Are you happy to be here? So are we. 2021 was a massively successful year for not only Gala Games, but the entire industry of play-to-earn gaming.
As the true potential of player empowerment continues to escape from the blockchain bag, people of all walks of life are waking up. They’re realizing that even in gaming, they deserve ownership of their assets. They’re learning that their attention is worth something, and with the help of innovative companies like Gala Games, they can have hope of turning that attention into real value. They share our vision that people everywhere can be empowered to pursue their passions, and they share our contempt for the idea that everyone must clock countless hours into jobs that remove value from their lives rather than adding it.
Doing Things Differently
Since the beginning of Gala Games, we have behaved differently than gaming platforms and companies of the past. We are here to usher the world into a new paradigm of ownership that begins with a renewed sense of play. Our founders knew early on that many of the standard corporate playbook ideas must be scrapped to find success in the brand new and fast-paced blockchain industry.
We are Fully Remote
As a fully remote company now with over 200 team members, Gala Games has faced both amazing benefits and difficult challenges. Working from home requires a team of self-starting, motivated and creatively talented individuals. Without the bounds of an office however, there is always the danger of the most motivated workers working a little too hard. Communication is incredibly organized through tools like Slack and Discord, but there can also be unexpected gaps in communication due to the lack of face-to-face proximity. 2022 will be the year that we learn to maximize these advantages while minimizing the challenges.
We are From Many Industries
While the majority of our team has professional experience in the gaming industry, passion for gaming is a much more effective prerequisite for members of the Gala Games team. Our diverse team is now wealthy with widely varied experience, all of which will prove beneficial to us as we continue to grow.
Many of our peers in the space began with an investment round or an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) that facilitated some kind of airdrop or token distribution to early adopters. Gala Games did not.
The decisions of Gala Games were not meant to be made by a relatively uninvolved venture capital firm or a behind-the-scenes angel investor. Instead, we decided to empower the players themselves by beginning construction of our decentralized gaming network.
The creation of the largest decentralized gaming network in the world is one of the most important parts of our mission, and our Node Ecosystem is key to accomplishing that mission.
After all 50,000 Founder’s Node licenses have been sold, Game Specific Node licenses (like Town Star Nodes) will also be sold. Eventually, as we migrate operations and assets to GalaChain, much of the computing burden for the Gala Games Ecosystem will be provided by the devices that are running nodes. Simply put, members of our community can buy a license to let their computers work for Gala Games. In exchange for some of their resources, the operators of these machines will earn rewards.
This model of decentralization will allow our platform to scale, our players to thrive, and our community to empower itself through ownership.
A Busy Future
Many of our heads are still reeling from all the recent Galaverse news. From the world’s first play-to-earn FPS by Certain Affinity, Last Expedition, to Peter Molyneux’s Legacy. From huge IPs like AMC’s The Walking Dead to innovative technological leaps like BT’s generative audio visual NFTs. From Gala Labs teaming up with Under Armour and Curry Brand to change the game for GOOD to collaboration with the legendary Will Wright on VOXverse… We are ecstatic for the opportunity to announce these exciting bits and more, and we would like to remind you that this is only the beginning.
GalaChain — Our proprietary blockchain is in the later stages of development, and we expect migration to GalaChain to provide some of the most highly anticipated news of the year to our community. This blockchain has been built for Gala Games; it will drastically reduce network fees and solve many problems surrounding Ethereum that could otherwise inhibit long-term growth.
New Games — If you’re thinking we gave away all the goods in the Galaverse, you’re mistaken. There is more. Deals are in the works and games are in development. 2022 promises to be a year of many major additions to the Gala Games platform.
New Partnerships — If you’re excited to see us teaming up with the likes of Frank Miller, Under Armour and AMC’s The Walking Dead, then we’ve got regular doses of excitement for you throughout 2022.
Giving Back — At Gala Games, we are as passionate about charitable giving and sustainable environmental practices as we are about gaming. With such massive growth to our team and such successful releases and presales under our belt, we can hardly wait to vastly expand our sustainability initiatives.
Power to the Players
We know that 2021 was not a year without struggles. We are aware that socio-economic difficulties throughout the world (plus the weight of a pandemic) have caused problems for people of all ways of life. The fortunate fact that we have been able to create such a strong community of powerful growth during these times is evidence of the importance of what we are doing. Player empowerment is a way of life, and we are determined to bring it to as many people as possible.
We look toward the unknown frontier of 2022 overwhelmed with both gratitude and possibilities. Thank you to our community who empowers us with your trust, loyalty and support. We will charge into a new year to blaze the trail and push the boundaries of a new industry. We will deliver a cutting edge gaming experience, greater than ever rewards and incentives, and a potentially life-changing sense of empowerment.