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Join the Battle in Dragon Strike

Join the Battle in Dragon Strike

The battle continues in Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG. Have you tried your hand in the battle to regain your kingdom!?

If you haven’t tried Dragon Strike yet and you like RPG or Match-3 games, why not!? Dragon Strike is easy to hop in and get started with and there’s tons of ways to play! 

Today, we’d like to go over some of the gameplay systems within Dragon Strike. As we ‘show you around’, so to speak, remember that Dragon Strike is readily available from both the Play Store and App Store. If you like what you see here, download it and give it a go!

Dragon Strike, in Brief

Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG is a game that includes engaging and beloved mechanics from multiple game genres, so it can seem intimidating to people at first glance. Once players get inside, however, they’ll find a lot of the systems quite familiar and intuitive.

Combat within the game takes place primarily in a match-3 style, though your specific team’s skills and abilities play a major role in how that combat plays out. As you match colors, Heroes of the corresponding colors will gain energy to use their powerful abilities. 

There’s no turn-based play… you’ll need to be clever and quick. If your opponent is getting the upper hand, you have your inventory at your disposal. Use it to delay or debuff the opponents, or to buff your troops or do massive amounts of damage.

Regular Events

While Dragon Strike primarily employs RPG and match-3 elements, the regular event cycle adds more of a strategy facet to the game as well. These events are constantly rotating, and will reward you for taking specific actions – such as summoning, recruiting, killing monsters, etc.

The rewards for these events aren’t quite as big as the weekly events, but they add up. The best players will plan their use of resources and time to fit this event cycle. That way, they’re always on top of the leaderboard and pulling in the best rewards.

Your Town

As you play through the game, you’ll be fortifying your base. Exiled from your castle, you’ll need to build up this backwater town into a new seat of power. 

In your town you have multiple plots to build and new buildings will become available as you level. You’ll level up resource buildings and storage, but you’ll also slowly grow your barracks and Dragon Pit to recruit powerful allies to your cause. 

Crucially, you can also access The Summoning Portal from your town. Here you’ll be able to summon new Heroes and Dragons without waiting for them to slowly recruit from the barracks. Combine your recruits and summons to make a powerful team. 

Your Troops

The Heroes and Dragons you summon will fill up your army over time. These units will start out with limited power at low level, but you can level them up by combining them with other like units. 

As you build up Heroes and Dragons that you are less likely to use, combine them with your main team to increase the level of your best Heroes. Beware though, any Heroes or Dragons you use to as fodder to level will be gone forever! 

Once your troops hit max level, you can use promotion items to increase their rank. This increases their stats and starts them back at level 1, where you can grind up their level to even more power! As rank increases, the promotion items required become rarer. You can always find what you need though somewhere in the campaign, dungeons or event rewards! 


The campaign is the ongoing battle to regain your kingdom from the evil Malum. In this mode, you’ll progress through levels in many areas, gradually increasing in difficulty and rewards. 

As you go through the campaign, you’ll notice that each area has three likely drops listed. These are items that are more likely to drop from these areas, though they aren’t the only items that may drop as loot. You can use these favored drops to target farm what you need to grow your army.

Once you finish the campaign against Malum, an entirely new campaign will open with even more challenges. Be aware though – this is the endgame. The difficulty (and rewards) grow quickly here.

Dragon Strike

Dragon Strikes don’t carry the name of the game for nothing. These are serious battles against a series of insanely powerful Dragon bosses with potentially huge rewards.

This is a guild only event. Guilds work together to take down each and every Dragon placed before them. This takes both coordination and strategy. Using up your best items and all your energy early could leave you lacking on the tougher dragons.

Each guild only has a few days to rack up the kills here and rise on the leaderboards!


The other side of the coin from Dragon Strike is the Tournament. This battle will present players with a wide array of battles for different level of Heroes. This battle goes on opposite weeks  from Dragon Strikes, and is more of an individual battle than a guild contest.

Players will wade through each wave of the tournament and be ranked according to the points they achieve. Points come from both clear speed and the size of the largest combo achieved during battle. Climb the leaderboard to get BIG rewards.

Dragonspire Tower

Dragonspire Tower happens between Dragon Strike and Tournament events, and is similar to the tournament, but requires a little more nuanced strategy.

In Dragonspire Tower, you’ll climb through a neverending progression of increasingly difficult battles. Each gives rewards for completing… but there’s a catch. You can’t use the same Hero or Dragon twice.

