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The Orbs — V — A Gift

The Orbs — V — A Gift

The world’s first 100% generative and reactive series of audio-visual art can now be revealed.

Year — 2197

Do you ever find yourself asleep and just remember absolutely nothing? Of course you can’t remember you were asleep, but you can’t remember where you are, when you are, what you are. Just shake it off, it almost always comes back.

Lunya opened her eyes still looking out the viewing window and could see that Gulliver had landed on one of the Orbs. She couldn’t think who might have landed the vessel if not her, but even stranger things were happening. What she saw through the viewing window was completely astounding, and she had a sudden desire to step outside and experience it herself.

The others had already vacated the bridge, taking oxygen suits from the closet and heading to the main airlock. Lunya rigged up the last oxygen suit on her level and made her way outside to the surface of the Orb.

The colors were deeper and truer than any colors Lunya had ever seen. The entire world as far as she could see was some kind of musical creation, never stopping and never repeating. In the distance there was an endless pristine lake whose water was so clear it could capture the most subtle colors and lights from throughout the Orb.

Above the lake, suspended like a sun was a shape that changed and reacted to the music in a beautiful and endless dance. The whole world changed color with the sound in a fascinating array of eternally inspiring creativity.

Lunya eventually pulled herself away from the Orb’s beauty for long enough to notice the other members of the bridge crew, Pria and Alister, standing casually on the beach. She fetched them and all three travelers headed back to the Voidwalker. As Pria laid out supplies and prepared for a water voyage through the inland sea, Alister was absorbed in complex geometrical charts and frantically doing math as if his life depended on it. Neither was paying attention, so Lunya slipped out again. This time she discovered that the oxygen suits weren’t necessary at all. She left her helmet by Gulliver’s door.

Absorbed in the memory of her grandmother, Lunya walked out toward the water and the visually reactive orb suspended above. She always painted the prettiest pictures, that’s what Lunya remembered about her grandmother. She always had paint on her sweater and a smile on her face. Lunya wandered out into the water. It wasn’t hot or cold to the touch, but perfectly comfortable as she waded out a bit.

After a minute of standing there admiring the dancing shape in the distance, a figure could be seen coming out of the deeper part of the lake to greet Lunya. As she approaches, Lunya recognized the woman as her grandmother, the very same whose paintings she was vividly remembering just moments before. The old woman greeted Lunya, embraced her and said “what took you so long?”

There was a discussion between the two kindred spirits that may have been a long one, but it may also have been short. Lunya’s duty was to accept a gift on the behalf of the people of her world. The gift would be returned to her world where it would be used to restore the Balance as the Coalition of the Minds sought.

The gift for humanity was inspiration itself, a reminder of many things made possible by the feelings of art, especially when it is pushed to new heights and used in the face of new challenges. The most beautiful masterpieces of inspiration come from some of the most trying times, and the most beautiful lessons are learned from overcoming some of the darkest obstacles.

As a reminder of humanity’s endless connection to raw creative energy, 3,333 Orbs were shared that day, to be delivered by Lunya and the crew of the Voidwalker 3. They were to accompany the Orbs back to their world, where they would be distributed to the most deserving and gifted seekers of inspiration. This powerful inspiring wave of art and expression would continue forever, never repeating itself and raising the vibrations of human creativity all over the world to a new renaissance.

The Voidwalker 3 (Gulliver) never returned to the year 2197. Instead when they returned that day with 3,333 Orbs in tow (luckily the Orbs got smaller), they returned 88 years earlier, in the fall of 2109, to a Colorado ranch where they learned they were the very visitors who joined forces with the Coalition of Minds at the Visitation.

The Orbs were taken into custody of the Coalition, who distributed them secretly and systematically to the greatest seekers of inspiration in the world, a gift to restore the Balance. As a result, the Coalition became wealthy and powerful, eventually calling themselves The Agency and finding their way gradually into a predicament whose escape would require tapping into a knowledge trapped in time.

When Lunya met her grandmother as a young woman, both women were tickled with surprise and recognition. Lunya asked, “Do you want to get a drink?”

“Sure, there’s a great piano bar down the way and I’ve got the hots for the player,” Violet winked. The two walked down the path.

The Beginning.

Past Chapters

I — Departure

II — Conception

III — Approach

IV — Mission

The Orbs themselves may be endless, but the time of waiting for the revealing has come to an end. What are you waiting for? Go check out some Orbs!

