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What is a Gala Founder’s Node?

What is a Gala Founder’s Node?

We love our communities at Gala. Even as they have grown and multiplied, first from solely Gala Games into multiple entertainment genres with Gala Music and Gala Film, then branching out into industries beyond entertainment with the release of the developer friendly GalaChain SDK. This family will get bigger and bigger, but we’re still (and always) a family.

One of the most foundational groups in our community is the Gala Founder’s Node operator ecosystem. Since the very beginning, they have been there, powering our network in exchange for $GALA even before GalaChain existed. Today, the operators of this massive DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) are behind one of the largest decentralized networks in the world.

As always, we want to thank our dedicated Founder’s Node operators for acting as the engine of our network. You are true pioneers who have believed in our web3 mission of empowerment through ownership, some of you since our earliest days. Thank you.

Understanding Gala Founder’s Nodes

At the core of our Gala Ecosystem lies the innovative and powerful Founder’s Nodes. These nodes are the backbone that supports and drives our entire network, playing a critical role in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of our decentralized platform.

Think of a node as an intersection of data on a blockchain, or a joint. In the same way that a traffic intersection is governed and regulated by a traffic light, a blockchain intersection is regulated by a node.

The most fascinating thing about nodes in web3 is how they make decentralized networks possible, essentially turning operators’ home computers into agents (or employees) of the blockchain. By running a simple program in the background, operators can power the network, even with little to no understanding of how it’s working.

The distribution of data across a network of nodes is foundational to a decentralized ecosystem like Gala.

What Are Founder’s Nodes?

Founder’s Nodes are specialized servers operated by community members who have acquired a license to run them. These nodes are integral to the functioning of our GalaChain, contributing to various essential tasks such as securing the network and storing data. Think of them as the silent workhorses that keep our ecosystem thriving.

Incentives for Node Operators

Operating a Founder’s Node means collecting daily $GALA as it is generated. Node operators receive daily distributions of $GALA tokens, our ecosystem’s digital currency, for their contributions to the network. This reward mechanism not only incentivizes node operators but also ensures the continuous and sustainable operation of the network.

Distribution to Founder’s Node operators is one of the main ways that $GALA first enters into circulation. The amount of $GALA distributed to operators each day depends on the number of active operators and the current circulating supply of $GALA, using a dynamic halving model as described in the Ecosystem Blueprint.

Governance and Decentralization

Our vision for Gala is deeply rooted in the principles of decentralization. Founder’s Nodes play a crucial role in this vision by participating in governance through consensus voting. Node operators have the power to influence major decisions, such as the distribution of $GALA and other significant ecosystem developments. This participatory approach ensures that our community has a voice in shaping the future of the Gala Ecosystem.

Founder’s Nodes are the foundation upon which our Gala Ecosystem is built. They provide essential services, secure the network, and empower our community through governance participation. By running these nodes, our dedicated operators contribute to the resilience and growth of the GalaChain, helping us drive the decentralized revolution forward.

Gala Ecosystem Blueprint

Founder’s Node Support Resource

Purchase a Founder’s Node license

Gala Music Jukebox Nodes: A Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Music Streaming

Gala Music Jukebox Nodes: A Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Music Streaming

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Introduction to Jukebox Nodes

To power our network of decentralized music, Gala Music has introduced a groundbreaking concept known as Jukebox Nodes. Part of a larger framework called DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network), these nodes empower individuals to participate directly in hosting and distributing music on the platform.

By becoming a Jukebox Node operator, users can contribute to a global network that supports the Gala Music ecosystem, enhancing music accessibility and unlocking some serious potential $MUSIC rewards. 

Hosting Tracks on a Jukebox Node

In order to generate $MUSIC rewards based on their platform plays, NFT tracks must be paired with an active Jukebox Node. Pairing is always initiated by the track owner, and the track owner has the option to pair to a specific Jukebox Node if they wish. This pairing action is essentially hosting the track on the decentralized Gala Music servers, making it accessible to listeners and eligible for reward distribution based on plays.

Each Jukebox Node has a limited number of slots where track NFTs can be placed. While a standard Jukebox Node starts with 10 available slots, Jukebox Node operators have the option to purchase upgrades, adding more slots and thereby increasing the potential $MUSIC rewards generated for hosting tracks on that node.

Understanding DePIN

A DePIN, or Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network, is a network where the infrastructure is distributed among numerous independent operators rather than centralized in a single location or controlled by a single entity. For example, Spotify relies on its centralized data centers in multiple global locations. In contrast, Gala Music streaming is hosted entirely on its distributed network of Jukebox Nodes, operated by community members who are licensed to run them in exchange for rewards.

This approach not only enhances the resilience and scalability of the network but also democratizes the economic benefits, allowing individuals to contribute to and benefit from the system.

The Role of Jukebox Nodes

Jukebox Nodes are the backbone of the Gala Music platform. They host and serve music tracks to listeners, ensuring that music is always available and accessible. Any licensed user with the necessary hardware and internet connection can set up a Jukebox Node and start hosting music. This decentralization helps prevent the system from having single points of failure, which are common in traditional centralized servers.

As the platform’s streaming demands increase, more JukeBox Node licenses are sold to accommodate the hosting needs.

JukeBox Node licenses are currently available for purchase here.

Workloads on the Blockchain

In blockchain terminology, a ‘workload’ refers to the tasks that nodes perform to maintain the network. For Jukebox Nodes, the primary workload involves hosting and streaming music tracks. These tasks are crucial because they ensure that music is always available to users whenever they want to listen. By fulfilling these workloads, Jukebox Nodes support the entire ecosystem, ensuring its operability and reliability.

