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GalaCoin – How to Play

GalaCoin – How to Play

GALACoin is the Gala tApp game that cuts right to the chase, offering free players multiple opportunities to collect $GALA rewards.

Live your best life with magic internet money, powered by GalaChain and TON.

Play Free for Rewards

When you play GALACoin through Telegram, you’re unlocking a world of Gala ecosystem rewards, in a high volume crypto token that’s listed on dozens of exchanges worldwide.

GALACoin’s reward system is simple but elegant, and you won’t be able to get enough.


How can I find my Gala wallet?

Once you have created your new Gala account through GALACoin, access your GalaChain wallet address at in the upper right corner, where you can copy your wallet address (beginning with client|). You will receive GALACoin $GALA withdrawals at this address.

Find your GalaChain tokens on the Balances page at 

Can I accumulate $GALA rewards before creating and verifying my own Gala account?

Yes, but you will not be able to withdraw them until you create an account and hold at least 100 $GALA in your GALACoin account.

What are the requirements to withdraw $GALA?

In order to withdraw your accumulated $GALA rewards to your GalaChain address, you must first create a new Gala account through the link within GALACoin (found on the Quests page and the Rewards menu Withdraw button). Additionally, you must have a minimum of 100 $GALA accumulated to make a withdrawal.

I created my Gala account without using the in-game link and my account creation was not recognized by GALACoin. What can I do?

If you created your account in any way other than the provided link within GALACoin, the Gala account creation is not recognized by the reward system. However, you can permanently delete your Gala account through the Security section of your Gala Account options (found at then create the account again through the in-game link to solve this problem.

How do I access my $GALA in my Gala account?

Shortly after the purchase is complete, you’ll receive your $GALA as a GalaChain allowance that you can convert through your Gala account on your Balances page.

Before you’re able to move your $GALA onto the blockchain, you must set up a transfer code for your account, a necessary security measure that will work for all future transactions on GalaChain. 

  1. Under your Account Settings, go to GalaChain Transfer Code
  2. Create a transfer code and certify that you are at least 18 years old.
  3. Follow the instructions to view and write down your account recovery phrase.
  4. After acknowledging you’ve written down your recovery phrase, prove it by answering a few questions about your recovery phrase. This recovery phrase is necessary to recover or change your transfer code.
  5. Your transfer code is then ready to use.

Creating a transfer code unlocks your ability to transact on the blockchain.

Once your transfer code is added, go back to your GalaChain Allowances page within Balances and convert your $GALA. Finalize with your transfer code and your $GALA will appear shortly in your GalaChain balance, where it is spendable and transferable.

What will I receive for my accumulated GalaPoints in GALACoin?

At launch, GalaPoints do not equate to $GALA rewards. With future releases, additional rewards may be issued based on the accumulation of these points, such as upgrades to potential $GALA rewards for referrals or bonus items from the various Gala ecosystems.

Can I connect an existing account wallet for GALACoin rewards?

No, GALACoin $GALA rewards are only for new accounts created through the links provided within GALACoin.

Launching the Game

Easily open the mini app directly in Telegram through the help of the GALACoin Bot. There’s no need to download anything external and you’ll be playing within a few seconds.

A free Telegram account is required to play, but easy to set up with your phone number. The GALACoin app can only be launched on mobile devices.

Object of the Game 

Your goal is to collect GalaPoints that will ultimately enhance your $GALA reward haul, activated by achievements like referrals.

Your GalaPoints

GalaPoints are the core of GALACoin’s gameplay. Each tap will add them to your collection. Spend them to boost your recharge speed or tapping energy, or use them to upgrade your Gala Ecosystem attributes in the Farm tab.

Collecting $GALA

As $GALA is collected through various in-game achievements, it can be withdrawn from the game to a GalaChain wallet of your designation once you’ve reached the minimum withdrawal threshold of 100 $GALA.

