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The Mayhem Continues: Week 2 Preview

The Mayhem Continues: Week 2 Preview

Across the Gala community, we’ve got a pretty good start on the Mayhem… but we have so much further to go! Get ready for more fun and more rewards!

Before you dive into the first full weekend of Mayhem, we’d like to leave you with a sneak peek of what you can expect next week. Don’t get distracted now… there’s still so much Mayhem left in week one!

Come What May(hem)

Next week there’s another wave of Mayhem rising, so you better brace for impact!

Below, we’ll cover everything coming up in week 2! Remember there’s still a few days of week 1 left… and plenty of May still in the future!

Common Ground World

How are you faring in week 1 of Common Ground World Mayhem? Enjoy the “Everybody Is Welcome” competition while it lasts… because we’re mixing it up in week 2.

Next week, Common Ground World will bring the ‘Best of the Best’ competition. 

This week will have half the winners of a normal competition, with only 500 places walking away with any $GALA. Even with the reduction in places, this competition will feature a 5% bigger overall prize pool than normal!

Two more NFT reworks are on the way!

This time, the Hot Cocoa Chalet and Mistletoe Arch are getting rebalanced with some all-new utility. We’ll give you more details next week when these buildings are rereleased with a discounted price!

Hatchet Hank Jr. returns!

800 Hatchet Hank Jr.s were withheld in the original sale. It’s time to get these out to the great people with big dreams of big trees… and super fast lumberjacks. All 800 will be available for $150 each next Tuesday.

Remember there’s still plenty of competition left this week! There’s also some huge discounts going on in the Common Ground World Store… if you haven’t checked it out lately, it may be worth a look!

If you want the earliest details on next week’s Mayhem, make sure you don’t miss the Common Ground World Town Hall tomorrow!


The mayhem keeps going at GalaSwap! Same story this week, highest volume in each token will find a $GALA reward waiting for them. This week, however, we’re shuffling which tokens will be catching rewards a bit:

  • $GALA
  • $GUSDC
  • $MUSIC
  • $LEMIN
  • $GSWAP
  • $MTRM
  • $TOLK

Happy swapping galaxians!

Legends Reborn

Next week in Legends Reborn brings yet another competition, with $500 of $GALA rewards waiting for the top player in the same two categories as last week – Most matches played, and most matches won!

There’s still plenty of time to rack up matches to get free NFT rewards during May!

  • 50 PVP games played – Glacial Spear (Common) (NFT action card)
  • 100 PVP games played – Viridian Dragon (Common) (NFT creature)
  • 150 PVP games played – Brightscourge Phoenix (Uncommon) (NFT creature)

You better get to the tables and get practicing… Early Mayhem has a way of slowly building to something bigger…

Gala Music

Ok, this isn’t exactly MAYhem-related, but it’s still pretty Mayhem, so we couldn’t pass it up. As explained in the Gala Music Whitepaper, a Listen for Rewards program is part of the “Ecosystem Supporting Actors” allocation for $MUSIC. 

Did you know that you can already listen for rewards!? Go check it out, and you’ll rack up points for each unique track you listen to each day!

Learn More

Eternal Paradox

Eternal Paradox wrapped up a week of daily coupon codes already, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not more Mayhem on the way!

Today, the Mayhem Pass went live in EPX! This special rewards pass will let you mayhem even harder and collect extra rewards as you complete tasks throughout the month!

A Mayhem Pass can only be acquired via in-app purchase… but like the season pass, players get rewards even if they don’t purchase the pass!

Whether you purchase a Mayhem Pass or not, you’ll also still find extra Mayhem boxes that have been stolen by enemies around the map!

Go get that loot!

Keep a watch out at the end of the week, because on Friday the 17th the hunt is on!

The Gala Games Plays crew will be hiding in the field with an uber-powerful GM fortress during a special livestream that day. Basic Piñata protocol here… Find it. Attack it. Scoop up the rewards!

Gala Film

Gala Film will continue to offer increased rewards for each new episode of RZR during Mayhem!

During May Mayhem, you’ll get an additional RZR Mystery Box for the episode released that week.

Watch Now

One box will be delivered upon completing a new episode, while the second will be dropped at the beginning of each week. Get comfy and start binging!

