Join the Weekly Competition in Common Ground World!

Join the Weekly Competition in Common Ground World!

Attention, Common Ground World players! We have an exciting new challenge lined up for you. While our Town Halls have switched to a bi-weekly schedule, we’ll still provide updates and answer your questions during the off weeks.

The next Common Ground World Town Hall is this Friday, June 21st. Get your questions in here!

🏆 Competition Details

Start: June 18, 2024, 8:00 AM PT
End: June 21, 2024, 8:00 AM PT

This week’s challenge: Craft and sell Marine Ravioli filled with Salmon, Shrimp, and Eel. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your culinary skills and outshine the competition!

Event: Ravioli Rumble
Objective: Sell Marine Ravioli
Trade Time: 20s & 1 Gasoline
Biome: Plains N
Edges: Plains N, Ocean E, Plains S, and Plains W


Earn standard $GALA rewards and a special Blueprint: Hasty Italian Restaurant.

New Craft Alert! Marine Ravioli is a new recipe introduced this week.

Crafting Recipe:

  • 3 Flour
  • 2 Butter
  • 2 Eel
  • 1 Salmon
  • 3 Shrimp

Crafting Time: 60s
Crafted in: Italian Restaurant
Stored in: Storehouse

Standard Values:

  • Cash: $85,690 (meta value this week: $14,280)
  • Stars: 1,837 (meta value this week: 50k)


Cash Boosts

  • Worms: $1,000 ➡️ $3,000
  • Butter: $20,000 ➡️ $50,000
  • Risotto: $44,000 ➡️ $100,000

Star Boosts

  • Marine Ravioli: ➡️ 50k

Upcoming Event Schedule

Note: All events are subject to change.


  • Free Storage NFT: Cheese Storage
  • June 11-14: Four-Cheese Pizza
  • June 18-21: Marine Ravioli (Blueprint Reward Week: Hasty Italian Restaurant)
  • June 25-28: Kimchi


  • Free Storage NFT: Coffee Bean Storage
  • July 2-5: Starlight Market Box (new craft ingredients)
  • July 9-12: A mystery Ice Cream flavor
  • July 16-19: A tasty new Cake

Important Reminders

  • Offline Mode: Log back in before the event ends to ensure fast forward happens.
  • Fast Forward: Check in often; prolonged offline periods slow down updates.
  • Browser Tips: Keep the game as the only tab in the browser and avoid covering it with other windows.
  • Lite Paper Feedback: We are still taking feedback on our lite paper. Check it out here and provide your feedback here.

Don’t forget to join a Common Ground World Guild! 

Power Up with Common Ground World NFTs

Explore the massive selection of NFTs in the Common Ground World store to enhance the gameplay experience and supercharge your build. We have something for every type of strategy!

Shop the latest NFT drops

Introducing the Legendary Fontana Di Formaggi

This distinguished Italian Restaurant features an expert pizzaiolo Chef, which besides being significantly faster, needs less Cheese to produce his magnificent creations, while inspiring all Italian Restaurants in your Town for increased Crafting Speed, including itself! (un-stackable). You can place this on a Dirt Road instead of a Paved Road.

See You at the Town Hall!

Don’t miss our live Town Hall on YouTube this Friday at 8 AM PT. It’s a great opportunity to stay updated and ask questions.

Guild Competitions

If you haven’t joined a guild yet, now is the perfect time! Participate in guild competitions for a chance at greater rewards.

Get ready, chefs! Let’s make waves in the kitchen and see who can rise to the top in this week’s challenge. Happy cooking!

Play Common Ground World now

Common Ground World – May Mayhem Week 3 blog

Common Ground World – May Mayhem Week 3 blog

Guilds are Live!

Read the Common Ground World Litepaper

Play Common Ground World on Gala Games

The Vineyard Challenge

Get ready to uncork your potential in the third week of May Mayhem, happening from May 21st to May 24th in Common Ground World. 

