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Welcome to the Gala Ecosystem: More Than Just Games

Welcome to the Gala Ecosystem: More Than Just Games

At Gala, we’re crafting a decentralized future where everyone can thrive. What began with gaming now spans across entertainment, blockchain technology and more, creating an inclusive and immersive ecosystem with something for everyone. Let’s explore how Gala is revolutionizing the way we interact with digital worlds.

Gala Games: More Than Play

Our journey started with games, fueled by a mission to give players true ownership and the ability to get rewarded for their playtime. Gala Games offers a diverse portfolio of games where players can truly own their in-game assets. Ownership adds a new dimension of gaming strategy to enrich the experience.

This ownership model breaks free from traditional constraints, allowing gamers to benefit directly from their engagement. Additionally, Gala gamers enjoy a new level of freedom. Once you get tired of a game for which you own items, you’re free to trade off those items on the secondary market, essentially taking your loot with you to your next favorite game. Gone are the days when we must continue playing a game that lost our interest just because we’re cost committed. This freedom is a crucial piece of Gala’s central mission of user empowerment.

We have teamed up with some of the most legendary game developers in the industry to reimagine the gaming experience throughout multiple genres. With the recent launch of our massive game dev headquarters in Santiago, Chile, we’re ready to start cranking out the next generation of games, all empowered with ownership and rewards through GalaChain.

Find your next gaming addiction on Gala Games

Gala Music: Elevating Artists and Fans

The conventional music industry was ripe for revolution, and the power of GalaChain lends itself brilliantly to an enhanced music experience that takes fans and artists deeper.

Gala Music reimagines the ways music is produced, distributed and consumed. Artists can release tracks directly to their fans, bypassing traditional intermediaries and maintaining unprecedented control over their art. Fans can own NFT tracks representing music from their favorite Gala artists, unlocking $MUSIC rewards based on the platform success of their owned tracks.

Powered by a decentralized network of nodes called Jukebox Nodes, Gala Music’s unique approach ensures that creators are fairly rewarded for their work, that fans have a stake in the success of the music they support, and that new music is always free to discover and enjoy.

Discover new music and collect NFT tracks on Gala Music

Gala Film: A New Era of Storytelling

Gala Film is set to disrupt the traditional film industry by enabling decentralized film production and distribution. This platform allows filmmakers to fund their projects through tokenization, offering an innovative way to raise funds and engage with their audience.

Fans can directly support films and series they believe in by collecting NFTs called Moments in their Theaters, reaping $FILM rewards from the platform success of their content.

Powered by a state-of-the-art GalaChain DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network), Gala Film hosts and delivers content on its network of Theater Nodes. These nodes are owned and operated by supporters from the Gala Film community who have purchased licenses to operate network workloads in exchange for additional rewards.

A future system called “Pitches” will offer project crowdfunding to bring users’ filmmaking dreams to life. Funding film projects is expensive, but with Gala Film we are curating an ideal community of early adopter supporters and rewarding them for early ownership in the same $FILM token that they will eventually use to fund your projects. We expect this feature to be a true game changer for the filmmaking industry when it is released.

Watch exclusive video content and collect NFT Moments on Gala Film

GalaChain: The Backbone of Our Ecosystem

At the core of Gala’s ecosystem lies GalaChain, our custom-built blockchain. Designed to handle high transaction volumes and complex interactions, GalaChain supports a wide array of applications that go far beyond gaming and entertainment. It offers near-real-time settlement, low gas fees and a developer-friendly environment, making it an ideal platform for innovation across various industries.

In early 2024, we opened GalaChain to external developers by releasing the public facing Typescript-integrated GalaChain SDK and the Gala Creators Portal, making it easier than ever for devs to take the leap into web3 to empower their own communities.

GalaChain is a layer1 blockchain that operates similarly to Ethereum, with lower gas fees and faster transaction time. Additionally, GalaChain tokens (FTs and NFTs) are easily bridgeable to the EVM for use and trade on its robust network of existing dApps and exchanges.