Guilds offer a MAJOR advantage though, as in Dragonspire Tower you can borrow Heroes and Dragons from other players in your guild to use in a battle. You can only borrow from each member of your guild one time though, so you’ll still have to make some strategic decisions and not use up all your power early!


Dungeons occur on a rotating schedule and have unique waves of enemies with fixed rewards. There’s a large variety of difficulties of dungeons – the occasional “Impossible” dungeons can be punishing until you figure out their strategy, but the rewards are usually worth it.

Each dungeon has rewards for a fixed amount of waves, but you can also continue diving deeper into the dungeon for increasing rewards once you’re done. Each dungeon carries its own leaderboard so you can push yourself to get deeper than anyone else.


The arena is where PvP comes into play in Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG. Each player sets a defense team in the arena, then any attacking player can be matched against your defense team which will be played by the computer.

This asynchronous PvP system means that while you get to battle against the teams of your friends and rivals, there’s no long-winded wait for matchmaking. As soon as you enter the Arena, you’re right in the action.

Your rank in the arena depends on both your attacking and defending victories, so it may prove that different teams are better in each role. Experiment with your teams and see what you can make work.

The Gala Games Leaderboard 

The Gala Games Leaderboard is a ranking system that occurs weekly and pulls performance in multiple events into one list of rewards. This is where players can accumulate $GALA for their efforts in the game.

These events rotate weekly, depending on whether Dragon Strike or the Tournament is happening that week. The Gala Games Leaderboard will reward players with points based on the number of NFT Heroes that they use during the relevant events that week. Players will receive more points multiplicatively for each NFT Hero they use, up to a maximum of 5x for a full party of NFT Heroes.

Players will accumulate points for their performance in The Arena, as well as Dragon Strike or the Tournament – whichever happens that week. At the end of the Leaderboard each week, players will receive $GALA based on their rank.

Prepare for Battle

Jump in and get battling today! If you haven’t started building up your army and preparing for the war, what are you waiting for!?

NFT-Ready Heroes can be summoned in game, and there’s plenty of NFTs available on OpenSea or NFT Harbor… but you don’t need to buy anything to hop in and start building your forces! You can download and start playing right away!

Dragon Strike is totally free to play and you can download it from the Play Store or the App Store today.

Navigating GalaSwap: Your Guide to Token Swapping on GalaChain

Navigating GalaSwap: Your Guide to Token Swapping on GalaChain

Welcome to GalaSwap, your go-to platform for direct token swapping on GalaChain. With GalaSwap, you can seamlessly exchange $GALA and other network tokens such as $MTRM, as well as new community project tokens created through the GalaSwap Project Token Creation Tool.

Not only can you exchange tokens easily without leaving GalaChain, but you’ll also receive $GSWAP every time you create or accept a swap!

This guide will walk you through the steps to start swapping tokens, creating offers, and finding the best swaps available.Visit to begin your journey.

Getting Started with GalaSwap

First, login at with your Gala account credentials. Even if you’re logged in at one of the platform sites already, you’ll need to login to GalaSwap specifically because it is a separate platform.

Creating an Offer on GalaSwap

  1. Navigate to the Create Offer Page

Go to the main swap page and click Create Offer, or click the Create Offer button under the account icon in the top right corner.

  1. Fill in the Offer Details
    • Offering: Select the token type and amount you want to offer.
    • Wanted: Select the token type and amount you want in return.
    • Gas Fee: The amount of $GALA required to create the offer.
    • Switch Button: Swap the offering and wanted tokens if needed.
  2. Finalize and Create the Offer
    • Once you’ve entered the necessary details, click Create.
    • Enter your GalaChain wallet’s Transfer Code.
    • Your offer is now created and can be viewed on the main swap site under Active Offers. You’ll be notified when your swap is accepted.

Searching for an Offer on GalaSwap

  1. Log In and Search
    • On the main swap page, fill in the Offering and Wanted fields.
    • Click the Search button to find matching offers.
  2. Review and Accept Offers
    • When you find an offer, you will see:
      • You Give: The total amount of the token you will give.
      • Exchange Rate: The rate of the swap.
      • You Receive: The total amount of the token you will receive.
      • Gas Fee: The $GALA required to accept the offer.
    • If the swap is acceptable, click Swap.
    • Enter your GalaChain Wallet’s Transfer Code.
    • The swap will be initiated, and you will see a Swap Succeeded prompt upon completion.

GalaSwap Support Guide

Gala – Exploring the Future with the Ecosystem Blueprint

Gala – Exploring the Future with the Ecosystem Blueprint

Welcome, Galaxians! 2024 has been a bustling year for the Gala ecosystem, with huge developments including GalaSwap, the GalaChain SDK and Creator Portal, our Santiago, Chile game development studio and countless others.