Orbs are currently traded on the secondary market at OpenSea:

Gala Games Discord

Gala Music Discord

Gala Music Player Node Licenses are Now Available

Gala Music Player Node Licenses are Now Available

Player Nodes are the foundational node of the Gala Music ecosystem, and licenses to run them are now being sold.


  • Music Player Node licenses will be sold starting at 1pm PST on February 11th
  • Player Node licenses will have a starting price of $1200.00
  • Listen-to-Earn Distribution is not yet available

We envision a music industry reshaped by the empowerment of both music lovers and artists through decentralized networks, an industry that offers rewards for both creating and sharing music with others.

Get a Player Node Here

This afternoon our first Gala Music Node licenses will be sold in the form of the Gala Music Player Node. This node will become the foundation of the Gala Music Ecosystem, and this initial sale will be the lowest possible price to purchase a license to run one yourself.

The Sale will begin today, February 11th at 1pm PST, part of over a week of non-stop excitement with the launch of the industry-changing decentralized world of Gala Music.

Before we begin the sale of our first Player Node Licenses, we thought it was important to talk first about how this new world of music will work and what is our vision of the future being created at Gala Music.

The Problem

It would be a waste of time to discuss the systemic problems within the music industry at any length– they are well known and have somehow become socially ignored and acceptable.

For the creative minds behind the music:

  • Artists are not compensated fairly for their creative efforts
  • Long-term contracts frequently lock creators out of ownership of their own work
  • Big money controls large-scale distribution, forcing independent artists out

For music lovers everywhere:

  • Only pennies on the dollar spent actually support the artists you love
  • Your access to artists’ work is often filtered by corporate interests
  • Services continue to ask for recurring costs for music with no actual ownership

The middle men have gaslit generations of artists into believing a million streams of their music is worth less than, in many cases, a couple hundred dollars.” 


The examples of these fatal flaws of the music industry in action are innumerable. Artists are held bound to contracts signed as little more than children for decades; creators are treated like property of the big money to be exploited for profit; the price of listening as much as you want increases every year– but each year you also seem to actually own the music less and less.

The Vision

It’s time for the music industry to step into the modern era. A world of decentralized music is a world where artists get rewarded directly for their work without a middleman taking the lion’s share– a world where owning an album means something and music lovers share in rewards for spreading the music they love.

At Gala Music we’re rethinking the music experience by letting artists distribute music directly to listeners onto the blockchain. With the middleman cut out, everyone can benefit- listeners, collectors, supporters, producers, artists, fans, promoters and more. The decentralized system will allow everyone directly involved with the musical process to potentially benefit fairly, no matter their role and regardless of any details about their lives.

Basically, we’re giving participants in the music industry a chance to empower themselves by being part of the Gala Music Ecosystem.

The Gala Music Ecosystem

Gala Music is a curated, decentralized platform where music can be hosted, shared, and listened to through a network of decentralized Player Nodes. Each node can host music NFTs, which may then be accessed through the network, rewarding both the operator of the node who hosts the track as well as the NFT owner and artist for each listen.

This system not only rewards NFT owners and hosting node operators for supporting the ecosystem, but gives the largest portion of rewards directly to the artist themselves. This means that creators are not only compensated for each listen more fairly, but also maintain the right to distribute, record and perform free of publisher interference.

While this obviously provides well known artists an escape from the bonds of the old music industry, this new world of music could seriously open doors for emerging artists, who can now spread their music through our worldwide ecosystem.

Player Nodes

Today, February 11th at 1pm PST is your first opportunity to buy a license and operate the first Node of the Gala Music Ecosystem.

Player Nodes are the foundation of the entire Gala Music system. All music played, shared or distributed throughout the Gala Music ecosystem will be hosted on a Player Node, and the operator of the node the track is hosted on will receive rewards for each listen.

Listeners do not need to operate a Player Node to listen to Gala Music, but when someone clicks on a track to play, that content will always be hosted on a Node within the Ecosystem. The listener hears the song and rewards are distributed.

Player Node operators will also receive 10% of the rewards from the entire ecosystem split among all online nodes that are meeting and providing the minimum resource requirements; so even while you’re not getting any listens you’ll still be receiving rewards for providing support to the network (even if a node isn’t specifically hosting a song, being available to pick up the slack should other nodes go down is extremely vital to the platform). Nodes can support multiple streams easily and are not heavily demanding on a system, but will require some resources for the network from operators.