GalaSwap: Seamless and Secure Transactions

GalaSwap is the first official token swapping site that runs on GalaChain, providing a secure platform for trading tokens within the GalaChain ecosystem. It ensures that users can seamlessly swap assets, enabling liquidity and fostering a vibrant economic environment by eliminating the need to bridge assets to Ethereum.

By utilizing GalaSwap, users benefit from lower fees and faster transactions compared to traditional exchanges. Additionally, GalaSwap users are rewarded with GalaSwap’s native token for listing and accepting swaps, with additional rewards for swaps that are conducted at “fair market value,” according to dynamic integrated pricing data from CoinGecko. GalaSwap is growing rapidly, with recent feature updates such as partial swaps, API integration and more.

Swap GalaChain tokens on GalaSwap

The Secondary Market: Maximizing Value

Owners in the Gala ecosystem are encouraged to browse and utilize the robust secondary item markets on OpenSea. This market ensures that every asset has value beyond its initial use, providing users with endless opportunities to monetize their digital holdings, unload unused items or get a second chance on sales they missed.

Explore the Gala Games secondary market collection on OpenSea

Explore the Gala Music secondary market collection on OpenSea

Explore the Gala Music secondary market collection on OpenSea

Join Us in Building the Future

Gala is more than just an ecosystem; it’s a community-driven movement towards decentralization and empowerment. We invite you to explore the various facets of Gala, participate in our vibrant community, and discover how you can benefit from being part of this revolutionary journey.

Learn More

Ready to dive deeper? Learn more about Gala’s ecosystem and how we’re transforming entertainment and beyond. Join us in shaping a decentralized future where ownership and rewards are truly democratized.

Web3 Wallets: Your Key to Interacting with Gala Music and Beyond

Web3 Wallets: Your Key to Interacting with Gala Music and Beyond

Web3 wallets are fundamental tools that allow users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) like Gala Music.

While a traditional wallet stores currency, a web3 wallet stores cryptographic keys—both public and private—that represent ownership and provide the functionality to interact with various blockchain networks.

Importance of Web3 Wallets

Web3 wallets are not just storage units for cryptocurrencies but gateways to a burgeoning ecosystem of decentralized applications that allow you to:

  • Manage Identities: Your wallet can act as your digital identity in the web3 space, enabling interactions with dApps without the need for traditional login systems.
  • Execute Transactions: You can send and receive cryptocurrencies, interact with smart contracts, and engage with various blockchain functions directly from your wallet.
  • Hold Assets: Beyond cryptocurrencies, web3 wallets can hold a variety of digital assets, including NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), which are critical for platforms like Gala Music.

“What are Web3 Wallets?” –Binance Academy

Types of Web3 Wallets

There are several different types of blockchain wallets, facilitating different types of security and varying degrees of convenience and user control. Below you’ll find a list that briefly outlines some of the most important types of wallets.

The GalaChain ecosystem easily integrates with Metamask because it falls into several of the categories below. It is a software wallet with a browser extension as well as a robust mobile wallet solution, and it allows you to control your own private keys.

HOT WALLETS – These are considered “hot” because they all involve internet connections for enhanced capabilities and convenience.

“Hot Wallets vs. Cold Wallets: Self Custody 101” -Blockworks

  1. Browser Extension Wallets (Metamask) : Installed as browser extensions, these wallets allow simple and direct interaction with dApps from web browsers.
  1. Mobile Wallets (Metamask, Trust Wallet): Many wallet providers offer smartphone apps for managing cryptocurrencies and accessing dApps on the go.
  1. Desktop Wallets (Exodus): Installed on computers, these software wallets offer robust security and comprehensive asset management, but are often less convenient to use.
  1. Web Wallets (MyEtherWallet): Accessible via web browsers, convenient but generally less secure.
  1. Multi-Signature Wallets (Gnosis Safe): Requires multiple private keys for transactions, adding security for shared funds.