Champions Arena

The gem discount for week 1 is wrapping up in just a few days. Catch it while you can!

The Mayhem, however, continues in the arena. All through May you can keep collecting M-tickets to load up on what you’re after in the special Mayhem Shop!


Are you frantically producing bicycles to build your growing army of VOX puppers? That competition may be wrapping up before long… but the VOX invasion has just begun!

Our latest intel says that the next place they’ll strike will be in Legends Reborn in week 2!

The top 100 leaderboard finishers in Legends Reborn in week 2 will get a shiny new limited Edition ProtoVOX! As with the previous week’s VOX item, these will only be available during Mayhem, though you’ll have a last chance to grab them in a special mystery box at the end of the month!

Mayhem… to Be Continued

Remember, this is just a preview of week 2… there’s still a whole weekend of week 1 left! Get out there and rack up those bicycle sales, match wins, m-tickets, watches, listens… ALL THE MAYHEM!

We’ll see you on the other side this time next week for a sneak peek at week 3. Good luck with your Mayhem!

Champions Arena: Nexus Update and Arena Adjustments

Champions Arena: Nexus Update and Arena Adjustments

The battle in Champions Arena keeps growing, and the updates planned for tomorrow’s patch push the glorious battle to new heights!

This update has big changes for how Summoners assemble their parties for battle, as well as how they are rewarded for glorious victory!

Nexus Update

Summoners will now be able to use an NFT Champion that was acquired through The Nexus much more. When you grab a Champion through The Nexus, you’ll now have one hour to use that Champion as much as you’d like before the term expires.

You can only take a Champion through The Nexus once per day by default, but this can be reset once per day by using 150 paid Gems. There is no way to reset this cooldown twice in a day.

When using an NFT Champion through The Nexus, you have up to 15 battles where you’re eligible to win Victory Points from victories. Please note that even lost battles apply to this limit, so make it count every time you step into the arena!

Arena VP Update

All NFT Champions will now have a limit to how many battles per day are eligible for VP as well. This limit is dynamic and will differ from Summoner to Summoner.

For each NFT Champion you own, you’ll get a certain number of battles that qualify for VP each day. Every rarity of NFT adds a different amount to this limit, and all your owned NFTs are added together to determine your daily total.

  • Common: 3 Battles
  • Uncommon: 5 Battles
  • Rare: 8 Battles
  • Epic: 13 Battles
  • Legendary: 35 Battles

For example – If a Summoner owns 2 Legendary, 3 Rare and 2 Uncommon NFT Champions, their total would be:

  • 2x Legendaries – 35 x 2 = 70
  • 3x Rare – 8 x 3 = 24
  • 2x Uncommon – 5 x 2 = 10

So this particular Summoner would be eligible for VP in their first 104 (70+24+10) battles each day.

If a Champion is acquired through The Nexus, this would still give this player those additional 15 battles during the day.

Other Reward Improvements

The above VP changes aren’t the only reward change coming in this update! 

Summoners can now get free Gems for playing daily in the arena! The amount received will depend on Arena Tier, and the maximum amount that can be received each day will depend on Summoner Level.

Winners will receive three free Gems from each battle in Gold Tier or below, or four free Gems from each battle in Platinum Tier or above.

Losers will receive two free Gems from each battle in Gold Tier or below, or four free Gems from each battle in Platinum Tier or above.

The maximum number of free Gems a player can receive in this way each day depends on their Summoner Level. At Summoner Level 1, the limit is 200. This scales up gradually to a limit of 358 at Summoner Level 80.

Arena Formula Changes

Finally, there are some alterations to how Summoners fight their way up through the ranks in The Arena.

The rating difference between you and your opponent now directly affects how much rating you could potentially gain when you are victorious. Beating a tough opponent will now be rewarded with greater rating gains than someone who is an easy match for you.

The matching formula has also been altered to complement this. You should generally now see Summoners that are closer to your rating more often.

The Battle Continues!

We hope these changes will give each Summoner new ways to strategize, progress and dominate the competition! The opportunity to use Nexus Champions more should let everyone experiment with more new techniques, and now everybody can grab some extra Gem rewards from the arena!
Battles within The Arena are constantly evolving, and the best Summoners are the ones who stay one step ahead of their enemies.

Good luck with your new attack plans Summoners… we’ll see you in the arena!