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Gala and Coinflow Integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay for Seamless NFT Transactions

Gala and Coinflow Integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay for Seamless NFT Transactions

Announce the latest development in our partnership with Coinflow: the integration of Google Pay and Apple Pay as new payment options for the Gala Games ecosystem. This update marks a significant milestone in our mission to provide our community with the most accessible and versatile payment solutions.

Expanding Payment Horizons

Continuing to build on our recent integration with Coinflow, we’re now enabling Google Pay and Apple Pay as payment methods, making it easier than ever for users to interact with our platform. This enhancement empowers our users to engage with the Gala ecosystem using the payment tools they trust and prefer, streamlining the experience of owning and interacting with digital assets on GalaChain.

For the first phase of this rollout, Google Pay and Apple Pay options through Coinflow are limited only to the Gala Games store, but with future updates we hope to expand this payment variety to Gala Music, Gala Film and beyond.

Streamlined Mobile Experience

As part of our ongoing efforts to innovate and enhance the user experience, the addition of Google Pay and Apple Pay underscores our commitment to bringing decentralized entertainment to a broader audience. With the recent wave of new users coming from our free Telegram mini app “tapper” games, Treasure Tapper and Music Coin, creating a smooth mobile onboarding experience has become especially important.

These payment methods are recognized and used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, making them a natural fit for our ecosystem. With this integration, we are not only simplifying transactions but also paving the way for more mainstream adoption of web3 digital assets.

The Future of Decentralized Entertainment

We are excited about the possibilities this integration opens up for our users and the broader Gala community. As we continue to innovate and expand our ecosystem, we remain committed to making decentralized entertainment more accessible, engaging and rewarding for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our journey! Together, we are reshaping the future of entertainment on GalaChain.

How to Secure Early Access and Discounts on Gala Music NFT Releases using Loyalty Pools

How to Secure Early Access and Discounts on Gala Music NFT Releases using Loyalty Pools

Learning to navigate the Gala Music ecosystem can be incredibly rewarding, especially when you know how to leverage the Loyalty Pool system to get early access to NFT releases. Here’s a guide on how to secure your spot in the early access line and maximize your benefits as a Gala Music superfan.

Understanding Early Access Timing

Early Access for Gala Music NFTs begin one hour before the open public sale. If a public sale is scheduled for 1 pm PT, the early access sale opens at 12 pm PT. This one-hour head start can be crucial, especially for the most sought-after NFT releases, which are limited to just 100 copies.

Unless otherwise noted, every Gala Music NFT release includes a one hour early access sale period for Loyalty Pool contributors.

Loyalty Pools: Your Key to Early Access

Early sale access is granted through the Loyalty Pool system. By locking your $MUSIC tokens in support of your favorite artists, you unlock exclusive benefits, including early access to the NFT sale. This system is all about showing your loyalty without losing control of your assets—you’re not spending your $MUSIC; you’re simply holding it in specific support of an artist.

To get started, visit the Loyalty Pool Hub. Here, you can choose which artists to support by contributing to their Loyalty Pools.

How Contributions Work

Contributing to an artist’s Loyalty Pool is different from tipping. While tipping involves transferring $MUSIC to the artist, contributing to a Loyalty Pool allows you to keep your $MUSIC. 

Unlocking Loyalty Pool Levels

There are currently two levels in the Loyalty Pool system that offer benefits:

  • Level 2: By holding at least 500 $MUSIC in an artist’s pool, you gain exclusive Discord access, early track sale access, and a 5% discount on NFT tracks from that artist.
  • Level 3: With at least 1000 $MUSIC held, you unlock all Level 2 benefits plus additional perks that are at the artist’s discretion.

Planning Ahead for Early Access

To ensure early access, you need to hold your $MUSIC in an artist’s Loyalty Pool at least 20 hours before the NFT release. The system takes a daily snapshot at 5 pm PT to determine who has access for the next 24 hours. Planning ahead is crucial, especially if you’re eyeing a high-demand release.

Flexibility and Strategic Contributions

One of the best features of the Loyalty Pools is the flexibility they offer. You can add or remove your support for artists at any time. This means if you only have 1,000 $MUSIC, you can strategically reallocate it between different artists’ pools, gaining early access and discounts on various track releases. A little planning goes a long way in ensuring you never miss out on your favorite releases.

Maximize Your Benefits

By consistently supporting your favorite artists through Loyalty Pools, you not only get early access to certain sales, but also enjoy discounts and exclusive community interactions. Whether you’re looking to support up-and-coming artists or secure rare NFTs, the Loyalty Pool system is your gateway to becoming a Gala Music superfan.