1 $GALA – When you create a new Gala account through

.5 $GALA – When your referred user creates a new Gala account

1 $GALA – The first time you have been a verified GALACoin Telegram community subscriber for 3 days AND a Benefactor’s Channel subscriber for 3 days

.5 $GALA – The first time your referral has been a verified GALACoin Telegram community subscriber for 3 days AND a Benefactor’s Channel subscriber for 3 days



This is the game’s main page where you can tap to add GalaPoints to your cocolection, which appears above the big token. This page also displays a countdown to your next Daily Check In, your current Profit Per Hour and the total amount of GalaPoints you’ve accumulated. Watch the ⚡bar – when it runs out you have to take a break!


Use this area wisely to enhance your tapping and recover more quickly. You get three free Energy recoveries every day!


In this area you’ll find easy-to-complete tasks that will help you stack GalaPoints quickly!. They update regularly, so be sure to check back often.


Spend your GalaPoints in this section to upgrade your levels within the Gala ecosystem, becoming a Gala wizard and enhancing your Profit Per Hour. If you pick the right 3 cards, you’ll also get the massive Card Reward, updated daily.


Inviting friends is the most effective way to get $GALA in your pocket from playing! The more friends you invite, the more GalaPoints you’ll collect.

Withdrawing $GALA

To make your first $GALA withdrawal, you must have at least 100 $GALA in your GALACoin account.

  1. Enter your GalaChain wallet address in the Rewards tab
  2. Wait up to 72 hours for delivery.
  3. Find your $GALA in your GalaChain account Balances.
  4. Start swapping on GalaSwap with any token in the GalaChain ecosystem!

Play GALACoin now in Telegram

GALACoin Terms & Conditions

Governance Proposal: Implementation of New GalaChain Transaction Fees for Gala Channels

Governance Proposal: Implementation of New GalaChain Transaction Fees for Gala Channels

Lower Fees, Brighter Future

This proposal outlines a new system of transaction fees for core Gala-operated channels. While the addition of a fee structure was inevitable, the GalaChain dev team has created a system that allows independent channel creators unparalleled autonomy and control while delivering lower fees than you’ll find almost anywhere else in the web3 world.

The proposed fees are substantially lower than the fees associated with almost any other blockchain. Still, the proposed system enhances the sustainability of the greater GalaChain ecosystem as it continues to grow, bolstering the economy and giving third party channel operators the freedom and control necessary to grow their own projects.

Transfer Fees

The cost of minting or transferring items on Ethereum varies depending on variables like network congestion, transactional volume and transaction type. While it may cost $2+ (in ETH) to transfer any quantity of a fungible token like $GALA, GalaChain’s initial fee structure would make such a transfer cost only 2-4 cents (depending on the current value of $GALA). We believe that a predictable and more steady transaction fee will be welcomed by the GalaChain community.

Batch Transactions, 1 Fee

On GalaChain, it’s possible to execute large actions with single transactions, such as mass batch minting of tokens. On GalaChain, tokens can be minted to hundreds or even thousands of recipients with a single batch transaction, requiring a fee of only 1 $GALA for the whole batch.

Basically, this fee system will have additional benefits to creators proportional to the finesse and efficiency with which they use the chain. The power of GalaChain can accomplish a lot with a single well-placed transaction, leaving Ethereum in the dust in terms of cost effectiveness for creators.

BatchMintToken Example

If the Ethereum gas fee for minting an NFT is $2, that fee is required for each token that is minted, so minting an NFT from the same batch to 200 different users would cost $400 in gas fees (roughly equivalent to 20,000 $GALA at current value).

On GalaChain, the BatchMintToken transaction would allow the creator to mint all 200 NFTs directly to their recipients for a single set fee (1 $GALA), using 1 transaction alone.

Fee Structure for Ecosystem Health

To address these challenges in a way that incentivizes node operators and channel founders, we propose the implementation of a new transaction fee structure specifically for the basic asset channel controlled by Gala. The proposed system does not extend to individual third-party channels.

Each third-party channel operator retains full autonomy to set and manage their own fee structures according to their unique needs and goals. The fees outlined in this document will not impact those independent channels in any way, allowing third-party operators to maintain their independence and flexibility over their own transaction fee models. This distinction ensures that while Gala implements a standardized fee approach for its own basic asset channels, it does not interfere with the diverse and customized economic models that third-party channel operators might choose to implement.

