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GALAthon: Revealing the Judges’ Favorites

GALAthon: Revealing the Judges’ Favorites

GALAthon has finally come to its close, but the innovations it spawned will continue to incubate and grow in the minds of their creators. For the past 24 hours, this event was the talk of the cryptosphere, presenting GalaChain to the world as a petri dish of innovation, collaboration, and groundbreaking developments in the blockchain world.

Before we all rest for a long nap, it’s time to ease the anticipation of the entire web3 ecosystem with the eagerly awaited announcement of our “Judges’ Favorites” winners.

A Showcase of Pioneering Talent

GALAthon brought together some of the brightest minds in the industry, giving hackers a chance to demonstrate their web3 prowess, game development and digital artistry. The diversity of projects submitted has been nothing short of remarkable, reflecting the vast potential and dynamic nature of the web.

The Role of Our Esteemed Judges

Our panel of judges has had the challenging task of evaluating these innovative projects. Their expertise and insights have been instrumental in identifying entries that not only showcase technical excellence but also embody the spirit of innovation and community engagement.

The Judges’ Favorites

The “Judges’ Favorites” segment of the GalaChain Hackathon is a much-anticipated moment, where each judge selects a project that resonates with them on a personal or professional level. These picks are not just endorsements of the projects’ current achievements but also a nod to their potential impact on the future of gaming, entertainment, and blockchain utility.

Without further preamble, let’s get into the Judges’ Favorites.

Left to right: Jason Brink, NFTD team, Team NoRest, Team Corgi AI3D Forever

3) Corgi AI3D Forever

With generative AI hot in the news, we were extraordinarily pleased to see an onsite entry with such promise that focused on generative AI using GalaChain.

This team successfully created the world’s first AI3D x LLM “AI Virtual Human” to be minted on a blockchain, and GalaChain is proud to have been that blockchain.

Basically, AI3D is a plan for a system that allows users to create and configure a 3D person that will “live forever on GalaChain.” Primary characteristics and programming for your AI can actually be stored on GalaChain with UUID (Universally Unique Identifiers), ensuring the permanence (immortality) of your AI companion.

AI3D essentially bridges the gap between Large Language Models and the blockchain ledger, allowing users to input commands and iterations for their AI that are digested and remembered by the blockchain.

While we don’t have much to share, hopefully we will see a lot more from this San Francisco based development team, pushing the limits and possibilities of generative AI in blockchain tech. Well done!

2) Team NoRest: RESTful API for GalaChain

Team NoRest clinches second place by introducing a transformative RESTful API for GalaChain. This open-source project simplifies interactions with GalaChain, offering functionalities like token balance checks, token grants and automatic minting on startup. Designed to make blockchain more accessible, Team NoRest’s API lowers barriers for developers eager to explore GalaChain’s capabilities.

Key Features and Future Vision: Beyond its current offerings, Team NoRest outlines future enhancements including user registration for custodial wallets and extended token contract functionalities. Their focus on ease of use, with a “Plug n’ Play” approach, promises a user-friendly ecosystem that invites more developers to innovate on GalaChain.

Team NoRest’s project is a notable step towards bridging traditional web technologies with the blockchain, significantly expanding GalaChain’s potential applications. Congratulations to Team NoRest for their pioneering work and for setting new standards in blockchain accessibility and developer engagement!


The overall Judges’ Favorite winner is a gaming project built by well-known members of the Gala community, collectors of Gala Games NFTs from way back.

Beautifully demonstrating interoperability with existing GalaChain NFTs, the team created a fully playable alpha playtest build for their aptly named game, Non-Fungible Tower Defence.

In addition to designing and GalaChain integrating a well planned and brilliantly executed playable project, this team presented a comprehensive and transparent slideshow presentation, complete with animated slides and aesthetic appeal. To learn more about Non-Fungible Tower Defence, check out their presentation HERE.

Incredible job to Deadily, Timboslice and Cryptograham for an extraordinary effort at GALAthon. Thanks for participating, and we hope the prize will empower your team to greater heights and innovations in web3 than you imagined!

After closing this important chapter of Gala history, we reflect on the incredible journey of discovery, growth and innovation that this event represents. GALAthon may be over, but the ripple effects of the projects showcased and the connections formed will be felt long into the future. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants and a special word of thanks to our judges, whose contributions have been invaluable.