Remember, the more strategic you are with your $MUSIC, the more benefits you can unlock across the platform. Keep an eye on upcoming tracks, plan your Loyalty Pool contributions accordingly and enjoy the perks of being ahead of the curve in the Gala Music ecosystem.

Vote on the next artists and tracks to join the platform with NextUp

Check out the latest All Access experiences now

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DevSpeak: Encryption

DevSpeak: Encryption

Welcome back to another DevSpeak, where we decode the often confusing language of developers in a way that you can understand. Speaking of decoding, today we’re diving into a concept that is entirely ubiquitous in the web3 world… but not often understood. Today we’re diving into encryption!

If you’ve heard the term but are unsure what it really means, you’re not alone. Let’s break down what people mean when they say “encryption” and explore why it’s crucial for your digital safety.

Encryption, Defined

Encryption is a method of converting plain, readable information into a coded format that only authorized parties can decipher. If bad actors intercept your data, it’s gibberish to them without the proper cipher. Security measures use complex algorithms to ensure reliable encryption of information.

This isn’t just a process computers can do – you’ve probably encountered the idea of ciphers and code before in entertainment or history even if you don’t have super secret coded messages to send around.

You use a set of rules to replace each letter with another symbol or letter. To anyone who doesn’t know the code, the message looks like a jumble of symbols. But if you have the cipher, you can easily decode the message and read it as it was originally written. That’s the essence of encryption.

Remember these puzzles from newspapers? Classic encryption problems!

This is an old, old practice. In fact, one of the most classic examples of this is Cesarian Code, a method reportedly used by Julius Cesar to send coded messages to his legions.

Read More: Interested in knowing more about the Ceasarian cypher? 👇

In this method, you move each letter back three positions in the alphabet, revealing the true letters. While this method is obviously not secure after kicking around for 2100 years, there are many variations that are still used in manual ciphers today.

When the Fuzzles were lost in the wormhole in 2022, they used a slightly modified version of the Cesarian cipher to communicate with Earth! For extra security and interplanar transmission strength, they altered the amount of position offset and converted the entire message to binary.

Why Encryption

So, why is encryption so important? The primary reason is privacy and security. Every time you send an email, make an online purchase, or log into your bank account, your personal information is transmitted over the internet. Without encryption, this data could be intercepted and read by cybercriminals, leading to identity theft, financial loss, or other serious breaches of privacy.

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Consider that when you shop online, for instance, you’re entering sensitive details like your credit card number and home address – that info is being sent from your computer to a server somewhere else, then probably to a datacenter in an entirely different location! If the website you’re using doesn’t employ encryption, those details could be easily stolen by someone who’s able to intercept the data transmission. Encryption ensures that even if someone tries to steal your information, it’s unreadable without the decryption key.

Encryption also plays a crucial role in securing communications between individuals and organizations. When you use messaging apps or email services that offer end-to-end encryption, only you and the intended recipients can read your messages – they aren’t accessible by any other party during transmission. This makes sure there’s confidentiality in conversations.

Not All Encryption is Equal

It’s important to know that not all encryption is created equal. In the most basic sense, there are two main types of encryption. Their effectiveness can vary based on how they’re implemented.

  1. Symmetric Encryption: This method uses the same key for both encrypting and decrypting information. It’s like having a single key to lock and unlock a diary. It’s fast and efficient, but the main challenge is securely sharing the key between parties. If the key is intercepted, the encryption is useless.
  2. Asymmetric Encryption: This method uses a pair of keys—a public key and a private key. The public key encrypts the information, while the private key decrypts it. This approach is like having a public lock that anyone can use to securely send you a message, but only you have the private key to unlock it. This method enhances security, especially in scenarios where secure key exchange is challenging.
Sound familiar? We dove into the details of symmetric vs asymmetric encryption in our second article in The Guardian Papers!

While encryption is a powerful tool, it’s not foolproof. The security of encrypted data depends on the strength of the encryption method, the management of encryption keys and the overall security practices you use to protect your data.


In a world where our personal and professional lives are increasingly dependent on digital security, a basic understanding of encryption is more important than ever. Encryption is constantly protecting your activity every day!

Uh oh, did we leave the heading encrypted? Your first test begins!

The details of how encryption works can be complicated in practice, but the basic why and how of this practice are easy to understand. It’s about safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that only you and those you choose to share your information with can access your data.

Hopefully this DevSpeak gave you enough insight to not be totally lost the next time you go out on the town with your techy friends. We know that not everyone is or will be a tech expert, but understanding the basics of these concepts is important to not only use technology to its full potential, but also prepare you for the next wave of advancements! 

Let’s all be ready for the world of tomorrow together!

Mirandus Playtest: The Hunt for the Golden Rabbit

Mirandus Playtest: The Hunt for the Golden Rabbit

A call to all intrepid Exemplars of Mirandus: The hunt is beginning soon!