Today we want to call your attention once again to the Gala Ecosystem Blueprint. This quick guide breaks down the components that make up our vision and outlines our path forward. 

Everything discussed in this blog you’ll find explored and explained in greater detail in the Gala Ecosystem Blueprint, so we encourage all of you to give it a read.

Let’s explore what makes the Gala Ecosystem a revolutionary force in the blockchain industry.

Introduction to the Gala Ecosystem

At the heart of our endeavor lies the Gala community, without whose constant involvement and support we could never thrive on this level. Concise and quick feedback from the community always ensures that every decision and innovation is both visionary and grounded in real-world applicability.

The Origins and Vision of Gala

While our journey began in the gaming industry, influenced by its unique demands on blockchain tech, our vision extends far beyond. Gala is not just about games, music or film; it’s about fundamentally reshaping and revolutionizing blockchain for a more empowering world. Our L1 blockchain, GalaChain, is a pivotal milestone that positions us at the forefront of blockchain evolution.

GalaChain: The Backbone of Our Ecosystem

GalaChain is designed to handle the high transaction volumes and complex interactions of modern online games, setting a benchmark for scalability and efficiency. By supporting the intensive requirements of web2 gaming, GalaChain can seamlessly handle virtually any other application or industry demand.

Key Features of GalaChain:

  • Efficiency: Near-real-time settlement with low gas fees and sub-second latency.
  • Security: Built on Hyperledger Fabric, offering a secure and scalable blockchain environment.
  • Developer-Centric: Contracts and tokens can be created using TypeScript, reducing onboarding friction for developers.
  • Environmentally Conscious: Designed to consume significantly less energy than other leading blockchains while offering superior computational capabilities.

The $GALA Token

The $GALA token serves as the foundational digital utility token within the Gala Ecosystem, facilitating seamless, secure payment settlements and incentivization among participants. It operates under the governance of a Gnosis multisig safe, ensuring collective oversight and enhanced operational security.

Founder’s Nodes: The Pillars of GalaChain

Founder’s Nodes are pivotal in supporting and facilitating a multitude of workloads within the Gala Ecosystem. These nodes provide storage solutions, contribute to the global IPFS Distributed Hash Table Routing, and are set to expand their responsibilities to bridge transactions and chain security, among other key functions.

Decentralization and Community Empowerment

Our ultimate goal is to fully decentralize the Gala ecosystem, transferring control to Founder’s Nodes and the broader community. This vision aligns with our core principle of decentralization, aiming to create an ecosystem that is driven and governed by its users.

Regulatory Compliance

Adherence to regulatory compliance is a cornerstone of our operations. Gala does not conduct token sales or ICOs, permit speculation or price chat, or offer a staking program for its tokens. Our approach is proactive and responsible, aligning with all applicable guidelines and directives.

The Roadmap Ahead

As we advance, our roadmap outlines our aspirations and goals, with transparency and clarity at the forefront. Key milestones include the release of SDKs, public analytics dashboards, node workload development, and the open sourcing of GalaChain.


The Gala Ecosystem Blueprint is not just a roadmap for our future but a testament to the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize industries and redefine the digital landscape. As GalaChain continues to evolve and integrate into more platforms, and as the network of Founder’s Nodes expands, the Gala Ecosystem is poised to set new benchmarks in the blockchain world.

Join us on this transformative journey and be a part of the future of decentralized technology with Gala.

Smart Contracts: Digital Agreements of the Future (The Future is Now)

Smart Contracts: Digital Agreements of the Future (The Future is Now)

What are Smart Contracts?

What if agreements could execute themselves automatically when certain conditions are met, without the need for intermediaries or manual processing?

It’s actually possible. This is the essence of smart contracts. A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts run on blockchain networks, ensuring transparency, security and automation.

How Do Smart Contracts Work?

To understand smart contracts, let’s break down their functionality step-by-step. Then we’ll explore some different kinds of smart contract examples within the GalaChain ecosystem.

  1. Code as Contract: The terms of a smart contract are written in code. This code defines the rules and penalties of the agreement, just like a traditional contract, but in a digital form that can be executed automatically.
  1. Blockchain Execution: Smart contracts are deployed on a blockchain, a decentralized and immutable ledger. This ensures that once a smart contract is created, it cannot be altered.
  1. Automatic Execution: When predefined conditions are met, the smart contract executes itself. For example, if a smart contract is set to release payment once a product is delivered, it will automatically transfer funds when delivery is confirmed.
  1. Transparency and Trust: All transactions and contract terms are visible on the blockchain, providing transparency. Since the contract executes automatically, there’s no need for trust between parties; the code enforces the agreement.

