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The Next Act: Gala Film Roadmap

The Next Act: Gala Film Roadmap

We’ve been working hard here at Gala Film to bring a full-scale launch to you during 2024. Building out the film platform of the future does take some work, so we wanted to touch base with the community about what we have planned throughout the year as we bring Gala Film live piece by piece.

Act 1: March and April, 2024

Within the next two months, we’re planning to bring at least three films picture locked on the platform including our Launch Film which we’re targeting this time period to push live.

By the end of this period, we’re targeting Films and Series being streamable on the platform and hosted by Film Nodes. During this timeframe we also want to get POPCORN distributions online for both Moments and Nodes, incorporate Distribution Boosts and debut unlockable content experiences.

We’re also planning a comprehensive overhaul to during this time, to bring it up to the new standard set by the recent facelifts to the Games and Music platforms.

Act 2: May through June, 2024

During this timeframe we will continue to expand the platform and features in the leadup to a full release. At this time, we’re targeting having an additional six films picture locked, with releases beginning to stream out.

This is the time period when we’ll be targeting the token launch for Gala Film, incorporating bridging and implementing other token utilities to bring Gala Film more into touch with GalaChain and the greater Gala Ecosystem.

This is when users will begin to see more robust User Profiles and a community progression system on the platform as more ways to interact with Gala Film become available.

Act 3: July through End of Year

During the last six months of 2024, we plan to have an additional nine films picture locked, bringing the total on the platform to at least 18. By this time, it is our intention that films will be released regularly, with the community fully aware of the planned release cycle.

Additional token utility and site enhancements will continue to roll out during this phase as we complete the launch cycle of Gala Film. 

Building for the Future

It’s important to note that there will still be a ton more coming after this release cycle. This is a very important year for Gala Film, and we want to be as forward as possible about our plans with the community who has supported us.

We plan on putting more information out across the next few months detailing more specifically how Gala Film will work, and what we’re building towards. We’ve always been very active with our community in Discord, but we’ve moved past the beginning of this project where things are moving quickly and evolving continuously. Now that we’re laser focused on our goals, we want to build this into a readily accessible source of information on Gala Film over time.

We’ll still always be very active with our Discord community in addition to creating more documentation and information here – join us in the Gala Film Discord to always keep in the loop on the latest!

Development isn’t always a linear path, so expect some degree of the unexpected along the way. We will continue to pivot to challenges as they arise to provide the best possible experience to our users. We will try, however, to update the community  here should we deviate too wildly from this roadmap over the next year. 

Thank you all for being a part of Gala Film. Let’s build the future together.

Burn your free RZR Collectibles to upgrade to a Blades NFT

Burn your free RZR Collectibles to upgrade to a Blades NFT

Get an Entry Level NFT when you accumulate 100 points after burning your Collectibles

Gala Film’s debut series RZR is a dystopian mind-hacking sci-fi thriller from the mind of David Bianchi. The highly anticipated series features free Collectibles, plus NFTs that come with incredible benefits and experiences.

Collectibles are received from participating in free-to-enter Gala Film promotions, completing quests, challenges, and other social initiatives. Collectibles come with points. To access these points, you must exchange and burn your Collectibles.

However, for every 100 points you accumulate, you’ll receive the Entry Level Blades NFT, which comes with benefits like:

  • Free access to watch the series
  • Exclusive content
  • Upgrade Rewards

How do I exchange my Collectible NFTs for Collectible Points?

You will be able to exchange your Collectible NFTs for Collectible Points from 12 pm, PT, January 16, 2023. The exchange window will stay open until 12 pm PT, January 30, 2023. When the exchange window closes all points collected will be burned and Entry Level NFTs (RZR, ‘Blades’) will be automatically dropped to your Gala Film account for every 100 points collected.

To do so, you’ll just need to:

  1. Log in and go to your ‘My Collection’ page
  2. Click the ‘Gala Film’ box under ‘Exchangeable NFTs’

NOTE: Your collectible NFT will need to be on-chain to exchange. To put your Collectible on-chain, just click on the collectible and click ‘Transfer’. Once transferred, you will be able to exchange.

3. This will take you to the exchange page. From there, hit the ‘Exchange Item’ button

4. Enter your Transfer Code and submit

5. You will then get a ‘Success’ pop-up

It’s that easy!

