Mr. Puddles is Making a Splash

Mr. Puddles is Making a Splash

The newest Town Star NFT helper drops Thursday, August 12th!


  • Mr. Puddles drops tomorrow 8/12 @ 5pm PST in the Town Star Store
  • Early Access (1st 24 hours): 50% OFF!

Have you played Town Star lately? The weekly competition game of town and city builders is the flagship game from Gala Games, but it’s also a brilliantly designed challenge of strategy and competition from some of the same people who brought the world Farmville 2.

The beauty of being a blockchain gaming platform is in the freedom we can provide to gamers everywhere. The game is free to play, but players are also free to give themselves advantages by partaking in the various NFT items of the ecosystem. In Town Star alone, you can buy stands to continuously produce wheat and sugar, or you can buy a Water Tower or Fountain to provide passive water to your crops. You can earn an in-game boost to your whole town’s speed by deploying Mirandus-Themed Town Star skins. By owning helper bots such as ElfBot and SaltyBot, you can even raise the bar for labor in your town.

The newest bot to join the cast of Town Star characters is Mr. Puddles, the Waterbot. He operates similarly to the ElfBot and the SaltyBot, taking a particular interest in one resource: Water. Mr. Puddles emerges from his home as soon as there’s water to be delivered and a place to deliver it. He’ll take water to your fields, building sites, livestock ranches and industrial buildings, and he’ll do it much faster than the farmers, builders and workers on your land.

Mr. Puddles carries water faster than his uncle, Buggy Mr. Puddles.

Designing a Waterbot with Warren Marshall

The Sale

Thousands of Buggy Mr. Puddles NFTs were recently distributed to players who experienced tech problems during the first week of the May Mayhem tournament earlier this year. Now it’s time for a new NFT sale event for the squeaky clean, shiny and new Mr. Puddles.

Thursday, August 12th at 5pm PST.

Total Supply: 15,000
Distributed to node operators: 5%

Early Access — 50% off!

The first 24 hours of the sale will be considered early access, with all Mr. Puddles NFTs available for half price. After the 24 hour early access window, the price will increase to full retail for the remaining Mr. Puddles supply.

Early access is 5pm PST August 12 to 5 pm August 13.

The lower-than expected price of Mr. Puddles may come as a pleasant surprise to many of our players who may have missed NFT opportunities in the past. After receiving and responding to customer feedback, the team felt that it was time for a more affordable Town Star NFT. Mr. Puddles provides that without sacrificing incredible usefulness and an easy in-game advantage to those who use him. He is a helpful fellow.

Remember of course that Mr. Puddles (like all our NFTs) is a player-owned asset that can be traded between players or listed on Opensea. You can get your very own Mr. Puddles for half price starting tomorrow at 5pm EST. You can even pick up more than one, ensuring that you’ll have a dedicated robot water workforce in all your future Town Star towns. Talk about a game changer! Here’s a sneak peak at the Mr. Puddles Mirandus-themed character skin, which will be included in next week’s release of Pack 10!

Be on the lookout for a hot new Town Star surprise item drop coming very soon. This one will give new meaning to the phrase “player empowerment.”

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord community and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Join at Gala.Games!

Join the Party with VOX

Join the Party with VOX

Dropping Aug 10, ~3:00pm PST

Get ready for a drop today from Gala Labs that everyone’s been talking (and dancing) about. Each VOX in the inaugural series is a unique Town Star inspired character with a randomized set of traits true to that character.

Complete with an FBX source file, VOX are versatile companions who can be animated, 3D printed, used in augmented reality and more. Every VOX will also generate future play-to-earn rewards by interacting in various ways with the Gala Games ecosystem.

8888 VOX will be sold in the first series drop. Each VOX will be sold for 0.0888 ETH (plus gas fees). VOX may only be purchased with ETH.

The inaugural series of VOX will be available for sale at starting August 10, 2021 at 3:00 pm PST. You won’t want to show up fashionably late to this party.