This week’s Everyone is Welcome competition will offer 30% greater rewards, with nearly 1.5M $GALA up for grabs on the extended leaderboard! It’s all about viticulture as you compete to raise a glass to victory by selling Wine Cases packed with the finest Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. It’s your chance to harvest success and show off your strategic finesse!

Event Details

Crafting Focus: Wine Cases
Crafting Recipe: 2 Pinot Noir, 2 Chardonnay, 1 Wooden Box
Craft Time: 40 seconds
Trade Time: 200 seconds, 2 Gasoline
Biome: Desert W
Edges: Mountain N, Desert E, River S, Desert W

This week, challenge yourself to maximize the value of your vineyards. Remember, each Wine Case will trade for just a quarter of its usual cash value—$52,870–So strategize accordingly!

Generous Rewards Await

Victory in this event brings more than just glory; it brings tangible gameplay benefits with in the form of the exclusive Thrifty Winery Blueprint, which comes in several different rarities:

  • Luxury: 40% reduction in build materials and cash for the Winery (Top 5 ranks)
  • Platinum: 35% reduction (Ranks 6-25)
  • Legendary: 30% reduction (Ranks 26-225)
  • Epic: 25% reduction (Ranks 226-600)
  • Rare: 20% reduction (Ranks 601-1200)
  • Uncommon: 15% reduction for all who sell the meta craft at least ten times (Ranks below 1201)

Adjust Your Strategy

In addition to managing your vineyards, several other goods have received cash boosts to help you keep your town’s economy robust:

  • Iron: $18,400
  • Oak Barrel: $22,000
  • Steel: $188,000
  • Wool: $15,000
  • Wool Yarn: $81,000

And remember, each Wine Case will also fetch you an impressive 100,000 stars!

New NFT Reworks & Discounts

Check out this week’s latest utility reworks of previously sold NFTs, now available again in limited supply for special discounts.

Tunnel of Love (Epic)

The Tunnel of Love NFT brings a trifecta of Valentine’s magic to your gameplay. Make Valentine’s Day Cards in half the time, boost Eco Paper craft time, AND let the passive flow from within the Tunnel water nearby crops with 3 passive water.

Previous Abilities:

  • 50% Valentine’s Day Cards craft time boost
  • 10% Eco Paper craft time boost
  • 3-radius passive Water

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

  • 50% Valentine’s Day Cards craft time boost
  • 50% Eoc Paper craft time boost
  • 3-radius passive Water
  • 3-radius passive Bamboo Shoots

Get your Tunnel of Love now for 25% off while supplies last!

The Barista Palace (Legendary)

With this exclusive gem, each Café gets an extra Barista, ensuring your coffee joints are brimming with talent. But that’s not all – enjoy a 20% boost in Café craft speed globally, turning your town into a caffeinated powerhouse.

Previous Abilities:

  • Every Cafe gets a new Barista worker unit
  • All Cafes enjoy 20% craft speed boost

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

  • Every Cafe gets a new Barista worker unit
  • All Cafes enjoy 50% craft speed boost
  • All Braistas are 50% faster
  • Requires no Road
  • Casts no Shade or Dirty effect

Get your Barista Palace for 40% off now while supplies last!


In addition to the above special NFT reworks, you’ll find limited time exclusive discounts on the following NFTs in the Common Ground World store:

New Sales

The Legendary Sommelier Vineyard NFT is now available in limited supply. Dropped on May 17th, this special Vineyard functions as a Winery in its own right, boasting an expert Vintner who works twice as fast and charges lower wages! This powerful building reduces by 2 the Grapes requirement of all Wineries, while significantly accelerating the production of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir & Sangría in every Winery in your town including itself (non-Stackable effects).

Get your Sommelier Vineyard now!

Quick Tips

For the best gaming experience, ensure that the game is the only active tab in your browser, check back often if using Fast Forward, and avoid covering the game window if you are actively playing.

Play Common Ground World now!

Check out the replay of last week’s Common Ground World Town Hall at the link below, and tune in every week for the latest updates and info on Friday at 8am PT!

