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Calling for Devs and Innovators: GalaChain is Ready for You

Calling for Devs and Innovators: GalaChain is Ready for You

We dropped the first version of our public facing SDK, empowering external developers around the world to build on GalaChain.

Whether you’re a dev degen with a web3 obsession, a business owner with a big idea, or a philanthropist with a plan that can revolutionize an entire industry and empower the world, this is the news you’ve been waiting for.

We’ve touched on the awesomeness of our native L1 blockchain, several times before, but none of us have really witnessed its full potential yet. Get ready for a new era of GalaChain, one that decentralizes the game like never before, brings new utility to the GALA token, and empowers developers to think beyond entertainment.

We used games, music and film as the first applications of GalaChain’s user-first empowerment because entertainment makes it incredibly simple for everyday consumers to understand what web3 can do for them. It creates the potential for actual digital ownership, allowing our users to trade their game items, earn rewards for supporting an emerging musician, experience a deeper involvement with their favorite films, and much more.

Now, external developers can build their own projects using all the same ideas and applications of web3 tech that Gala has already demonstrated with our core brands. They can mint NFTs, customizing drops, allowlists and distributions to their heart’s content. Developers can even build Node networks to power their projects, distributing rewards to operators in the same way that Gala Founder’s Node operators receive GALA as a reward for operating their Nodes. Creation of these various features will continue to become easier (requiring less assistance from the GalaChain team) as we continue on this journey of GalaChain expansion.

When you look at Gala’s core examples (Gala Games, Gala Music and Gala Film), it’s only natural to start thinking outside the box, allowing your imagination to pioneer into new territories, beyond the limitations of the web2 world. Smart contracts, tokenization and distributed networks have the power to change everything for the better, and that includes your industry. So it’s time to get creative and build some apps that the world never saw coming.

One of the most important things about the tools that we have on GalaChain, is that most anyone can hop in and get building right away in straightforward typescript. With other chains, you need to relearn the basics to get started, but we’ve totally streamlined the process with GalaChain and this SDK. No need to learn highly complicated and convoluted languages like solidity, no need to be a master of web3 infrastructure. Just get in and get building… Whenever you’re ready to up the difficulty, GalaChain can handle that too!

Introducing the GalaChain SDK

We’ve spent years hard at work building a robust and versatile L1 blockchain, and now it’s open for business. We’re proud to announce the first publicly available Software Development Kit for GalaChain.

Developers– Take a look now on Github through the link below:

For full access and more information, just reach out to us through by clicking “Start Building” and we’ll get you empowered to build right away.

We’ve been around the block with web3 developments, so trust us when we say that the innovation will not wait for you. If you’re thinking about that great idea but not acting on it, you better get moving.

If you hesitate on that world-changing idea, then we guarantee someone else will develop it first. We’ve been talking for a long time about mass adoption like it’s a distant ship on the horizon. Thanks to GalaChain, the tide has changed and that ship will be here before you know it.

We can hardly wait to empower your brilliant ideas. Welcome to the future.