Own Your Expression

We can all agree that the art of digital expression has taken a massive leap forward in recent years. From the chat rooms of the 90s where we piled our favorite qualities about ourselves into one glorious screen name, to the sideways punctuation we used to express some of the earliest iterations of the emoji 🙂 ❤ on a freakishly durable Nokia phone.

Now, thanks to blockchain technology, we can actually own things. With cartridge video games, cassette tapes and DVDs, we were brushing on the idea of real ownership, but then the share-it-all culture that came with the early internet changed the rules. For two decades the digital property ownership battles have raged on. Until the rise of blockchain, players and collectors could never be empowered by real ownership. As the players of the world continue waking up to the idea that they can own the things they play with, blockchain-backed ownership will become the new standard for digital possession.

Virtual Self

One of the most fascinating things about the emergence of NFT collectibles, blockchain gaming and crypto assets into the mainstream is what it says about individuality. By opening the door to an entirely new level of economy and society, people are given greater freedom and more opportunities than ever before to express their unique identities.

Your “identity” is simply a collection of stories. More specifically, it’s the collection of stories you tell yourself about yourself. An identity can be as large or as small as anyone can imagine. Like a holiday tree that you can decorate with an endless amount of ornaments, your identity forms throughout your life.

Now that digital asset ownership is being gradually intertwined into our lives, it can be a source of joy, solace or fond memories. Our digital belongings will be direct reminders of some of the most important stories we tell ourselves, the stories that make up our identity. Being able to own unique virtual items will enrich our natural abilities to know ourselves, as we begin to craft virtual versions of ourselves.

Unique in Multiple Ways

Every VOX is unique. Think about that for a moment. Until you open the box, you don’t know anything about the VOX. It could be an incredibly rare combination of traits, the rarest of which will earn greater defi rewards in upcoming games. No matter what, your VOX will be one-of-a-kind, a unique part of your digital identity.

In addition to each VOX being an individual, the idea is brand new as well. Of course there have been other avatar NFT projects. Some of them have even offered randomly generated unique traits (like VOX) and fetched high prices on secondary markets. By offering source files as an ownership benefit, Gala Labs is creating the opportunity for your VOX to boldly go where no avatar has gone before, no matter the metaverse. VOX is the beginning of something big, something all across the metaverse, something that will earn, and something that is provably yours.

Avatars that Defi

We don’t think it’s too soon to turn defi into a verb! There is no better word for what these VOX avatars will do as the project unfolds. They will defi! Just owning a VOX will unlock your future ability to earn gaming rewards like VoxCoin. The more rare the VOX, the more epic the rewards!

Join the Party!

This isn’t just another party where everyone tries to fit in. This is the party where absolutely everyone stands out! Express your digital self with Vox!
Discord Community

Designing a Waterbot — With Warren Marshall

Designing a Waterbot — With Warren Marshall

Buggy Mr. Puddles is Having a Blast

We hope you’re all as excited as we are about the arrival of our new water-bearing friend, Mr. Puddles, even if he is a little bit buggy.

For those of you who have joined us more recently, Buggy Mr. Puddles is commemorative of a bug that shut down Week 1 of May Mayhem a day into the competition. Every player involved was told they would get a special “bug” NFT, and Buggy Mr. Puddles is our fulfillment of that promise.

At this point, Buggy Mr. Puddles has been distributed to some node operators and 10,684 additional player accounts. Anyone who was playing at the end of May Mayhem Week 1 should have received one in their Treasure Chests.

Mr. Puddles Coming Soon

We’re excited to announce that next week, Mr. Puddles (Buggy Mr. Puddles’ non-buggy friend) will be dropped as an NFT in the Town Star store. Mr. Puddles may be the answer to your water needs. He will be…

  • Faster than Buggy Mr. Puddles
  • Available for 50% off during the first 24 hours
  • One of the most affordable Town Star NFTs yet

Keep an eye on Discord for the time and date of next week’s Mr. Puddles release!

Take it away, Warren Marshall, with a quick lesson in designing a Waterbot!

Hi there! My name is Warren Marshall and I’m the Art Director for Town Star. I‘d like to offer some little insights into how we design things and how the art process works for those who are curious about game design.

