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Do You Galascan?

Do You Galascan?

Galascan originated from our amazing community. More specifically, it originated from GingerBreadMan, one of the key drivers of the Fuzzle Prime DAO.

Back in early 2024, we held a contest to see who could design the best block explorer for GalaChain. There were four qualifying submissions, but the Founder’s Node operators spoke. In a very close vote, GingerBreadMan won with his explorer at This would soon evolve into GalaScan!

How to use Galascan

Galascan is surprisingly straightforward for such a powerful block explorer. There is only one all-purpose dashboard at

From this dashboard, you can filter and view all transactions on GalaChain. You can easily search a specific GalaChain ID, which makes it an easy way to dig through your own transactions on GalaChain or watch the hottest wallets.

You can also filter by currency or specific transaction type, making it all the easier to get a clear picture of whatever data you’re looking for.

By default, you’ll only see the most recent hour’s transactions on the dashboard. If you search for more specific data, however, you can view as far back as records go on GalaChain… right back to October 31st, 2022 — when the first GalaChain supported app went live!

Details at a Glance

One of the best things about Galascan is that it shows important metrics about GalaChain simply and all in one place!

At the top of the page you’ll see some of the most sought after information about GalaChain:

  • Total transactions that day
  • Total unique wallets holding tokens on GalaChain
  • Total circulating supply of $GALA
  • Total GalaChain operations that day
  • Total $GALA burned in the last 24 hours
  • Leaderboard of the wallets that have burned the most $GALA
  • $GALA price and market cap (price values sourced from CoinGecko API)

$GALA is burned all the time during the operation of GalaChain. Any time tokens are burned for transaction fees or purchases, the circulating supply of $GALA goes down. However, the $GALA distributed by Founder’s Nodes goes up since it is based on the total amount in circulation.

This burn leaderboard is new, and we’re excited that Galaxians everywhere will be able to keep an eye on this metric as the ecosystem continues to expand and grow.

Explore GalaChain

Galascan is a powerful block explorer that is simple for anyone to learn and dig into. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only tool there is to really explore deep into GalaChain!

Check out if you want detailed information on specific tokens. This community-developed site covers many different tokens in the GalaChain ecosystem and gives you amazing information on top holders, exchange timeline and even simplifies GalaSwap offers into an easy to understand order book! gives aggregated data points about GalaChain, Nodes, $GALA and users on GalaChain. You can’t dig through blocks like on Galascan, but you can easily see important statistics that may be tough to glean from a list of blocks! offers a more detailed view of specific blocks, also allowing you to easily sort by channel and search more specific information on GalaChain.

Some users may find this less user friendly than Galascan, but if you know your way around a block explorer and understand the layout of GalaChain, it’s a very powerful tool!

There are tons more interesting tools to help with learning and development on GalaChain. Check out our recent article listing off some of the hottest spots on GalaChain if you want to dig deeper.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Well, I guess you need to build it then. Seriously though, GalaChain is here to build the future on. If you have an idea of what could help this ecosystem, what are you waiting for?

GalaChain Community Block Explorer Winner

GalaChain Community Block Explorer Winner

Development on GalaChain seems to be accelerating every day, and many long-time members of the Gala community are stepping forward with massive innovations to make GalaChain better for everyone.

The great contributions by our community are part of what makes GalaChain amazing, and the development of block explorers for users to really understand GalaChain have been among the biggest milestones.

Seeing Blocks Better

A solid and reliable block explorer is beneficial to everyone working on chain, so we were more than happy to offer a reward to the best the community could cook up. The Gala Founder’s Node Network will always continue to be a major part of GalaChain, so giving them the option to make the choice seemed natural.

Thank you to everyone who rose to the challenge and built block explorers. Your contributions to this ecosystem are invaluable. Thank you to all the Founder’s Node operators who voiced your opinion in the poll – this was something entirely new for Founder’s Node Network governance, and hopefully we will have more robust votes in the future to involve operators more in GalaChain.

Finally, thank you to everyone who is part of the Gala community or who does anything at all on GalaChain. We’re all building together!

…And the Winner Is…

Congratulations to GingerBreadMan and his GalaChain Explorer!

All four options in this poll had their individual strengths, and the choice for Founder’s Node operators was anything but cut and dry. While we can’t speak for the Founder’s Node operators who made this call, it’s likely they were impressed with the user-friendly UI and intuitive design of

I want to highlight the Fuzzle team. It’s amazing to see a passionate group work so well together in their free time. We have a lot of improvements to make to the explorer that were in the original design. We plan to complete the explorer and show everyone the power of AI and community in the process.


GingerBreadMan will receive his choice of 1 million $GALA or a Founder’s Node License. Congratulations to him on both the prize and his amazing craftsmanship on the block explorer.

Building Better

The development on GalaChain isn’t slowing anytime soon! With the usefulness of these block explorers, many bigger developments are on the horizon.

We hope the hard work put in by all the candidates in this vote inspire others to build their own innovations on GalaChain. GalaChain is here for you… imagine it and make it today!

Introducing HottoShotto’s GalaChain Explorer

Introducing HottoShotto’s GalaChain Explorer

Gala has been hard at work for several years empowering users in any new way we can devise. At some point we realized that in order to onboard a billion users to our L1, GalaChain, our philosophy must expand outward in every direction. This mission was simply too big for the core Gala company to accomplish alone. Besides, we’re stronger together.

This outward expansion of our mission fueled not only the original idea of creating an L1 blockchain of our own, but also the recent upgrades that opened it up to external developers and innovators. With the recent releases of the GalaChain SDK and GalaChain Creator Portal, brilliant developers all over the world are starting to share our vision of a decentralized multi-industry haven of empowerment that brings the best and brightest ideas to the tech forefront.

In this blog, we simply want to highlight the incredible progress of an external team within the community who’s hard at work to make this shared vision a reality with a strong focus on community and developer education: Meet

HottoShotto for Blockchain Explorers

While not everyone is always interested in the real-time workings of a blockchain, explorers are an essential part of the web3 experience. Blockchains are distributed ledgers of cryptographic data, and explorers play the crucial role of making that data accessible to normal users.

Check out the GalaChain Blockchain Explorer at

Search by transaction hash, client address and more, or view block number data hour by hour.
Inspect specific blocks for the past 30 days by individual channel.

The Connect Wallet feature is not yet available, but coming soon.

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to HottoShotto and team for creating this robust GalaChain blockchain explorer for the decentralized GalaChain ecosystem.

If you’d like to show your support to HottoShotto, you’re welcome to “buy coffee” directly using the link in the upper right of

HottoShotto for Gala Community Members also recently emerged as a useful resource for anyone in the Gala community, especially to find price and NFT marketplace listing data in one handy location.

Soon, HottoShotto has plans to host an NFT sale of its own, selling multiple rarities of limited membership NFTs.

“Collectibles provide owners with unique perks in the HottoShotto ecosystem. Collections come limited in supply, rare, legendary, exotic rarity levels and beautiful artwork.”

-from’s Collections page

HottoShotto NFTs

HottoShotto Discord community

HottoShotto for Developers

If you’re an aspiring web3 developer looking to build something within the GalaChain ecosystem, you’ll find a treasure trove of valuable resources on the HottoShotto Developers page. From the basics of relevant programming languages to specialized web development guides, this page is a fantastic reference for newcomers who are not afraid to dive in!

While Gala is not affiliated with HottoShotto, we wanted to showcase this outstanding resource project and highlight its focus on empowerment and education. Chances are you’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the future!