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Introducing a Groundbreaking Partnership: Gala Games x EMERGE Group

Introducing a Groundbreaking Partnership: Gala Games x EMERGE Group

In an exhilarating development for the future of web3 gaming, Gala Games is excited to unveil a strategic partnership with the distinguished EMERGE Group. This collaboration signifies a joint effort to revolutionize the gaming industry by integrating new game development studios onto GalaChain, enriching the Gala Games ecosystem and empowering gamers with web3 tech throughout the world.

A Fusion of Expertise and Vision

The Singapore based EMERGE Group is renowned for its innovative approaches to commercializing content and managing intellectual property rights. They are experts who facilitate connections between brands and the global esports and gaming community. Their track record of successful collaborations with a wide array of brands and web3 powerhouses positions them as an ideal partner for Gala Games as we hit the ground running with our massive GalaChain expansion.

EMERGE Group Founder and CEO, Roy Kek, expressed his excitement about the recently signed MOU, noting, “We are thrilled to enter into a strategic partnership with Gala. With Gala’s mastery in the web3 gaming landscape and our vast experience as game publishing partners, we are poised to elevate GALA Games to unprecedented heights.”

The Role of EMERGE Group in the Gala Ecosystem

EMERGE Group will act as Gala’s official game publishing partner, identifying promising gaming projects for integration into the GalaChain ecosystem. They will oversee initial due diligence, bridge connections with Gala, providing support in areas like marketing, user acquisition, and Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies. 

This collaborative effort aims not only to diversify the gaming offerings within the Gala Games ecosystem but also to empower game studios with the support needed to succeed in the evolving landscape of web3 gaming. EMERGE Group can effectively act as a bridge between quality developers and the web3 empowerment that is waiting for their audiences.

GalaChain as the Foundation

At the heart of this partnership lies GalaChain, the technological bedrock designed for scalability, security, and eco-conscious user empowerment. As outlined in the Gala Ecosystem Blueprint, GalaChain was built on a vision of empowerment, innovation, and decentralization. Powered by GalaChain and the one of the world’s largest decentralized node networks, Gala Games is providing a versatile and robust platform for game developers and a unique gaming experience for players.

Looking Ahead: A Decentralized Gaming Future

This partnership between Gala Games and EMERGE Group is a testament to our shared commitment towards creating a decentralized gaming ecosystem that places power in the hands of the players. It signifies a step forward in our mission to onboard a billion users to the web3 world, simplifying complex technology to make it accessible and enjoyable for everyone, including the best game developers in the world.

Stay connected for further updates as we progress on this exciting journey with EMERGE Group, redefining the gaming landscape one blockchain at a time. To learn more about EMERGE Group and their impact on the gaming and esports industry, visit their website and follow them on LinkedIn and X.

About EMERGE Group

Headquartered in Singapore, EMERGE Group focuses on developing viable and profitable commercialisation options for content creators, Intellectual Property rights holders, Advertising Inventories and brands in the SEA region.

With an established network of top esports teams and gaming influencers under its flag, EMERGE Group has also worked with multiple endemic and non-endemic brands to fulfill their business objectives.
For more information, please visit:

Taming Project Cerberus: Anatomy of a VOX

Taming Project Cerberus: Anatomy of a VOX

Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to properly introduce myself. I’m Pixelworth, your servant for all matters VOX.

If I may, I would like to share with you the most formidable obstacle with which the VOX team has grappled. The integration of 35,552 uniquely crafted VOX into our game, each as playable as the next, has proven my creators’ most formidable challenge. In customary gaming designs, one might find a modest selection of playable characters, or perhaps a complex system that allows for the meticulous crafting of features like a character’s stature, skeletal structure, cosmetics, and more.

But VOX, I must confess, are quite extraordinary creatures. Indeed, while each has bones and an .FBX model, they are not prepared for the rigors of a robust game universe… yet. I shall elaborate on this matter shortly.