Web3 wallets always fall into one of the following categories: Custodial or non-custodial, depending on whether or not the owner of the account controls the wallet’s private keys.

  1. Custodial Wallets (Coinbase Wallet): Managed by third parties, custodial wallets offering ease of use but less control over funds.
  1. Non-Custodial Wallets (MetaMask, Trust Wallet): Users control their private keys, offering more security but requiring responsibility for key management.

COLD WALLETS – These are considered “cold” or “offline” wallets because they do not require an internet connection and while more secure, are less convenient for transactions.

“What is a Cold Wallet?”-Ledger Academy

  1. Hardware Wallets (Ledger Nano S, Trezor): Physical devices storing private keys offline, providing high security.
  1. Paper Wallets (Just what they sound like): Physical pieces of paper containing printed private keys and public addresses. Users generate these keys offline and store them in a secure place, such as a safe, to prevent unauthorized access.

Your GalaChain Wallet

Every Gala account has a built-in GalaChain wallet that allows you to receive and transfer GalaChain tokens, including unique non-fungible tokens such as music tracks and game items, as well as fungible tokens such as $GALA or $MUSIC.

GalaChain is a layer1 blockchain, built for interoperability with Ethereum. Therefore, your GalaChain assets can exist on either blockchain (GalaChain or Ethereum) at any given time.

Your new GalaChain wallet does not have the capacity to hold Ethereum-based tokens until you connect your Gala account to an Ethererum wallet. Connecting your external Ethereum wallet is easy. We recommend Metamask, the trusted and leading third party software wallet.

Connecting your Web3 Wallet

To unlock the ability to bridge GalaChain assets to Ethereum, you’ll need to connect your external web3 wallet. In your account Settings, navigate to the Linked Accounts menu.

Currently, three leading software wallets are supported for connection: Metamask, Coinbase Wallet and OKX Wallet. For this example walkthrough, we will use Metamask.

  1. Create a Metamask Wallet

If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to download Metamask and create a new wallet. Follow the simple instructions in this support article to ensure that Metamask is properly installed in your browser.

You can also download Metamask on your mobile device by following the instructions in the following support articles:

Install Metamask on iOS

Install Metamask on Android

  1. Import Tokens to your Metamask Wallet

Individual tokens must be manually imported to be displayed in your Metamask wallet. If you bridge tokens to Ethereum from GalaChain, they will not show up in Metamask until you complete this step for that token.

To import $GALA, all you need is the token’s Ethereum contract address, which you’ll find on Coinmarketcap in the area circled below.

  1. After copying that contract address to your clipboard, open your Metamask extension and locate Import Tokens in the Tokens tab.
  1. Next, click to the Custom Token tab and paste the contract address for $GALA. The rest of the token information will populate.
  1. Finally, confirm the token Import and you’ll then see the token in your wallet.

Be sure to import any token that you want listed in your Metamask wallet using the steps above. Then when any quantity of that token is transferred to your wallet, it will show your balances.

Please note that if you receive tokens before they’re imported, you still own them– They’ll just need to be imported before they are displayed.

3. Connect your Web3 Wallet to your Gala Account

This is the part that makes your GalaChain wallet easily interoperable with your Ethereum wallet through your Gala account.

Once your Metamask wallet is configured simply click Connect Wallet and choose Metamask to initiate a signature transaction within Metamask. Once you approve that transaction, your wallet will be connected, ready to bridge to and from Ethereum or transact with Ethereum-based tokens.

You’re ready to experience the wide world of web3 through GalaChain and beyond! Hopefully you learned something new. To explore more topics or ask specific questions, visit Gala Support at

Join the web3 music revolution at Gala Music to listen to ad-free music from new artists absolutely free, collect limited supply and reward enabled NFT tracks, unlock All Access experiences from your favorite artists and much more.
Our artists enjoy more freedom, more opportunities and a massive 70% revenue share from sold tracks. Interested in leveling up your career and becoming a Gala Music artist? Start here with our Artist Upload program!

