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GalaChain Hackathon: Halfway!

March 20, 2024

The GalaChain Hackathon is in progress, and 12 hours of the 24-hour development window have now passed. 

Load up on coffee and crank up the jams, because we’re just getting started!

You can keep up with the latest news from the event on our GalaChain Hackathon liveblog!

Meet the Judges

A hackathon is about collaborative development, but it’s also about getting your work in front of the eyes of experts! We’ve assembled a diverse group of incredibly qualified professionals to help us judge this hackathon.

These are the industry veterans who will be judging projects at the upcoming hackathon. Each of them brings unique skills and experience to the table, giving a very broad perspective to analyze the innovations from the event as a group.

You don’t have to make it to this hackathon to build the future on GalaChain

Rising to the Top

Every participant in the hackathon (virtual or in-person) who submits a presentation at the end of the event will be able to have their project reviewed by our judges. 

Tons of prizes will be available – including nearly $1million in USDT, piles of AWS Credits and sweet Alienware kit!

Did we mention BIG prizes!?

It may take a while to review all the prizes, but we’ll have some word about the most successful teams when we wrap things up tomorrow!

What’s all this lounging!? There’s hacking to do!

Every attendee will be receiving an exclusive commemorative NFT as well!

See you soon, we’ve got to get back to building!