Announcements about additional winners as outlined in this blog will come within the next couple weeks, as the GalaChain team has time to examine and evaluate the multitude of remote entries.

Thanks for your participation! Let’s do it again soon.

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Moshe Shen, Navigating the Future of Digital Markets

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Moshe Shen, Navigating the Future of Digital Markets

As we continue to unveil the panel of judges for the GalaChain Hackathon at GDC 2024, we are honored to introduce Moshe Shen – the Business Development and Partnership Director at Wintermute!

Wintermute is a leading global algorithmic trading firm and liquidity provider in digital assets. Moshe is in charge of expanding Wintermute’s footprint in Asia, where the demand for digital assets is rapidly increasing. We’re thrilled to have him as part of the judging team for the GalaChain Hackathon!

Moshe Shen: A Decade of Experience in Capital Markets with a Focus on Growth

With a solid decade of experience in financial markets and derivatives, Moshe has a deep understanding of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the specific needs of its various participants. At Wintermute, Moshe focuses on regional growth across liquidity provision, OTC trading, and venture investments in Web3 projects, leveraging his expertise in both centralized and decentralized finance. 

A Unique Lens on Innovation

Moshe’s expertise in liquidity provision and digital asset market structure offers a unique perspective on the potential applications of any new blockchain technology. His role requires a keen understanding of market dynamics, market sociology and the technological underpinnings that facilitate efficient digital transactions. This background makes him an ideal judge to view GalaChain Hackathon entries through a unique lens – one that values technical sophistication, market impact, and innovation in digital finance.

What Moshe Looks for in a Winning Entry

Given Moshe’s focus on market efficiency and liquidity, it’s likely that he’s looking out for projects that:

Enhance Market Infrastructure: Projects that aim to improve the underlying infrastructure of digital markets will stand out. Innovations that improve trading efficiency, or present effective liquidity solutions are all very close to home for Moshe.

Offer scalable infrastructure: Moshe is likely to be drawn to projects demonstrating the ability to grow and adapt to the changing needs of the market, ensuring consistent and equitable access for all participants.

Innovate in Financial Technologies: Moshe will potentially gravitate toward projects that push the boundaries of financial technology – especially those that leverage GalaChain to introduce new financial instruments or trading mechanisms.

The Future of Digital Markets with Moshe Shen

Moshe’s participation as a judge underscores the GalaChain Hackathon’s commitment to pioneering advancements in web3 and digital markets. His deep understanding of financial markets and technical aspects of algorithmic trading should guide participants toward creating projects that are not just innovative but also pragmatic and impactful to the future of digital assets.

As we gear up for this groundbreaking event, let Moshe’s contributions to the world of digital finance inspire you to envision new possibilities for blockchain technology. 

This hackathon is not just a competition… it can easily be a launchpad for the next generation of financial technologies that harness the power of GalaChain! What will you build?

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Snoop Dogg, A Renaissance Man in Web3

GalaChain Hackathon: Meet the Judges – Snoop Dogg, A Renaissance Man in Web3

GALAthon Prizes

Web3 is a tech space, but it contains so much more. As we innovate within the scope of blockchain, it’s absolutely crucial to hear voices that not only understand the tech side, but also bring a well-rounded and creative perspective to the table. 

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce Snoop Dogg as one of the judges for GALAthon, the upcoming GalaChain Hackathon during GDC 2024!

A true renaissance man, Snoop Dogg spent decades weaving his legacy into the fabric of music and entertainment. He was an early adopter of web3 entertainment, always working at the cutting edge of blockchain technology.

Beyond the Music

Snoop Dogg is synonymous with musical innovation and cultural influence the world over. He has grown beyond even his role as a global superstar over the past few years to become a key figure in the web3 space.

His collaboration with us on Gala Music wasn’t his only foray into the world of web3, but it definitely spotlighted his versatility and highlighted his genuine interest and belief in the power of blockchain technology. His journey into this new frontier is marked by an enthusiastic embrace of NFTs and virtual experiences. Snoop is someone who understands the broader scope and potential influence of decentralized technology.