Many features of Player Nodes are not yet available, including listen-to-earn rewards. All details shared are subject to change.

Player Nodes vs Founder’s Nodes

Player Nodes are the infrastructure of the Gala Music network, and will host and distribute music to enable listening and sharing. These are distinct entirely from Founder’s Nodes, which exist to power the entire Gala Ecosystem.

Player Nodes will receive rewards in Gala Music tokens (name TBA)– the same currency in which music NFTs distributed on the Gala Music platform will be priced. Founder’s Node operators will not receive Gala Music tokens, but will still receive rewards for validating transactions in the future– a function that Player Nodes do not serve.

This means that Player Nodes are doing the heavy lifting of supporting the Gala Music network, and the Founder’s Nodes will continue to be the nervous system of the broader Gala Ecosystem.

Player Nodes vs Fan Nodes

In this first sale, only Player Node licenses are being sold. In the coming weeks, we will also launch our first Fan Node license sale. Fan Nodes are a more specialized way to support a specific artist or label in the Gala Music Ecosystem.

Gala Music Nodes are different from Gala Games Founder’s Nodes in many ways, but to understand the relationship between Fan Nodes and Player Nodes, consider the relationship between Game Specific Nodes (like a Town Star Node) and a Founder’s Node. Player Nodes are for the entire music Ecosystem, but Fan Nodes will focus on special NFT drops, bonus material and listen-to-earn potential specifically for the music of the artist or label of the Node.

Our first fan node is a historic record label, and you’ll soon have the opportunity to support that label in the decentralized world of Gala Music in a way you never thought possible.

Look for more information coming soon about the upcoming Fan Node license sale.

Note — Listen-to-Earn Rewards are not yet Available. Look for updates on upcoming features and a FAQ over the coming weeks and months.

The Future of Music

While the problems with the music industry may run deep, they are present because the industry was built around them for the benefit of those in power. The world of web3 has given us the tools to return control and ownership to those who participate in a community. New decentralized markets are giving people access to financial tools that in the past weren’t available off of Wall Street, and at Gala Games we’ve experienced first hand how decentralization and blockchain technology can empower players in the gaming world.

The future of the brightest creative minds is on the blockchain, where ownership can be protected and verified, and distribution is simple and worldwide. The machine behind the darker side of the music industry has been marching to the same beat for far too long, and it’s long past time for a new tune.

Today’s Player Node license sale represents your first opportunity to become part of the world of Gala Music. Don’t wait to join the future and check it out over at Music.Gala.World.

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Gala Games

The Orbs — Chapter IV — Mission

The Orbs — Chapter IV — Mission

The Orbs are the world’s first series of 100% generative and reactive audio-visual art pieces.

Chapter IV — Mission

Year — 2109

For the first several months of its existence, the Coalition of Minds didn’t make much progress toward contacting anything beyond this world. They employed mystics, fortune tellers, spiritualists from many religions and practices. When people stayed in the early days it was because of the expectation of spiritual growth rooted in real practical knowledge. When people left it was usually because the Coalition started to look like an elitist cult whose members were obligated to go over humanity’s head for humanity’s sake.

Even in the early days when they were making no connections, more were joining than leaving, led by the message of the painter Violet Creo. Her message was that we are all called to appeal to higher powers for inspiration. The Coalition used everything they knew from their various practices and sciences, and they explored everything they did not know with careful observation and analysis.

Those people had a shared devotion to the idea that a grand Imbalance had thrown off the course of humanity, and an even stronger devotion to the idea that they could fix it. The phrase that could be heard most often about the Coalition of Minds before it went underground was “Restore the Balance.”

Once the group was no longer recruiting, their activities became quite secretive. They left their original location where visitors were once accepted and moved all members to a hidden location in the mountains where they could focus on their experiments.

It was not long after this time that the Coalition made the first major contact with an outside force, in an event they called The Visitation. The Coalition was joined by over a dozen visitors from another time and place. This happened on a moonless night when their space ship arrived and landed at the Coalition’s mountain ranch.

For the next several decades, the Coalition of Minds and the Visitors worked together to make contact with the source of creativity, or “The Balance” as they called it. Through expert practice of astral projection, they were able to reach out and initiate a conversation. The conversation that ensued lasted for more than twenty years.

The Coalition was guided by The Balance toward the building of a much more powerful, profitable and prepared operation, ready to do exactly what was necessary to make the reality gateway possible within the founding members’ lifetimes.

