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Legacy – Entrepreneurship for Gamers – Managing a Guild

Legacy – Entrepreneurship for Gamers – Managing a Guild

Download and play Legacy on Gala Games

With the tokenization of in-game property becoming more popular all the time in the web3 world, Legacy is here to put a unique spin on NFT ownership.

Legacy is a game about entrepreneurial success, about building an enterprise from the ground up by designing and selling products. Through the game’s Design Competitions, you can compete against other players all over the world to design the most creative products around and sell them with the greatest efficiency.

Your “Land” in Legacy

When you get in the game, you’re joining the entrepreneurial elite who bet on themselves for success, whether you’re a Guild owning Legacy Tycoon sharing in the success of those you empower or an aspiring go-getter joining a Guild to chase your dreams on someone else’s dime.

Leading a Guild with a Deed

The only way to play Legacy on this level is to own a Legacy Deed, the equivalent to NFT land in Legacy. These Deeds are not currently available in the Gala Games store, but can often be found on the secondary market at OpenSea.

Each Legacy Deed unlocks your ability to organize and manage a Legacy Guild. Recruiting for your Guild is easy– In fact, the game will do it for you. As a Guild owner, you have a certain number of Legacy Keys with which players can join your Guild. The higher the rarity of your Legacy Deed, the more Legacy Keys you get, and the more members your Guild will have.

Legacy Deed NFTs exist in 5 different rarities. Click the heading links to view the items on OpenSea.

Startup Deed–Common

Enterprise Deed–Uncommon

Firm Deed–Rare

Corporation Deed–Epic

Conglomerate Deed–Legendary

Heart of London Deed–Ancient

Please note that if you purchase a Legacy Deed from the secondary market, you will need to bridge it to GalaChain before configuring your Guild and recruiting players. This is done easily by connecting your Ethereum wallet to your Gala account. Learn more about connecting your web3 wallet here.

Joining a Guild with a Key

The best part about playing as a Legacy Keyholder is that you don’t need to go searching for a Guild to join. As long as Legacy Keys are available, you’ll be able to join a Guild as part of the initial game interface. 

It’s tough in the world of business-building. If you want to make it big, you need to connect with a good leader– In Legacy, that means a good Guild.

When you first launch the game through the Gala Games launcher, you’ll be prompted to choose a Guild from the available options. When you select a Guild and get started, the Legacy Key and its access to the game will be yours.

The number of Legacy Keys for each Guild is determined by the Deed’s rarity:

Startup – 1 Legacy Key

Enterprise – 5 Legacy Keys

Firm – 15 Legacy Keys

Corporation – 50 Legacy Keys

Conglomerate – 125 Legacy Keys

Heart of London – 500 Legacy Keys

Qualities of an Effective Guild Leader

As a Legacy Deed NFT owner, you’re also the owner of the responsibility to run a Legacy Guild. Because you’re working with self-starting entrepreneurs, not much hand-holding is necessary, but as the boss, you get to call the shots.

In the same way that each Legacy player must keep a close eye on their town’s workers, ensuring they are rested and not overworked, each Guild leader must strike a proper balance for their Guildmates.

  1. Setting an Effective Reward Split – The Guild leader can choose any percentage split they like for sharing Legacy Ticket rewards generated from Design Competitions in the game. With 50 active players for a Corporation Deed and 125 for a Conglomerate Deed, Guild leaders can benefit substantially from a meager reward share of even 1-2%, which will go virtually unnoticed by Keyholding players.
  2. Sending Guild Messages – The Guild leader is called to rally the troops and coordinate strategies, building relationships with their Guildmates and preparing for the game’s expanded future features.
  3. Kicking Inactive Players – While it is not a requirement, every Guild leader has the right to kick players from their Guild at any time and for any reason.

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Your Legacy is waiting in this delightful free-to-play game created by 22cans. Become a titan of industry, competing for awesome prizes and unparalleled prestige!

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Read the Legacy Litepaper

Legacy – Show ‘Em Who’s Boss in Design Competitions

Legacy – Show ‘Em Who’s Boss in Design Competitions

With Legacy, success is a game. If you can think like an entrepreneur, successfully designing and shipping products with the help of a well-managed workforce, you may just have what it takes to excel in a Legacy Design Competition!