Our September playtest begins tomorrow, August 27th at 7am PT. This playtest will feature an all-new zone – the Rolling Hills. Here players will have ample opportunity to gather resources, craft weapons and hunt prey.

How to Play

Any holder of an Exemplar will be able to participate in this playtest. Regardless of the type of Exemplar you hold, all character models will be humans for this event.

Players will start with minimal equipment and resources. You’ll need to live off the land, gathering resources to grow in power and achieve your goals.

If you’ve never played in a Mirandus playtest before, you’ll find a control guide in the top left of your screen. Explore the Rolling Hills. Discover what you can and experiment with your new world. But beware! Mirandus is perilous, and an untested Exemplar can quickly fall to the dangers of this land.

Should your character die, you can respawn and begin your adventure again. Don’t get discouraged. Mirandus is a wild land, waiting to be tamed by brave Exemplars.

What to Expect in This Adventure

As we said in a previous update, the incremental advances of this milestone may not be immediately apparent to players. We’ve been adjusting various backend systems that will enable more rapid development and larger strides in months to come.

Come here about everything we’ve been working on in last week’s Town Hall!

This test is primarily intended to test the loop of players harvesting, crafting and hunting. The Rolling Hills has everything players will need to craft weapons and find the materials they need. Previously available zones will return in future playtests… but this one is all about the hunt! Besides, there may be another zone within this playtest for those who adventure too hard and find their exemplar unable to withstand the challenges of Mirandus!

Keep your eyes peeled for the Golden Rabbit darting throughout the hills. This mysterious bunny is carrying a precious ruby… this is the goal! Exemplars that get their hands on this ruby will receive The Covenant of the Wild  NFT, an original limited art NFT created by the Mirandus team. 

All participants will receive another original and limited NFT – A Terrifying Sight. Don’t give up on the Golden Rabbit though and simply accept only the participation reward! The Golden Rabbit waits for you! Should the rabbit be killed, it will respawn after a short time with a fresh ruby.

Let the Adventure Begin!

This playtest will continue throughout the week, giving you until Friday afternoon to hunt down that bunny!

Track your quarry patiently… the Golden Rabbit is elusive, but in time you will find what you seek.

Good luck out there adventurers! We’ll see you in the Rolling Hills!

Gala Music is Celebrating the First Anniversary of Voir Dire by Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist

Gala Music is Celebrating the First Anniversary of Voir Dire by Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist

It’s been a full year since the groundbreaking album Voir Dire by rapper Earl Sweatshirt and legendary producer The Alchemist made waves on Gala Music. Released in August 2023 as an innovative collection of 11 unique NFT tracks, Voir Dire offered fans a new way to experience and own music. This collaboration not only pushed the boundaries of how albums could be released but also brought new opportunities for fans to support their favorite artists directly through blockchain technology.

Voir Dire lore (Wikipedia)

While most of the tracks quickly sold out, a few gems remain available. These tracks—”27 Braids,” “My Brother, The Wind,” “All The Small Things,” and “Geb”—are still up for grabs, only while supplies last. 

“27 Braids”

“My Brother, The Wind”

“All The Small Things”


Owning these NFTs doesn’t just give you a piece of music history; it also unlocks daily $MUSIC rewards, tying your ownership directly to the album’s ongoing popularity on the platform. With only a handful left, now is the time to secure your place in this unique musical journey before these tracks are gone forever.

But that’s not all…

Collectible Merch

For the true fans of Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist, the All Access Store offers exclusive experiences and collectible merchandise you won’t find anywhere else. Choose from an autographed album poster pictured (below), tees and hoodies to bring a piece of Voir Dire into your everyday life.

Don’t Miss Out – Listen and Collect Now!

Dive into the sounds of Voir Dire and experience this album in a whole new way. Whether you’re here to collect the last remaining tracks or grab some exclusive merch, the clock is ticking. Head over to Gala Music, listen now and become a part of this iconic release.

Listen to the record on Gala Music

Play Music Coin and Start Earning $TREZ and $TGALA

While you’re jamming out to Voir Dire, why not start collecting rewards in our new Gala Music tap-for-rewards title, Music Coin.

Play Music Coin for free on mobile in our brand-new Telegram mini app. Upgrade and level up your journey to music stardom in this casual rewarding adventure. By referring new users, you’ll accumulate coins that will later convert into $TREZ and $TGALA (the TON version of $GALA). This is your chance to jump into the game and be part of the next big thing in digital music rewards.

Don’t wait—explore “Voir Dire,” secure those last tracks, and start your rise to musical glory with Music Coin today!

Play Music Coin in Telegram