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RingWatch: EPX Season 2 Recap

RingWatch: EPX Season 2 Recap

Another battle for The Ring of Ruin has completed… yet we find ourselves back at the beginning of the battle.

The paradox continues, as the actions of Karls and Shakram echo through time itself in the never ending battle. That all ends in Elysium are also beginnings doesn’t have to be a curse… another chance to rise to the call of battle is here! Will you succeed this season where you failed before? Will you rise to the occasion and master time itself… along with the future of Elysium?

Welcome Mercenaries, to the conclusion of Season 2!

Alex: I, for one, welcome more battle. This cannon isn’t just for show, you know?

Torsten: Wha– how did I get here again?! I know I defeated you this time Alex… during the final battle for the ring!

Alex: No… not me. Probably just another impersonator. You see, I’m quite popular on account of how utterly gorgeous I am. Bwahahahahahah!

Torsten: …

Alex: At any rate, people aren’t here for just my chiseled good looks… let’s get to the results of Season 2!

Conquest: The Victorious

This season, the three different Conquest events were vicious. S12 took home the title this season, but with so many Captains catching their stride after the first season, strategy was cohesive and nuanced for many guilds. Competition was fierce, but the following players rose to the top repeatedly to dominate the leaderboards!

  1. Firstblood
  2. Nandoca
  3. Win
  4. KingNerd
  5. Goodnight

Most Powerful Captains

Conquest is one thing, but a Captain’s overall power relies less on their allies and more on their long-term strategy and organization throughout the season. The following Captains built their empires up to staggering heights, inspiring fear in their enemies across Elysium!

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Firstblood
  3. KingNerd
  4. Win
  5. Burgundy

Arena Victors

The Arena is not conquest. In Arena battles, your Mercenaries have no soldiers to hide behind. The raw power of your lineup and your strategy in battle reign supreme, and only the most diligent and dedicated Captains have what it takes to dominate the competition. 

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Firstblood
  3. Melio_das
  4. Kazuto1995
  5. Nandoca

Most Honorable Mentions

The following Captains were the only ones to finish in the top 10 in all season rankings!!!

  • PalafinHF
  • Firstblood
  • Win

Season 3 Is Live!

Season 3 is officially live. If you haven’t started building your empire yet, what are you waiting for!?

Behold! The Doombringer!

This season there’s tons of new features to look out for… new Mercenaries, new ways to rack up DPP, and the long anticipated Doom Bringer guild raids!

This season goes through April 30th. If you haven’t started rallying your forces yet, there’s still time to get a great start in your quest for glory!

Caption: Season 3 brings the all-new Mercenary Wang to the battle!

The Paradox Continues

Alex: So… big plans this season, Torsten?

Torsten: Yeah… I’m going to find the real you, and punch him repeatedly until–

Alex: Hey, that’s great buddy. I’m sure you’re going to have a lot of fun with that.

Torsten: How can you possibly be so annoyi –

Alex: And that’s all the time we have. Time to play us out, mysterious disembodied voice!

Thanks Alex. We hope every Captain out there – win or lose – had tons of fun in Season 2. Season 3 is going to have even more epic battles and more ways to play…

We’ll see you at the battle for the ring!

Latest and Greatest: Eternal Paradox with New Adventure in Season 2

Latest and Greatest: Eternal Paradox with New Adventure in Season 2

Time flies when you’re defying fate, and Mercenaries, it’s time to set your clocks again! Season 2 of Eternal Paradox started less than 2 weeks ago on January 24th, bringing with it a whirlwind of fresh content, powerful heroes, and legendary rewards. Gear up and get ready, because there’s still plenty of time this season to turn the tides of fate for the good guys!

For this next issue of “Latest and Greatest” we’re featuring Eternal Paradox and some of the latest excitement from the magically charged land of Elysium.

This game is a brilliant fusion of 4x and RPG battle mechanics, a well balanced combination of competitive PvP action and narrative-driven PvE, repeating every 49 days in a paradoxical time loop of legendary proportions. The stakes could not be higher!

Learn more about ETIME rewards and the Eternal Paradox economy in the Litepaper.

Start playing now on your favorite mobile device: Android | iOS
Don’t forget to leave a review in the app stores!

Meet Akari 

This enigmatic new mercenary joins the fray, blades flashing and secrets swirling. Watch her dominate the battlefield with breathtaking agility and lethal grace. Even though time repeats in the Eternal Paradox, you never know what might happen, so prepare your summons and get ready to bolster the ranks!

