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Empowering Players Through Web3: The Tradability of Gala Games NFTs

Empowering Players Through Web3: The Tradability of Gala Games NFTs

As technology continually advances in leaps and bounds, ownership has been revealed as the single most empowering benefit to web3 tech in the gaming sector. The freedom that comes with web3’s application in the gaming world has led to an all-out gaming revolution.

At Gala Games, we are at the forefront of this revolution, leveraging the power of web3 to empower players with true ownership of their in-game items. One of the most significant benefits of this ownership is the ability to trade assets on secondary markets like OpenSea, creating a dynamic and flexible gaming ecosystem.

Gala Games Collections on OpenSea

Limited-Time Primary Sales and the Power of Secondary Markets

Primary sales of Gala Games items are often limited in supply and time, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity for our players. However, once these primary sales conclude, the items don’t simply vanish.

The Gala Games OpenSea Collection page

Thanks to the secondary market, users can continue to buy and sell these coveted assets. Platforms like OpenSea facilitate this by allowing players to list and purchase Gala Games NFTs, providing access to items that are no longer available through primary sales.

Bridging from GalaChain to Ethereum

Originally minted on GalaChain for use within our gaming titles, Gala Games NFTs are designed for seamless interoperability. They can be easily bridged to Ethereum, where they become tradeable on OpenSea and transferable through Ethereum wallets. This flexibility ensures that players can maximize the utility and value of their assets across different platforms and applications.

When you’re ready to take an item from the secondary market into its game and play with it, it’s easy to bridge the item from Ethereum to GalaChain through your Gala account, using your connected Ethereum wallet. Learn more about connecting your Ethereum wallet here.

A New Era of Player Freedom and Control

The traditional gaming model often locks players into a single title, especially when they’ve invested significant time and money into acquiring in-game assets. However, with web3 ownership, this is no longer the case.

Players now have the freedom to explore new games without losing what they’ve accumulated in previous games, even if they leave a game behind altogether. We’d hate to see you say goodbye to any of our games, but we want to ensure you have the freedom to do so without hurting your Gala Games collection. This paradigm shift promotes player freedom and control, breaking the cycle of being entrenched in a single game and encouraging exploration within the gaming ecosystem.

Browsing Celestial Claim NFTs from Echoes of Empire on the secondary market

Unlock Web3 Ownership

At Gala Games, we believe in the power of web3 to transform the gaming industry. The tradability of in-game items is a cornerstone of this transformation, providing players with unprecedented freedom and control over their digital assets. By leveraging platforms like OpenSea and the interoperability of GalaChain and Ethereum, we are creating a vibrant and dynamic marketplace that empowers players like never before.

Shop secondary market deals on OpenSea

Unlock the Thrill with RZR Premiere Mystery Boxes

Unlock the Thrill with RZR Premiere Mystery Boxes

The suspense keeps building for the sci-fi tech thriller series that has everyone in web3 talking. From the visionary mind of creator David Bianchi, RZR promises to kick things off for Gala Film with a real bang, inviting you into the gritty and surreal world where computers collide with the human brain.

First off, if you’re not as psyched as we are for Sunday’s exclusive global premiere, it’s probably because you haven’t watched the new trailer. Do it now.

Mystery Boxes

Ready to dig deeper into the world and lore of RZR, giving yourself multiple shots at winning exclusive merch, creator experiences and more in the process? Then RZR Mystery Boxes are just for you.

Each Mystery Box contains four items and four chances to win.

Some Mystery Boxes will be yours for free just for completing simple tasks on the Gala Film platform, like watching episodes, sharing and more.

Some Mystery Boxes have chances at rarer items. These will cost you $3.99 in the Gala Film store. They’re called Premiere Mystery Boxes. Check out the list below for an idea of what you might find inside.

Director Cuts

Opening Mystery Boxes will primarily reveal Shards, which you can collect and assemble to unlock Director Cuts. Once unlocked, these Director Cuts reveal new video content that will pull you even deeper into the story’s labyrinth, revealing behind the scenes footage, additional backstories and more.


Shards are the building blocks of Director Cuts. Each Shard is assigned a different rarity, meaning some are tougher to find than others and some Director Cuts are more difficult to complete than others.

Learn more about Mystery Boxes and Shards on your RZR Collection page.

Bronze Shards are the most common and easiest to find in free Mystery Boxes.

Silver Shards are more rare, often found in Premiere Mystery Boxes.

Golden Shards are the most scarce, contributing to the toughest to assemble Director Cuts.

In total, there are 12 unique Director Cuts available for “RZR.”

