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Join the Club… Gala Gold!

Join the Club… Gala Gold!

TL;DR — Upgrade to Gala Gold before the end of the year to get an exclusive Echoes of Empire Profile Character Avatar… among other things.

If you haven’t heard about the exclusive Gala Games membership club known as Gala Gold, we’re slightly concerned for you safety. What else could you have missed? Did you leave the iron on? Are loved ones trying to reach you? Would you even notice if you were about to get run over by a bus?

Seriously though. If you are a legit supporter of Gala Games and an active member of the community, you should really consider going Gold. It currently only costs $50 for a lifetime membership, but hurry because that price is not set in stone.

Let’s take a quick look today at what you get when you go Gold and you’ll see for yourself just how packed with value this exclusive club membership in the Gala Games Ecosystem can be.

Upgrade your existing Gala Games account here

(You must be signed in to purchase Gala Gold)

Free NFTs

Currently, every single member of the community who joins Gala Gold receives a free NFT with in-game utility.

Express Depot

The Town Star Express Depot is currently awarded to everyone who purchases a Gala Gold membership. This faster-than-standard Trade Depot allows you to make deliveries to cities much faster (and with more style). Additionally, the Trade Depot is eligible for daily TOWN rewards in TSP2E, making it the most affordable way to begin owning NFTs to play-to-earn in Town Star.

Echoes of Empire Gold Profile Avatar

This exclusive EOE avatar character image was created just for Gala Gold members and will soon be distributed to everyone with an upgraded account.

On December 31st at 11:59 pm PST, a snapshot will determine which accounts will receive this unique profile avatar that will come with TBA utility in the Echoes of Empire game at final launch. Basically, all accounts that have upgraded to Gala Gold before 2022 will receive one.

Other NFTs

You never know when one of our titles or partner developers will have a Golden impulse of generosity. In the past, the GAMEDIA team has distributed the Sentinel Skin to all Gold members, as well as some exclusive early playtest action. Many of these sudden gifts are not announced in advance, but the longer you’re in Gold, the better your chances of picking up some awesome Gold SWAG!

Gold Leaks

In the special Gala Gold Discord channels, we almost always offer sneak peeks and leaks to Gala Gold members first. Some things are shared with Gala Gold, then never seen by the wider community! Whether you’re a content creator, a beta play tester or simply a curious gaming enthusiast, Gala Gold is the place for you.

Greater Team Access

Many members of our team prefer to hang out on their personal time in the Gala Gold Discord channels, where they make friends and have a chance to rub virtual elbows with their biggest fans and supporters. In a small, specialized community like Gold, it’s often easier for you to get your questions answered and curiosities satisfied. Sometimes we even “red raid” the Gala Gold Discord channels with a team meme party.

Early Playtest Opportunities

As more games continue to join the Gala Games Ecosystem and the community grows in proportion, our developers will always need a place from which they can recruit trusted beta testers. Gala Gold is being groomed to fill this need, so if you want early access to some of our most highly anticipated titles, you belong in Gold.

Shiny, Sparkly Value

In summary, we do our absolute best to ensure that Gala Gold is an exclusive club where you will feel right at home. We can’t give you all the details of all the extras that you’ll get as a Gold member, but we can say with little room for doubt… You’ll be glad you went Gold.


Gala Games store

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LEGACY — Land Sale Starts Tomorrow

LEGACY — Land Sale Starts Tomorrow

Launching in 2022, from Peter Molyneux and 22cans, comes an innovative new game that pushes the boundaries of Blockchain Gaming, the first ever Blockchain Business Sim: Legacy!

Legacy is a creative entrepreneur’s dream come true, an opportunity for players to build their very own business, designing their very own products from a huge array of possibilities as they create a business empire the likes of which the world has never seen!



Let your imagination run wild on the Design Table creating products and buildings from thousands of available parts.


Take your original design concepts down onto the factory floor where your army of workers will transform your designs into fully fledged products ready for market.


Trade anything and everything with other players from around the world as you vie for dominance on the open market.


With an array of in-game competitions and events, your design skills and your town management will be put to the test as you compete with others for leaderboard positions and big prizes.

…In Order to EARN:

Build a successful business to expand your empire, invent better products and produce them faster, carving your small town into a colossal and thriving industrial city, in the pursuit of winning competitions and earning real money from your gameplay… all while enjoying Legacy.

Everything is in your hands. Each factory, each worker, each decoration, each road and house… All of them are designed and tended to by you. It is a world where every decision you make affects the gameplay you own. So much depends on the choices you make, from the houses you design for your workers to live in, to the pubs and gardens you build to entertain them, to the facilities you provide to make their lives easier, and to the products upon which your business is built.

It is this freedom that makes Legacy such a joy to play. In a world where everything is designed by the players, their towns can be a topsy turvy kaleidoscope of fantastical marvels or a minimalist’s dreamscape of muted colors and regimented lines.

Through a balanced mixture of commercial abilities and town leadership, players must juggle the needs of their business with the needs of their townsfolk as their workers come to life before their very eyes.

Can you keep your workforce happy and maintain maximum efficiency across all your business interests on your rise to becoming a mega-corporation? Do you have the skills, drive and ambition to succeed?