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Design Competitions – Gems Making Gems

Don’t let the relaxing feel of Legacy fool you. This game is a cutthroat strategy competition of time and resource management. Everything is laid back until that competition starts, then it’s all about the bottom line. You’ll be riding your workers hard and clicking for all you’re worth.

It’s all about the Gems, baby. It is only with Gems that you can enter Design Competitions, which are the only way to secure precious Legacy Tickets that convert to $GALA rewards.

Gem Packs are sold in varying quantities in the Gala Games store to ensure you always have the ability to jump on a Design Competition when you’re prepared to crush it! 

As you advance through the game and build your business empire, you’ll unlock the ability to compete at higher leagues, where the prizes increase (but so do the Gem entry costs)!

Unlocking Design Competitions

Don’t worry! Your benefactors will not let you compete in a Design Competition until you’re ready, but once you’ve unlocked participation in your first competitions, you better not miss out!

Once you’re eligible to compete, you’ll see a notice up top informing you of the type of competition that’s coming up with a countdown until it begins.

There are two main focuses for Design Competitions in the early stages of Legacy:

  1. Most Sales

In this type of competition, you’ll want to create a product that moves quickly, regardless of how much money you’ll make with each sale. Sometimes it’s all about proving to the clientele that you can keep up with their demand– Do that and you’re destined for big bucks in the biz world!

  1. Most Revenue

These contests are all about bringing in cold, hard cash, no matter how complex the items you’re selling. This is when you can really push your entrepreneurial creativity to its limits to design some extravagant and expensive products. But be careful, speed also matters and you’ll want to strike a balance!

Limited Market

One of the easiest oversights for a new Legacy player that can cost you prizes is the market for your products. Check it out!

Once you’ve designed a product in your Factory’s Design Board, you’ll always have a limited market to work with before the demand runs out. A “Market Left” of 40 units may seem like a lot, but keep the following points in mind when you get rolling with a good product:

  • You’ll always be selling two units at a time, no matter your product, so think of 40 units as 20 sales.
  • When you’re effectively selling one product, be thinking about maximizing your next one.
  • Make sure your workers are getting enough rest to stay productive when it’s time to switch.
  • Most Design Competitions are an hour long, meaning you’ll have to shift products more than once!

Designing and selling with streamlined efficiency isn’t just a game of rushing. It’s about endurance and stamina as well. Make sure that you’re managing your build attentively, backing up your workers with your mouse play the whole time if you can. Don’t assume that just because they work without you that they don’t need you!

Good luck in your upcoming Design Competitions with Legacy!

If you haven’t played this awesome and unique game yet, we encourage you to give it a try. You can play either as a landowning Guild Leader (browse secondary market land here), or a Legacy Key player in someone else’s Guild. Either way, we think you’ll love it!

What are you waiting for? Time to build that Legacy!

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Latest and Greatest: Legacy Q1

Latest and Greatest: Legacy Q1

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Legacy Litepaper

, It’s not often that you see a new idea in this world of rewrites, revamps, and reiterations, which is why Legacy is totally unique in the gaming space. Running your Legacy gameplay with long term success is equivalent to building a thriving business. Players are called to manage the creation, production and sale of unique goods from the design board all the way to shipment and sale.

Monetizing player creativity through adapting to market conditions, then setting players against one another in a friendly (but heated) competition is what makes Legacy stand alone in the innovative world of web3 gaming.

Let’s take a look at Legacy for this edition of Gala’s Latest and Greatest in gaming.

Manage Your Business

Every Legacy player manages a business of their own. You start small on someone else’s dime, but eventually build up and expand to managing NPC workforces over your production lines. Once you’ve unlocked worker satisfaction ratings, be sure to give them things that enhance their ability to thrive in the workplace!

Legacy Keys

Just like in the business world, you’ll need someone else’s support to start building your Legacy, and this is where Legacy Keys come into play. When you start playing, you’ll select from an available Legacy Key, representing an investor prepared to back your business (for a share of your Gems, of course 🤑)

Along with the Ice Cream update from late January, the number of Legacy Keys included with each Guild has increased 5X – So not only is it a great time to manage a Guild, but more players than ever have a chance to get in the game and start building!