Guilds are Live in Common Ground World

Guilds are Live in Common Ground World

Read the Common Ground World Litepaper

The wait is over! The Common Ground World team is thrilled to announce the official launch of Guilds, a game-changer set to transform your gameplay in Gala’s flagship game of town and city builders.

We invite all players to join a Guild today to unlock new levels of collaborative strategy and new reward opportunities.

Manage Your Own Guild

You will be able to create a Common Ground World Guild in any Game Mode by selecting a Common Ground World Node Workload NFT (previously known as Town Star Node) that you own in your Gala Inventory. Note that the Guild will be linked to the Node NFT so transferring it will also transfer leadership of the Guild itself!

Your Guild will feature a unique name and a Guild Icon of your choice. A Level 1* Guild will hold up to 20 Members including the Guild Leader and 20 Library Slots!

*Guild Levels are part of the Upgradable NFTs feature coming up later in 2024.

You can invite Guild Members by searching for their Gala Username in the search bar within the Guild Invite Menu. They will receive an invitation they can Accept or Reject!

Guild participation is not required to enjoy the game, but it opens up a world of new possibilities. By running a Guild, you can lend your friends a helping hand by letting them use NFTs that you’ve added to your Guild Library!

Join a Guild

If you’d rather just join a Guild, you will need an Invitation from a Guild Leader. After accepting, you’ll gain access to the Guild’s Library of NFTs that your Guild Leader has shared, which means you can check out the NFTs you need to maximize your role in the current build, contributing to your Guild’s winning strategy to take home the prizes!

You can leave a Guild anytime, but if you want to join a new one you must wait 24 hours!

Guild Roles

Guilds feature three Roles for members:

The Guild Leader is the owner of the Common Ground World Node Workload NFT that created the Guild. As the head of the team, the Leader can invite, kick or promote Guild Members, and set up NFTs for check out in the Guild NFT Library. The Leader can also Force Return an NFT checked out by a Member.

Guild Officers are trusted members of the Guild. They can kick or promote members to Officers as well! Of course, they can check out shared NFTs from the Library too!

Guild members are the cornerstone of your Guild, the devoted team who can check out the Guild’s shared NFTs from the Library for use in Competitions to bring victory and honor to your Guild! You don’t need a Node NFT to join a Guild, just an Invitation!

Manage Your Guild’s NFT Library

If you own a Common Ground World Node Workload NFT, you can set up a Guild of your own! As a Guild Leader, you have the power to curate your Guild’s NFT Library. Players can “check out” NFTs from this Library to use in both competitive Guild events and solo events, maximizing their potential and strategy. This new system adds new layers of cooperation and strategic planning that will enrich the already challenging competitive gameplay of Common Ground World. As of the first version of Guilds, only NFTs that can be placed in the in-game grid (Buildings, basically) can be set in the Library. Each NFT set in your Guild Library can be checked out only once at a time, but each member can check out more than one NFT at a time.

The First Ever Guild Competition

In honor of this exciting update, we are kicking off the first-ever Common Ground World Guild competition next week as part of CGW’s May Mayhem events! This competition will provide a fantastic opportunity for Guilds to showcase their strategic prowess and teamwork. We expect serious Guild contenders to rise to the top and show us what we can accomplish in Common Ground World when we work together!

More details about the competition are coming soon, so don’t miss this week’s Common Ground World Town Hall, Friday morning at 8am PT!

Prepare Your Guild Now

If you own a Common Ground World Node Workload NFT, now is the time to prepare your Guild and start recruiting players who have the potential to outbuild and outsmart the competition. 

Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of a historic moment in Common Ground World.

At Gala Games, we are committed to creating an immersive and rewarding gaming experience. Even though CGW is our earliest game, the launch of Guilds in Common Ground World is just the beginning of an exciting journey. Your passion, feedback, and engagement are what drive us forward.

To ensure you never miss out on the latest discussions and the thriving CGW community, join us in the Gala Games Discord server.