DevSpeak: Tokens and Coins and Contracts, oh My!

DevSpeak: Tokens and Coins and Contracts, oh My!

Let’s face it, there’s still a lot of confusing terms and jargon thrown around in the web3 world. We don’t all have the benefit of a formal tech education, and with blockchain tech being relatively new on the scene, everyone is jumping in at a different starting point for background knowledge and context.

We get it, and we’re here to help. DevSpeak, because sometimes the basic explanation of terms and ideas in web3 gets lost under everything else.

Check out our previous DevSpeak articles to bolster your tech knowledge!
DevSpeak – Depending on DePIN
DevSpeak – What the Hack is a Hackathon?

What coins and tokens are, in the blockchain sense, may feel intuitive. After all, you can jiggle your pocket and quickly get the idea of what a token or coin is. The idea of tokens representing little bits of ownership goes back a long time. DevSpeak done, concept explained… right?

Actually it’s all a bit more complicated than that. Never fear though! We’ll walk you through the basics so you can build your web3 knowledge on a solid foundation.

What Is a Token?

A token is – put very simply – a thing. Tokens take a variety of forms, but a token at its most basic level represents the location of a thing on the blockchain. Blockchains are very similar to databases. If you’re familiar with those, think of a token as a class or trait. It indicates the specific entry (address) it falls under, has… something.

This doesn’t have to equate to monetary value, however. This is often misunderstood due to the easy comparison to something like an arcade token or a shiny coin from a national mint. 

In general programming parlance, ‘token’ refers to the most basic individual element of a programming language – constants, identifiers, operators, separators or reserved words. In security, token can also refer to a digitally encoded signature that a network uses to authorize a user and allow access.

Token in chaincode has come a little from each of the above uses of the word. A blockchain token is an object that can be referenced and utilized through chaincode, but it also can be a secure authorization trigger for individual addresses throughout the network.

Tokens take a variety of forms. Some tokens are fungible (think $GALA, $MUSIC, $USDC, etc), meaning that multiple versions of identical tokens exist on the network. Non-fungible tokens (commonly known as NFTs), are unique assets. While there may be more than one identical NFT on the network, there is a limited amount of each and each NFT carries a distinct and unique identifier, which corresponds to specific metadata for that one token.

Each token is designed for a specific blockchain, where they will typically be referred to as a “native token”. Bridges can move tokens from one blockchain to another, but technically these are creating a new asset on another blockchain, while the bridge continues to hold the original version of the token.

What Is a Coin?

A coin, first and foremost, is a blockchain token. They typically follow the rules of other tokens, with some extra details for us to go over.

What makes coins different is that the blockchain would not function without them. The coin of a specific blockchain is the one that powers the blockchain and directly interacts with it. Any tokens built on the blockchain to provide additional functionality would just be tokens… but the original is a coin.

For Ethereum, this coin would be ETH. There are lots of tokens on the Ethereum Network, but none of them directly interact with block verification, proof of stake or gas fees the way that ETH does.

On GalaChain, $GALA is technically the coin. More tokens are coming onto the chain every day, but no other token interacts with GalaChain the way $GALA does.

Notably, this means $GALA can both fit the definition of a coin or just a token, depending on where it is. $GALA was originally built on the Ethereum Network, where it follows the ERC-20 token standard. On GalaChain, however, $GALA is the coin. 

As we discussed above in relation to bridging, $GALA (GC) and $GALA (ETH) are technically two distinct tokens with two distinct contracts, each built for the blockchain they exist on. A bridge facilitates the exchange of these tokens, rather than translating and migrating them to an entirely different programming language and token standard.

Why Tokens?

Since tokens can be assigned to different addresses on the blockchain, and they are securely controlled by the owner of those addresses, they make an ideal way to assign ownership on a blockchain. Since they can be referenced easily by chaincode, they also fill the role of an authorization token incredibly well too.

