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Spider Tanks Showcase: Maul

Spider Tanks Showcase: Maul

Welcome back to the Spider Tank Showcase! This week we’ll be taking a pretty sharp turn away from the pew pew of Crosssbow from last edition. This week we’re blasting through one of the bigger hunks of metal in the arena – The Maul!

Maul is a heavy Body, though it’s lighter than the biggest boys out there like Titan, Plate or Tracks. This large bulk provides you with an incredibly healthy amount of durability and Energy, but doesn’t slow your movement to a crawl like the biggest Bodies out there do.

The Warrior

Alright, we wanted to start off with originality… but we just can’t pass up the chance to revisit The Warrior build. Maul was, after all, originally released with the Bouncer. It’s a very classic combo.

The Maul’s bulk allows you to line up your shots a little better to get the best bouncy goodness. Since each ricochet with a Bouncer deals more damage than the last, shots that chain are the paydirt on this one.

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy.

Maul gives you the maneuverability to make sure you can exploit weaknesses you spot while holding a Bouncer. It’s bulk lets you focus solely on getting your shot off, as you can easily shrug off a hit or two.

The Sentinel

This one is similar in theory to The Warrior, but utilizes the Sniper Rifle to get the most out of Maul’s toughness.  Sniper Rifle is deadly from a distance, but lining up the right shot can occasionally leave you exposed.

With a Sniper Rifle, a heavy Body like Maul can easily occupy a choke point in the battle. Control access to part of the map, and you open up your allies to do all sorts of fun shenanigans. The point isn’t so much to not get hit… more to make them pay for wanting to hit you.

Long-range support doesn’t mean out of the action.

In the above clip, the Sniper Rifle has occupied a crucial junction just in front of the teleport. From here, its teammates are able to exercise control over the repair kit above and freely move around the map and only leave one quad where the enemy is safe.

The range on a Sniper Rifle is long enough, that no one can threaten the Maul for long. Even if they can, they have to be in the open to do so… and it only takes two or three clean shots to bring them down.

The Berserker

This last combo isn’t for every Pilot. For The Berserker build, we’ll use Maul alongside Carver. The bulk of Maul allows for you to shrug off the first few hits before your blade finds home, and the high Energy lets you play flexibly with Abilities like Relay Drone and Speed Boost.

You’re going to blow up a few times on this build… more than a few, in fact, while you learn to use it. Patience is the key. When you see your opening, zig and zag as you’re able to. Remember though, the zig towards your enemy. If you get hit a few times, that’s ok. Just kill them before they kill you.

Slice and dice time!

Maul is just heavy enough to ignore full frontal damage for a second or two. That’s often what you need to pin in the enemy with your sword. Keep them running from you. You want to be patient and wait for the right opening, but if you play scared you will lose. You’re a gigantic tank with a sword on top of it… they should be scared of you!

That’s Maul, Folks!

That’ll do it for our 25th edition of The Spider Tanks Showcase! Did we miss your favorite build with Maul? Did we choose one that you think is amateur hour? Let us know on Discord!

Next week we’re giving the Tank combos a rest for a bit, as we’ll dive into Stealth Abilities in the arena. Are you super sneaky? Have some good clips of your deceptive dominance? Let us know on Discord or social media for a shot to be featured in the next Spider Tank Showcase!

Crafting Legends: Introducing the New Card Crafting System in Legends Reborn

Crafting Legends: Introducing the New Card Crafting System in Legends Reborn

Today we’re unveiling a deck-empowering addition to our beloved web3 Trading Card Game (TCG), Legends Reborn: the eagerly anticipated Crafting System. This feature is poised to transform your deck-building experience, allowing for unprecedented levels of strategy, potentially giving you an edge in the competitive Tolkheim battle of Chance!

Unleashing Creativity and Strategy

The Crafting System introduces a dynamic new approach to obtaining the cards you’ve been coveting. By dismantling cards within your existing collection you can harness the resources needed to finally craft the cards your deck desperately needs. This innovative system not only enhances your strategic depth but also opens up new avenues for customization and personalization of your gameplay experience.

Prepare to dive into a world where every card holds the potential to unlock new strategies and compositions. With the Crafting System, the power to shape your destiny is right at your fingertips.