Legacy and Blockchain Gaming

Start your Legacy blockchain business by being a Land Owner or an in-game Business Partner!

Owning a Land NFT allows you to start your own in-game blockchain business association in Legacy. You will be able to play Legacy, while earning and owning your gameplay.

Crucially, as a business association owner, you will have access to Legacy Keys. These items can be lent to other people who want to start an in-game business in Legacy, making them your in-game Business Partners. As part of your association, they will share a portion of their earned LegacyCoin with you.


LegacyCoin is the currency that enables the innovative blockchain experience that is Legacy to exist.

LegacyCoin (LEGACY) is a new Cryptocurrency lying on the Ethereum blockchain which complies with the tried and trusted ERC-20 token standard.

Official Contract Address: 0x1561D292648798F90D1Ab33eE3283385Dac30b88

What LegacyCoin Does

This new cryptocurrency has many uses, from acquiring Legacy Keys for lending, to trading within the game economy, acquiring exclusive game item NFTs and many more exciting and innovative utilities yet to be revealed.

How to Get LegacyCoin

LegacyCoin can be earned through various competitive Events. Players will have to push their production capabilities to the limit, use their imagination and leverage their creative flair as they strive to design and make the best products and the most unique towns, pitting their skills against all others.

Our vision for blockchain gaming

Legacy is a game that leverages player ownership, play-to-earn, lend-to-earn, highly functional NFTs and a truly unique community driven economy… and this is just the beginning.

Legacy is here to push the boundaries of blockchain gaming beyond your wildest dreams.

The creative genius of Peter Molyneux, creator of the god game genre (among many others), along with 22cans is now teaming up with the expertise of Eric Schiermeyer and Gala games in order to put Legacy at the frontier of blockchain gaming.

The clock is ticking… it’s time for you to start your Legacy.


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Gala Games Store

The Woes of Distributed Consensus

TLDR: There was no hack in the VOX drop, no contract vulnerabilities, etc. There are some fundamental weaknesses in the way ETH handles randomness which were exploited by someone pointing a massive amount of hashpower to break down some of the random aspects. This is why we are building beyond ETH as fast as we can.

As many members of the Gala Games Discord noted, earlier today there seemed to be a guy who was hitting the contract to redeem VOX and seemed to be getting a bit TOO successful in terms of his random mint pulls.

The question was immediately asked, “HOW?!?!”, immediately followed by “OMG HACK!” and “RUGPULL.” This hyperbole is as baked into crypto as terms like “HODL” and “MOON!” but they deserve a deep explanation of exactly what transpired to see exactly how intensely the VOX collectable series has captured the imagination of people.

Firstly, in order for this to make sense, you need to understand how “randomness” works on Ethereum. The VOX Mint had five elements of randomness (or pseudo-randomness) inserted to keep the mint random.

  • A keccak256 hash of the Chainlink VRF seed
  • The sending wallet address
  • The block height
  • The block time
  • The block difficulty level

First, the VOX were hashed using the Chainlink VRF Seed, then when a transaction hit the contract, the block height, time, and difficulty permuted that initial hashing to pull a specific VOX from the index and deliver it to the user’s address.

So, this is what we believe happened given the information that we have:

  • Someone reverse engineered the Chainlink seed by emulating and debugging the contract locally. Yes, we could have called a new Chainlink seed for each operation of the contract, but this would have dramatically increased the swap cost. Next time, we will likely do this, as well as make a few other changes.
  • They then used a combination of a massive private mining pool / block auction house to make sure that they could choose the exact second and block when their transactions were executed. It had not occurred to us that someone would devote those kinds of resources (since this person was essentially going against all of the rest of the cumulative ETH miners globally to do this) to this. Going even a second in one direction or another would result in a different result.

These transactions were specifically constructed to skip the ETH mem pool altogether, initiating several steps:

  • Purchase of a VOX box from OpenSea
  • Exchange of the VOX box via the smart contract, bypassing the website altogether

Each transaction had BOTH steps of this written into the same block, which they then manually mined using their own private mining pool.

This is FAR beyond the complexity that we anticipated, and, while it is indisputably a crappy experience, really shows how awesome the VOX are in their artistic and utility prospects. It was such an impressive side-step around ETH as a whole, that it shows we will clearly need to beef up the randomness via a variety of methods in the future VOX drops.

The bad news is that once this process has been started, there isn’t anything that can be done. The contract can’t be paused or “reset.” This is the blockchain, and what is done is done, and who would want to buy into an NFT project if you knew the devs could just turn off the mint. It sucks, but it is the way of the world.

The good news is that this actor only seems to have become active towards the very end of the exchange process, and while they minted more than their fair share of certain rarities, the fundamental rarity of the VOX was not in any way compromised. He got one in on us this time, but he isn’t going to do that again.

VOX Boxes Have Dropped

VOX Boxes Have Dropped

The Mirandus VOX Box drop brought in a huge wave of users trying to purchase a limited supply of 8888 total VOX Boxes. While there were some challenges with the order queue and distributions, once the dust settled, we were able to look back and see a few amazing statistics. Let’s take a look at a breakdown of the numbers.

