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Step into the Champions Arena – Live with Gala Games

Step into the Champions Arena – Live with Gala Games

Join us today from 3-5pm PT for some Champions Arena gameplay action, live on the Gala Games Youtube channel!

The streaming team has had a blast lately showing off some of our favorite games in the Gala Plays series. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel and turn on notifications so you always get an update when we go live!

RPG Battle Action

Champions Arena is a strikingly unique collectible RPG strategy game that focuses on everyone’s favorite single aspect of RPG gameplay: The fighting. Created by a development team who grew up with the most iconic role-playing video games in the world, Champions Arena takes the strategies of team-building and battle further than ever before.

With an ever-growing array of Champion characters to collect, players create battle combinations and go head to head with enemy teams. Through multiple gameplay modes like PvE Campaign, PvP Arena and PvP Tower of Trial, players put their mettle to the test against enemies of all levels. You’ll probably catch some valuable tips and tricks for battle if you tune into today’s stream.


Champions Arena is always free to play, and there are tons of reward opportunities in-game, even for free players. Daily login bonuses, unlockable quests and regular promos ensure that there’s always something new and exciting to explore, even beyond the thrill of battle!

Champions can even be minted as player-owned NFTs. When you own an NFT Champion, you can trade as you please on the secondary markets, but (more importantly) you can also get Arena Points for victory, unlocking $GALA rewards for your gameplay!

Mobile First

Created by ONEUNIVERSE, Champions Arena is one of our mobile-first titles, totally free to download and play on your favorite mobile device. But you can also download and play on PC through the Gala Games launcher, so no matter your play style, the Arena is ready for you!

Download and play Champions Arena

Join us for a Live Mirandus Town Hall – May 9th at 11am PT

Join us for a Live Mirandus Town Hall – May 9th at 11am PT

Watching the evolution of Gala’s massively ambitious MMORPG has been almost as exciting as the adventure itself. There’s something magical about watching such a passionate project come to life. The seemingly endless obstacles overcome, the often tedious but fascinating details and all the little victories along the way have been laid out in our wake like a masterfully built brick road that leads to the fantasy wonderland of Mirandus.

If you are among the privileged minority that has been part of this journey since the beginning, you’ll remember the earliest visions of Mirandus. We’re extraordinarily pleased that these visions are constantly coming to life as the game gets closer and closer to launch.

Today, you’re all invited to a live Mirandus Town Hall on the Gala Games Youtube channel, where members of the team will share the latest news and address some questions from the community.

The Town Hall begins at 11am PT– We hope to see you in the comments!

Please set a notification at the link below:

If you cannot attend live, please watch the live replay so you do not miss out on the latest Mirandus excitement! We can hardly wait to bring you the legendary next generation fantasy simulator MMO that is Mirandus.

Thanks for being part of this community!

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Halfway Mark!

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Halfway Mark!

We’re halfway through the third season of Eternal Paradox, and the fate of Elysium hangs in the balance. Captains are valiantly fighting off The Doombringer and gathering their forces, but most eyes are fixed squarely on this Saturday’s Conquest event!

Will you be ready for the battle?

Alex: Oh, I assure you that I was born ready! 

Torsten: Oh no… not here again!

Alex: What’s the matter friend? I personally cherish our little chats. Really clears the palate after destroying all your armies! BWUAHAHAHAHHA!

Torsten: Why you little… I’ll show you what destroy means. Wait – what’s hissing under my chair…


Alex: MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Always a pleasure Torsten!

The Coming Conquest

The second Conquest event is right around the corner. With the Spring Event serving up big rewards and discounted specials in the shop, everyone is posturing their armies to take on the competition at the end of the week.

[XII]SQUAREXII won the first round, but [DUB]Deadly is hot on their trail. [EPx]Eternals likewise glided into a third place finish, but [GFX]GFGROUPX is keeping the pressure on them close behind in fourth.

S12 is firmly in control after the first Conquest. Can they hold it?

As Captains are starting to farm up the best prisoners and just getting into T9 and T10 soldiers, Conquest 2 is when everything really starts to heat up. Make sure you’re ready for it – this Saturday, April 13th at 5pm-6:30pm UTC (That’s 10am-11:30am PT)

The Season of Wang

Each season in Eternal Paradox, a new Mercenary rises to battle for the destiny of Elysium.

Beware the judgment of Wang… his most powerful attack also revives a fallen ally if it strikes down an opponent.

The arrival of Wang this season had a major effect on strategies, both in the arena and the field. The addition of another Light Mercenary alone created new ways to create an endgame War Synergy team, but Wang also features the Command Skill, Strategy Guide. This allows Light soldiers extra crit chance… up to 5% at max level!

Light soldier CRIT is a massive boost during conquest, when Dark and Light troops are the premier fighting force of a clever Captain

With the role of Captain Gear so important in how quickly you can progress and grow, Wang’s Internal Affairs Skill is also now sought after by all Captains. Eloquent Speaker will reduce the cost of enhancing Captain Gear up to 10% at max level.

Wang isn’t just here for field support though. A first glance at his Battle Skills may make you think that Wang plays a more passive role in campaign and arena combat… that would be a recklessly incorrect assumption though. Don’t underestimate the pure power Wang can deliver.