A New Era of Gameplay Awaits

The Crafting System is now live, heralding a new chapter in the Legends Reborn saga. Get ready to explore endless possibilities and elevate your gameplay to new heights. The freedom to tailor your deck is now greater than ever, empowering you to outsmart and outplay your opponents in ways you never imagined.

Empowered by the Gala Ecosystem

In line with our commitment to community empowerment, this update also builds on the foundations laid by our recent Economy Litepaper. The introduction of seasonal rewards in $TOLK, the official reward token of Legends Reborn, underscores our dedication to creating a vibrant and rewarding ecosystem for our players. As you embark on this new journey, remember that your achievements in the mystical land of Tolkheim are not just a testament to your skill but a part of our shared quest to redefine gaming through the power of GalaChain. And we’re just getting started.

Join Us on This Exciting Adventure

As we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of web3 gaming, we invite you to join us in this exciting new era for Legends Reborn. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer eager to explore the depths of strategic card gaming, the Crafting System promises a fresh and engaging experience that rewards creativity, strategy and skill.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s craft legends together!

Download and play Legends Reborn

Launching Legends: Q&A with Govind Nair of Clash Craft Studios

Launching Legends: Q&A with Govind Nair of Clash Craft Studios

Play Legends Reborn

Today we’re delving into the exciting world of Toklheim card battles with Legends Reborn, created by the talented team at Clash Craft Studios. After its launch at the beginning of this week, players are looking forward to the Litepaper’s release and the game’s first reward season, where they’ll have an opportunity to receive $TOLK for the first time.

As a cutting-edge web3 trading card game, Legends Reborn merges the strategic depth of deck building and classic PvP TCG mechanics with the innovative ownership and reward possibilities offered by web3 tech. All this is made possible by GalaChain’s robust and scalable infrastructure.

Today, we’re thrilled to present a casual Q&A with Govind Nair, one of the leading minds behind this groundbreaking game. Govind shares insights into the game’s development, the inspiration behind it, and how web3 technology enhances the trading card game experience.

Now, on with some insights from Clash Craft Studios’ Director of Design and Product, Govind Nair!

Govind, can you share with us some of your personal gaming interests growing up? Were there any card games in particular that captured your imagination?

My first experience with games was Prince of Persia, the MS-DOS version. The moment I heard the clink of the swords in combat, I knew games would be a large part of my life. Over the years, my favorite game was Fallout 2, this probably pushed me into thinking about games like a designer.

Like many, my first brush with Card games has to be Pokemon. Just the collection of the cards was so evocative that I didn’t even really know how to play until a few years later after getting that first card. Hearthstone is the obvious introduction to Digital Card games which I thoroughly enjoyed. Lately though the Roguelite Deck Builders have really got me hooked – Slay the Spire, Monster Train and Luck be a Landlord (okay, it’s a stretch to call that a card game but the systems are definitely there) are some of my favorites. Hopefully, Legends Reborn becomes really successful and Gala Games wants us to make a Roguelite Deck Builder around the IP. Trust me, we already have designs around how to do it!

The Clash Craft Studios team has brought a unique vision to life with “Legends Reborn.” What are some of your team’s favorite games, and how have they influenced the game’s development?

From the beginning of this project, our approach has never been to be a Hearthstone or a Legends of Runterra with Web3. We believed that the game had to be unique and fun, so the game would incentivize card players to come into Web3 and not the other way around. So just taking an existing game was out of the question, it wasn’t a long term sustainable approach.

We established Hearthstone, LOTR and MTG players as the core audience for the game. In terms of complexity, we wanted it to feel somewhere between Hearthstone and LOTR.

Legends Reborn stands out for integrating web3 technology into the classic TCG format. Can you explain how this technology enhances the gameplay and ownership experience for players?

Broadly speaking, we looked at this technology as a way to mirror the aspects of a physical TCG into a digital TCG. The fundamentals of our feature set were meant to emulate what we expect from a physical card game.

Cards and Creatures – With the ability to trade and rent Creatures and Cards; we want to simulate the ability for players to buy and own cards that they can trade with each other. As one sees in real life, preparing for a tournament has one tailor their deck by borrowing and buying cards based on the requirements of the tournament and the current meta. We plan to facilitate the trading and reselling aspect through web3 features like NFT Minting and a rental system.

Venues – Currently this feature only supports the hosting of matches. But our long term vision with this feature is to simulate custom tournaments where Venue owners can set rules for their own tournament, create requirements on what cards/creatures can and cannot be used, set an entry cost and so on. Eventually, all we want to do is provide interesting card packs as developers and let players decide how to create modes of play and tournament rules; similar to a physical card game.