Lots of Proud VOX Box Owners

The average number of VOX Boxes sold per order was just over 2. More than 3,100 of these purchases were unique buyers. We can use these figures to make future sales even more tailored to our community.

We are also extremely happy to see that over 2,000 Gala Gold members and over 1,300 Node owners were able to purchase VOX Boxes. We would like to reaffirm our commitment to developing new ways to serve those most devoted to the Gala Games community and ecosystem.

It’s also nice to see 25% of purchases were from new customers or those who had recently purchased a Gold membership. Consumer interest in VOX Boxes is growing, and the future is looking even brighter!

Today, the official Mirandus VOX Collection on OpenSea shows 4300 unique owners for the 8888 total VOX Boxes.

VOX in a Box

As you can see from activity on OpenSea, these Mirandus VOX Boxes are incredibly popular, and we cannot wait for you to see the INCREDIBLE voxel art that has been created for this project…The sheer scope and quality of what’s to come is going to blow your minds!

Don’t forget! VOX Boxes will first be redeemable for VOX on December 16th through the VOX Website. From that day forward, Box owners will have the ability to mint their unique VOX through a connected Metamask wallet. Look for a more detailed guide next week with VOX Box exchange instructions.

The Future

Congratulations to everyone who was able to get a VOX Box in this hugely successful sale! Those of you who were disappointed this time — Don’t worry! There will be more chances to gets your hands on VOX in 2022 and beyond!

The VOX metaverse is coming, as is the highly anticipated VOXcoin, the key ingredient to the “Avatars that DeFi” aspects of VOX! The Gala Labs team is absolutely packing these adorable avatars with utility. Mirandus and Town Star are only the beginning!

Who knows? There may even be some exciting news dropped about the future of VOX at -into the galaverse this weekend. Make sure you don’t miss Monday’s big Galaverse Live stream from 11am-2pm PST!

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Founder’s Node Proposal — Two New Gaming Titles

Founder’s Node Proposal — Two New Gaming Titles

Well, this is a little awkward. We’re preparing to reveal and open presale for two incredibly exciting new games to be added to the Gala Games ecosystem. We’ll tell you everything we can, but with this governance vote, there will be a prevailing element of mystery, as we are not yet able to announce the titles or developers of these games.

This 24 hour Founder’s Node vote will begin sometime tomorrow (December 9th). We will announce in Discord as soon as the vote is live.

Why Vote First?

You may be wondering why we don’t wait until after the announcement of these titles to initiate the standard Founder’s Node governance vote.

At -into the galeverse we plan to not only reveal these two amazing games, but launch their initial presales and mint NFT items. This means that the governance vote must be conducted before any items are sold.

Why Not Say More?

You may be wondering why we cannot reveal the titles and developers of these games. The answer is simply that the Galaverse announcement has been specifically arranged through detailed negotiations. With games of this caliber, confidentiality is of utmost importance, as is honoring every part of every deal.

By submitting the new games for the approval of our Node operators, we are honoring the deal we made with our ecosystem. By respecting the confidentiality and coordinated release specifications of the new developers joining our platform, we honor our agreements with them as well.

Trust us. You’ll want these games to be part of our ecosystem.

Project 1— Survival MMORPG

This is the kind of thrilling addition to the Gala Games ecosystem that you’ll have to see to believe. In a brutal game of survival against (yet untold) forces, players will own land and try to carve out an existence for themselves in an apocalyptic frontier backed by the blockchain.

The title itself is a well-known household name, and the style of play lends itself beautifully to blockchain gaming. Its creepy atmosphere and spine-tingling style will blow you away, and the play-to-earn ownership mechanics will allow players and land owners to earn in exciting new ways. Additionally, the notoriety of this title will lead hordes of new players to discover blockchain gaming through Gala Games.

Project 2— Business Simulation

This game has already been thoroughly developed by one of the most esteemed creators in the professional gaming space. In what the well known developer describes as a “light bulb moment” while talking with Mirandus Game Director Michael McCarthy, it was decided that this title fits own-your-experience blockchain gaming in an absolutely perfect way.

The game itself is about ownership and business development. Using their own creativity and wiles, players create and grow businesses from idea to empire. With a world class development team at the helm and a complete play-to-earn economy brought to life by the experts at Gala Games, this title is sure to be an instant hit.

On to the Vote

We are so excited about both of these titles that we have them slated for release at -into the galaverse next weekend.

Node operators: Submit your votes for the next 24 hours, and we look forward to filling you in on all the juicy details live at -into the galaverse!

Will the Gala Games Founder’s Node operators add two new gaming titles to the ecosystem, both created by prominent and successful game developers, in exchange for a 4–8% distribution of all NFTs created by these titles? Project 1 is an MMORPG Survival game and Project 2 is a Simulation game. More information about both titles will be released at Into the Galaverse on December 11th, 12th and 13th.


Yes — I want these titles to join the Gala Games platform and ecosystem.
No — I do not want these titles to join the Gala Games platform and ecosystem at this time.
Abstain — I do not have enough information to vote or am not interested in voting.

Join the discussion in Discord.