The Coalition grew stronger and gained political sway throughout the world. They did not falter during the silent depression or the dark years. Finally when the order emerged in the world again, the same organization was known only as The Agency.

Past Chapters

I — Departure

II — Conception

III — Approach

Orbs are currently traded on the secondary market at OpenSea:

Gala Games Discord

Gala Music Discord

The Orbs — III — Approach

The Orbs — III — Approach

The world’s first series of endlessly generative audio/visual art has been distributed. Standby for the revealing.

Chapter 3 — Approach

Year — 2197

After a few hours of floating weightlessly toward the many-colored Orbs on the horizon, it was difficult to tell if they were any closer. The Orbs may have gotten bigger to indicate their approach, but no one could spend much time looking at them without becoming entranced, or as Lunya had taken to calling it, “getting lost in yourself.”

The main systems board of the Voidwalker 3 was reporting solid function on every level. The thrusters appeared to be working properly, but there was no vibration, no friction, no turbulence, and no change in velocity. After little throttle tests here and there, she was finally ready to commit. Without so much as a cleared throat, she proclaimed loudly to the VOA, “Shut down engines.” Then her gaze was captured by a piercing Orb at 11 o’clock that was orange like the sunset.

Don’t waste gas.

Lunya always thought it was her dad’s favorite phrase. It was his way of saying so many different things, like you can’t go on a road trip, you can’t get your own car, cut the engine. It was never good news for Lunya, but somehow that phrase had become something of a driving force in her life (so to speak). Her engineering career was defined by the monumental achievements to fuel storage, use, and amplification.

The most interesting thing about don’t waste gas is that Lunya’s dad wasn’t a grease monkey like her. He was a robot guy, he used to manage a dock fleet of 1000 AI units that did 42% of the fish processing, sorting and shipping for the basin tri-cities. In a tall overlook tower, he used to sit drinking coffee all day from a massive cup that said “All I Smell is Coffee.” It’s true. It reeked in the fish district.

Lunya’s dad taught her some incredible things with batteries, regenerative power supply cells and self-charging systems. A lot of his robotics designs were borrowed for the creation of the Voidwalker series. Technically, as part of the estate, they belong to Lunya now anyway.

Even with everything from her father’s data, she had found far more useful material in her grandfather’s patent files. Grandfather Eugene had developed engines that could run for days on a single drop of unleaded petrol. It was unclear what had kept these engines from becoming wildly successful, especially in the midst of a worldwide crisis of energy. Victims of the dark years, the silent depression and the dust storms would all have benefited from these inventions throughout the turbulent 22nd century. But as far as Lunya knew, this ship, code named Gulliver, was the first ever practical application of a Grandfather Eugene design. The single fuel tank will last years of endless travel without refueling.

The Orbs were definitely getting bigger now, but they still had a distant and looming quality. Lunya was wondering again why they were here. What resource did the Agency expect them to find and deliver, and how could it change anything at this point?

The oil has been gone for more than 30 years now. The weather has been worse than ever, with people suffering on all extremes. Failed supply chains have left countless families hungry, naked, struggling in ways they never imagined. Lunya remembered a childhood of lights always left on and personal electronic devices in every pair of hands. Things had changed so much, and so quickly.

As she continued lost in thought, absorbing the feelings of the piercing orange Orb in the distance, Lunya was reminded of her briefing from the Agency. Each traveler received a personal and secret briefing, with instructions that each briefing should be shared with no one other than the intended recipient.

Lunya’s packeted briefing was very simple, and it was the same strange phrase that had been repeated in her dreams for well over the last year.

Accept the Gift.

The colors in the Orb shifted with sudden but somehow orchestrated beauty, allowing Lunya to be drawn from the most recent reverie. She couldn’t even tell how much time was passing, and looking about the bridge, no one else could either. Pria had sprawled out papers and plans on a roll up desk but then lost interest in them at some point when her attention was captured by a light purple Orb beginning to peek out from behind the first row. She was wide-eyed and drooling a little on her papers, but she looked happy.

Even Alister was enthralled in one of the Orbs. His was a pastel yellow, and he sat plainly cross-legged on the floor of the bridge. He occasionally giggled to himself in a lost-in-childhood kind of way. Wherever he was, he was having a good time. Lunya could only assume that throughout the ship, the rest of the crew was glued to their viewing windows in a similar fashion.