Legacy Guilds

Our most serious Legacy players own and manage Guilds of their own through ownership of a Legacy Deed NFT. Instead of land ownership (like many metaverse style gaming NFTs), Legacy Deeds entitle ownership of a Guild–a business that varies in size depending on the rarity of the Legacy Deed. For example, a Rare “Firm Deed” starts with 15 Legacy Keys, making for a substantial Guild and a nice passive Gem income for successful managers–But an Ancient “Heart of London Deed” starts off with a massive 500 Legacy Keys!

Legacy Deeds were sold out in the primary sale long ago, but prospective Guild managers can still browse them on the secondary market today!

Looking Ahead

Exciting things are in store as you continue building your Legacy throughout 2024!

Soon, the ability will be added for Legacy Guild owners to permanently upgrade their Deeds in-game, opening the door to even more hungry entrepreneurs in their Guilds.

Look for releases of new areas on the map, new ways to engage with your workforces, and exciting new product lines to put your entrepreneurial spirit to the test!

If you haven’t started playing Legacy yet, what are you waiting for? It’s free, so start building your empire!

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Legacy: Ice Cream, Expansions and Upgrades

Legacy: Ice Cream, Expansions and Upgrades

We’re already almost a month into a new year, and since time is money, the team has already dropped another substantial update for Legacy players to enjoy! This update has a little something for everyone, from new Guild Management features to expanded messaging abilities–even a new frozen treat for product design! Let’s dig right in, because before you know it the spring thaw will be here!

Scream for Ice Cream

The newest product line is sure to be a mouth watering hit throughout the entire Gala Games ecosystem–That’s right, we’re throwing in ice cream as a brand new product line! As all you IRL ice cream connoisseurs know, icy treats can get pretty extravagant, especially on the competitive and gourmet level. With Legacy ice cream, like all available product lines, the name of the game is creating something that really stands out in the competitions.

Start producing your own ice cream creations now to take home Gems in the Design Competitions. But we must warn you–Producing ice cream on the design table may unleash the craving, so be sure to keep your real ice cream further than arm’s length while you play!

Expansions and Pay Raises

Your town’s workers will absolutely love this first update–They’ve all gotten a pay raise, so pat yourself on the back. We’re certain that their increased motivation will make the additional expense well worth it for your growing business.

New Paints, Patterns and Stickers have been added to the Design Table’s right side drawers, enhancing your ability to customize your products! Don’t forget–You can also update your avatar with the latest colors and patterns to give yourself that business chic edge.

Guild Management Updates

The Guild Management menu has received a substantial upgrade, making it easier than ever to set your Guild rules, manage membership and send messages to your Guildmates!

More Deed Keys

Great news for Guild leaders! Every single one of you now has a lot more Legacy Keys up for grabs, so get ready to accept eager new upstarts to share your success.

To play Legacy, you must join a Guild, because you just can’t make it alone in the business world. Every Guild leader gets a number of Legacy Keys, based on the rarity of their Land Deed. With this update, every Guild leader now starts with 5 times as many Legacy Keys!

Keep in mind that the Legacy Key numbers listed below only refer to starting Keys, and owners will later have the ability to purchase more Legacy Keys for their Guilds.

Startup Deed (Common) 

Previous: 0 Legacy Keys
Now: 1 Legacy Key

Enterprise Deed (Uncommon) 

Previous: 1 Legacy Key
Now: 5 Legacy Keys

Firm Deed (Rare) 

Previous: 3 Legacy Keys
Now: 15 Legacy Keys

Corporation Deed (Epic) 

Previous: 10 Legacy Keys
Now: 50 Legacy Keys

Conglomerate Deed (Legendary)

Previous: 25 Legacy Keys
Now: 125 Legacy Keys

Heart of London (Ancient)

Previous: 100 Legacy Keys
Now: 500 Legacy Keys 

Guild leaders–Get ready for an influx of new players by making sure your Guild rules are set where you want them and your reward split is in the sweet spot! Making a good strategic decision about the Guild reward split could make the difference between packing your Guild with go-getters or good-for-nothings, so choose wisely!

That’s a wrap for this update; now get out there and build your Legacy before someone else does!

Shop Land Deeds on the secondary market

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New Year, New Legacy!

New Year, New Legacy!

One month into launch, we’re looking towards the future! Big updates on the horizon for all our enterprising players.

Hello, Legacy fans!