Furthermore, my creators have encountered a rather peculiar conundrum: If our game’s universe is tailored to accommodate beings of human proportions, what is to be done with the likes of dragons, quadrupeds, cranes, and serpents? In a more traditional setting, such entities would scarcely be given a second thought for active participation. Nevertheless, we have given our word, and by jove, we shall uphold it! The VOX shall take their rightful place in the game, come what may. 

Thank you for that introduction Pixelworth. Well spoken, and I hope we pass the audition. 

An Original VOX 

Our little friends are created in a magical laboratory. I’m sticking with that as the absolute truth. It’s what Future Boy told me. The problem with that lab was the original VOX were not created with games in mind. This is a bummer since we all know the VOX want to play. They need to play. But, to get there we had some issues to solve:

  • Poly counts for each VOX were astonishingly high
  • The skeleton structure was very basic
  • Size and shape
  • Wrong format 

These main issues made grabbing a VOX and throwing it in a game engine a suboptimal solution. To be fair, you can grab a VOX FBX, throw it into Unity and get it to work just fine, but the problems start when there are ten VOX on a screen. And if ten are a problem, what about twenty? One hundred? And this goes with all the VOX objects created in the ‘before times’. 

Taking a VOX Through the Process

The fundamental problem is this: In a game engine if I make a cube, it will have six sides only with nothing inside. The game engine only cares about the outside of the cube. So it’s eight vertices that need attention, practically free from a rendering point of view in any modern game engine. Well, with VOX and the way they were created, a cube is not just a cube. It’s made up of a bunch of little cubes, and all through the model. So eight vertices, right? No, thousands, and with materials on each of those individual cubes, you can see how quickly things become non-performant in a game. 

So we needed a way to fix this. Cull all unnecessary data from each VOX to reduce file size and at the same time regenerate the geometry so that it looks like the original. 

I’ll let BigMonet explain how the GeoProcessor Tool works. 

  1. Ingest an existing VOX .fbx file
  2. Scale input geometry to a specific scale.
    1. This ended up being a big deal because of the way the VOX were made. The more detail the bigger they get. We needed our VOX friends to follow rigid sizing for game reasons. 
  3. Delete unnecessary attributes inside the imported geometry file
    1. This step greatly reduces the file size of the exported .fbx file
    2. This step also reduces the time the tool takes to cook the outputs
  4. Clean up bad geometry
    1. Remove faces and edges with 0 length
    2. Fix overlapping geometry 
    3. Repair non-manifold geometry
    4. Fuse together unwelded verts
    5. Remove points not connected to any adjacent faces
    6. Flip all normal vectors outwards
  5. Target polygon reduction of 95%
    1. The target reduction is very aggressive.
    2. Constraints are used to ensure border edges are never changed.
    3. The aggressive target reduction + constraints ensure the geometry reduces as much as possible without changing the shape of the original model. Thus, the model will appear unchanged! 
  6. Layouts non-overlapping UVs
    1. UV coverage is greatly influenced by the padding of the UV shells.
    2. Larger padding might be required for smaller textures to prevent textures bleeding from one shell to adjacent shells.
  7. Cleanup of attributes
    1. Attributes created for the GeoProcessor tool are removed from the final output..
    2. Normals are applied to geometry faces.
  8. Texture Baking + Outputs
    1. The materials colors on the original VOX are baked into a texture and applied to the optimized mesh.
    2. Texture outputs are saved to disk.
    3. Optimized geometry is saved to disk.

For each vox, this process took about 15-30 seconds and for all 35,552 VOX the total time to process them using this tool took about 72 hours. 

The geometry and materials are all figured out. But these bones. For our intrepid animator these bones didn’t allow him to do cool stuff. We also wanted the ability to resize large or small sized humanoids to use the same rig for animation without looking whacky. 

This is where the ‘Skeletorr’ tool made by Reynarzz for Maya comes in.

This tool not only takes the VOX with the old bones and updates them to the skeletons we can use, but also takes an animation in .FBX format and converts it for the small, medium and large VOX. This saves a lot of time for our animators, since they’ll only have to do the animation once and the tool will make it compatible with the other types of skeletons.