Smart Contracts at Work within Gala

In the Gala Games ecosystem, smart contracts are at the heart of various gameplay mechanics and economic structures. Here are some examples:

  1. Collect & Exchange NFTs: Smart contracts govern the ownership and trading of NFTs, ensuring that players can securely own, sell, and trade unique in-game assets. This includes items, characters and land within the game world. These contracts handle the transfer of ownership, enforce scarcity and ensure authenticity.
  1. Rewards Mechanics: Gala Games use smart contracts to implement their unique reward economies, automating the distribution of rewards to players based on their in-game activities and achievements. Rewards can include $GALA and other tokens as specified in the game’s litepaper.
  1. Node Governance: Gala Founder’s Nodes perfectly demonstrate one of the most important aspects of smart contracts: Community governance. Every Founder’s Node receives a single vote for its operator in every issue presented to the Founder’s Node ecosystem for governance.

The Gala Music platform leverages smart contracts to revolutionize the music industry, including examples like:

  1. Reward Distribution: Smart contracts automate the daily distribution of $MUSIC to artists, producers, collectors and listeners based on the economic details outlined in the Gala Music Whitepaper.
  1. NFT Music Ownership: Musicians can mint their tracks as NFTs, which are governed by smart contracts. These limited quantities and uniquely identified NFTs can be sold or traded, allowing artists to monetize their work directly and securely.
  1. Fan Engagement: Smart contracts can be used to create exclusive content or experiences for fans. For example, fans who lock their $MUSIC to support an artist directly can unlock levels of benefits like early sale access and special discounts, all governed by smart contracts.

In the Gala Film ecosystem, smart contracts facilitate new ways of financing, distributing, and engaging with film content:

  1. Decentralized Funding: The future of Gala Film will show filmmakers how through the use of smart contracts they can receive support for their film projects, such as funding and resources. We call this the “Pitches” program – It will be implemented following the $FILM token official launch.
  1. Content Distribution: Smart contracts can manage the distribution of video content, ensuring that Gala Film content is served by a truly decentralized network powered by Theater Nodes and their operators.
  1. Interactive Viewer Experience: Smart contracts make it possible to create interactive and immersive viewer experiences such as unlockable content. For example, viewers can collect shards from Mystery Boxes to complete Expansions, opening new exclusive content.

Why are Smart Contracts Important?

Smart contracts are a revolutionary innovation with several key benefits:


By automating the execution of contracts, smart contracts reduce the need for intermediaries, such as lawyers or brokers, speeding up processes and reducing costs.


Smart contracts use blockchain technology, which is highly secure. The decentralized nature of blockchain makes it difficult for hackers to alter or tamper with the contract.


All terms and transactions of a smart contract are recorded on the blockchain, providing complete transparency. This helps in building trust between parties.


Since smart contracts are written in code, they are executed with precision and accuracy, eliminating human errors that can occur in traditional contracts.


Smart contracts streamline processes by eliminating the need for manual intervention, reducing administrative overhead and speeding up transaction times.

Real-World Applications of Smart Contracts

Financial Services

Smart contracts are transforming the financial sector by enabling decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. These platforms offer services like lending, borrowing, and trading without traditional intermediaries.

Supply Chain Management

In supply chain management, smart contracts can automate the tracking of goods, ensuring transparency and reducing fraud. For example, a smart contract can release payment once a shipment is verified and delivered.

Real Estate

Smart contracts can automate real estate transactions, from listing to final sale. This reduces paperwork and speeds up the process, ensuring that all terms are met before transferring ownership.


Insurance companies can use smart contracts to automate claims processing. When a claim meets the predefined conditions, the smart contract can automatically release payment to the policyholder.

Gaming and Entertainment

Platforms like Gala Games use smart contracts to manage in-game assets and transactions. $GALA, the native token of the GalaChain ecosystem, facilitates these transactions, ensuring security and transparency in the gaming world.

The Future of Smart Contracts

As smart contract technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even broader applications and advancements. Here are a few trends to watch:


Future developments will focus on enabling smart contracts to operate across different blockchain networks, enhancing their functionality and reach.

Legal Integration

Smart contracts could be integrated into traditional legal frameworks, providing a hybrid model that combines the benefits of automation with the assurance of legal oversight.


