Common Ground World Earth Day Art Contest
Common Ground World isn’t just a chill farming game with deep wells of strategic nuance… it also stands for regenerative agriculture and sustainable practices for food and resource production. These are issues that affect the entire planet.
We’re all on this rock together, and it’s our responsibility to do better. With Earth day coming up, we thought it was a good opportunity to not dwell in doom and gloom, but instead celebrate the efforts to make our planet healthier, long into the future. It’s time to let the community show off some of their epic talent while also showcasing the theme of sustainability and regenerative practices that are near and dear to our hearts.
Earth Day Art Competition
Theme: CGW Celebrates Earth Day
The time has come to muster your creativity and show us your talents! We’re calling for art from our community that relates in some way to both Common Ground World as well as our planet. Note that the planet is a pretty wide category… get creative and express a unique message!
Get out your paints or pencils… we’re staying organic on this one! Any type of physical art will be fair game during this competition. This means no graphic design software of any kind should be used… this also rules out digital paint or animation, even if executed by hand.
Your art must be a physical object that you can hold… painting, drawing, diorama, sculpture – all of that fits the bill! Get in and get your hands dirty to create something totally original!
This contest will begin on April 22nd, 2024 at 12pm PT.
Last submissions will be accepted on April 25th, 2024 at 12pm PT.
How to Enter
To enter, creators will need to take a picture of their physical art and share it on Discord and/or X. You can snap a pic of yourself holding it, or place it on a background where it can be clearly seen in all its glory!
If shared on X, submissions must:
- Tag @CommonGroundWLD
- Include the hashtag #CGWEarthDayEntry
We don’t want to miss your submissions, so make sure you follow the instructions!
On Discord, submissions should be shared in the cgw-discussion channel.
Participants can share either place, but you shouldn’t hesitate to share both places if you’d like!
Voting and Prizes
Starting on April 26th at 12pm PT, we’ll hold votes in Discord for the top five winners. This voting period will last three days, then we’ll announce winners shortly after!
The five top creators will receive Natural Energy Plants to commemorate their work and make their towns more sustainable for the planet!
We can’t wait to see all the amazing art submitted by the Common Ground World community. We know there are some amazingly talented people around town, and we’re anxiously awaiting to see what everyone creates!
Contest Terms and Conditions