Despite some of our annoying bugs taking their toll and making a real nuisance of themselves, largely we are happy with how the release has gone. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all. Our community has been very responsive and forthcoming with questions, concerns and suggestions and we have taken it all on board, and put a lot of effort into alleviating some of Legacy’s growing pains while looking forward to how we might make Legacy into the trailblazing Web3 blockchain gaming definer that we want it to be.

Upcoming Features

On Wednesday 29th November, we rolled out our first planned feature update. We would have loved to do this sooner but we have had to quickly adjust into a flexible hotfix mode and tried to stay light on our feet while we navigated some of the more critical launch bugs. We are thrilled (and surprised) that some of you managed to reach level 23 in such quick time! We are blown away by your ingenuity and dedication to the game, astounded that you reached the soft cap that we had put on for launch so soon. The time has come for new content… Therefore, we are adding two new districts to the map and unlocking an entirely new product line: Teddy Bears! We are also implementing a feature that many of you have asked for — the ability to view winning designs in any given Design Competition.

There has been a lot of work on one of the major concerns that the community have raised around Player Levels and imbalance. At its heart, Legacy is a competitive game. We initially came up with a system that was designed for lots of users that would effectively filter them into balanced and equal leagues, in doing so creating a set of Legacy leagues where the elite town managers would battle against each other in high stakes competitions for high stakes prizes, while players with less experience would compete in lower leagues. Unfortunately, due to some bugs knocking the participation numbers in events and the blockage caused by Vic’s Big Challenge, our demotion system led to players being mismatched in their events. We apologise for this, it is a problem that we wish we did not have as any unfairness in competitions was something we always wanted to remove from Legacy. The best laid plans of mice, men and game designers…

In response, we are initialising a revised matchmaking system with handicaps.

The handicap system assigns all players in an event a handicap score of 0. If an advanced player drops down one league, they are given a handicap relative to their original league, and the event league they have been moved to. This increases as the disparity between player levels increases, and is tuned to the lowest handicap score in the lobby. This handicap takes various forms depending on the event you are participating in, but generally it means that players with far more advanced towns will have to overcome an initial deficit, whilst newer players do not feel at a severe disadvantage when matched with an advanced player.

This will require some tweaking as we go, but it is the start of a journey that we will venture on together. Over time, as our player base grows, there will be fewer instances of imbalanced matchmaking, however in the short term we feel this is the best way to level the playing field in these cases.

We have taken your feedback onboard and designed it with the long term future of Legacy in mind. This handicap system will not have an immediate effect on users as it will still require a larger pool of players to fill out the gaps, however, once we roll out our upcoming User Acquisition campaign, these wrinkles ought to iron themselves out. Which nicely leads us into the next topic.

What’s to come in Legacy

Over the Christmas Holiday period, we are going to be rolling out a campaign to engage our existing users, bring in the current Deed Holders who have not yet activated their guilds, and attract new players into the existing Guilds.

In the New Year, we have some grander User Acquisition plans, with increased marketing spending to attract brand new users to join our community. We want Legacy to flourish, so we are laying the foundations for this influx of users by increasing the maximum keys per deed by up to 5 times their original amount, at no additional cost to the Deed Holder. This means more potential players in your Guilds, and more players in Events.

We will also be working on revamping the Events schedule, adding new types of Events, and creating an opt-in lobby based model that will give players the opportunity to see exactly what league the event is for and allow them to decide whether they wish to enter or not. Crucially, this choice is made before the Gems are deducted. We are still ironing out the details alongside other update plans, and we will keep you informed as this motion progresses. The update can be expected to arrive some time in Q1 2024.

Finally, we are looking at community sourced suggestions and prioritising them based on what we think is feasible in line with our current plan, and also reasonable in the context of the game. There is a high level of variance between player levels, and what is good for the beginner is usually damaging to the more advanced player, and vice versa.

Together with Gala, we are putting funds into marketing and user acquisition to expand the horizons of Legacy beyond this amazing community and bring in new faces to compete with.

The long term future of Legacy is at the forefront of our minds, and we believe that these changes are the beginning of a journey toward a healthier, fairer and more enjoyable experience for everyone. These feature updates, combined with a concerted marketing campaign and consistent content drops, will lead to a much improved Legacy experience. We appreciate your patience and feedback through this launch period. Thank you for your support, suggestions and constructive critiques — together we will cement our Legacy!

Thank you, 
The 22Cans Team

NOTE: This letter was originally shared in Discord by the Legacy dev team.

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