Join the Club… Gala Gold!
TL;DR — Upgrade to Gala Gold before the end of the year to get an exclusive Echoes of Empire Profile Character Avatar… among other things.

If you haven’t heard about the exclusive Gala Games membership club known as Gala Gold, we’re slightly concerned for you safety. What else could you have missed? Did you leave the iron on? Are loved ones trying to reach you? Would you even notice if you were about to get run over by a bus?
Seriously though. If you are a legit supporter of Gala Games and an active member of the community, you should really consider going Gold. It currently only costs $50 for a lifetime membership, but hurry because that price is not set in stone.
Let’s take a quick look today at what you get when you go Gold and you’ll see for yourself just how packed with value this exclusive club membership in the Gala Games Ecosystem can be.
Upgrade your existing Gala Games account here
(You must be signed in to purchase Gala Gold)
Free NFTs
Currently, every single member of the community who joins Gala Gold receives a free NFT with in-game utility.
Express Depot

The Town Star Express Depot is currently awarded to everyone who purchases a Gala Gold membership. This faster-than-standard Trade Depot allows you to make deliveries to cities much faster (and with more style). Additionally, the Trade Depot is eligible for daily TOWN rewards in TSP2E, making it the most affordable way to begin owning NFTs to play-to-earn in Town Star.
Echoes of Empire Gold Profile Avatar
This exclusive EOE avatar character image was created just for Gala Gold members and will soon be distributed to everyone with an upgraded account.

On December 31st at 11:59 pm PST, a snapshot will determine which accounts will receive this unique profile avatar that will come with TBA utility in the Echoes of Empire game at final launch. Basically, all accounts that have upgraded to Gala Gold before 2022 will receive one.
Other NFTs
You never know when one of our titles or partner developers will have a Golden impulse of generosity. In the past, the GAMEDIA team has distributed the Sentinel Skin to all Gold members, as well as some exclusive early playtest action. Many of these sudden gifts are not announced in advance, but the longer you’re in Gold, the better your chances of picking up some awesome Gold SWAG!

Gold Leaks
In the special Gala Gold Discord channels, we almost always offer sneak peeks and leaks to Gala Gold members first. Some things are shared with Gala Gold, then never seen by the wider community! Whether you’re a content creator, a beta play tester or simply a curious gaming enthusiast, Gala Gold is the place for you.

Greater Team Access
Many members of our team prefer to hang out on their personal time in the Gala Gold Discord channels, where they make friends and have a chance to rub virtual elbows with their biggest fans and supporters. In a small, specialized community like Gold, it’s often easier for you to get your questions answered and curiosities satisfied. Sometimes we even “red raid” the Gala Gold Discord channels with a team meme party.
Early Playtest Opportunities
As more games continue to join the Gala Games Ecosystem and the community grows in proportion, our developers will always need a place from which they can recruit trusted beta testers. Gala Gold is being groomed to fill this need, so if you want early access to some of our most highly anticipated titles, you belong in Gold.
Shiny, Sparkly Value
In summary, we do our absolute best to ensure that Gala Gold is an exclusive club where you will feel right at home. We can’t give you all the details of all the extras that you’ll get as a Gold member, but we can say with little room for doubt… You’ll be glad you went Gold.