Join us in this new chapter and let’s cultivate a world of unity, creativity, and competition. We can’t wait to see you in the game! Let’s build, strategize, and compete together like never before.Happy farming and happy Guilding!

We can’t wait to see you in the game! Let’s build, strategize, and compete together like never before.

Play Common Ground World

Common Ground World Guilds FAQ

As important questions are addressed in the community, they will be added and answered here.

How many players can be in a guild?

A level 1 Guild will start with 20 Member slots including the Guild Leader.Once the upgradable NFTs feature set goes live you will be able to increase your Guild’s Library spaces by upgrading your Node NFT.

How many NFTs can be placed in a Library?

A level 1 Guild will start with 20 NFT Library spaces. Once the Upgradable NFTs feature set goes live you will be able to increase your Guild’s Library spaces by upgrading your Node NFT.

If I kick a member from my guild, how long does it take for the member slot to be open and the NFTs to return to the Library?

This happens instantly.

Can I be the owner of a Guild, and join another Guild at the same time?

No you cannot be in more than one Guild at once.

Can I change my Guild during a competition?

Yes! You can leave a Guild anytime during a competition and join a new one after the 24 hours Guild change cooldown is up. Remember that the LAST Guild you join will be considered as your final Guild for the competition.

What does promoting a recruit to an officer do?

Promoting a Guild member to Guild Officer allows the user to Kick and Promote or Demote other Guild members.

Get Ready for May Mayhem Week 2 in Common Ground World!

Get Ready for May Mayhem Week 2 in Common Ground World!

Check out the newly released Common Ground World Litepaper, packed with great info about the game’s exciting future!

The Mirror Magic Meta

As we move into the second week of May Mayhem in Common Ground World, it’s your time to shine—literally! Starting today (May 14th) at 10am PT, prepare to reflect on your strategic brilliance and outshine the competition in our dazzling Mirror Magic Meta event. This event challenges all city builders and strategists to craft and sell Mirrors to brighten every corner of their towns with style and efficiency.

Event Details

Crafting Focus: Mirrors
Crafting Recipe: 3 Molten Glass, 2 Chromium, 2 Silver, 1 Oak Wood
Craft Time: 120 seconds
Trade Time: 60 seconds, 1 Gasoline
Biome: Forest
Edges: Mountain N, Forest E, River S, River W

Mirrors crafted during this event will be worth half their standard cash value—$26,920, ensuring a challenge in economic balance as you expand your towns.

Exciting Rewards Await

Success in this event will bring you not only the satisfaction of a well-managed town but also incredible rewards under the May Mayhem “Best of the Best” category. Keep an eye on the specific reward details in Discord as we update them for week 2.

What’s More?

We have boosted the cash values of several items to help you balance your town’s economy efficiently:

  • Ceramic Mug: $11,000
  • Cup of Coffee: $100,000
  • Sugar: $5,000
  • Jam: $80,000

Don’t forget, Mirrors will also fetch you a whopping 100,000 stars, assuring that their production is well worth your while when it comes to the competition leaderboard!

New NFT Reworks & Discounts

Check out this week’s latest utility reworks of previously sold NFTs, now available again in limited supply for special discounts.

Hot Cocoa Chalet (Epic)

Previous Abilities:

  • 40% reduction to adjacent Marshmallow crafting
  • 40% reduction to adjacent Hot Cocoa crafting

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

  • 40% reduction to adjacent Mallow & Cocoa crafting + itself!
  • This building is now a Cafe with:
    • 2 included Baristas
    • Baristas twice as fast!
    • Baristas work for half wages!
  • Requires 2 fewer Coffee Beans to craft
  • Crafts twice as fast
  • Casts no shade

Get your Hot Cocoa Chalet now for 25% off while supplies last!

Mistletoe Arch (Rare)

Previous Ability:

35% boost to Oak Tree craft time (2 tile radius)

New (Upgraded) Abilities:

50% boost to Oak Tree craft time (3 tile radius)

Get your CMistletoe Arch now for 25% off while supplies last!