Proposal Overview

We propose the introduction of a fee system on GalaChain. This fee structure will apply to various transactions and actions within GalaChain’s basic asset channel. The primary objectives of this proposal are to ensure the sustainability of the Gala ecosystem, incentivize responsible usage of network resources, prevent spam and reward channel founders and node operators.

Proposal Details

GalaChain Token Transactions (Subject to Fees):

  • BatchFillTokenSwap
  • BatchMintToken
  • BurnTokens
  • FulfillMint
  • FulfillMintAllowance
  • MintToken
  • MintTokenWithAllowance
  • RequestTokenBridgeOut
  • RequestTokenSwap
  • TerminateTokenSwap
  • TransferToken

User Actions (1 $GALA Fee Per Action):

  • Minting currency from mint allowance
  • Minting NFTs from mint allowance
  • Bridging out currency (note: existing fees apply; future dynamic fees are in development)
  • Sending currency
  • Sending NFTs
  • Paying for orders by transferring funds
  • Paying for orders by burning funds

Ecosystem Benefits

  • Channel Founder Incentives: Founders of new GalaChain channels will be able to set fees for their own asset channels in the future, receiving a portion of fees collected within those channels.
  • Node Operator Incentives: A portion of transaction fees will be allocated to node operators, ensuring ongoing benefits for their crucial role in the decentralization and robustness of GalaChain.
  • Referral Incentive: As approved in a prior Founder’s Node vote, all $GALA burned as gas fees qualifies for a direct referral incentive reward. The direct referrer receives 8-10% of the burnt $GALA as a mint allowance, and the second-degree referrer receives 2%.
  • Prevention of Abuse: With a moderate fee system in place, abuse of GalaChain functions is actively discouraged. Most blockchain exploits and abuses are related to unreasonably high numbers of transactions, and per-transaction fees will de-incentivize these types of behaviors by potential abusers by increasing cost with transactional volume.*

*In THIS EXAMPLE, a game called Sunflower Farmer nearly “broke” the Polygon chain by monopolizing gas costs, causing transactional fees to drastically and suddenly increase. A system of set low fees will prevent this sort of exploit for a more stable blockchain ecosystem, and Gala will continue to update and tweak this system as needed for long term ecosystem health.

Implementation Plan

Upon approval of this proposal, the new transaction fee structure will be implemented immediately within the GalaChain basic asset channel.

The initial rollout will apply to transactions on the asset channel, eventually expanding to include owners of other channels in the Gala ecosystem, allowing them to create their own fee structures. Please note that external channel owners will have the ability to to set and control their own fees. More details about external channels will be provided with future updates.

Vote Details

Voting Period: 1 week

Approval Requirement: Simple majority (51%)

Eligibility: 1 vote per Founder’s Node

Vote Question

Should a new system of GalaChain transaction fees be implemented to support long term ecosystem health and user incentives?

Yes: I am in favor of the proposed fee structure.

No: I am not in favor of the currently proposed fee structure.

Abstain: I am neither in favor nor against this proposal.


This proposal aims to enhance the efficiency, security and sustainability of the Gala ecosystem through the introduction of a new transaction fee structure on GalaChain. We believe this change will contribute positively to the ecosystem’s long-term health while providing additional incentives for channel founders and node operators. We appreciate your participation and support in this governance vote as we continue to build a stronger, more resilient Gala ecosystem.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our shared vision.

Carl Hero Card Sale

Carl Hero Card Sale

You need more to survive out there than just grit and strength. You need heart. 

Today we’re proud to welcome back a hero who has plenty of compassion to go around, along with the ability to look at life in the apocalypse with a fresh eye. Anyone who watched him grow up in AMC’s The Walking Dead knows that Carl’s bravery and determination were the backbone of his family and the survivors around him. Now you can bring that unique strength to your empire!

Sale Details

This sale takes place on Friday, August 23rd at 7am PT. Carl Hero Cards will follow a tiered pricing structure based on the remaining supply, with Common Hero Cards staying at one low price throughout the sale. 

This sale is not time limited, and Carl will remain available in The Walking Dead: Empires Store until the supply is exhausted or it is removed to make room for new heroes in the future. 

Like our other direct Hero Card sales,  Carl cards purchased in this sale will fulfill directly to GalaChain and be usable in the game right away!