Rewards for Node Operators

Operating a Jukebox Node is not only about supporting the network but also about gathering rewards. Node operators are basically allowing their computers to act as GalaChain employees, receiving $MUSIC tokens as compensation for their contributions.

$MUSIC rewards are generated based on several factors, including the number of tracks hosted, the uptime of the node (a minimum of 20 hours daily is required), and the popularity of the music streamed from their node. This incentivizes operators to maintain their nodes actively and ensures that popular tracks are readily available, enhancing listener satisfaction.

You’ll find more information about JukeBox Nodes in the Gala Music Whitepaper.

Node Slots

Each Gala Music Jukebox Node has a limited number of slots where hosted tracks will live as long as they are paired with that node.

Every new Jukebox Node comes with 10 slots, but all Jukebox Nodes can be upgraded to contain additional slots. By adding slots to a Jukebox Node, an operator can increase their potential $MUSIC rewards by hosting more music.

Each new slot may be purchased with $MUSIC alone. For a more detailed guide on how to purchase additional slots for your Jukebox Node, check out THIS SUPPORT ARTICLE.

How Node Operators Benefit the Ecosystem

Node operators play a critical role in the Gala Music ecosystem by:

  1. Ensuring Availability: By hosting music tracks, operators ensure that there is no downtime, which can be a significant issue with centralized servers.
  2. Enhancing Performance: Distributed hosting reduces latency since music is streamed from a node geographically closer to the listener.
  3. Growing the Platform: As more nodes join the network, the platform’s capacity to host and stream music increases, which can accommodate more users and tracks without the need for significant infrastructure investment from Gala Music itself.

Setting Up and Running a Jukebox Node

If you are newly licensed to operate a Gala Music Jukebox Node, follow these instructions to begin operating your node and hosting tracks.

  1. Download the Gala Node Software

Login with your Gala account credentials at and navigate to the “Download” menu. Download the software for your operating system (Windows, macOS or Linux).

  1. Install the Gala Node Software on Your Computer

Follow the instructions on the page to install the software on your computer. For more in-depth instructions on installing the Gala Node software, please consult the following guides, which will walk you through the installation on each operating system.

  1. Installing on macOS
  2. Installing on Windows
  3. Installing on an Ubuntu Linux VPS
  1. Activate Your Jukebox Node

Once the Gala Node Software is properly configured and your Node license appears in your dashboard, you must activate your node on Gala Music to begin running its workload and hosting tracks. This can be done through the “Nodes” page when logged into your account on Gala Music. For detailed instructions, please read THIS SUPPORT ARTICLE.

Powering the Revolution

Gala Music Jukebox Nodes represent a unique opportunity for individuals to engage with web3 technology in a meaningful way. By operating a node, you not only gain rewards through $MUSIC tokens but also contribute to a decentralized music streaming network that empowers artists and fans alike.

This system challenges traditional music distribution models while paving the way for a more inclusive, efficient and user-driven future in digital entertainment. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a music lover or someone curious about the potential of blockchain, setting up a Jukebox Node offers a front-row seat to the future of music.

Introducing GalaChain’s First Node Workload NFT

Introducing GalaChain’s First Node Workload NFT

To keep up with powering the most innovative projects, products and platforms in web3, it’s crucial that we maintain optimized node networks. These networks empower users to contribute computing power to the decentralized network through GalaChain’s cutting edge DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network), essentially turning community computers into employees of the blockchain and rewarding operators for their time and energy.

While GalaChain was being created from the ground up by our team of blockchain experts, tokenization of node licenses was always an important part of the vision. A key benefit to blockchain is the user’s ability to own tokenized items on their terms, so a license to operate a DePIN node for rewards should be no exception.

As recently announced in this blog, Founder’s Nodes and Common Ground World Nodes would be the first nodes in the GalaChain network to undergo this “tokenization” process.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that Common Ground World Nodes have now made GalaChain history, becoming the first tokenized node licenses in the GalaChain ecosystem.

Node Workload NFTs

Throughout the history of the decentralized Gala ecosystem, node licenses have been issued as account locked items, making them unable to be transferred or traded. With Node Workload NFTs, operators are becoming empowered to trade their licenses with one another for the first time.

Please note that the Node Workload NFT is not the node itself, but the tokenized license to operate the node for rewards. No matter which node network (there are already several and more in the works), the node is run using the GalaChain node client on the operator’s computer.

By transferring a Node Workload NFT to another user, you are also giving them the right to operate that node and receive the rewards that come with it.

Initial Features

The Common Ground World team is bravely leading the way into this uncharted territory by tokenizing licenses for Common Ground World Nodes. This is a crucial step before the upcoming release of Common Ground World Guilds, which promises to be a truly game-changing feature for Gala’s flagship game of town and city builders.

Your Node Workload NFTs will initially be transferable to other users and bridgeable to the Ethereum blockchain for external trade. However, please note that your Node Workload NFT must be on GalaChain to run your workload.

Future Features

The ability to list your Node Workload NFTs on GalaSwap will be added with a future update. 

Allocation of CGW Node Workload NFTs

For anyone who purchased Common Ground World Node (formerly known as Town Star Node) licenses in a previous sale, you will receive a number of Node Workload NFTs that corresponds to the amount you spent on your CGW Node license in the original sale.

Around midday on March 27th, operators should have received 1 Node Workload NFT for each $1000 spent on the license in the original sale. For example, if you spent $1000, you should have received 1 Node Workload NFT, but if you spent $4000, you should have received 4.

Stay tuned for more updates and the tokenization of other node networks within the GalaChain ecosystem, such as Gala Founder’s Nodes!