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Did You See Our New Games Page?

Did You See Our New Games Page?

We find ourselves saying this a lot, but we’ve come FAR in the past few years. We started with one title on our entire platform, and now we’ve got over a dozen with more coming all the time.

We’ll be the first to admit it was getting a little cluttered on Sometimes meteoric growth happens fast, and needing to improve things to suit our new size and catalog of games is a very, very welcome problem to have.

The new games page allows you to search, displays more info about each title… and is frankly just waaaay prettier.

Check it out! Maybe you’ll find something new to play!

A Heartfelt Thank You to the Gala Family: From Games to Music, Film, and Beyond

A Heartfelt Thank You to the Gala Family: From Games to Music, Film, and Beyond

It’s a new year, and we hope you’re as excited as we are for 2024!

As we set our sights on the horizon of 2024, our hearts at Gala are overflowing with gratitude for each and every one of you, the incredible Gala family. Your unwavering support across Gala Games, Gala Music, and Gala Film has been the fuel that propels us forward as we build the most empowering network of own-your-experience entertainment in the world.

From Epic Adventures in Gala Games…

We’ve witnessed the joy in your eyes as you conquered dragons, survived attacks from walkers, and defended your kingdoms from ruthless invasions. We’ve witnessed with horror as you’ve been eaten by Primal Ravagers in Last Expedition, watched your competitive spirit ignite Champions Arena, and seen your passion for community bloom in every corner of our shared digital worlds. Your dedication inspires us to push the boundaries of gaming, to craft experiences that are not just fun, but truly yours to own and shape.

To Melodies that Touch the Soul in Gala Music…

The notes of your cheers have resonated through every Gala Music event, from the electrifying energy of live shows to the intimate connections forged through owned Tracks paired with Music Nodes. We’ve seen you discover new artists, groove to unexpected rhythms, and find solace in the universal language of music. Your passion for sonic exploration fuels our commitment to empower musicians and creators, to build a platform where music transcends borders and touches hearts.

And Stories that Captivate in Gala Film…

The tears we’ve shared in darkened theaters, the laughter that echoed through packed rooms, the conversations sparked by thought-provoking documentaries — these are the moments that make Gala Film more than just a platform. You’ve embraced the power of storytelling, the ability to transport us to new worlds and challenge our perspectives. Your hunger for diverse narratives drives us to support independent filmmakers, to bring unique voices and visions to the forefront.

But what truly makes Gala special is not the games, the music, or the films. It’s the spirit that brings us together, the shared belief in the power of community, ownership, and creative freedom. It’s the dream of a world where entertainment is not something to consume, but something to shape, to co-create, and to own.

As we step into the new year, we do so with immense excitement for what lies ahead. We’ll continue to expand the Gala universe, welcoming new games, artists, and filmmakers into our fold. We’ll push the boundaries of technology, exploring the potential web3 to empower creators and audiences like never before.

But through it all, our unwavering focus will remain on you, the Gala family. We are driven by your passion, your feedback, your unwavering belief in the power of own-your-experience entertainment.

So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for being a part of this journey, for believing in our vision, and for playing, listening, and watching with such enthusiasm. You are the reason we exist, the reason we push harder, the reason we dream bigger.

Together, let’s make 2024 a year of shared triumphs, unforgettable experiences, and a community that continues to grow and thrive. Happy New Year, Gala family!

With love and gratitude,

The Gala Team

P.S. Stay tuned for exciting announcements in the coming weeks and months! We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on and celebrate the future of Gala with you.

Let’s make 2024 a year to remember!

Open Letter from Santa Claus

Open Letter from Santa Claus

Dearest People of the World:

It’s not that I’m tired of delivering your presents year after year. My patience hasn’t exactly worn thin from one too many snot-nosed children who obviously don’t want to sit on my lap any more than their parents want to wait in the line or take the picture. I’m not overly disappointed with the lack of tree nuts in your Christmas cookies of late… I get it, your kids have developed strange allergies, but would it kill you to include a macadamia nut every once in a while?

Maybe I’m too hasty in writing this letter. If that turns out to be true, I’ll just put myself on the naughty list next year.

Do you all have any idea how long of a nap I must take to recover from that yearly night of Christmas magic? Megacorporations, free shipping programs and fulfillment centers may have made it easy for made-in-China goods to get delivered right to your door within minutes, but some of us still rely on reindeer power and elf labor. I’m not complaining at all; those little folks can seriously crank out some toys, but the delivery is killing me.

I have hobbies. I’d love to spend more time golfing in Bermuda with the Easter Bunny. I wish I had more evenings available for scrapbooking sessions with Mrs. Claus. I’ll even share all my magical secrets with the good girls and boys, just as soon as I have time to finally finish my memoirs.

Here’s the deal. I urge and implore you all to quit beating around the bush with the web3 stuff. It’s time for that “mass adoption” thing you have been using as a talking point for the last few years to actually happen.

