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Project GYRI — Building the Future

Project GYRI — Building the Future

A new blockchain is coming to power the entire Gala Ecosystem.

Let’s talk about the importance of not only what we’re doing with the upcoming TBA test game and Project GYRI, but the magnitude of our decision to create and eventually migrate to our own blockchain.

Most blockchains are, at their core, little more than decentralized databases for tracking financial transactions. A “distributed ledger” is exactly what it sounds like — just a long list of who holds what at any given time. While this is great for finance, it falls far short of what is needed for gaming. Gala’s chain is the first blockchain developed by game developers specifically for the requirements faced in-game, but it also lends itself beautifully to ideas like Listen-to-Earn, Watch-to-Earn and more.

With the recent launch of Gala Music and announcement of our intentions to greatly expand the Gala Ecosystem into the Gala World, the stakes are higher than ever for the development of our proprietary blockchain. We have built something that will power the vast Gala World.

Gala’s chain will increase efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and lower both cost and time of transactions in our Ecosystem. It will allow new functions and new opportunities for the Gala World to scale. It will enhance security for our players and make it easier for developers to interact with our Ecosystem’s assets. Basically, this blockchain is a giant leap toward our mission of empowerment through ownership.

Building a Blockchain

…is no simple task. The incredibly talented team of blockchain engineers at Gala Games is now in the final stretches of preparations for the community-wide test program. Our intention is not to simply drag our community along with us, but to thoroughly inform you and demonstrate everything to you along the way.

We cannot yet announce an exact time frame or roadmap for the migration. Through articles and announcements, we will convey to you everything you need to know and more in hopes that you’ll not only be prepared for the migration, but as excited as we are for the future of the Gala World.

This blockchain was built for the Gala Ecosystem. It was designed to leave behind the most unnecessary and inconvenient aspects of Ethereum while embracing the quintessential foundations upon which the player empowering vision of Gala Games is built.

What is Decentralization?

Decentralization is a spectrum. Many blockchains are not as decentralized as they may claim or seem, due to the fact that majority control tends to lie in the hands of a relatively small number of wallets. While we are creating the largest network of decentralized gamers in the world with our Node Ecosystem, a certain measure of centralization is necessary to ensure that we are building the perfect blockchain for the task. Throughout this article series we intend on detailing our plan with as much specificity as possible in order to relay how centralization and control are not always a bad thing, but rather a building block with which our decentralized network can be built.

Moving Toward Decentralization

As time goes on, we will also show how the framework we are building on allows things to become decentralized over time, instead of expecting everything to be 100% defined at launch. We are building many things, and we will need that flexibility to grow and deliver on our promises.

The Importance of Trust and Permission

Many evangelists of the space flaunt the idea of trustless systems as one of the most important pieces of blockchain technology. While trustless systems that cannot be exploited are often the ideological goal, the fact remains that proof-of-work and proof-of-stake blockchains (as well as individual smart contracts) are still exploitable and always subject to human error.

The trouble with a trustless system is that the system must still be trusted. That means that if someone discovers a loophole or error in the core protocol or the smart contracts, the trustless design of the protocol can actually prevent mitigating action from being taken. Basically, the trustless system can remove the ability for anyone to stop those bad actors who inevitably come along and discover exploits and weaknesses.

Gala’s chain will begin its existence as a permissioned blockchain, meaning that the game developers and platform curators of Gala Games will agree on any changes to the blockchain. As the various functions of Gala’s chain are refined and proven in action, they will be gradually delegated to Node operators, coinciding with the increased workload expectations outlined in the Gala Games Nodemap.

We do not want our community to place their trust in a system that rewards exploitation and devious action. We dislike as much as you the unpredictability and volatility of gas prices, the mysterious waiting periods and the lack of support resources. These are some of the greatest reasons for us to find a better way than Ethereum as quickly as possible.

Best of Blockchain — Games First

At Gala Games, we have never wavered in our games first, blockchain second stance. Instead of being dogmatic and ideological about the importance of blockchain, we are taking a pragmatic approach to blockchain development. The most important things we seek are greater control for our players, true ownership for our players, and empowerment for our players.

We aim to create an endless supply of life-changing gaming experiences powered by Gala’s chain. We have learned from developers and blockchains that came before us, keeping what serves our players and leaving behind what does not.

Best of Blockchain — Music Reimagined

Many blockchain functions can also be used to build a new decentralized world of music, like we are with Gala Music. Gala’s Chain will allow Node operators to provide resources to the decentralized network in exchange for rewards. It will empower NFT owners to get rewards by pairing their track with a Player Node in the new listen-to-earn economy.

What’s Next?

We’re very close to releasing Project GYRI, in the form of a community-wide playtest for a new game. This Town Star themed game has been created entirely to prove the efficacy of Gala’s blockchain (final name TBA). We think you’re going to love it.

When testing Project GYRI, you’ll be playing to earn a temporary new token called TEST that will exist on the Project GYRI test net. It will have no real value and it will not be transferable.