To learn more about Gala Film, visit here.

To learn more about RZR, visit here.

Navigating the Gala Film Allow List RZR NFT Early Access Sale

Navigating the Gala Film Allow List RZR NFT Early Access Sale

On November 8th at 10AM PT those who qualify for the Gala Film allow list can access the RZR NFT Early Access Sale. This gives you early access to shop four incredible tiers of NFTs from Gala Film’s debut project, RZR, before anyone else!

Created / Executive produced and starring David Bianchi, RZR is an alternate dystopian reality that transports you into the not-so-distant future Los Angeles, exploring the world of neural implants, code culture and black market crime.

All RZR NFTs come with unlimited access to watch the series. Plus, select tiers come with limited edition Collectibles, Super Secret Cinema Club Discord access and incredible ‘behind the camera’ experiences.

To shop the allow list Early Access Sale, you must be a Senses holder at time of snapshot, pre-mint winner or granted allow list access through your community.

Then, you must take a few more steps:

  • Go to the RZR About Film Page.
  • Click on an NFT you’d like to purchase.
  • You must be logged in and registered to Gala Film AND create a Gala Wallet to start shopping. If you are new to Gala Film, you will have to transfer Ethereum to your Gala Wallet to purchase.
  • Once you have a Gala Wallet, and you choose to purchase, you will be asked to paste your wallet address associated with the pre-mint or allow list spot to confirm your transaction.

If you are ineligible to shop, your purchase will remain disabled and an error message will notify you that you are ineligible to shop the Early Access Sale.

Don’t worry though, the public sale goes live the following day at the same time.

Don’t miss the opportunity to support Gala Film’s debut NFT project. This moment in time begins the future of entertainment for everyone.

Shop Early Access Sale here.

Gala Film is Coming

Gala Film is Coming

What can Web3 do for the film industry?

The same thing it can do for the gaming industry and the music industry: Everything.

What is Web3?

Web3 is not some trend that people use to manipulate markets for made up tokens, or some flashy but juvenile art project with the latest bells and whistles sold for millions of dollars among the elite NFT upper crust.

Web3 is the next iteration of the internet, plain and simple. You’ll start to hear a lot of today’s Web3 buzzwords less and less (decentralization, blockchain, NFT), and all the beautiful functions behind them will be neatly hidden behind a curtain of convenience that simply empowers users through ownership, like we do.

Web3 is about empowerment for regular people, and empowerment can be boiled down to freedom. As our newest way to bring freedom to more artists, more viewers, and more collectors, we’re pleased to announce Gala Film as a new pillar for Gala becoming the respected global leaders in Web3 entertainment.

What will Gala Film Do?

We’re not going to get into the nitty gritty specifics of how the Gala Film Ecosystem will work just yet, but before too much longer you’ll have the opportunity to peruse the whole economic model with a litepaper before deciding whether or not to get more involved with the beginning of Gala Film.

Much like Gala Games rewards game creators and players, and Gala Music promises to reward artists, fans and supporters, Gala Film will create a win-win-win economy that overcomes several challenges in the film and TV industry today.

  • Easier to get “discovered” — Emerging filmmakers will have new opportunities to monetize their hard work and create ways to reward their earliest supporters.
  • More rewards to those who deserve them — For making it all possible, viewing fans and collectors deserve to earn rewards for content streams, rather than paying. Artists can be rewarded like never before, collectors can be rewarded for collecting, and producers can be rewarded fairly for empowering new artists by bringing them to the platform.
  • Intellectual Property Matters — As a decentralized Film Ecosystem designed to uplift and encourage filmmakers, Gala will always treat the artists’ property with utmost integrity.
  • Create Worlds for Interoperability — We are working toward a Web3 Ecosystem that all works together for a complete entertainment experience like nothing you’ve ever known. When we’re creating movies and bringing new visual art projects to Gala Film, we’re creating new opportunities for music and video games as well, and that’s only the beginning.

Later this week, look for the inaugural Gala Film sale of a digital item called the Film Pass. The Film Pass will only be available in extremely limited quantities and the first 500 are reserved exclusively for Galaverse guests.

We can hardly wait to tell you more about Gala Film!

Sign up for Gala Film Backstage Access (our email list)