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Get Ready for May Mayhem Week 2 in Common Ground World!

Get Ready for May Mayhem Week 2 in Common Ground World!

Check out the newly released Common Ground World Litepaper, packed with great info about the game’s exciting future!

The Mirror Magic Meta

As we move into the second week of May Mayhem in Common Ground World, it’s your time to shine—literally! Starting today (May 14th) at 10am PT, prepare to reflect on your strategic brilliance and outshine the competition in our dazzling Mirror Magic Meta event. This event challenges all city builders and strategists to craft and sell Mirrors to brighten every corner of their towns with style and efficiency.

Event Details

Crafting Focus: Mirrors
Crafting Recipe: 3 Molten Glass, 2 Chromium, 2 Silver, 1 Oak Wood
Craft Time: 120 seconds
Trade Time: 60 seconds, 1 Gasoline
Biome: Forest
Edges: Mountain N, Forest E, River S, River W

Mirrors crafted during this event will be worth half their standard cash value—$26,920, ensuring a challenge in economic balance as you expand your towns.

Exciting Rewards Await

Success in this event will bring you not only the satisfaction of a well-managed town but also incredible rewards under the May Mayhem “Best of the Best” category. Keep an eye on the specific reward details in Discord as we update them for week 2.

What’s More?

We have boosted the cash values of several items to help you balance your town’s economy efficiently:

  • Ceramic Mug: $11,000
  • Cup of Coffee: $100,000
  • Sugar: $5,000
  • Jam: $80,000

Don’t forget, Mirrors will also fetch you a whopping 100,000 stars, assuring that their production is well worth your while when it comes to the competition leaderboard!

New NFT Reworks & Discounts

Check out this week’s latest utility reworks of previously sold NFTs, now available again in limited supply for special discounts.

Hot Cocoa Chalet (Epic)

Previous Abilities:

  • 40% reduction to adjacent Marshmallow crafting
  • 40% reduction to adjacent Hot Cocoa crafting

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

  • 40% reduction to adjacent Mallow & Cocoa crafting + itself!
  • This building is now a Cafe with:
    • 2 included Baristas
    • Baristas twice as fast!
    • Baristas work for half wages!
  • Requires 2 fewer Coffee Beans to craft
  • Crafts twice as fast
  • Casts no shade

Get your Hot Cocoa Chalet now for 25% off while supplies last!

Mistletoe Arch (Rare)

Previous Ability:

35% boost to Oak Tree craft time (2 tile radius)

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

50% boost to Oak Tree craft time (3 tile radius)

Get your CMistletoe Arch now for 25% off while supplies last!

New Sales

The Epic Glass Factory is now available in limited supply. Dropped on May 10th, this Epic factory crafts Molten Glass and Glass Bottles (like the in-game version), but has the following additional perks:

  • 2 workers instead of 1, with both traveling at 250% speed!
  • Casts no shade
  • Causes no “Dirty” effect
  • Wages = $300

Get your Epic Glass Factory while supplies last

Hatchet Hank Jr. (Rare) is back in limited supply!

  • 15% walking speed increase to Lumberjacks
  • 15% walking speed increase to itself and other Hatchet Hanks
  • Casts 1 shade and must be placed by a road
  • Stacks up to three times

Get your Hatchet Hank Jr. now while supplies last

Good luck in this week’s competition, starting on Tuesday, May 14th at 10am PT!

Play Common Ground World now!

Check out the replay of last week’s Common Ground World Town Hall at the link below, and tune in every week for the latest updates and info on Friday at 8am PT!

Common Ground World Litepaper

Common Ground World Litepaper


In Gala’s earliest days, the only game on the platform was Town Star. As the ecosystem steadily grew, many other games entered the ranks, forming a vibrant and thriving platform for empowering games of all genres and interests. Town Star is now called Common Ground World, and to this day it stands apart as the root of the Gala gaming experience. Having come a LONG way since those early days. Common Ground World still holds a central role within the GalaChain ecosystem.

The transformative rebranding of Town Star into Common Ground World in partnership with Common Ground, the award-winning documentary from director Josh Tickell, introduces several new dynamics and features to the game, including both off-chain and on-chain assets. These new assets come along with fresh and fun ways to obtain and use them through competition and collaboration.