We are fully confident in every aspect of the upcoming migration to Gala’s chain, but there is still some valuable information we can gather from a community playtest that you’ll hopefully find both enjoyable and educational. Look for more info coming very soon, as well as the release of Project GYRI in the next couple weeks.

Thanks for all your support!

Gala Games platform

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What is Project GYRI?

What is Project GYRI?

Wen GalaChain? 
Soon, but it won’t be called GalaChain…

Pretty much everyone in the Gala Games Ecosystem has been looking forward to the arrival of Gala’s own proprietary games-first blockchain.

Taking exactly what we need from blockchain tech and applying it to a brand new network built exclusively to power our world of games is one of the biggest next steps we’re taking as a company.

Nobody has done anything in this space the way we’re doing it. When you’re trailblazing, you achieve custom goals, overcome custom obstacles and create custom problems for yourself along the way. Of course, such problems are best dealt with using custom solutions. That’s what Gala’s blockchain is all about: A masterful creative solution to a slew of problems that blockchain developers have come to expect and accept.

The Gala Games Ecosystem was first designed for gamers, to give them a high quality games-first experience with all the conveniences and benefits of blockchain ownership. Minor alterations and further improvements to the development of Gala’s blockchain can easily extend the rewards to listeners, supporters, artists, fans, collectors, early adopters and more as Gala expands into music and beyond.

Now as the Gala World is growing to include Gala Music as well as other forms of media in the future, we see that the blockchain we’re building can help power it all. We have spent a great deal of time and energy creating the exact blockchain needed to power this Ecosystem in the ways we imagine, with the following features (among others).

  • Faster transactions
  • Reduced impact on the environment
  • Lower network fees
  • Lower minting costs
  • Interoperability throughout the Gala World
  • Transferability to/from Ethereum

We will share and explain the ways Gala’s chain will work throughout this testing process as we begin to prepare for the migration. Blockchain tech is a fascinating world, and we hope you all take a real interest as we have. This migration will be a learning opportunity for our community.

Project GYRI — Gala’s Chain in Action

For now, Gala’s blockchain will be known as Project GYRI.

The final and official name of Gala’s chain is not yet determined, but Project GYRI has been chosen as the placeholder name that will be used throughout the blockchain’s early testing days.

Until recently, this blockchain was being referred to in the community and team as “GalaChain,” but it has been decided that creating a test net is the best way forward.

The word comes from human anatomy. Gyri are the folds (ridges) in the cerebral cortex of the brain and sulci are the indentations. They give the brain its well known wrinkled look, and together they create a system that folds the cerebral cortex to increase its surface area so that it can process more information. They also create divisions in regions of the brain, allowing for the separation and organization of thought.

This is no biology class, but the naming metaphor should be coming clear. The gyri are the outermost layer of the human brain. They protect, organize and empower. The Project GYRI introduced by Gala Games in the coming weeks and months will fill these roles as well.

Your Security

Because your accounts can hold money and because in-game items can be truly owned, your security is incredibly important to us. This is why we’re not simply going to propel our entire community suddenly into a blockchain that is completely new and unknown to you. We have an abundance of confidence in our blockchain, but we also want our community to as well before migration.

For our growing community members to effectively protect themselves through changes, they must be informed and educated every step of the way. We will lay out every piece of information before changes are made, making sure our community members can always make the best informed decisions.

The Plan

Within the next few weeks, a fun community-wide test event will go live as the first applied use of Project GYRI, which will eventually become Gala’s blockchain.

This awesome temporary game will offer an excellent demonstration of how Project GYRI will operate. Players will be able to play-to-earn a token (unsurprisingly) called TEST, then spend their TEST on a few different in-game upgrades and bonuses. TEST cannot be transferred or sold anywhere. There are no sales or real money involved in this test, but it should be both fun and enlightening for everyone involved.

For a time, the TBA game will be available for the entire community to test, using the standard Gala Games account. During this time, we will publish written content, hold AMAs, and answer all your questions about Project GYRI so you can all be as excited and confident as we are.

You’re going to love the Project GYRI test game!

Migration Later

Eventually once all the bugs have been located and eliminated and everything has been sufficiently field tested, it will be time to approach the migration of assets. Don’t worry, you’ll have the option to lock your assets into the Ethereum blockchain (in most cases), but they won’t be as readily usable within the gaming platform. We’ll fully inform you before these decisions need to be made, and we have some great stuff to share long before the migration stage.

We will keep you fully informed through the entire process, and as always, we’ll listen to your helpful suggestions and feedback in Discord.

Look for more information coming soon, including the details on the new test net Project GYRI game!

Gala Games platform

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Galaverse in June!

Galaverse in June!

In mid December of last year, we got together in Las Vegas for a show like nothing else the world had ever seen. There were immersive world experiences for each of our games, and there were announcements of tons of new projects like Last Expedition, Legacy and The Walking Dead: Empires.

There were top-tier performers and live entertainment throughout the day, followed by VIP catered parties in the evening. There was free stuff for guests and exclusive discount drop opportunities for attendees. There was inside track info and a chance for the community to spend some time with the team.