New Sales

The Epic Glass Factory is now available in limited supply. Dropped on May 10th, this Epic factory crafts Molten Glass and Glass Bottles (like the in-game version), but has the following additional perks:

  • 2 workers instead of 1, with both traveling at 250% speed!
  • Casts no shade
  • Causes no “Dirty” effect
  • Wages = $300

Get your Epic Glass Factory while supplies last

Hatchet Hank Jr. (Rare) is back in limited supply!

  • 15% walking speed increase to Lumberjacks
  • 15% walking speed increase to itself and other Hatchet Hanks
  • Casts 1 shade and must be placed by a road
  • Stacks up to three times

Get your Hatchet Hank Jr. now while supplies last

Good luck in this week’s competition, starting on Tuesday, May 14th at 10am PT!

Play Common Ground World now!

Check out the replay of last week’s Common Ground World Town Hall at the link below, and tune in every week for the latest updates and info on Friday at 8am PT!

Join the Weekly Competition in Common Ground World!

Common Ground World Litepaper



Welcome to Common Ground World, a thrilling evolution of the beloved farming simulator genre, now improved with the limitless possibilities of web3 empowerment! Formerly known as Town Star, this game has undergone an epic transformation in partnership with the award-winning Common Ground film and its regenerative agriculture project.

Imagine the joy of farming combined with the groundbreaking technology of web3! As one of the first-ever games to bring blockchain features like real item ownership and crypto rewards to competitive play, Common Ground World takes your gaming experience to the next level. And the masterminds behind this innovation? Some of the creative legends who brought you Farmville and Words with Friends!

Built on the powerful GalaChain, Common Ground World boasts the widest selection of NFTs on the blockchain — over 300 unique NFTs, each with its own special abilities! This means YOU can truly own your path, customize your gameplay like never before, and be part of something revolutionary.

And guess what? Whether you’re a hardcore strategist or just looking for some casual fun, we’ve got you covered. Common Ground World is FREE for everyone to enjoy! That’s right — no barriers, just pure gaming excitement.

This litepaper is your sneak peek into all the incredible updates coming your way. Dive into the revamped tokenomics, explore our incredible roadmap, and discover all the new features that are about to transform your gaming world. Every decision we make is guided by YOU, our amazing community — we’re building this together!

Buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

All details shared in this document are inherently fluid as is customary with live service games; we always try to take our userbase’s feedback into consideration in the decision making process.


Get ready to DIG IN! We’re thrilled to introduce $SOIL, the brand-new token for Common Ground World on GalaChain! Alongside $GALA, this game-changing cryptocurrency unlocks an entire world of premium access. You can use $SOIL to enhance your NFTs, access exclusive content, and snag limited-time promotional NFTs that give you unique abilities within the game!

$SOIL will have a total maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 -one billion- tokens ever, which will be distributed to players everyday in a variety of exciting ways:

  • From playing Daily Challenges and collecting Town Points using eligible Reward NFTs (80% of $SOIL daily distribution)
  • Logging into the game while running Common Ground World V2 Nodes at least 6 hours per day (15% of $SOIL daily distribution)
  • Logging into the game while operating Founder’s Nodes at least 6 hours per day (5% of $SOIL daily distribution)
  • Other activities from participating and reaching a Leaderboard score from some Individual or Guild Competitions, or even in Social Activities where this token is the prize!

Plus, Gala can distribute $SOIL for special events and promotions, stay tuned for surprise rewards!

The daily $SOIL distribution follows a halving system bed below in Table 1, that’s carefully designed to ensure long-term balance. And when you spend $SOIL— it can get burned.

$SOIL daily distribution amount by $SOIL supply in the market:

Total Supply (<)Total Daily Distribution

And so on…

So, what can you DO with all this $SOIL? Here’s just a taste of how you can use it to level up your game:

  • Power up your Upgradeable NFTs to reach new heights of effectiveness through all 20 levels
  • Snag Consumable Boosts from the Gala Store as they become available
  • Buy promotional NFTs directly from the Gala Store
  • And that’s just the beginning—we’ve got more epic uses for $SOIL on the way!