Director Cut 1 = 2 Bronze Shards

Director Cuts 2-6 = 3 Bronze Shards + 1 Silver Shard

Director Cuts 7-10 = 1 Bronze Shard + 1 Silver Shard + 1 Golden Shard

Director Cuts 11-12 = 1 Bronze Shard + 2 Silver Shards + 3 Golden Shards

With 46 unique Shards and increasing degrees of collectible difficulty for assembling higher numbered Director Cuts, snagging them all will not be an easy feat. But if you do manage to collect every Shard and unlock every Director Cut, you’ll have unparalleled insight into the world and story of “RZR.”

Premiere Mystery Box: What’s Inside?

In addition to Shards that will unlock Director Cuts when completed as described above, you’ll sometimes find amazing prizes in Premiere Mystery Boxes. Check out the items and odds below!

Premiere Mystery Box Shard Odds

While unique numbered Shards are needed for each of the 12 Director Cuts, the odds of finding Shards is based primarily on Shard rarity:

  • 60% of Shards are Bronze
  • 30% of Shards are Silver
  • 10% of Shards are Golden

Premiere Additional Prizes

While you’ll only find Shards in the no-cost (Starter, standard) Mystery Boxes, the $3.99 Premiere Mystery Boxes may contain additional prizes from the list below. One lucky Mystery Box will even contain the grand prize of a Gala Film Theater Node License.

Each Premiere Mystery Box has a ~5% chance to reveal one of the additional prizes below. 

  • 5 Additional Premiere Mystery Boxes – .67%
  • 3 Additional Premiere Mystery Boxes – 1.792%
  • Limited Edition “RZR” Hat – .375%
  • Exclusive “RZR” Experience – Video Call with David Bianchi – .0025%
  • 70 $GALA – 1%
  • 15k $GALA – .0025%
  • 1 POPCORN! – 1.25%
  • 187.5 POPCORN! – .0025%
  • Theater Node License – .0005%

Standard Mystery Box: What’s Inside?

As mentioned above, standard (free) Mystery Boxes are awarded for completing various platform activities. These boxes only contain Shards, and at slightly higher percentages than in Premiere Mystery Boxes.

  • Each Bronze Shard has a 4.8% chance of being found in a Standard Mystery Box.
  • Each Silver Shard has a 3% chance of being found in a Standard Mystery Box.
  • A single Golden Shard has a 2.2% chance of appearing in a Standard Mystery Box.

Starter Mystery Box: What’s Inside?

The Starter Mystery Box is especially simple to obtain as a special reward for watching the first episode of RZR. Each contains 2 Bronze Shards, 1 Silver Shard and 1 Golden Shard.

We hope you enjoy Gala Film’s gamified collector system, giving you a chance to unlock additional content from your favorite films and series. 

We hope you’re as excited as we are for a new world of entertainment that empowers filmmakers and fans like nothing before.

Moment Packs

As we announced yesterday, RZR Moment Packs are here. Open Moment Packs to collect reward eligible Moments from the series. Collect enough to build a whole scene for a  handsome bonus to the POPCORN! rewards you’ll receive whenever “RZR” episodes are viewed. POPCORN will be converted to $FILM later when the official utility token for Gala Film launches.

Buy Moment Packs Now

Listen to exclusive tracks from “RZR” on Gala Music

Watch “The Making of RZR” now on Gala Film

Gala Music NFTs on NFT Harbor

Gala Music NFTs on NFT Harbor

This week we’re proud to share some monumental progress coming from a true trailblazer on GalaChain. Swaps and trades for Gala Music NFTs at

Trading on Chain

Up to this point, only games NFTs have been available on the site, but soon anyone can list Music NFTs for swaps and trades without ever leaving GalaChain! 

We hope that this addition to NFT Harbor allows people to curate their perfect collection on GalaChain, all without the inconvenience of bridging to Ethereum. With fees on NFT Harbor set at only 1% currently on GalaChain, giving the Gala community a way to swap tracks on-chain is an amazing development for our entire ecosystem!

Bigger Discounts on Fees

You can save even more on transaction fees through NFT Harbor right now with several promotions. With the recently added ‘HODL Promotions’ on the site, users can save 40% on GalaChain fees and 20% on Ethereum fees by meeting certain criteria.

Get this sweet deal by holding above a certain threshold of $SILK, $GALA or $ETIME in your wallet, or by holding a Cruel Fate card from Mirandus! These promotions are automatically applied to your trades when you qualify.

These discounts only apply to 3 star or higher users though, which means you’ll have to make a few trades before they open up to you. Think of this as your reputation on the site. A successful trade raises your star count, but only if you respond within a reasonable time to any bids or deals. Take too long and make the user across from the negotiating table wait around and you could wind up losing a star!

GalaChain Growth

NFT Harbor was the first external project to ever dig into GalaChain, and we are overjoyed to see their progress and the growth their project brings to GalaChain. For a long time our community dreamed of a site like this to trade items with each other within the Gala Ecosystem. In the end, a long-term community member delivered by making this amazing tool!

We can’t wait to see what comes next for NFT Harbor!