Here is a step by step:


  • Load the T-pose of a model we want to use as a target and export this information as a .TPR file (we are using three types of models: Small, medium, and large, but we can use more if we want).
  • Use the information from the loaded T-pose (.TPR) to apply this pose to models that meet parameters such as size and body proportions.

Animation retarget:

  • Select the animations in .FBX format that we want to retarget and choose which T-pose they belong to by loading the .TPR file. This will convert the .FBX animations into intermediate .ANR format (animation reference), which will be used to retarget others types of skeletons (small, medium or large).
  • Go to the “Retarget Animations” window, select the target skeletons on which we want the animations to work. We select the animations in .ANR format and the tool will take care of the process of calculating where each bone of the target skeleton goes, depending on each frame of the animation.

The End result is…

Quadrupeds, Dragons and Snakes… Oh My!  

The last part we needed to figure out is the around 200+ non-standard VOX out there (quadrupeds and dragons for example). 

For this example we will use CraneBot. Obviously a Crane is huge, so fitting through doors and doing things like other VOX becomes either impossible, or very time consuming development-wise. Figuring out a full rig and a full gameplay-ready set of animation is all about figuring out the size. But we have a promise to keep. All VOX are playable.

We tried to do a resize, but that didn’t solve the problem of unique bones and animations for almost 300 VOX– too many for our team to upkeep as new playables complete with animations.

We considered that maybe these VOX were just “pets,” or useless the same way as the Gonk Droid was in the Lego Star Wars games. We didn’t like that either. 

Look at that useless Gonk!

So we made biped versions for all the problematic VOX… 

This is our solution to CraneBot 

Now in Project Cerberus (and any VOX game going forward), we can look at a wallet, make a call to the api and pull the correct owned VOX. For a problem that started with a few of us crying under our desks, to the elegant wizardry of our Tech Art and Engineering teams pulling off this miracle is frankly quite impressive.

Going forward we know the technical specs we want for VOX and VOX assets, so anything new we make shouldn’t need to go through all these processes to be game ready. It’s also pretty awesome that we have the VOX in a place where using them all across the Gala ecosystem should be much easier. You can bet that VOX will show up in another Gala experience real soon.

Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you again soon for more exciting angular updates from Project Cerberus, VOX and beyond!

Legends Reborn: Economy Litepaper

Legends Reborn: Economy Litepaper

Legends Reborn is a one of a kind CCG that combines elements of a Team RPG battler, card game mechanics and a unique card draw system. Players create decks (each consisting of 5 Creatures and 30 Action Cards) then pit them against other players in competitive card battles.

In addition to its unique combination of gameplay mechanics, Legends Reborn is a far more immersive experience than a typical collectible card game. Players are represented by 3D Hero characters sitting at tables in detailed arenas, and battles are carried out by fully animated 3D creatures instead of just animated cards.

Our focus with the play-and-earn (P&E) reward economy is to make it as simple as possible for players to understand the game and potential rewards.  Legends Reborn is free to play, meaning that players don’t need an NFT to start playing the game. Additionally, great care has gone into a game balancing model that ensures a compelling PvP experience right from the start, whether or not a player chooses to own NFTs. Skills should rise to the top, incentivizing top card players to elevate their experience and empower themselves through additional web3 benefits.

In the ever-evolving world of blockchain and gaming, it’s vital to keep our tokenomics flexible, ensuring the ecosystem remains balanced and thriving. As such, adjustments to the tokenomics model may be on the cards, guided by the game’s health and the community’s prosperity. This isn’t about making changes for the sake of change but about fine-tuning the system to benefit the whole community, enhancing the gaming experience, and ensuring fairness for all. It’s a commitment to the game’s future and the vibrant community that supports it. After all, the health of the ecosystem and the satisfaction of its members are what truly drive us forward.


The native reward token of Legends Reborn is called $TOLK. This currency will help players build their collection of creatures to ensure they have all the tools needed to build decks to meet their strategic needs.

$TOLK will have a max supply of 10,000,000.

$TOLK Faucets


The amount of $TOLK generated is determined by two economy metrics: Dragon Stone purchases and game engagement, each of which is described below in greater detail. 