Worn out for Conquest? Use Wang’s Reflux skill to get your energy back up for the battle!

Battle Looms

Alex: Even if Torsten couldn’t quite handle the heat, I’m very excited for this next Conquest. You may even say it’ll be… explosive. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Well said Alex. Join us on April 13th at 10am PT for all the conquest mayhem, and we’ll see you after to recap all of the glorious battle!

New Champion: Beware the Eyes of Argos

New Champion: Beware the Eyes of Argos

The battle in the arena continues to intensify. Summoners are now experimenting with powerful new combos more after recent Nexus expansions, and a new Battle Pass has arrived… bringing with it a new Champion!

Argos, The Thousand Eyes

Argos was innocent once. He almost remembered it… like trying to grasp at a dream as it disappears into the morning.

He knew that everything had changed when the demons came to Ka-Drax. He knew he had changed, but he didn’t quite recall how he was before. He didn’t care, really. There had been so much pain…he just wanted to make the world feel the terror of all that pain he had felt.

Normal Attack will deal damage to a single enemy, with a match dealing even more damage.

Evil Ray deals damage to two random enemies. A match will inflict more damage, as well as adding stacks of Cursing Gaze to targets.

Gaze of Curse deals damage to all enemies. A match will increase the damage dealt, add stacks of Cursing Gaze to targets and grant Argos Watchful Eye.

Gaze of Fear grants Argos Watchful Eye at the start of the battle, which will cause enemies with too many Cursing Gaze debuffs on them to become petrified. While Argos has Watchful Eye, he will also deal extra damage to petrified targets.

The Arena Calls

The battle has begun, and Argos is already live in the game, inside the 7th Champions Battle Pass! The Battle Pass is the only way to acquire Argos, so make sure and grab one if you want to really keep an eye (or many eyes!) on your opponents.

Good luck on the new Battle Pass, Summoners. See you in the arena!

Champions Arena: Nexus Update and Arena Adjustments

Champions Arena: Nexus Update and Arena Adjustments

The battle in Champions Arena keeps growing, and the updates planned for tomorrow’s patch push the glorious battle to new heights!

This update has big changes for how Summoners assemble their parties for battle, as well as how they are rewarded for glorious victory!

Nexus Update

Summoners will now be able to use an NFT Champion that was acquired through The Nexus much more. When you grab a Champion through The Nexus, you’ll now have one hour to use that Champion as much as you’d like before the term expires.

You can only take a Champion through The Nexus once per day by default, but this can be reset once per day by using 150 paid Gems. There is no way to reset this cooldown twice in a day.

When using an NFT Champion through The Nexus, you have up to 15 battles where you’re eligible to win Victory Points from victories. Please note that even lost battles apply to this limit, so make it count every time you step into the arena!

Arena VP Update

All NFT Champions will now have a limit to how many battles per day are eligible for VP as well. This limit is dynamic and will differ from Summoner to Summoner.

For each NFT Champion you own, you’ll get a certain number of battles that qualify for VP each day. Every rarity of NFT adds a different amount to this limit, and all your owned NFTs are added together to determine your daily total.

  • Common: 3 Battles
  • Uncommon: 5 Battles
  • Rare: 8 Battles
  • Epic: 13 Battles
  • Legendary: 35 Battles

For example – If a Summoner owns 2 Legendary, 3 Rare and 2 Uncommon NFT Champions, their total would be:

  • 2x Legendaries – 35 x 2 = 70
  • 3x Rare – 8 x 3 = 24
  • 2x Uncommon – 5 x 2 = 10

So this particular Summoner would be eligible for VP in their first 104 (70+24+10) battles each day.

If a Champion is acquired through The Nexus, this would still give this player those additional 15 battles during the day.

Other Reward Improvements

The above VP changes aren’t the only reward change coming in this update! 

Summoners can now get free Gems for playing daily in the arena! The amount received will depend on Arena Tier, and the maximum amount that can be received each day will depend on Summoner Level.

Winners will receive three free Gems from each battle in Gold Tier or below, or four free Gems from each battle in Platinum Tier or above.

Losers will receive two free Gems from each battle in Gold Tier or below, or four free Gems from each battle in Platinum Tier or above.

The maximum number of free Gems a player can receive in this way each day depends on their Summoner Level. At Summoner Level 1, the limit is 200. This scales up gradually to a limit of 358 at Summoner Level 80.

Arena Formula Changes

Finally, there are some alterations to how Summoners fight their way up through the ranks in The Arena.

The rating difference between you and your opponent now directly affects how much rating you could potentially gain when you are victorious. Beating a tough opponent will now be rewarded with greater rating gains than someone who is an easy match for you.

The matching formula has also been altered to complement this. You should generally now see Summoners that are closer to your rating more often.

The Battle Continues!

We hope these changes will give each Summoner new ways to strategize, progress and dominate the competition! The opportunity to use Nexus Champions more should let everyone experiment with more new techniques, and now everybody can grab some extra Gem rewards from the arena!
Battles within The Arena are constantly evolving, and the best Summoners are the ones who stay one step ahead of their enemies.

Good luck with your new attack plans Summoners… we’ll see you in the arena!