In this article we’ll be talking about the newly designed and completed Waterbot unit, Mr. Puddles. This unit was interesting because it needed to have a regular version and a variant that represented it being buggy.

The initial pitch for the bot was something like: “Needs to be able to carry water from A to B.” Great! Let’s get started!

Initial Ideas

The first step in designing anything is to turn the concept artists loose on it. I give them some high level directives and ideas like “the head could maybe be a bucket”. Then we wait while the real magic happens, and after awhile we get some ideas back like these…

Nice! Now we have a starting point to begin iterating. I really like that middle design as it fits in nicely with our other bot designs with a highly functional feel. It also has a bucket for a head, which is great.

Design Iteration

I wanted to push the design a little farther with some more water based details. Why not some ridges around the sides of the head, like you see on galvanized steel buckets? Also, let’s try changing the arms into hoses with different attachments. He IS a water bot after all. Oh, and I wanted to get a little unique with his locomotion, so let’s swap out that wheel for a triangular tank tread apparatus. It’ll be cool, I promise…

Fantastic! But I kept thinking — what ELSE can we do? Adding a little spout to his head would give the implication of a baseball cap, which I thought was fun. We also solved the mystery of where the hoses are connected by giving him some metal sleeve pieces.

I still wasn’t totally excited about the overalls. Design wise they looked a little weak , and I wanted something with more character. So I thought, “he’s a water bot, why not some sort of bathing suit?” But nothing modern would do, and certainly nothing like a speedo. Inappropriate.

Remember those old photos you’ve seen of people at the beach? I know you’re already picturing them in your head. Yep, like that!

There we go, our Waterbot is all designed!

Buggy Bot

OK, so we have the functional bot. That was the easy part. But how do we convey a buggy version of that bot? We want him to be functional while clearly not firing on all cylinders — but he’s trying!

As I thought of ideas for this, my mind drifted to Futurama and the Malfunctioning Eddie character. He’s a bot, like so many others in that universe, but he’s not quite right. Perfect!

Those triangular treads look familiar, right?

I think it’s important for artists to have large mental libraries that they draw upon when designing things. These libraries can be built from many things — books, tv shows, travel, whatever! The important thing is to fill your brain with new experiences so it has that network of data to draw on when the time comes.

At any rate, back to concepting!

Concept Art — Again

The initial artist versions of the buggy bot came back as follows.

There’s our guy, looking a little worse for wear, but still in the game! I wasn’t crazy about the longer arm designs as they would cause issues with animation and general gameplay. I chose the portions I liked from the various ideas and we pieced a buggy bot together.

Another round of feedback with my usual chicken scratches. Really, we’re just refining at this point but it’s important to get the details right. When you do, the design just feels right. You know it when you see it.

Final Design

In the end, we arrived at a fun looking bot design that is functional but still has that buggy, funky vibe we were looking for. He’s perfect for commemorating that buggy day from our biggest Town Star tournament yet!

Wrapping Up

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little of the design process. I love this job as it offers lots of opportunities like this to be creative and really dig into some fun art collaboration.

See you next time!


Discord Community

Behind the Skins — Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack 9

Behind the Skins — Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack 9

It’s time for another look at some behind-the-scenes pieces of the creation and design process. There’s no better time to show of Pack 9 than on the same day of the Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack 9 release!

Bonuses are Around the Corner

As announced in THIS POST, there will soon be reliable in-game bonuses for those who deploy Mirandus-themed skins in the game. The more different packs you deploy, the greater your cumulative speed bonus will be (up to 25%)!

This in-game utility for skins will go live shortly after Pack 10 of 10 is released. Remember, every Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack also comes with a 1/10 Dragon Voucher. Collect all 10 and a Mirandus Dragon Familiar will be yours!

A Look at Pack 9

Some of your towns are taking on an authentic Middle Ages fantasy look thanks to these skins. We’re all excited about Mirandus, and playing Town Star with Mirandus-themed skins is the perfect way to tide you over while you wait.

This pack contains some of the most beloved characters of Town Star, characters like Jimmy the Neighbor Delivery guy and the Trucker, characters whose positive attitudes and determination can inspire us all.