The concept of ownership and receiving rewards is a pivotal aspect of Legends Reborn. How do you see this changing the way players interact with and value their in-game assets?

Something we really must not forget is that you have to make a fun game first. That is absolutely a must, because only then will players care about the content of your game. But once you have a sizable engaged community, then you can start rewarding players for being good. For those who have been following gaming news; esports is struggling to find a sustainable business model. The reason is that a suitable economic equation hasn’t been created to reward esports players for the number of players they bring into the ecosystem by being awesome at the game. The advantage with web3 is that the reward structure is modeled in right from the beginning.

With Legends Reborn launching on Gala Games, what advantages does GalaChain provide, and how does it support the game’s vision and mechanics?

More than anything, it’s about easy access to and contact with the devs of the chain. We have some crazy ideas for the rental and Venue features– The equally crazy peeps on the GalaChain team are eager to entertain these ideas and innovate ways to make them a reality.

Finally, for aspiring game developers intrigued by web3 technology, what advice would you give them based on your experiences developing Legends Reborn?

Make a fun game first. Don’t rip off an existing game with web3 added on top. We need to get non web3 gamers into the fold. If someone enjoys Fortnite and has spent 100 hours in it; they aren’t going to leave that game behind so easily. Give them a gameplay-centric reason to come over, then they’ll see what they’ve been missing. 

Govind’s passion for gaming and belief in the power of web3 to transform the digital entertainment landscape is evident throughout this exciting new game. The team at Clash Craft Studios has not only created an engaging game but also paved the way for future developers to explore the limitless possibilities of web3 gaming and player empowerment.

Stay tuned for more updates on Legends Reborn and other exciting developments within the Gala Games ecosystem. As we continue to push the boundaries of gaming, remember that the future of entertainment is here, and it’s powered by web3 and GalaChain – where ownership, innovation, and community come together to create truly empowering experiences.

Download and Play for free

Latest and Greatest: Echoes of Empire in Orbit

Latest and Greatest: Echoes of Empire in Orbit

Echoes of Empire Litepaper
Day 1 Strategy
Download and Play Echoes of Empire

The immensity of the galaxy is starting to feel like a powder keg of competition and conquest, as things are heating up in Echoes of Empire. In the time that the Empire’s rule stretched throughout known space, it was easy to point fingers and cast blame–Now that the remnant noble houses are grappling for power and control, everyone is getting an idea of the sheer brutality left by the Empire’s absence.

Whether you support the Garrison’s military might, the Arbeiters’ merchant-driven diplomacy or the dignified ancestry and heavy hand of the Royals, now is the time to take what’s yours in the galaxy. Play for free, upgrading and building your Homebase into a formidable force that will make your enemies think twice before trying to take what you have earned.

Mine resources from Celestial Objects owned by other players to earn Stardust. Every day, 50% of each player’s Stardust is burned, locking in that player’s share of the daily $GALA reward distribution. But beware! Everyone is looking for more Stardust and your excess is just a raid away, so be sure to build up a force ready to defend your base!

Upcoming Features & Upgrades

Here is a rundown of the upcoming features slated to be added to the live game, starting with the most immediate high priority additions.

High Priority–Coming Soon

Capital Ship Combat Update

The team will soon refactor the combat system for Capital Ships, calculating damage procedurally among defenders and adding a cap to the total number of defending Capital Ships at any given time.

Real-time Player Fleet Movement

Players will soon have the ability to monitor the movement of other players’ fleets on the map, giving everyone an opportunity to detect incoming attacks and enemy mining operations. To maintain optimal performance, this feature will be capped to a user-adjusted number of viewable enemy fleets.

PvE Combat

The game’s first PvE battles will soon be added to Echoes of Empire, allowing players to attack certain Celestial Objects with a variety of enemy themes, presenting new challenges and rewards. Defeating these celestial “villains” means an opportunity to gather new types of resources.


Giving players a chance to compare themselves to the top players in the game at any time, the player leaderboard will look at crucial stats like combat power and Stardust owned.

Rally Attacks

Rallies are a new type of multi-fleet attack that will let players invite comrades and guildmates to help defeat a powerful foe. Players will start Rally attacks, then additional supporters will have an opportunity to join the attack with their own fleets before it commences.