Efforts are underway to improve the scalability of blockchain networks, allowing them to handle a larger volume of smart contracts without compromising speed or security.

AI and Smart Contracts

Integrating artificial intelligence with smart contracts could enhance their ability to manage complex agreements and adapt to changing conditions in real time.


Smart contracts are a groundbreaking innovation that is transforming the way we execute agreements. By leveraging blockchain technology, they offer a secure, transparent, and efficient method for automating transactions and enforcing agreements. As we move further into the era of Web3, smart contracts will play a crucial role in creating a more decentralized, transparent, and automated world.

Stay tuned for more blogs in our explainer series, where we’ll dive deeper into the fascinating world of Web3 and its key concepts!

Start playing Gala Games now

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Watch RZR free on Gala Film

Cool Off with Fresh Summer Vibes, This Week on Gala Music

Cool Off with Fresh Summer Vibes, This Week on Gala Music

Dive In & Chill

Our Hot Gala Summer has only just begun, with songs to tweak your seasonal playlist to perfection and much more.

Look out for new All Access Experiences from some of your favorite Gala Music artists, plus an onslaught of live shows from September Mourning, Jewel Chang, Laganja Estranja and more. It’s hot out there, but we’re ready to cool you off with these fresh tracks and opportunities.

Make Room for Money B

This week we’re welcoming iconic Hip Hop artist Money B, founding member of the multi-platinum Grammy nominees, Digital Underground. His first Gala Music banger is called “Sit Next to Me,” featuring Guapdad 4000 and dropping on Tuesday at 1pm PT.

Tune in on Gala Music for a special Money B live performance on Wednesday at 5pm PT!

Listen Now

NextUp Winner Airyen Vay

It’s time to welcome our latest NextUp artist winner, voted in by the Gala Music community and ready to astound with captivating and romantic flair. Born in Romania and creating music since childhood, Airyen Vay beautifully blends upbeat tempos and lyrical, inspiring piano lines. “I’m the One” hits the store on Tuesday at 1pm PT.

Listen Now

Craft Your Perfect Playlist with Vibe Mix

Tap into the new cutting-edge AI-powered feature that makes building your playlists easier and more intuitive than ever.

Download the App

Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive releases, and make sure your playlist is ready for the hottest tracks of the summer!

Drops Through the Week

Dropped Monday, June 24th 👇

Darren Claxton – “Was It Right?”


Wayz – “Water flow”

WVM – “Manifest”

Sarafa – “NEXT TIME (feat. E.D.I. MEAN & RENEE)”

Dropping Tuesday, June 25th 👇

Jey G – “8PM”

Airyen Vay – “I’m The One”

Tracy Danielle – “Love Force”

Money B – “Sit Next to me”

Dropping Wednesday, June 26th 👇

Rooftalez – “Summer of Love”

Sajaad – “Praise Me”

THENI 8 – “BG”

6ix Bux – “Some Kinda Way”

Dropping Thursday, June 27th 👇

Cise PreCise – “Love Can Blind”

Billyracxx – “Alien Targets” (prod. Mike Santana)

CYPARISS – “Miss You”

Ennio Carpenter – “Escalate”

Dropping Friday, June 28th 👇

Robot Clinic – “In My Bubble”

PuffPass – “Slow Motion”

Pablo Productions – “Bartoons” (Prod. pablo productions)

Clash – “come again” (feat. Keidoc)

Mystery Boxes

With two different Mystery Boxes currently available while supplies last, Gala Music is offering some awesome chances to win.

NxWorries Mystery Boxes – Only $4.99 Each

NxWorries is made up of Grammy winner Adnerson .Paak and producer Knxwledge. In honor of the recent drop of their highly anticipated 2nd record, “Why Lawd?” we teamed up with the superduo to put together an incredible Mystery Box packed with chances to win. Learn more about what you might find inside in THIS BLOG.

Buy NxWorries Mystery Boxes

The Gala Music Future Box – Only $4.99 Each

Brought to you by interdimensional VOX superstars FutureBoy and Gala Girl, the FutureBox is a crossover hit, still available while supplies last. In it, you might find special Gala Music tracks that money can’t buy from both, like FutureBoy’s LoFi sensation “VINC Sync” or Gala Girl’s pop EDM masterpiece, “Moonbeams.” 

Buy Future Boxes

Jam with the Gala Music App

Vote on What’s Next for Gala Music with NextUp

Get $MUSIC Rewards for Discovering New Music

Artists, Start Here