I’m looking forward to a Christmas where we give digital gifts to our loved ones, with no delivery or assembly required. Blockchain-minted gifts have no need for tedious and outdated physical ownership, but in a lot of ways they’re more real than things that you can touch.

Take the Gala Games ecosystem for example. Players’ in-game items really belong to them, thanks to the GalaChain magic those wizards created. Digital ownership is provable, transparent and incredibly secure. Plus, when players own items within the Gala Games ecosystem, they can unlock opportunities to get real rewards for using them. Magic internet money… what a world we live in!

Merry Christmas!


PS: Please consider incorporating web3 ownership into your gift-giving routine next year, or even this year.

PPS: Dasher wanted me to add, “Seriously. It’s not too late. My herniated disk really flares up when the wind blows.”

Letters From the Editor: The Gift of Gaming

Letters From the Editor: The Gift of Gaming

Long after the excitement of Christmas day, the memory of holiday games never fade away.

If you’d have told 7-year old me that I’d eventually land in the gaming industry after my share of trials and tribulations in other “more serious” work, I’d have considered that knowledge better than any present that could be bought in a store.

This is the time of year for reflection. Thinking back on all those holidays that came before, I clearly remember all the food, travel and traditions… but what really stands out is the fun and games with family and friends.

Gaming Life

I was always a gamer. From the first time I put the thimble on the board in Monopoly, I was hooked. It wasn’t long after that I tagged along behind my older brothers as they rented videos from the library (Yes! We used to do that!) to learn to play chess. Five or Six years old was probably a little young for chess, but that didn’t stop me from having the board setup every day ready when my dad came home from work.

I thought about chess a lot at that time. The idea of weighing decisions and thinking about the next steps came naturally to me, and it changed the way I thought about life for the better. Not long after that came Mario and Link, and games would occupy most of the real estate in my mind for much of my childhood.

The Digital Frontier

One holiday from my early school years stands out in my memory. With the SNES, everything changed overnight. So many of the foundational classics that were essential in constructing my adult brain: Super Ghouls and Ghosts, A Link to the Past, Maximum Carnage… the list goes on.

I also ascribe my love of writing, reading and language in general with this system. Amazing, epic RPGs like Final Fantasy VI (or III depending on which international version you had), EarthBound and Chrono Trigger showed me multimedia experiences where storytelling and compelling game mechanics occupied the same space. This was my future.

It’s all a blur after that. Games evolved so fast, and I with them. Before long it was Playstation… trading the FFVI for FFVII. I’m not afraid to admit I cried (you know the part I’m talking about). My brother and I became godly good at SSX Tricky at the cost of thousands of hours. I diligently farmed every achievement on Gran Turisimo. These actually were things that I thought about when work or life got hard in the future — this is where I learned persistence and patience.

The Gift Goes On

As I grew into an adult, gaming wasn’t a lifestyle so much as it was just life. TFC LAN parties with friends on the weekend were a normal thing, what else would we do? Every activity got gamified… I learned to roll with the punches of life because I learned to think of it as a game… and you’re never out of a good game until you’re all the way out. Side note, any time anyone says “roll with the punches” I think about the mechanic in Heroes: Unlimited that let you ‘roll with a punch’, casting a d20 to see if you could take half damage by positioning your body better. 🤣

I’d known about tabletop RPGs since I was a kid and feel it was incredibly advantageous for my communication and mental organization skills to play the heck out of those games at (probably) too young of an age. As I grew into an adult though, tabletop became a way of making new friends, growing interpersonal relationships and filtering out the people I wanted in my life from those I didn’t.

D&D and MTG nights were how I met some of my best friends to this day. Settlers of Catan just became a thing that was always waiting on the coffee table with a fresh board randomized and ready to go.

Family Gaming

As a father, the first instinct I had was to play games with my children. Peekaboo, Eat the Toes, Got Your Nose… from day one, every human has a need to play and we naturally understand that. As that play grew up fast, Chase the Ticklemonster gave way to Chutes and Ladders… then eventually lots and lots of Pokemon.

Last year my daughter got her first dice set at seven. She made her first D&D character… a Dragonborn Shaman named BoomBoom. These days, sneaking my wife and I’s various Monster Manuals off our shelf is right up there with catching shinies on her priority list, and she may just find her own brand new MM under the tree this year!

It’s not just my kids though. My wife got a set of sculpted pewter dice from me as well. She’s a markedly different type of gamer, but we find our common ground. About 11 years ago, I moved into a house and thought my roommate was cute. I had an extra PC, so talked her into playing the beta of Path of Exile with me. Here we are all these years later, and we spent an hour playing that same game together last night (New league is pretty epic btw!).

Thank You

When I was a kid, I think my parents regretted getting us into games… video games most of all. In the 90s, people seemed to think that video games were inherently anti-social and would ruin a child’s life and lead to a generation of damaged and desensitized people.