This paper represents an introductory list of all our exciting changes, the new mechanics to be implemented and their impact on your gaming experience. This paper includes tokenomics, a roadmap and features we will introduce in the near future.

All details shared in this document are inherently fluid as is customary with live service games; we always try to take our community’s feedback into consideration in the decision making process.

Recently Released New Content

Since Town Star became Common Ground World, we have seen players engage with exciting new features such as the first time user experience with Professor Chicken, Common Ground mode where you can build your own town and discover the wonders of regenerative agriculture, and Fast Forward and offline play, offering you new options to grow your towns. There have also been numerous quality of life improvements to the game along the way. As always, the Common Ground World team looks forward to making your gaming experience better everyday.



Recently, Common Ground World Node operators received their Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs, first-of-their-kind fully transferable tokens that represent ownership of a Common Ground World Node. Common Ground World Node NFT owners will have the ability to create their own Guilds, inviting other players to join and participate in team-based competitions in order to obtain valuable Guild Resources! 

Guilds can be improved to allow more member slots and more Vault space to store earned Guild Resources. These upgrades can take place by merging Common Ground World Node NFTs together through a crypto-crafting experience, combining these nodes with upgrade materials and DIRT/$SOIL! 

In the continuous effort to evolve the gaming experience within Common Ground World, Gala is set to introduce two groundbreaking features: Bots and Library slots, further enhancing Guild dynamics. These additions promise to elevate the level of strategy and cooperation required, as they allow members to leverage their NFTs for collective benefits. Bots, such as the FarmBot (designed to speed up farming processes) or the TradeBot (aimed at boosting trading efficiency) can be assigned to specific Bot slots within a Guild. This strategic placement of Bots enables Guild members to optimize their in-game operations, fostering a more collaborative and efficient gaming experience.

Similarly, Library slots introduce a novel mechanism in which Guild Leaders can set their own NFTs, allowing Guild members to check them out and use them in their own towns, thus broadening the scope of strategic gameplay. Through this system, Guild members can share the benefits of specific NFTs, ensuring that every member gains from collective achievements and contributions. As Guilds evolve and improve, they will have the opportunity to acquire additional Bots and Library slots, further enhancing their capabilities and strategic advantages. This progression system not only incentivizes Guild development and cooperation but also deepens the game’s strategic elements, making the community and teamwork even more integral to success in Common Ground World.


In the early days of Town Star, the concept of Bots served a variety of future purposes within the world of the game. In the near future, these promises will finally be fulfilled to Common Ground World players. These Bots fall within two categories:

Major Bots: These Bots will have significant Guild-wide utility if equipped to a Common Ground World Node.

  • FarmBot: Speeds up farming processes across the whole Guild. 
  • TradeBot: Boosts trading efficiency across the whole Guild.
  • BoomBot: Allows for the removal of a single obstacle by each Guild member daily.

Minor Bots: These Bots are deployed on the game board and serve their specific roles.

  • Cranebot: Transports resources
  • SaltyBot: Transports salt
  • Elfbot: Transports sugar

Bots are all created via crypto-crafting. On Ethereum, this is an incredibly expensive process from a gas burning perspective. This is why in the near future, all Bot parts in inventory will receive a 1/1 drop of the same parts on GalaChain, making the crypto-crafting process much more efficient and finally enabling people to build their Bots. 

Note: Because the new parts will be dropped on GalaChain, your Bot parts MUST be in a GalaChain linked wallet in order to be indexed to receive the GalaChain Bots parts.

Upgradeable NFTs

Spend DIRT (off-chain game currency) or $SOIL,  and a combination of three different types of upgrade materials of different rarities to improve the abilities and effects of this new category of NFTs through all 20 levels!

Here is the list of upgrade materials you will be able to obtain:

  • Red Common Material
  • Red Uncommon Material
  • Red Rare Material
  • Red Epic Material
  • Red Legendary Material
  • Blue Common Material
  • Blue Uncommon Material
  • Blue Rare Material
  • Blue Epic Material
  • Blue Legendary Material
  • Green Common Material
  • Green Uncommon Material
  • Green Rare Material
  • Green Epic Material
  • Green Legendary Material
Scheme showing relative cost of upgrading Upgradeable NFTs through each level.
Compost Factory, a type of upgradeable NFT.