It was clear that the Galaverse is much much larger than any one event, no matter how epic. With memories of -into the galaverse still fresh in our minds we’ve set out to plan the first of this year’s events! That’s right — the FIRST!

We will be in Malta on June 6,7,8!

The Details

  • There will not be daily tickets, one ticket for the entire event (hotel included)
  • Only 800 tickets will be available
  • Cost is $8000 for a single or $14,800 for a couple (with shared room)
  • Limited to 2 tickets
  • There will be no companion tickets
  • Air travel is not included.

Wen Sale??

February 14th! We have opened up a whitelist application.

Applications will be reviewed and accepted in the following order:

  1. Prior Galaverse attendees
  2. Gala Founder’s Node Owners
  3. Gala Gold Members
  4. Gala Town Node Owners or Gala Music Node Owners
  5. Gala NFT owners

Tiebreakers will primarily be decided by who checks off the most of these boxes.

You will be contacted and given one week to purchase your tickets or they will be released to the next person on the waitlist.

Why Whitelist?

We wanted to make ‘sale day’ less stressful for everyone and have a way to reward our biggest fans and community members.

Sign up to purchase tickets to Galaverse HERE!

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Town Star Nodes — Round 2 Coming Soon

Town Star Nodes — Round 2 Coming Soon

This is your advance warning that it’s almost time for the next batch of Town Star Node licenses to hit the store.

Town Star Node FAQ

Licenses from the first batch in November were sold out in less than 5 minutes, so we want to ensure that everyone hoping to operate a Town Star Node will have all the information they need to be ready. While we cannot yet tell you exactly when the release will take place, we will fill you in on several important details.


At some point in the next two weeks, you will be given 48 hours’ notice (via article, Discord and email announcement) of the coming sale. At that time, we will give you a specific 2-hour window. The exact time during that 2-hour window at which the licenses will be available will not be revealed until the moment of release.

This is a new measure designed to encourage fairness and allow as many as possible the opportunity to participate in the extremely limited quantity drop. Prospective purchasers will have to watch closely in Discord and on the platform, as the licenses could be released at any time during that 2-hour window.


We are pleased to announce that Town Star Node licenses purchased with TOWN will be available for a discounted price. GALA-purchased licenses will also be discounted at a medium level, and other currencies will be accepted for the full retail price of the license.

The current number of Town Star Nodes in existence is determined by the number of players participating in Town Star Play-to-Earn. Each time a new batch of licenses is released price will either increase or stay the same. Below are the prices for the first batch of licenses that will be available in the coming release, but it is possible it will be followed by an additional batch at higher pricing.

TOWN Starting Price — $14,000

GALA Starting Price — $15,000

Other Currencies Starting Price — $17,500*

*USD prices are approximate and may vary slightly depending on fluctuating market value of TOWN, GALA and ETH.


Only 2 Town Star Node licenses may be purchased in a single transaction. This will allow a greater number of players to participate in the Game Specific Node Ecosystem and contribute to greater decentralization of our network.

Founder’s Node Drops

As previously mentioned, 5% of the total quantity of Town Star Node licenses will be distributed to Founder’s Node operators whose Nodes have met the minimum requirements for the day. For this upcoming batch of Town Star Node licenses, the Founder’s Node portion will be randomly distributed using the standard method the day before the sale.

Town Star Node licenses will also be distributed to Founder’s Node operators at that time to account for the licenses sold in November that exceeded the originally intended quantity. After this round of drops, 5% of the total quantity of Town Star Nodes will have been distributed to Founder’s Node operators.

Town Star Node FAQ

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Speaking of Community…

Speaking of Community…

Can you feel it? Something powerful surrounds you. It’s you.

At Gala Games, when we express our gratitude and our sense of pride in what we are building, there is one word that is repeated more than any other. That word is community.

No matter how large we grow, how many games are playable on our platform and how many partnerships we create, fostering a sense of community lives at the core of our vision. When we talk about player empowerment, it may seem that we are empowering you. In reality, you are empowering yourselves and each other by believing in everything we do.

This community is made of people of all walks of life from all over the world. These people are more unique than the most incredible NFTs we could mint, more valuable than the most useful token we could imagine, and more special than the most compelling game we could create.

The short video below, which was premiered at -into the galaverse on December 11th 2021, was made to remind us all of this essential sense of community. As it played on the many large screens of the Hub Stage, there were few dry eyes in the audience. When people begin to understand the empowerment opportunities available in our community, lives are changed. This video highlights just a few examples.

Be sure to visit the vid on Youtube and leave a supportive comment!

Together we Rise

When we look at individual lives that have been affected positively by the decentralized gaming world we are creating, it becomes easy to see the true possibilities.

We hope you are as proud as we are to be part of such an astounding community. As we continue to grow in 2022 and beyond, we will do everything in our power to nurture and grow this community and to facilitate life-changing experiences throughout the world. Thank you for being here.

Power to the Players.

Gala Games platform

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