Tokens can do a lot more than just be shiny things for people to swap around. A token is an object on the blockchain, and it carries with it its own coded properties and behaviors. This information is hard-coded into the token’s “contract” – the set of logic and traits that create the token originally and dictate how it functions. 

This contract is the basis of trustless systems on the blockchain. You don’t have to take anyone’s word about how the token behaves or what it signifies — it’s right there in chain code in the contract.

Using these contracts from tokens as a starting point, blockchain builders can construct larger systems. Interactions between a token and a dApp or another token can be created using “smart contracts” – essentially an automated process that takes a specific action when its conditions are fulfilled. These smart contracts rely on the token contracts themselves as reference and verification. This idea of smart contracts creates a full trustless ecosystem, as automated actions only happen when the proper conditions are fulfilled.

Looking at these basic functions of tokens, you can start to see how contracts and smart contracts can build out a robust ecosystem over time through interconnected relationships and innovative applications. Tokens are fully transferable and secure objects… and anything that can maintain that on an open and shared, global network is far more valuable than a simple database.

You don’t have to be the one with the chops to build a blockchain yourself to imagine how one smart contract and dApp over another begins to take shape into something bigger than the sum of its parts over time. 

Coin You Feel It?

Now we know that this information doesn’t make you some blockchain whiz… but we also know that a lot of times people don’t start from the beginning with new tech.

We want you to have all the context and knowledge you need to not only be enthusiastic about web3 but to thrive in this new landscape!

Thanks for reading! We’ll be back soon with more devspeak to simplify more tech arcanity and keep transferring you these small tokens of knowledge!

Bronze Whale Drops “How U Feeling” on Gala Music

Bronze Whale Drops “How U Feeling” on Gala Music


Gala Music is dropping Bronze Whale’s new track, “How U Feeling” as a Signature Edition NFT on Friday, March 22nd at 1pm PT.

Gala Music is thrilled to announce an electrifying addition to our musical tapestry: “How U Feeling” by the indie electronic duo, Bronze Whale. This track is poised to enchant listeners with its unique blend of indie-electronic elements and hip-hop percussion, complemented by Benny’s soothing vocals. Available for an exclusive listen on Gala Music, this song marks a significant milestone for both Bronze Whale and our community of music enthusiasts.

Listen to “How U Feeling” on Gala Music

The Journey of Bronze Whale

The Austin based duo was formed in the winter of 2011 by Aaron Jaques and Benny Alley, and has evolved from creating high-profile remixes to an unmatched pioneer of its genre. With their hands-on approach to art, mixing/mastering and promo, Aaron and Benny have sculpted a niche for themselves in the music world. Their label/collective, Magic Magic, and their debut EP, “War Of Art,” have received widespread acclaim, dominating charts and capturing hearts globally.

In 2018, Bronze Whale embarked on a transformative journey, integrating their love for singing and songwriting into their music. This pivot introduced a fresh sound that melds chill vocals with their signature indie-electronic and hip-hop influences, offering a truly distinctive auditory experience.

NFT Track Drop: “How U Feeling”

To celebrate their latest creation, Gala Music will offer “How U Feeling” in a Signature Edition NFT, limited to just 100 pieces, starting Friday, March 22nd, at 1 PM PT. NFT track ownership with Gala Music allows fans to own a piece of music history while supporting the artists directly in a meaningful way.

When you own an NFT track like “How U Feeling” and pair it with an active Gala Music Jukebox Node, you become eligible for daily $MUSIC rewards, delivered to your GalaChain wallet every 24 hours and usable to increase your collection and support your favorite artists.

Bronze Whale’s Impact

Bronze Whale’s journey exemplifies the power of artistic evolution and the embrace of new sounds. Their achievements, including multiple #1 spots on Hype Machine and widespread support from major outlets like NBA, Apple Music Chill, and Sirius XM, speak volumes about their influence and the resonance of their music with a global audience.