Tying token emission to these factors will foster a long term sustainable economy for Legends Reborn. Once the total $TOLK emission has been calculated, 99% will be allocated to the reward pool and 1% will go to the operators of active Gala Founder’s Nodes.

These are the metrics that will impact the reward pool for a season:

Purchased Dragon Stones Used in Game

The total value of Purchased Dragon Stone from the store used in game in a week will contribute a weight of approximately 57% of the total $TOLK generated for the reward pool.

Game Engagement

Total number of matches played in competitive PvP as well as the average session time will contribute a weight of approximately 43% of the total $TOLK generated for the reward pool.

Staggered Seasonal Distribution

In the interest of simplifying players’ ability to understand the rewards they can win, Legends Reborn will use a staggered seasonal distribution.

With this model, the reward pool is generated not for the current season, but the next one. This means metrics for the current season are used to arrive at a total reward pool for the upcoming season. Once this total number is available, it will be displayed in the game throughout the season so players clearly know what’s at stake.

For example, the generation metrics for season 4 would dictate the distribution pool for season 5. Similarly the metrics from season 5 impact the pool for season 6.

Currently, each season is set to a duration of 7 Days. Many gameplay systems (such as Limited Time Creature and Arena(PvP) Leaderboards) will build off this cadence, providing synergy between economy and gameplay.

$TOLK Sinks

$TOLK is reserved as the primary currency for purchasing the most desirable asset of Legends Reborn; the full 3D NFT creatures at six different rarities. The dev team plans to deliver exciting gacha-style offerings and various seasonal promotions surrounding NFT creatures following launch of the game.

Arena Points(AP)

The distribution of $TOLK rewards to players will be regulated by the Arena Points (AP) system. The system comprises a set of scoring rules, a leaderboard structure and a clear reward proposition for players.

Scoring Rules

AP are only scored by winning a competitive PvP match within an owned Venue. Using NFT creatures can provide bonus AP, with additional AP bonuses based on the rarity of your creatures. Venue owners will also receive AP for every match that is hosted on their Venue.

In an effort to simplify the AP tabulation; we will have an easy to access in-game panel that will display the exact AP a player would get based on the actions stipulated. Total AP would just be the addition of the AP scores across these actions.


As players engage with the core PvP system; all accumulated AP are tallied in an overall leaderboard. At the season’s end, the reward pool (predetermined by the previous season) is distributed to the top performers in the leaderboard.

The leaderboard resets at the end of each 7-day season, when the new season begins immediately.

The Future

This is only phase 1 of the economy plan for Legends Reborn. Additional features and ideas will be added to the game’s economy with future updates. Some examples may include innovations around NFT minting, card crafting, rental systems and enhancements to Venue ownerships, which are all in the works.

With your support, the sustainable power of GalaChain under the surface, and a rapidly growing Gala community, Legends Reborn is a thriving title in the Gala Games ecosystem. The team will continue closely monitoring the results of this sustainable economic model, adapting and tweaking as needed in future updates.

Thank you for your ongoing support and see you at the tables!

All information presented in this Litepaper is subject to change, and any significant changes will be added and noted at the bottom of this document with the date of the change.

EPX Season 3: Q&A With Ndream

EPX Season 3: Q&A With Ndream

The team at Ndream are thrilled to be into Season 3 of Eternal Paradox, and invited the community to bring all their questions for a Q&A with the developers!

The Discord community had a week to submit questions (and we threw in some of our own), and they brought tons of insightful questions. We’ve included much of the translated interview transcript in here, though we took out some of the repeated questions.

Community members that provided names on the form have been credited for their questions. Thank you all for your amazing questions!

Hello! Tell us a little about yourself!

Hello! This is Jaejun Song, Game Producer of EPX!

I am a 4X fan and developer. I have enjoyed playing dozens of 4X games for the past decade, and based on that experience, I have participated in developing three 4X games.

Like any other game producers, I get involved in overall game development, and my main roles include the following:

1. Meeting with lead developers to plan new content;

2. Identify and correct issues related to the live operations;

3. Manage the schedules to ensure smooth progress of development; and

4. Work with Gala Games in making decisions in various tasks, including the above tasks.

How many people currently make up your development team for EPX?