Daily Challenge

Obtain DIRT every day by collecting Town Points with your Earning NFTs*! Fulfill the daily requirement using your eligible Earning NFTs*, claim your Town Points when the challenge is complete, and receive your daily allocation of DIRT based on your performance!

*Earning NFTs include all NFTs with the capability to participate in earnings activities.

Consumable Boosts

These off-chain items can be obtained through competitions, Guild events and on the Gala Store by spending DIRT or $SOIL! They can be spent (burned) to provide time-limited boosts to one of your towns.

Common Ground Academy

This upgradeable NFT can be placed in-game to temporarily provide one or more chosen buffs to one of your towns in Common Ground, Casual or Competitive mode to maximize your strategy!

Common Ground Academy NFT image.


We aim to deliver quarterly new features and mechanics into the game, including quality of life improvements.

  • Looking back at Q4 of 2023:
    • Common Ground mode: This brand new game mode features a persistent unique wageless town that players can customize however they want. (Delivered)
    • First time user experience: New users can learn the basics of the game by studying with Professor Chicken. (Delivered)
  • Q2 2024: Guild system & Daily Challenges
  • Q3 2024: Upgradeable NFTs & Common Ground Academy
  • Q4 2024 and 2025: Consumable Boosts, Referral Program, Town Visits, additional Guilds features including Library and Bot slots, and more!


The premier fungible token to be obtained and used in Common Ground World will be $GALA, which can be obtained through PVP Competitions.  $GALA can be used to obtain NFTs with special abilities in the Gala store, which can then be used inside all modes of Common Ground World. $GALA obtained in this way comes from Gala’s portion of the daily distribution.

A new off-chain in-game currency named DIRT will be introduced into the game as well. 

Scheme showing Tokenomics flow.

Obtaining DIRT

Players will obtain DIRT by either operating their Common Ground World Nodes as exchange for their contribution, by collecting Town Points everyday using Earning NFTs in the Daily Challenge, or by participating in social competitions that reward this currency.

Daily Challenge

By the end of every day, a pool of DIRT will be distributed among every player that completed that day’s challenge. The amount received by each player will depend on the amount of Town Points the player contributed to the total pool of points of the day.

For example, let’s suppose only two players completed a day’s challenge. Player A contributed 800 Town points and Player B contributed only 200 Points. Player A, contributing 80% of that day’s Town Points pool will receive 80% of the DIRT pool and Player B with 20% of that day’s Town Points will receive the remaining 20% of the daily DIRT pool.

Guild & Regular Competition Rewards

Some competitions, whether they are solo or Guild-based, will grant DIRT as reward, depending on your position in the leaderboard.

Social Activities

Visiting other users’ Towns or engaging in community activities will also reward you DIRT!

Spending DIRT

DIRT will be extremely helpful to accelerate and customize your gaming experience. Users will be able to spend it on things like the following:

  • Improving their Common Ground World Node NFTs for Guilds
  • Leveling up all varieties of upgradeable NFTs
  • Exchanging DIRT for Consumable Boosts
  • Exchanging DIRT for quick in-game Cash (soft currency used to buy in-game items)
  • Purchasing Upgrade Materials or Crafts in the in-game store
  • Much more to come

Turning DIRT into $SOIL

All the DIRT collected will eventually be able to be turned into on-chain $SOIL, which will feature all the same capabilities as DIRT.


The team would like to deeply thank the incredible Common Ground World community for their outstanding support, whether you joined during the earliest days of Town Star or if you are recently starting this adventure. Your enthusiasm, feedback and passion pushes us to provide the best game everyday; we invite you to keep discussing, sharing your perspective and always challenging us to make the best possible gaming experience. We make Common Ground World together!

Common Ground World aims to transcend entertainment into global sustainability, promoting values and principles of environmental impact while providing a fun experience for players. 

Our goal is to put power in the hands of our community to let them decide the future of the game through new content and features based on a collective mission: Organizing through Guilds, improving NFTs and enhancing the node ecosystem, among others.

Welcome to a new era of conscious gaming; welcome to Common Ground World.