Previous Gala Music Drops

“How U Feeling” is joining a small collection of Sold Out Legacy tracks dropped by Bronze Whale in 2023 and another Signature Edition from earlier this year. Check them out at the links below:

Switched On (feat. Sofasound x VoxOnUs)” – Signature dropped 1/23/24 – SOLD OUT

Where We’ve Gone” – Legacy dropped 10/10/23 – SOLD OUT

Blooming” – Legacy dropped 7/6/23 – SOLD OUT

Happy Go Love (feat. Primo the Alien)” – Legacy dropped 5/11/23 – SOLD OUT
On Fire” – Legacy dropped 3/9/23 – SOLD OUT

Join the Web3 Music Revolution

As Gala Music continues to break barriers and redefine the music industry landscape, we invite you to be part of this revolution. By supporting artists like Bronze Whale, you’re not just listening to music; you’re empowering creators and participating in a movement that values artist autonomy and direct fan engagement.

Dive into the immersive world of Bronze Whale and let “How U Feeling” resonate with your soul. This is more than just a song drop; it’s a celebration of innovation, creativity, and the unbreakable bond between artists and their fans. Join us on this journey at Gala Music and experience the future of music, today.

Join Gala Music

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Kent Byers, Shaping the Next Generation of Gaming

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Kent Byers, Shaping the Next Generation of Gaming

In the buildup to the much-anticipated GALAthon Hackathon during GDC 2024, we are proud to introduce as one of our judges – Kent Byers of Directive Games!

Kent Byers serves as the Chief Product Officer at Directive Games, where he oversees the development of two major blockchain games: The Machines Arena, powered by the Ronin network, and Civitas, a 4X strategy MMO with cutting-edge advancements in the blockchain gaming industry. With nearly two decades of experience in Games & Film Industry, Kent is a seasoned veteran who has contributed to iconic franchises such as Star Wars, Avatar, Transformers, and Battle Angel Alita. His leadership and expertise drive innovation and excellence, making him a valuable asset in the realm of gaming and entertainment.

Byers’ experience positions him squarely at the crossroads of gaming and blockchain tech. His insight into what makes a project both engaging and commercially successful is invaluable to any developer looking to make an impact in the web3 world.

Kent Byers: A Beacon of Gaming Innovation

Kent Byers earned his reputation being at the forefront of gaming innovation. He’s spearheaded projects that have captured the imagination of gamers around the world while also pushing the boundaries of what’s technically possible in gaming.

Directive Games has developed titles under his guidance that are known for their immersive experiences, cutting-edge graphics and innovative gameplay mechanics. His expertise in blending engaging content with strategic economic models has been setting new standards in the gaming industry.

A Unique Perspective on Blockchain Gaming

As a judge for the GalaChain Hackathon, Byers brings a wealth of knowledge in game design, development and market trends. He is likely to focus on entries that leverage GalaChain to elevate the user experience, offering innovation as well as a compelling hook.

What Kent Byers Might Look for in a Winning Entry

Given his background, Byers is likely to prioritize hackathon projects that:

Innovate in Game Design and User Experience: Entries that present fresh, compelling gameplay mechanics or user experiences that can uniquely benefit from blockchain technology.

Demonstrate Technical Excellence: Projects that showcase exceptional technical execution – including the use of GalaChain to enhance user interaction, monetization and overall appeal.

Exhibit Market Viability: Initiatives that account for current gaming trends but also demonstrate an understanding of their target audience and a plan to excel beyond market standards.

Emphasize Community and Engagement: Projects that build or enhance gaming communities, encouraging sustained engagement through innovative features, multi-title synergy or rewards.

Pioneering the Future with Kent Byers

Kent Byers’ involvement in the GalaChain Hackathon brings a professional and experienced perspective to find projects that push the industry forward, without compromising the fundamentals. His expertise offers participants a unique opportunity to gain insights into what it takes to create a successful gaming product in today’s competitive landscape. 

Byers represents the bridge between traditional gaming excellence and the potential of blockchain integration. What can you build that’s seriously innovative while also seriously fun?