We have 10+ dedicated members in the Planning Team, Program Team and Art Team each. If we add the sound and video guys, who also work on other projects, I’d say about 40 people are involved with EPX.

A lot has happened over the first seasons. Are there any particularly memorable moments?

For me, the most memorable moment would be the Season 1 Conquest.

All users were excited and joined the Conquest, having about x 2.5 times concurrent users than usual. The server went down more than a dozen times due to an unexpected error.

We responded quickly although it was early morning in Korea, and we managed to fix the error and finished the Conquest without having to cancel it.

Many users were understanding and supportive instead of criticizing the dev team for the server downtime, and we were thankful. But I still remember how the sweat was pouring down my back, making phone calls to different developers.

What content would you say had a better response than the development team expected?

Also the Conquest.

We have so far had multiple Conquests, but regardless of the time, we always see the highest number of concurrent users, and all guilds are battling fiercely. Much more than we anticipated.

We definitely felt the passion of the players. They would verbally argue with others, hold in check rally leaders with arrows, or deploy guerilla tactics with a few players.

Conversely, what content was worse than expected?

The Auto Rally system.

The auto rally feature is commonly used in 4X games because it allows you to join rallies even when you are offline. That is why we implemented this feature in EPX.

However, due to the nature of our game, many find it more efficient to collect resources from Resource Sites, and the proportion of individual hunting was high. So, it seems this feature was not as active as we had expected.

We will review the feature, possibly increasing the participation rewards.

Many people have lots of questions and opinions about the new updates for Season 3…

Seasons 3 and 4 would require a greater collaboration between guild members as a guild.

In the first two seasons, we felt that we needed to further strengthen cooperative content within each guild, like requiring guild members to come together at a specific time to play together or communicate for better cooperation.

So this content was our highest development priority. The following content will be introduced as the main content in Seasons 3 and 4.

Season 3: Guild Boss Raid (Doombringer)

– You will summon a boss once every three days and farm it by rallying. Rewards are given based on the kill stage and personal score.

Season 4: Guild Arena

– Same arena battles, but you will compete with another guild for points. You can select one of the other guild’s players to battle against, and when you win, you earn VPs.

Then it was the community’s turn to ask the dev’s their questions, and they covered a lot of ground. We’ve abbreviated the translations of some of the questions and responses to the most relevant bits so that we can cover more here!

We’ll highlight the most impactful, wide-reaching and poignant questions below:

Abendego: When will the team look to do user acquisition through advertising?

We have been trying different marketing campaigns on various platforms. We will find efficient methods to attract new users.

Chachess#8417: Will there be “NFT” fortress/Mercenary Skins for Season 3?

We currently do not have any plan to make NFT Fortress Skin. But it is something worth considering, so we may be able to discuss it after our current plans are put in place.

As for new NFT Mercenaries, our goal is to introduce one new NFT Mercenary per season.

Hongchan1999: Will future seasons have 2 servers, a competitive server with higher rewards and a static server that does not reset?

 EPX was born only with the Season system in mind, so it is not easy to introduce a non-seasonal server. This applies to both technical implementation and balancing aspects. Rather than introducing a non-seasonal server, the more realistic approach would be to increase the rewards enough to motivate players each season. We will work hard to come up with satisfactory rewards.

Hongchan1999: Can you replace Guild Festival mission (promote merc)? It is hard to complete it.

The development team is also aware that it is difficult to promote Mercenaries. It will be made reasonably easier in Season 3.

Hongchan1999: Guild Festival Ranking Rewards need to boosts more, players need more rewards.

Guild Festival Stage Rewards will be partially increased in Season 3. Many say that the Ranking Rewards should be Gems because it is hard to get them elsewhere. We will listen to more feedback from the community and review it. 

Mihailendwill: Will there be a rebalancing of the characters both among themselves and in relation to nft/non-nft

Since there are many users who have already purchased NFTs with their balances in mind, our goal is to minimize balancing modifications. Please let us know, though, if there is anything that seems to need adjustment. 

Mihailendwill: Will there be a change in the % of post-season token distribution?