A couple different main styles were presented by the art team for the Winery building. Art Director Warren Marshall thought the second option above was a much better choice, mainly because the first option was too similar to the previous modern version of the building. One additional request was that more barrels were added to the outside of the building, so the barrels got bigger and more plentiful.

Winemaking is an ancient trade, going back far beyond the Middle Ages. One of the most interesting things about winemaking is how little has changed about it through many generations. A winemaker is called a Vintner, and our Mirandus-Themed Vintner has an extremely authentic style. Check out the initial inspiration board created by our art team for this character.

Most art from the period depicts vintners wearing flowing robes and almost always holding a glass of wine. There were a few details needing ironed out regarding things like sleeves, footwear and the monocle. A combination of features from 2 and 4 were eventually decided upon.

Water Facility

The cone-roof concept was more popular, but the blue roof gave it a more contemporary industrial feel. It was decided to use that style of roof, but entirely made of wood. Since the main player angle is from above, special attention must always be placed on the roofs of these buildings. Typically, 4 or 5 different roofs may be submitted and considered before the proper one is found for the desired look.

There can also be large, sudden changes, like with the Water Worker below. It is important for designers and artists to be flexible, always going for what works and not necessarily just settling for what’s already done.

Warren Marshall could tell that the there was something more to be done with the Water Worker’s tool: His handtruck. It took the inspiration of seeing the wrong tool to be able to easily spot the right one.

Now THIS guy knows how to haul water!

Trade Pier

The ship and pier were fairly simple to imagine for the Mirandus theme, but there were clearly several different directions that could have been taken for the Captain. The open-chest vest of top #1 was combined with the beard look, the book was made bigger and presto! There was the medieval Trade Pier Captain.

Trade Depot

It’s hard to tell whether it’s his winning smile, the bulging arm muscles resting on the open window, the big rig or his awesome trucker hat, but the Trade Depot Trucker is one Town Star character with swagger to spare.

Rumor has it that the idea for this truck driver was originally inspired by Kurt Russel’s Jack Burton character in an awesome eighties movie called Big Trouble in Little China. We can neither confirm nor deny that rumor. You be the judge. The first step was for the artists to take a look at cart drivers and merchants of the Middle Ages.

One they had an idea of what our driver would be wearing, it was time to prepare some options.

We were starting to get a good feel for the medieval Truck Driver, but there was still a major question to ask: What was his truck? The easy choice was the amazing load-bearing ox that has been used widely by farmers and merchants for many centuries.

This was a perfect fit, but to control a beast that strong, the medieval Truck Driver needed one more tool: A riding crop. All in all, this building and unit was one of the most fun to reimagine in a fantasy Mirandus style.

Neighbor Delivery

Recognize this guy? It’s your handy little buddy, Jimmy the Neighbor Delivery guy… and a goat. Thanks to the Tractor Farmer, we now know that if you need to get around fast using Mirandus-Themed Town Star skins, you ride a goat.

This first arrangement of Jimmy’s home base was a little too unbalanced and crowded. After a slight rearrange request, the final form of the medieval Neighbor Delivery appeared.

The final Jimmy chosen was the backpack satchel mullet version…

and here is Jimmy’s fearless steed, his companion and delivery vehicle: A goat. Like Jimmy always says, “Riding a goat beats walking!”


Week-to-Week Rule Changes

Be on the lookout for Town Star changes on a more regular basis as the team makes adjustments almost every week. For this week’s competition, it was decided (by popular community vote) in Discord that Jimmy would take a much needed vacation. For all you collaborators, that means solo play only. Neighbor Delivery will not be available.

On Thursday, look for a new vote in the #Town_Star_Announcements channel of the Discord community, making a new choice about next week’s rule-bending adventure.

Now only one Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack remains to be released, and you can look forward to that within the next couple weeks. Remember that shortly after Pack 10 is released, the in-game bonuses to speed and production will begin for anyone deploying these skins.

On Thursday, look out for a post all about Mr. Puddles, the Waterbot, along with an announcement of a new upcoming NFT sale!

Good luck on your solo towns this week!

Discord Community