Survival at Any Cost

A weekend Walker Wipeout is coming.  Are you ready for the challenge? Have you scavenged enough this week to climb the leaderboard?

Carl will arrive for direct purchase tomorrow. Will you welcome him and see how great your empire could be?

Guardian Papers 8: Community Caution

Guardian Papers 8: Community Caution

Imagine that you were a scammer trying to target a particular group of people… let’s say people who like to spend their days at the lake relaxing with a fishing pole hanging in the water. Who knows why – maybe you are trying to sell counterfeit lures? Coordinate putting out some AI-enabled fishing rod that’s collecting fingerprint data while they laze their days away? Motivations are rather inconsequential for this example.

You could pay for a big list of dark web data, but you could also just insert yourself into that community.  You can hop on message boards, join chat groups, heck you could even go hang around local bait shops. Before long, you’ve got a lot of useful demographic data on people that are part of that group. Maybe all you have is some emails and IP addresses… but that’s enough to start refining your list and getting more information.

The same is true with Discord. The Gala community is a great place for the latest news and robust conversation about every aspect of the Gala Ecosystem. The popularity and richness of social connections that are forged on our Discord server or Telegram channel, however, also make them a popular destination for another type – scammers. It’s important to know and understand the tactics of these digital miscreants to keep your digital assets safe while still participating in any digital community.

Welcome to the 8th installment of The Guardian Papers, where we try to impart the wisdom that everyone should have to start a successful journey through the world of digital ownership. The blockchain world is still in its infancy. We here at Gala believe that empowering each and any member of our community makes us stronger as a whole. 

Miss an issue of the Guardian Papers!? Check out past editions below!

It is our hope that this series has and will continue to present foundational information that will not only provide a base understanding of how to keep your blockchain footprint secure, but will also help inform your journey through this digital adventure so you can ask better questions, do better research, and make better decisions to help guard your entire community.

The Dark Side of Community

Discord was originally made for gamers. As the scope of the platform has grown to include countless massively popular communities, however, it has also attracted the riffraff that stalks digital space for the opportunity to steal from the unwitting. Because Discord servers categorize people into common interests, it’s easy for scammers to get inside groups and represent themselves as just another member – or even an authority figure – within that community.

The same is true for Telegram or other messaging apps where people commonly gather in like-minded groups. In these spaces, the community itself has already done the work to compile victims for all the villains in the cryptoshadows. Communities are welcoming because that’s the point of community. By simply being in these groups, however, you’ve done part of the scammers research for them… they know that you are part of their target audience.

Make sure you customize your privacy settings in Telegram… or else you’re about to get a whole hornet’s nest of attention from all the wrong people!

Community messaging apps like Telegram and Discord are third-party platforms that are utilized by Gala, but these can have their own security issues that are simply beyond any community’s ability to control. The scammers thoroughly know the shortcomings of these apps, and can exploit them to attempt to scam thousands of members of a community within minutes. Even one success will show them this pond is well-stocked with easy catches for their future fishing endeavors.

Any community where the digital villains see opportunity isn’t going to get rid of them without a fight, however. We can only turn the tide against the scammers by making sure that each and every one of us is ready to defend against them.

Don’t forget to customize your exceptions as well! By default, any member of Telegram’s premium subscription can contact you regardless of your settings! 😱

How Scammers Prey on Communities

It’s hard to build and feel community if you’re always suspicious of your neighbors. The scammers are counting on this, because that’s not how defenses work. When you perceive yourself as ‘among friends’ your defenses naturally go down. You want to be helpful – after all, that’s what building community is all about.

That’s why they’re here. Community is a group trust that we build up over time with likeminded people. We can’t simply turn it off and on. It’s not like we recognize every member of the community, we just recognize that they are part of the community.

We’ve discussed impersonation before, so you’re all very well aware that there are people out there who will pretend to be Gala customers or community support. You need to stay vigilant for these types of things… these apps are where the scammers find their marks.

This isn’t to say that community itself is bad. In fact, it’s very very good. Community standards and best practices are how we combat these scammers. Building a community is too important to let scammers stop us. We have to build a better community to make it outlast the villains.