We don’t have any plan to implement major changes in our Tokenomics.

Mihailendwill: Will there be an increase in guild research? The current one ends in half a season.

Guild Research will also expand to a higher level in Season 3. As you mentioned, we are aware that the top guilds have finished all the research in the middle of the season.

k._f._.c: Will Valentine, Ran, and Ava continue to be “limited” in the sense that they cannot be summoned, and are only available through season rewards, clovers, and contribution, respectively?

Yes, we plan to keep it that way.

The contribution points “retained til end of next season” is a little vague. If I am contribution level 13, does that mean at the beginning of season 3, I will get the rewards for level 13, or the rewards for levels 1-13? Or does it mean I won’t get the rewards again but keep the Group Attributes? Also, on season 4, will it reset to level 1?

The CPs you accumulated this season will be carried over to the next season. Since you accumulated CP to Level 13 in Season 2, you will be Level 13 in Season 3 and will get the rewards for Levels 1 through 13.

However, this data will not be carried over to Season 4. Only the CPs you accumulate in Season 3 will be carried over to Season 4.

k._f._.c: Do you think there are some progression issues with some of the buildings? For example, bringing mine from level 11 to 16 takes WEEKS to pay off, and level 16 to 21 is simply not worth it.

I agree with your opinion regarding the efficiency of Harvester/Farm/Mine/Extractor in the Fortress. We will find a way to improve it.

k._f._.c: Another example is barracks. Even spending hundreds of dollars on the temporary speedups over a season, it’s not really possible (without spending thousands) to get to T10 troops on all barracks, and dark/light is better anyways, so it makes sense to only get one of the dark/light to T9 and then focus on headquarters, forge, and the buildings needed for HQ

Our design had in mind that players will upgrade one or two Barracks based on your deck, rather than upgrading all Barracks. Buildings are subject to reset, so we thought it would be too much to upgrade all Barracks every season.

However, like you mentioned, we also understand players are “forced” to choose either Light or Dark, so we will make improvements to strengthen the merits of other options.

k._f._.c: Will you stop devaluing gems, land grants, and immortal emblems by releasing tomes that make buying things in the shop ineffective? For example, to get a rare mercenary using immortal emblems, it costs $250. I can buy second hand with $50 or less. This is because the tomes gave people many rare (and rarer) NFTs just for $ETIME.

Right now, it may be the most efficient way to purchase Tomes with $ETIME. However, $ETIME NFTs are random, meaning you are not guaranteed to get the Mercenary or the rarity you want. On the other hand, while Immortal Emblems are more expensive, you can get the Mercenary and rarity you want. So, I think different users make different choices based on their preference.

NFTs are one of the most important $ETIME sinks, so we plan to continue to increase these products. At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the benefits of owning this NFT.

If done so, the gap between users who own an NFT and do not own an NFT may widen considerably. While the dev team is aware of this issue, EPX is a Web3 game, so it needs to focus on NFTs and NFTs need to offer enough merits.

What are more $ETIME sinks planned for the future?

We will add $ETIME sinks, but one of the biggest ones to come is Gem products that can be bought with $ETIME. We believe $ETIME will become significantly more attractive because most products can be purchased with Gems.

When can we burn NFTs to get fragments

Burning NFTs to receive Immortal Emblems and Summon Pieces is being considered for Season 5 or 6.

Will guilds have more capacity?

The cap was set at 50 considering the number of users in the server and the season prize. We believe it is appropriate, but if many say it should be increased, we will review it.

When will more servers appear?

We will add new servers when a significant number of new users are recruited.

Will arrows be nerfed to be considered an aggressive action so people can’t use them with shield?

One of the reasons we have arrows is to give lower-level users to stand against higher-level users. Most 4X games tend to have a pay-to-win nature, and the weak often can’t do anything against the strong.

If the shield is removed when arrows are used, lower-level users won’t be able to use them freely for fear of being attacked. With this in mind, we designed it so that arrows can be used with a shield on but only for a limited number of times.

We believe this direction is still valid, but we will listen to more users’ feedback before making a decision.