The first Guild system is coming soon to Echoes of Empire, including Guild formation, applications, moderation and spatial UI support.

Medium Priority–Coming a Bit Later

Chat Features

This update within the coming months will add basic chat functionality into the game, for both global and Guild-based chat functions.

Territory Control Nodes

This update will bring a new type of Guild focused Celestial Object onto the board. When a Territory Control Node is taken by a Guild, bonus stats will be given to members of that Guild within a set proximity of that Celestial Object.

Owned Celestial Object Upgrades

This is a large upgrade for owners of Celestial Objects, claimed using Celestial Claim Tokens. Buildings on owned Celestial Objects will receive stat boosts and additional functions, such as defenses and increases to inventory space.

Flagship Modules and Crafting

Players will have the ability to create modules to be added to their Flagships, increasing various stats and enhancing their Flagships.

On the Distant Horizon

Skill Tree

The Echoes of Empire skill tree will enhance the strategic choices of every player. Players will spend in-game resources and time to train in new skills with the potential to elevate a variety of core stats.

Login Rewards

A robust system of daily login rewards will incentivize players to login on a regular basis. New rewards will unlock each day and players will receive anything from in-game resources to utility items such as shields and teleporters.

In-app Purchase Bundles

This update will bring more variety and value to in-game purchasing by allowing players to spend credits on bundles to receive multiple items with single purchases.

New Ships

With changing the game’s strategic combat meta, a new variety of cosmetically enhanced ships will become available, including pirate variants.

With all these features coming to Echoes of Empire, the galactic mayhem has only just begun. This is the perfect time to take advantage of the calm before the storm, building your Homebase into something ready to survive in the aftermath of the Empire and build a legacy for your noble house. The galaxy is yours. Take it!

Legends Reborn–Launch Date Announcement

Legends Reborn–Launch Date Announcement

Legends Reborn Store

Recent Article

In the fantasy world of Tolkheim, peace abounds and battle takes on new meaning. Nearly all disputes can be settled across a card table, through the massively popular game of Chance, which embraces the strange remnant magic of the land’s ancestry. Players go head-to-head in a game that allows the creatures, spells and strategies to come to life in front of them on the table. A Chance player in Tolkheim may speak a big game, but they’re only as good as their deck building strategy.

Legends Reborn allows Gala players to take on the persona of a Tolkheim “warrior,” collecting creatures and actions and using them to build decks worthy of opponents from all over the world. Its immersive and narrative driven gameplay lets TCG lovers go deeper and experience the life within the cards. The brilliantly unique strategy mechanics created by developer Clash Craft Studios will ensure that players live on the edge of their seats, and the power of GalaChain levels up the entire experience to something rich in ownership and reward opportunities.

Legendary Launch

Legends Reborn is set for official launch on Monday, March 11th, 2024. 

Keep in mind that the world of game development is unpredictable, and if last minute bugs appear, we will take the time necessary to squash them. Therefore, additional delays are always possible. Still rest assured that soon you’ll be battling in the taverns and arenas of Tolkheim to your heart’s content and building your best decks.

Ownership Opportunities

Legends Reborn is always free to play, but players can choose to enhance deck building with owned NFT Creatures. Venues are another set of NFTs players can use to engage with the game.

Creatures are a core ingredient to strategy, used in all Legends Reborn deck building. When players own Creatures as NFTs, they will become eligible for seasonal gameplay rewards. Higher rarity creatures amplify the potential seasonal rewards. Look for more info next week when we share the Legends Reborn Litepaper, with all initial game economy details.

This Uncommon Grimtotem Cyclops has his eye on you.

Venues represent the players’ opportunity to own land in Legends Reborn. When matches take place in player-owned Venues, the Venue owner also receives rewards. As several different rarities of Venues exist, these rewards will vary based on Venue rarity.

While the primary Venue sale is concluded, look for more opportunities to become a Venue owner in the future. Or browse the secondary market listings on OpenSea.

This Dive Tavern will generate a modest share of rewards for its owner when PvP brawls take place here.
This Ancient Grand Coliseum is sure to draw a crowd, and a massive share of rewards for its owner for matches hosted here.

Get ready for the TCG challenge of a lifetime, as players all over the world are preparing to go head to head in one of Gala’s most highly anticipated titles.

Next up, the Legends Reborn Litepaper, coming next week.