, a Listen for Rewards program is part of the “Ecosystem Supporting Actors” allocation for $MUSIC. 

Did you know that you can already listen for rewards!? Go check it out, and you’ll rack up points for each unique track you listen to each day!

Learn More

Eternal Paradox

Eternal Paradox wrapped up a week of daily coupon codes already, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not more Mayhem on the way!

Today, the Mayhem Pass went live in EPX! This special rewards pass will let you mayhem even harder and collect extra rewards as you complete tasks throughout the month!

A Mayhem Pass can only be acquired via in-app purchase… but like the season pass, players get rewards even if they don’t purchase the pass!

Whether you purchase a Mayhem Pass or not, you’ll also still find extra Mayhem boxes that have been stolen by enemies around the map!

Go get that loot!

Keep a watch out at the end of the week, because on Friday the 17th the hunt is on!

The Gala Games Plays crew will be hiding in the field with an uber-powerful GM fortress during a special livestream that day. Basic Piñata protocol here… Find it. Attack it. Scoop up the rewards!

Gala Film

Gala Film will continue to offer increased rewards for each new episode of RZR during Mayhem!

During May Mayhem, you’ll get an additional RZR Mystery Box for the episode released that week.

Watch Now

One box will be delivered upon completing a new episode, while the second will be dropped at the beginning of each week. Get comfy and start binging!

Champions Arena

The gem discount for week 1 is wrapping up in just a few days. Catch it while you can!

The Mayhem, however, continues in the arena. All through May you can keep collecting M-tickets to load up on what you’re after in the special Mayhem Shop!


Are you frantically producing bicycles to build your growing army of VOX puppers? That competition may be wrapping up before long… but the VOX invasion has just begun!

Our latest intel says that the next place they’ll strike will be in Legends Reborn in week 2!

The top 100 leaderboard finishers in Legends Reborn in week 2 will get a shiny new limited Edition ProtoVOX! As with the previous week’s VOX item, these will only be available during Mayhem, though you’ll have a last chance to grab them in a special mystery box at the end of the month!

Mayhem… to Be Continued

Remember, this is just a preview of week 2… there’s still a whole weekend of week 1 left! Get out there and rack up those bicycle sales, match wins, m-tickets, watches, listens… ALL THE MAYHEM!

We’ll see you on the other side this time next week for a sneak peek at week 3. Good luck with your Mayhem!

Making Digital Dreams Come True with Gala

Making Digital Dreams Come True with Gala

Last week during the world-famous Southeast Asia Blockchain Week, Gala was honored to stand as the title sponsor for an exclusive event called Digital Dreamland.

With so many blockchain companies around the world operating quietly in their own corners, empowered by the versatile remote capabilities of web3 tech and smart contracts, we’re always excited for an opportunity to travel the world and connect with other movers in the space.

Traveling and attending events has always been very important to us. We want the crypto and tech communities of the world to know that we’re here to stay. We’re not a bunch of anonymous hackers at some unknown location– We’re at the forefront of a revolution, doing everything we can to share the empowerment of web3 with the wider world. After all, we intend to become the world’s first blockchain to onboard a billion users. For that mission to prove successful, we must spread the word every chance we get.

Held in Bangkok’s magnificent Zilla Space, this event crafted an innovative and engaging environment, perfect for web3 visionaries.

GameFi Panel, featuring Jason Brink

Our President of Blockchain had a chance to join in a spirited and informative discussion about DeFi as it applies to the gaming sector. Blockchain applications to gaming to empower players with ownership and rewards have been some of the most important catalysts that have led to Gala’s rapidly growing success over the past few years.

Without the potential of gaming, we never would have constructed GalaChain with such immense and groundbreaking capabilities. When you’re building with the future of gaming in mind, you’re building for a world that lives at the cutting edge of the latest technology. Now that GalaChain entertainment first infrastructure is prepared to elevate countless crucial industries throughout the world.

In this panel, Jason was joined by a few other experts in the GameFi sector, from Star Atlas, Yield Guild, and Matr1x. The panel covered a wide range of GameFi related topics from player benefits to risk management, security and future trends.

GameFi all stars stopping for an awesome shot following a lively panel discussion.

Thanks for your Support

We love every opportunity to connect with the broader crypto community in web3, especially in Southeast Asia, a region that has continually proven a key player in the game of blockchain mass adoption.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and thanks to everyone out there working hard every day to bring their web3 digital dreams to life. Finally, a huge thank you to everyone in our amazing community; we couldn’t do this without you!