Lunya had no idea what lay in store, but she was far less afraid than earlier, facing the anomaly gateway beneath a billion tons of ocean water. The way these Orbs were drawing them in was not fearful. They gently drew everything in with their pull, not only Gulliver itself, but the people inside it. It was like gravity, but nicer, not so rough and real.

The ship floated on through the strange open area toward a field of colorful Orbs as far as they could see, accepting and expected.

Past Chapters

I — Departure

II — Conception

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about the uses of your Orbs, including play-to-earn utility, custom sound tracking throughout the Gala Games Ecosystem and more.

Orbs are currently traded on the secondary market at OpenSea:

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Our World, Our Culture

Our World, Our Culture

With the help of our fantastic community, we’ve done so much in such a short time here at Gala Games– and we’re just getting started. Together, we’ve built the largest decentralized gaming platform ever. We’ve empowered players, started work to bring new and exciting AAA titles to the platform, and created a world in which gamers own the content that they’re passionate about. Still, the future is overflowing with the possibilities of how to transform the world of play for the better– and we are entirely certain that the ideal tomorrow is on-chain.

The launch of Gala Music was a major milestone for this community. Not only are the cultures of music and gaming deeply intertwined, but many in the larger landscape of both music and gaming have faced similar hardships that decentralization can help overcome. We believe that the future comes out of like-minded communities uniting for a singular vision, and we were proud to launch Gala Music in pursuit of the goal we’ve always been after– giving the power back to the players themselves.

Empowering Players

When we talk about gaming, we’re really discussing a massive spectrum of different media that all fulfill that undeniable need to “play” that every human can feel deep down. How we choose to work valuable play time into our lives though is unique for each of us, which is why no two games are exactly alike. Some games explore familiar concepts and mechanics with a little extra tweak here and there, while others push the boundaries of what games can do. This leaves countless options for how each one of us scratches that little itch that we all have to play.

Gaming isn’t the only way to play, however. Games are probably about as old as humankind itself. If any type of play is older, however, it’s likely music. Just like gaming, music offers both an opportunity for creators to craft a unique experience and a multitude of styles and options for music lovers to engage and interact.

Music is Play

Building a bridge between the gaming community and the music community only helps enrich the culture behind both because the world of music and games already interact and overlap in so many ways. Decentralization could empower both the artists working in music and the people all over the world who are passionate about their art, the same way it has for gamers and players.

Our world is still early in this web3 journey, but we can’t ignore how transformative the idea of digital, verifiable ownership can be for players everywhere. We all have a responsibility as we tread the first stretch of this frontier to take bold steps to help move our communities into the future that we want for tomorrow.

Music is universal. It’s often the first type of real play that humans interact with, and an experience that continually offers new evolution and variations. An unfathomable variety of games function on mechanics that are typically rooted in very simple principles– just like the intuitive ideas of music theory have limitless applications to produce new and exciting art. We’re not that different, and as we discussed last week in our interview with electronic music pioneer BT, the future of both music and gaming is together on the blockchain.

“We are creating the world we want to live in.”


Our Tomorrow

We talk a lot about the future around here, but it can’t just be talk. Blockchain technology isn’t the frontier forever– we’re literally crafting the world of tomorrow right now. In the web3 world, developments happen fast because this is the future. It’s up to us what we make of it.

We are constantly in awe of how far we’ve come in such a short time, but there’s no rest for the weary. Our culture is what we make of it right now. Whether we’re talking about games or music, empowering those who are passionate about play and the brilliant artists who craft unique experiences needs to be the future of our entire community.

We’re proud to be able to expand the scope of what empowering players means in our community. No single, isolated group can own the blockchain revolution. The future needs to have a place for the entire greater culture of play.

Throughout the course of our whirlwind last couple of weeks, we’ve covered a lot of ground from unveiling a career milestone Snoop album from the legendary Death Row Records to the release of our new Player Nodes for our upcoming Gala Music network, to the world’s first fully generative audio/visual art with The Orbs. There will be a lot more excitement coming out of Gala Music in the near future, but we also haven’t forgotten our roots.

We here at Gala Games are still devoted to bringing you amazing titles and crafting the greatest gaming platform ever, right here on chain. We’ve got some new projects we’re working with that will be coming on the horizon, but also some really exciting developments about upcoming releases in the near future.

Speaking of the future– are you ready? It’s closer than you think.

Gala Music Discord

Gala Games Discord