A Unique View on Innovation

Snoop Dogg’s involvement in web3 goes beyond mere participation – he has actively shaped the conversation around entertainment, art, and technology. His approach to innovations in the web3 world is characterized by a blend of creativity, community engagement and a unique sense of what captures the imagination of real people.

For the GalaChain Hackathon, Snoop’s criteria for a winning entry are likely to reflect these values.

The Next Big Thing

In a winning GalaChain Hackathon project, Snoop Dogg would likely be searching for innovation that transcends traditional boundaries between art and tech. He would appreciate projects that not only demonstrate technical proficiency and utility but also embody a strong sense of community and entertainment value.  An ideal project might leverage GalaChain’s capabilities to offer immersive experiences. Perhaps it will integrate music, virtual spaces and social engagement in ways that we haven’t ever seen.

The Snoop Dogg Stamp of Approval

Winning over Snoop Dogg as a judge means impressing him with creativity, usability and perhaps most importantly, the fun factor. He knows the importance of delighting and engaging an audience, so projects that can capture the imagination while pushing the envelope of what’s possible within web3 will definitely stand out. 

Think bold, think disruptive… and most of all, think about how to bring joy and connectivity to the community.

Join Us and Impress the Legends

Having Snoop Dogg on the judging panel is not just a testament to the GalaChain Hackathon’s prestige — it’s a challenge to all participants to dream bigger and dare to innovate. As we gear up for this exhilarating event, let Snoop Dogg’s journey beyond music icon to web3 pioneer inspire you to blend your technical skills with creativity and passion.

Stay tuned for more updates on the GalaChain Hackathon at GDC 2024, and prepare to show us (and Snoop!) what you’ve got. Let’s change the game together and forge the future of gaming on GalaChain. How will you build to transform the world?

Build on GalaChain

Hack the Future of Gaming on GalaChain: GDC 2024, in Collaboration with AWS and Alienware

Hack the Future of Gaming on GalaChain: GDC 2024, in Collaboration with AWS and Alienware

Are you ready to push the boundaries of gaming and experience the power of blockchain firsthand? Join Gala Games at GDC 2024 for an electrifying 24-hour hackathon dedicated to unleashing the potential of GalaChain, the next-generation blockchain built for gamers and customizable for developers from all industries.

We’re pulling out the stops here. We’ve teamed up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Alienware to bring some massive prizes, a unique experience and a 1-day development sprint on March 20th like no other out there!

Why Join the Hackathon?

To participate in this event, you don’t need to be physically present in our dedicated San Francisco space during GDC 2024. Anyone can join from wherever you are! If you want to participate, just register here and let us know how you want to participate.

Of course, remote participants will not experience the live music and hospitality we’ve got planned for on-site developers. We’re excited to see developers from all over the world join together, but consider coming to GDC if you can. This is sure to be the nerve center of the hackathon and attendees will find a totally one of a kind experience.

Dive into GalaChain

Get hands-on with the revolutionary blockchain designed for fast, secure and user-friendly gaming experiences. Showcase your talent in friendly competition with fellow developers. This is your chance to build innovative projects to grab the attention of not only the Gala team, but the entire tech community.

GalaChain is built to handle gaming, but supports far more applications than games alone. This means you can create some pretty novel systems within games too by leveraging that versatility on GalaChain.

Win Prizes

We may be going overboard to reward your creativity and hard work. Prepare to be blown away by gifts for all participants and an amazing pool of prizes! Win a piece of a total prize pool worth $1 million.

The prize pool is sure to attract some great talent to the hackathon. We don’t usually think of that in terms of more competition though… just more amazing experts you get to collaborate with!

Network with the best

Mingle with some of the biggest industry leaders, Gala Games experts and fellow innovators in an unforgettable week. Get out of the office and make some friends who understand your excitement for web3! Be part of a movement: Shape the future of gaming with GalaChain and contribute to an ecosystem built by people just like you.

Don’t miss out! Registration opens soon, but space is limited. Mark your calendars for March 20th and get ready to join the GalaChain revolution at GDC 2024.

Visit to register or learn more information on the hackathon challenges and prizes.

Let’s change the game and show the game dev world what GalaChain can do!

NOTE: Official attendance of GDC is not required for participation in the GalaChain Hackathon at GDC.