Trust is Earned  

Just because someone is part of your community does not mean they’ve earned trust, and it’s not an insult to tell them so. Caution is admirable… and part of the point of web3 is to establish systems that don’t rely on trust.

First off, please adjust your privacy settings on Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord or similar apps if you have not. In Telegram, for instance, you can be contacted by anyone by default. If you don’t change that it’s only a matter of time before you are getting blown up with spam and scams. Similarly WhatsApp will show your personal phone number to anyone who comes looking if you don’t change the security settings… make sure to get this done or you’re wide open to an attack from a crytpovillain.

Even on Discord you can customize your security settings to control who can reach out to you. As we’ve discussed before, don’t trust a display name… that can be easily changed. Put people you trust on your friends list. Consider changing your settings so friends can message you. That way any new friend requests are where you know you need to be vigilant, and anyone on your friends list has already been vetted.

Trust, but verify

-Old Russian proverb

Don’t trust these security measures to be the end all be all of your defenses, however! People can get hacked or lose access to their accounts. Sometimes the attack could come from someone you know… albeit not them actually sitting in front of their keyboard.

Community Strong

With so many threats among communities you trust, the fight against bad actors in digital spaces can seem hopeless. Fortunately, community is also the cure to this malady.

⬆️ Not a great way to seek help from the community. Not only does anyone watching now know this user’s needs, but also their urgency. I bet their DMs blew up.

⬅️This is a great way to utilize the knowledge of the community. Tons of eyes can get on the deceptive scam attempt right away to verify if it’s legitimate or not. HINT: This one was not legitimate.

No one person can be entirely vigilant all the time. We get tired. We get distracted. Our guard comes down for a moment here and there… and that’s when attacks happen. Talk to your community. Educate each other and call out the tactics that scammers are using so that everyone can learn to avoid them. Alone an attack is inevitable. Together we’re strong.

If you see something sus, reach out! Ask the community you trust whether you should be engaging. Don’t be embarrassed. A simple question could save you a lot of hassle.

Guarding Each Other

When we work together, the community really shows its strength. Those who seek to exploit communities of common interests in the web3 space are counting on us not following through with our commitment to a solid community. If a victim doesn’t use the community resources at their disposal to help themselves, what can a community do to help?

That’s why it’s so important to share tips and educate fellow community members about security culture. If we all get a little better at spotting bad actors, we’ll all be a little less likely to get scammed. If we all get a little better and share a little more of that culture with each other, we’ll be exponentially more protected from those who seek to do us harm.

That’ll do it for this week’s Guardian Papers, but we’ll be back! Next time, we’ll be breaking down multi-factor identification and how it can help protect your digital sovereignty in this new age.

Stay safe Galaxians… and always have your shield ready!

A New Hero Rises: Eleonore Hero Card Sale

A New Hero Rises: Eleonore Hero Card Sale

When the outbreak began, billions of peoples’ stories changed drastically overnight. Only a small percentage survived. Some survivors would go on to become heroes of this new world, creating order from chaos and rebuilding from the ruins of the old world.

Tomorrow, the  story of a new hero begins. An original character  is coming to The Walking Dead: Empires Store – say hello to Eleonore!

Once upon a time, Eleonore was a journalist, chasing leads and finding meaning in the stories of others. Now, she uses those keen instincts and inquisitive nature to navigate the dangers of this world to survive. Your empire is young. Heroes with tenacity like Eleonore can help you grow strong.

Eleonore Sale Details

The Eleonore sale starts on Friday, August 16th at 7am PT. All rarities will be available in this sale.

The sale will continue until the supply has run out, or the card is removed to prepare for new Hero Cards.

All Eleonore Hero Cards will fulfill directly to GalaChain and will be immediately available to use within the game.

Eleonore’s a hardened survivor who wants to regain the sense of purpose she had in her old life. Building your empire could be that purpose.

Build the Future

This weekend starts the Build the Future event. Have you scavenged enough resources to climb to the top of the leaderboard?

Grow Your Empire

An empire isn’t built alone. You need heroes you can trust to fight like their lives depended on it. Eleonore is ready to do more than just survive. She’s ready to help your empire become the beacon the new world needs.