Play with the Team

On February 6th, members of the Gala team got together to hit the Eternal Paradox themselves on the latest edition of our live show, Gala Plays! Get some great game tips and a taste of the adventure in the Paradox by watching the replay below:

Mercenary Tomes

Mercenary Tomes are currently available in the Eternal Paradox store, each one allowing you to summon a minted Mercenary of any rarity, Rare or better. The Nature’s Fury Mercenary Tome gives you an unparalleled 6% shot at one of 4 different Legendary Mercs: Torsten, Emma, Ekon or Zahra. You’ll even have a combined 2% chance to get one of the same Mercs in the coveted Ancient rarity! The best part… Nature’s Fury Mercenary Tomes are 34% off for a limited time, available for purchase by credit card, GALA, ETH or ETIME!

Buy Nature’s Fury Mercenary Tome Now

Spend Your Hard-Earned ETIME

We’re pouring time and magic into crafting thrilling new ways to use your precious ETIME. Snag an Ancient ★7 (Wind Type) while you can, a legendary warrior whose power can turn the tide of any battle. Keep your eyes peeled for more ETIME treasures to come!

Get the Torsten Ancient ★7 (Wind Type) now, exclusively for ETIME!

Power up your Fortress with another exclusive ETIME sink available now in limited supply: Fortress of the Wild. This Skin is a one-time purchase for ETIME only–it doesn’t expire at the end of the season and your enemies will tremble in fear. Additionally, because this item is connected to the Breath of the Wild tribe, your Mercenaries within that tribe will get some valuable buffs when you play with this skin!

Get your Fortress of the Wild now!

Fortress of the Wild in-game Fortress skin

Stay tuned for more news and revelations as the end of the season approaches. Mercenaries, destiny awaits! Sharpen your blades, hone your skills, and prepare to defy fate once again. The Eternal Paradox beckons!

See you on the battlefield!

Play Now

RingWatch: Season 1 Recap

RingWatch: Season 1 Recap

The battle for The Ring of Ruin has wrapped up, and what a battle it was! Check out the first hall of fame inductees and highlights from the S1!

Alex: Hello all you Mercenaries out there and welcome to RingWatch… your place to get caught up on the latest news in Elysium!

Torsten: Hi

Alex: Ehhh…don’t go overboard on the introduction or anything Torsten… 


Alex: Well at any rate friends, there’s been an awful lot going on for us to cover! 

Torsten: nods

Alex: The Ring of Ruin has stopped, but I wouldn’t worry too much.  In fact, I really never worry too much! Mwaeahahahaheehee!

Torsten: rolls eyes

Alex: Now the last 49-days of glorious battle, piracy and conquest in Elysium have been totally action-packed, and we hope every Mercenary out there had fun fighting for their lives.

Torsten: Speaking of… didn’t I defeat you in the battle for the Dimension Ruins? How are you even here?

Alex: Oh no, Torsten, surely not me. I only win battles. There are a great many Mercenaries who look like me I’m told. As you can see I have a very common face type.

Torsten: glares

Alex: And regardless– don’t ask me how – but I’m quite certain we’ll all be doing this exact same thing again very, very soon. dramatically Oh Pirate King… what have you done!?

Now let’s dive into some of the highlights from the battle for the Ring! Bwahahahahaheheheehee!!!

Conquest: The Victorious

There were many epic battles spread across all three conquest events throughout the season. We’d like to offer a special congratulations to the top five finishers overall from season 1:

  1. Chuckz
  2. Ewod
  3. Goodnight
  4. Nezumi
  5. KingNerd
Laction runs about 40,000 km/min to take the ruin.
This footage is not sped up. That Laction is in a HURRY!!!

Most Powerful Captains

Captains build their might in many ways over the course of the season, but most all of that can be summed up in raw Battle Power. Through all the battle and chaos, the following Captains excelled above all others at raising their total power in Elysium:

  1. PalafinHF
  2. OoKoO
  3. Kazuto1995
  4. Lock-On
  5. Firstblood

Arena Victors

The Arena is entirely unlike field battles. Here, there are no troops to hide behind and your mercenaries must fight to the bitter end. Over all Arena competitions this season, the following Captains amassed the most Arena Victory Points:

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Hebisakki
  3. Win
  4. Chuckz
  5. Kazuto1995

Honorable Mentions

The following two players were the only Captains to finish in the top 10 in all three categories:

  • PalafinHF
  • Chuckz
Shoutout to this mysterious team that definitely isn’t S12 😉. This brilliant move made it incredibly hard to find rally leaders among their team to strike back against, helping lead them to a win in the 3rd Conquest!

Editor’s Choice: Most Feared Player🏴‍☠️


“OoKoO only hit me 37 times last night!”