As I sit here and tear up reminiscing, I’m pretty sure that I’m not desensitized. I look back on my life, and gaming didn’t ruin it… it led me to all the places I was supposed to go. Even if my parents thought games rotted my brain, the truth was every game I played was a new perspective and experience that formed my approach to life. It enriched it all. I’ll try not to make that perspective mistake with my own children, as they find all new ways to grow into a better person.

So thank you mom and dad. Thank you to my brothers for being there to explore gaming with me and challenge me. Thanks for still being there to play a game of pitch or a board game at the holidays.

I’ll make sure to pass this gift on. My son and daughter have the ability to experience more than any generation before them through the magic of gaming. How else could they feel what it’s like to be the last orc standing in the legion, or to be racing against an impending supernova to solve progressively difficult puzzles?

Presents are cool. We all love some gift cards and socks. Heck, I just asked my wife for only sweaters without the holes I’ve worn in mine this year. In my memory though, it all eventually blurs into the games.

I want my kids’ memories of the holidays to be like mine… exploring the unknown in a shiny new adventure and lazy holiday afternoons around the table playing board games and laughing. Waiting for that one day that my daughter can beat me fair and square in Scrabble.

Gaming is the best gift I’ve ever received, and giving that gift to others is just as much a way of life as playing myself.

Happy holidays everyone, and I hope you make time to play!

With love and cheer,
Jordan Roberts, Gala

Hark! All Gamers Gather Round the Hottest Winter Deals in Town!

Hark! All Gamers Gather Round the Hottest Winter Deals in Town!

Gala Games Holiday Deals are live in the Gala Games store until 11:45pm PT on December 27th, so grab the coupon code below and don’t get left in the cold!

Through holidays and stressful planning,
We know that for deals you’re scanning.
Daylight dims and quickly fails,
So come enjoy our shiny sales.

We’re about to wrap up another great year for Gala Games, but we just couldn’t resist hitting our beloved community with one more awesome sale. The nights may be long and the days may be cold, but these Holiday Deals are bound to heat up your holiday gaming season!

Discounts are now available on some of your favorite Gala Games in-store items. Sale pricing will last until 11:45pm PT on December 27th. Like all our store’s items, sale pricing is available only on a “while supplies last” basis, so get there sooner than later or you might miss out!

Gala Games store

Some items are marked down via strikethrough prices, with discounts automatically applied at checkout. For others, you’ll have to be more observant and apply a coupon code while making your purchase. For your convenience, we’ve listed all participating titles, sale items and coupon codes below.

Gala Games Mystery Boxes

Behold the magnificent Diamond Mystery Box!

Mystery Boxes have been a huge hit ever since they were unveiled earlier this year. They come in multiple rarities: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. This Christmas, we’re giving you a chance to purchase any number of them (except SILVER*) for an incredible 25% off, using the following coupon code:


Each box contains three items, with increased chances of finding rarer items in rarer Mystery Boxes. Most boxes are even likely to contain festive piles of GALA! A list of possible items for each Mystery Box is found on the item’s store page–Check them out HERE.

*Note: All rarities of Mystery Boxes are eligible for this discount EXCEPT Silver.

Champions Arena

Join us for a special Champions Arena Christmas giveaway event! Through December 25th, anyone who reaches the following purchase thresholds in the Gala Games store or in-app during the giveaway period will receive a special gift!

  • $100 in purchases = 1 random Epic Champion Box
  • $250 in purchases = 1 Legendary Agna Box
  • $500 in purchases = 1 Legendary Agna Box + 1 random Legendary Champion Box

PokerGO Play

Grab a competitive edge with a Chip Pack from the Gala Games store!

Get in on this holiday action with some sweet discounts on PokerGO Play Chip Packs, with no discount code needed! Most Chip Packs are marked down 20%! Good luck at the tables and in the Sweepstakes!

Common Ground World

There are already some fantastic deals on Common Ground World in-game items, and for Christmas we’re marking almost all of them down an additional 30%! Check out the list below and plan on adding some buildings to your collection while supplies last.

Gala Games store

  • Supreme Silo
  • Big Oak Shed
  • Wizards Workshop
  • Golden Apple Tree
  • Spooky Wheel of Nightmares
  • Nourish Barn
  • Aquaculturist Apartments
  • Advacned Fishing Platform
  • Salty Salt Field
  • Green Forge
  • Epic Copper Smith
  • Master Copper Smith
  • Epic Gasoline Refinery
  • Epic Turbo Pump
  • Rare Turbo Pump
  • Spooky Windmill

Meow Match

Cuddle your own White Tiger or Toyger kitten for 25% off, using code GALAXMAS25.

Happy Holidays from Gala Games

Thanks for being a member of the Gala Games community, and thanks for another year of support and excitement! We can hardly wait to show you everything on the horizon for 2024 and beyond, but we know with a community like ours, it will be absolutely epic!

Gala Games store