Play Common Ground World now on Gala Games

Legal Disclaimer

The purchase or sale of any digital asset involves risk. The information in this Litepaper is provided for informational purposes only, and we urge you to read this material carefully and ask us any follow-up questions that you may have before joining the Gala Games platform. You should also consult with your legal, accounting, or tax advisors regarding any applicable laws, rules or regulations that might govern your purchase of the digital assets discussed in this Litepaper or your participation in the Gala Games platform, and regarding the tax or other financial implications of any purchase or sale. By your purchase or sale of any digital assets or tokens offered by Gala Games, you agree to assume the risks of such participation, and Gala Games disclaims any liability thereof.


Today on Gala Games Plays: Common Ground World

Today on Gala Games Plays: Common Ground World

Join members of the Common Ground World team today from 3-5pm PT on the Gala Games Youtube channel as they show you how to build!

With the first week’s special May Mayhem competition now in full swing, this is a great opportunity to power up your gameplay with tips and tricks straight from the source!

Canine Companions

Animal Companions are a great way to boost the productivity and speed of your town!

Sparky the Legendary Great Pyrenees is on sale for 15% off while supplies last – Without taking up any space in your town, he’ll increase the movement speed of your farm animals, Ranchers and ATVs!

Lucy the Border Collie will increase the crafting speed of your Milk Barns, Chicken Coops and Sheep Pens in Common Ground World!

Lucy the Border Collie just dropped yesterday, offering a nice boost to the crafting speed of your farm buildings, including Milk Barns, Sheep Pens and Chicken Coops!

Set a notification at the link below and we’ll see you there!

The Mayhem Begins in Common Ground World with Guilds, Pups and Chances to Win

The Mayhem Begins in Common Ground World with Guilds, Pups and Chances to Win

Common Ground World’s May Mayhem festivities and competitions kick off this week, and while the dog days of summer are still months away, the team couldn’t resist introducing y’all to your newest CGW canine!

Companions–A New NFT Class

Get Your Canine Companion now

Unlike Building NFTs that require a square of your playing field (or more), Companion NFTs are deployable helpers that will wander around as they please, sharing their abilities and boosts automatically with your entire town. From cute kitties to majestic (but harmless) birds or loyal canine cohorts, Companions will let you pack your town with critters that are as beneficial as they are adorable!

Most Companions come with universal boosts to certain elements of gameplay like production time. While multiple boosts from Companions can be used by deploying multiple Companions, not all boosts are stackable in multiples.

Lucy the Border Collie is a magnificent furry helper for your town, joining Sparky the Great Pyrenees as your newest CGW Companion. But that’s only the beginning of what Common Ground World has planned for the month of May. Look for special competitions, discount sales, NFT reworks and new feature launches throughout the most exciting month on the Gala Games calendar!

Epic Lucy will stand guard to increase the crafting speed of your Milk Barns, Sheep Pens and Chicken Coops. 

Now let’s take a look at the May Mayhem excitement landing this week in Gala’s flagship game of town and city builders!

Week 1 Competition

For the first full week of May Mayhem, Common Ground World is hosting an Everyone is Welcome! event, with additional reward spots and extra $GALA on the table for the best builders!

The competition begins at 10am PT on Tuesday, May 7th and runs until 10am PT on Friday, May 10th!

Race to sell as many Blue Steel Bicycles as possible using your Santa’s Factory–Put the pedal to the meta with this special May Mayhem competition!

Topping an extended leaderboard with 2500 total spots, the overall winner will take home 48,000 $GALA. Additionally, the top 100 finishers will receive a bonus NFT award!

Check out the original Discord announcement with a link to terms and conditions, a complete leaderboard breakdown, specific meta requirements and more!

Join members of the Common Ground World team for a special edition of Gala Plays, tomorrow at 3pm PT, where they’ll share some excellent tips and tricks for pedaling onto the leaderboard crafting Bicycles! Set a notification at the link below:

NFT Reworks

The Common Ground World team has a pristine reputation of keeping everything fresh and constantly delivering new content that keeps player strategies sharp! In that spirit, each week this May, look for reworks of some of your favorite CGW NFT items. 👩‍🌾 Look for new and improved abilities and additional crafting options on previously released NFTs.

If you never got your hands on these buildings in the original sales, don’t worry! Along with the weekly reworks, we’re also re-releasing these buildings with a nice discount 🤑, giving you a fresh chance to work them into your CGW strategies.

Last Friday, new utility was announced for the following two NFTs, which have been re-released in the Common Ground World store with a 30% discount, while supplies last!