Editor’s Choice: Farmer Supreme 🧑‍🌾


“I dominated DPP today! In second with a full 15% Hebisakki’s score!!!”

Editor’s Choice: Benevolent Landlord 🏰


“(457,357) – get your DPP!”

The Eternal Fight

Another season of glorious battle is on its way in only a few hours. Will you take the lessons from this season and rise to greatness in the battle to come?

Alex: I’m sure they’ll try, but not if my cannon has anything to say about it.

Wait… your part is done. Where’d you come from?

Alex: I told you there was some weird stuff going on inside that ring. It would seem the fight is not yet done. BWUAHAHAAAHEEHEHE!!! See you on the battlefield!

Indeed, the battle continues! Elysium’s Mercenaries are trapped in the eternal battle for the Ring of Ruin, but perhaps this time it will end differently.

We’ll be back in the next few days to sum up everything exciting about season 2, but for right now, be prepared for the unexpected when the server opens in a few hours!

If you want to read more about Season 2, check out the full patch notes in #EPX_Announcements on the Gala Games Discord!

Eternal Paradox–Make Time for ETIME

Eternal Paradox–Make Time for ETIME

Eternal Paradox has successfully launched on iOS and Android, so let the accumulation of Eternal Time begin!

Have you been playing already? If not, what are you waiting for?

Eternal Paradox is live in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, so get it downloaded on your favorite device and dive into the paradox today! Between play sessions, don’t forget to leave us a review in your app store!

The Mercenary clans need your help and leadership to stand a chance against the forces of Shakram, hell-bent on world domination or destruction. Can the Mercenaries unite under a new generation of leaders in time to set Elysium free from the Ring of Ruin’s mystical grasp? Whether good or evil will prevail, your help is needed, so get in the game.

Eternal Paradox

Gather Eternal Time

As you team up with your Guild, take on enemy forces, and strategize for seasonal position, one of your most important goals is to accumulate Eternal Time (ETIME), the official GalaChain reward token of Eternal Paradox.

Lots of different gameplay activities factor into the daily distribution of ETIME rewards, and the total amount of ETIME available for distribution (on a daily and seasonal basis) is determined by how much is spent on in-game purchases, as outlined in greater detail in the Eternal Paradox Litepaper.

Spend Eternal Time

One of the key purposes of ETIME is its use as the exclusive token used to purchase certain extremely rare and limited in-game items.

Each season, new ETIME exclusive items will be revealed and released. For starters, we have decided to unveil the ultimate battle Mercenary in all her glory… Behold, the Ancient 6-star Bianca (Wind):

The Ultimate Bianca!

If you’re the type of player who just cannot rest until you have the BEST, then your saved ETIME now has a purpose. But be warned: Accumulating enough ETIME to purchase this beauty will be a long and arduous road.

High Tier — 6 Star Bianca (Wind)

This in-game-only OP Bianca is the top tier ETIME item, with only 5 total available for purchase.

Mid Tier — Special Mercenary Tomes

Summon exclusive Mercenaries with these awesome ETIME Tomes!

Special Mercenary Tomes are coming soon!

Special edition Seasonal Mercenary Tomes will also soon be available in limited supply, allowing purchasers to summon a single minted version (chance of Rare to Ancient) of special editions of available Mercenaries from different clans!

Each season will bring in new exclusive options for Tomes containing special editions of Mercs you can’t get in any other way, so keep a close watch for updates and stack that ETIME!

Low Tier — In-Game Packages

You’ll want to push and shove for these special gameplay-boosting packages, available in the 3 different varieties listed below.

The best part is that as part of our special launch event, the ETIME prices of these items are marked down by a massive 50% for the first 1000 purchasers of each package. Right now, take your pick for only 75 ETIME per package. Once 1000 have sold, packages will return to the normal price of 150 ETIME, so act quickly!

Resource Package — Supply: 1000
Speedup Package — Supply: 1000
Comprehensive Package — Supply: 1000

Bridge Eternal Time

ETIME may also be bridged from GalaChain to Ethereum, where it will still be visible in your Gala Games inventory. However, with no exchange listings and insufficient supply in the wild for trade, there is little purpose for this beyond long-term cold storage.

As the first season progresses and ETIME is minted, we will keep you informed of any developments with external exchanges or decentralized exchange pairings as they become available. For now, be patient and just let your ETIME rewards build up, or spend them on the exclusive ETIME sinks available in the game.

Back to the Paradox

We’ve captured your attention long enough. The Mercenaries crave your leadership, so download Eternal Paradox and start playing now!

Eternal Paradox Store