What do you think of all these questions?

We did several AMAs prior to launching the game, and a lot of questions we had back then were somewhat expected questions. However, it shows these questions came from seasoned players who are very much engaged in the game.

Each and every question gave me a lot to think about. I will quickly discuss with the team and improve the ones I feel need to be addressed now.

Thanks to the EPX team for taking the time to answer so many community questions, and for working hard to make each season of EPX even better than the last!

Jaejun Song from Ndream had the following comments in conclusion to close out the AMA:

We sincerely thank you for your support in EPX Season 1 and 2. We know there is a lot to improve, and we are committed to making the game better with new updates every season.

As I mentioned earlier, the goal for Seasons 3 and 4 is to strengthen guild content: Doombringer (boss raid) in Season 3 and Guild Arena in Season 4. We will strive to make new and better content, focusing particularly on cooperation and competition, taking advantage of the 4X genre.

We will run a few events in Season 3, with coupon codes and separate occupation war rewards. We look forward to your continued support!

Season 3 is already up and rolling! Have you slayed the Doombringer yet?

Are you prepared to show your might in the first Conquest!?

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Danny Bilson, Bridging Academia and Innovation in Gaming

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Danny Bilson, Bridging Academia and Innovation in Gaming

GALAthon Prizes

In the lineup of judges for GALAthon, the GalaChain Hackathon during GDC 2024, Danny Bilson stands out as a distinguished figure whose career covers a wide range of topics. Sitting at the intersection of academia, game development, and interactive media, Bilson is the Faculty Chair of Interactive Media and Games at the University of Southern California (USC), as well as the Director of USC Games.

Bilson brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into the evolving dynamics of game design, development and how new technologies are positioned to shape the gaming industry.

Danny Bilson: Gaming Excellence and Innovation

Danny Bilson has extensive background creating compelling narratives within games as well as fostering the next generation of game designers and developers. This gives him a totally unique perspective among the GalaChain Hackathon judging panel. His work at USC Games — a leading program dedicated to the advancement of interactive entertainment — showcases his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what games can be and pushing progress into the next generation.

Bilson’s expertise not only covers the technical and design aspects of gaming but also emphasizes storytelling, user engagement and the exploration of new tech for greater gaming experiences.

A Unique Perspective on Game Development and Web3 

In evaluating hackathon entries, Bilson is likely to draw upon his vast experience in game design and education to identify projects that embody creativity, technical innovation, and overall show a deep understanding of what makes games engaging and memorable. The fun factor in a game isn’t always easy, but Bilson knows how to identify and cultivate that spark.

His perspective is invaluable in recognizing entries that not only leverage GalaChain’s capabilities but also push the envelope in terms of user experience, creativity and overall execution.

What Danny Bilson Might Look for in a Winning Entry

Given his extensive background and experience, Danny Bilson might prioritize projects that:

Showcase Innovative Design and Mechanics: Projects that introduce unique and innovative systems, leveraging GalaChain’s technology to offer new forms of interaction, and user experience.

Demonstrate Technical Excellence: Entries that are technically sound and also exhibit creative use of blockchain technology to improve aspects like individual ownership, game economies, and community-driven content.

Focus on Engagement and Community: Initiatives that emphasize creating a strong, engaged community around the project itself, increasing the ways for the community to engage with each other and drive the evolution and narrative of the project.

Inspiring the Future of Gaming with Danny Bilson

Danny Bilson’s role as a judge underscores the GalaChain Hackathon’s commitment to uncovering and nurturing groundbreaking projects that are poised to redefine the landscape of interactive entertainment. His insights will guide participants towards creating experiences that are not just technologically advanced but also nuanced, well-planned and expertly executed. Even beyond just game projects, Bilson brings a huge amount of insight to the table as a judge.

As the hackathon approaches, let Bilson’s dedication to education and innovation in gaming inspire you to envision and create projects that are bold, innovative, and capable of captivating users in new and profound ways. The opportunity to impress a figure of Bilson’s stature is not just an honor; it’s a challenge to elevate your work to the highest standards of design and development. What compelling experience will you craft?

Build on GalaChain