Epic Table of Appreciation

Previous Abilities:

  • Crafting Baguettes without Flour 20% faster
  • Crafting Pinot Noir 20% faster with only 4 Pinot Grapes (instead of 6)
  • Crafting Cheese 20% faster with only 1 Milk (instead of 2)
  • Crafting Pumpkin Pie 20% faster with only 5 Pumpkin, 4 Sugar, 8 Eggs

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

  • Crafting Baguettes without Flour 50% faster!
  • Crafting Pinot Noir 50% faster with only 3 Grapes!
  • Crafting Cheese 50% faster with only 1 Milk!
  • Crafting Pumpkin Pie 50% faster with only 3 Pumpkin, 2 Sugar, 4 Eggs!
  • Crafting Jam 50% faster with 5 Strawberries, 3 Sugar, and Water instead of Water Drum!
  • The Chef’s speed has doubled!

Get your Epic Table of Appreciation now for 30% off

Rare Crystal Reindeer

Previous Ability:

20% speed boost to Wizards Workshop crafting

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

50% speed boost to all Wizards Workshop and Master Wizards buildings

Get your Crystal Reindeer now for 30% off

Don’t miss out on any of the mayhem happening all month long! There’s never been a better time to start playing Common Ground World than right now. With new features, constant content updates and strategy-boosting player-owned NFTs, Common Ground World is stronger than ever!

To hear about all the latest May Mayhem action directly from the team, check out the replay of last Friday’s Common Ground World Town Hall 👇 Tune in every Friday at 8am PT for the latest game updates and a rundown of the upcoming meta changes to prepare you for competition!

Play Common Ground World Now

Introducing GalaChain’s First Node Workload NFT

Introducing GalaChain’s First Node Workload NFT

To keep up with powering the most innovative projects, products and platforms in web3, it’s crucial that we maintain optimized node networks. These networks empower users to contribute computing power to the decentralized network through GalaChain’s cutting edge DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network), essentially turning community computers into employees of the blockchain and rewarding operators for their time and energy.

While GalaChain was being created from the ground up by our team of blockchain experts, tokenization of node licenses was always an important part of the vision. A key benefit to blockchain is the user’s ability to own tokenized items on their terms, so a license to operate a DePIN node for rewards should be no exception.

As recently announced in this blog, Founder’s Nodes and Common Ground World Nodes would be the first nodes in the GalaChain network to undergo this “tokenization” process.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that Common Ground World Nodes have now made GalaChain history, becoming the first tokenized node licenses in the GalaChain ecosystem.

Node Workload NFTs

Throughout the history of the decentralized Gala ecosystem, node licenses have been issued as account locked items, making them unable to be transferred or traded. With Node Workload NFTs, operators are becoming empowered to trade their licenses with one another for the first time.

Please note that the Node Workload NFT is not the node itself, but the tokenized license to operate the node for rewards. No matter which node network (there are already several and more in the works), the node is run using the GalaChain node client on the operator’s computer.

By transferring a Node Workload NFT to another user, you are also giving them the right to operate that node and receive the rewards that come with it.

Initial Features

The Common Ground World team is bravely leading the way into this uncharted territory by tokenizing licenses for Common Ground World Nodes. This is a crucial step before the upcoming release of Common Ground World Guilds, which promises to be a truly game-changing feature for Gala’s flagship game of town and city builders.

Your Node Workload NFTs will initially be transferable to other users and bridgeable to the Ethereum blockchain for external trade. However, please note that your Node Workload NFT must be on GalaChain to run your workload.

Future Features

The ability to list your Node Workload NFTs on GalaSwap will be added with a future update. 

Allocation of CGW Node Workload NFTs

For anyone who purchased Common Ground World Node (formerly known as Town Star Node) licenses in a previous sale, you will receive a number of Node Workload NFTs that corresponds to the amount you spent on your CGW Node license in the original sale.

Around midday on March 27th, operators should have received 1 Node Workload NFT for each $1000 spent on the license in the original sale. For example, if you spent $1000, you should have received 1 Node Workload NFT, but if you spent $4000, you should have received 4.

Stay tuned for more updates and the tokenization of other node networks within the GalaChain ecosystem, such as Gala Founder’s Nodes!