If you’ve been collecting DIRT—the off-chain version of $SOIL—, get ready for a migration as DIRT will be converted into $SOIL. 

Remember, $SOIL is your ticket to an upgraded, premium adventure in Common Ground World—but don’t worry, you can always jump into the action for FREE too!

Common Ground World Node

Get ready to harness the true power of decentralization with our Common Ground World V2 Node NFTs! Originally known as Town Star Nodes, these nodes have been reimagined and supercharged for the next generation of gaming. Run by our amazing operators, these NFTs aren’t just tools—they’re the backbone of your guild management and a direct line to obtain $SOIL!

Right now, running your node earns you DIRT daily and soon, you’ll be raking in daily $SOIL rewards! That’s right—by operating your node, you’ll secure a piece of the action by spicing up your gameplay, improving your NFTs, and boosting your progress in ways you’ve never seen before!

These V2 Node NFTs represent the heart of decentralization and give you the ability to create and manage your own guild. Own one, run it, and reap the daily benefits as you pave your way to success in Common Ground World!


Ready to prove you’re the ultimate town builder? The Events section is where the real action happens! Every week, we host an adrenaline-pumping competition where players battle it out for the top spot—and trust us, the rewards are worth it!

Our weekly event kicks off at 10 am PT on Tuesdays and runs for an intense 72 hours, wrapping up at 10am PT on Fridays. Each competitor starts with a predefined Town, and the race is on to build the most efficient, high-powered town possible. It’s all about strategy and speed—how many Stars can you rack up before time runs out? The more Stars you collect, the higher you climb on the leaderboard!

And when the dust settles? The top performers win awesome prizes like $GALA, and sometimes even exclusive Blueprint NFTs! These rare NFTs don’t just sit in your Town—they activate unique effects that give you significant bonuses without taking up valuable space. Talk about game-changing!

Each challenge comes with a particular twist— a special meta that spotlights a specific craft or craft family. It forces you to think on your feet and develop new strategies, keeping the gameplay fresh and challenging every single week. Not only that, but the biome and surrounding lands change, too—meaning you’ll need to adapt your builds to different environments every time!

Want to get a jump on the competition? Keep an eye on the Common Ground channels in the Gala Discord community! We drop all the juicy details about the next weekly event as early as the previous Wednesday, so you can strategize and be ready to dominate!

For a breakdown of leaderboard rewards, head to Annex 1 of this document. Good luck, and may the best town win!


We’re committed to delivering quarterly updates packed with fresh features, new mechanics, and constant quality of life improvements to keep Common Ground World innovative and evolving!

Common Ground Mode


In the Common Ground mode, your mission isn’t just to survive but to revive. In this single-player, long-term game mode, you’re given a daunting challenge: take a heavily damaged plot of land and turn it into a thriving oasis. Channeling the heart of regenerative agriculture and the spirit of the Common Ground movement, you’ll need to carefully restore the biomes, nurturing the soil and vegetation back to life—one tile at a time.

Your journey begins with a small, barely workable corner of land. But with patience, strategy, and persistence, you’ll breathe life back into the earth, transforming it from a barren wasteland to a flourishing landscape. This is not just a game; it’s a test of your expertise and commitment to mastering the art of sustainability.

Think of Common Ground Mode as the ultimate advanced challenge for those who want to dig deeper into the game’s mechanics. With no pressure from competition, slower growth times, and no Wages on Workers or Gas to sell your crafts, it’s a calm, and methodical challenge. But make no mistake—it will test your skills to the limit. If you can unlock the land’s true potential, you’ll prove yourself a Common Ground World expert, no matter how long it takes!



In Guilds, teamwork makes the dream come true! Join or create a Guild to participate with your Guild mates in electrifying Guild Competitions and prove that your team is the best!

Joining a Guild

Ready to team up and conquer the world of Common Ground? Jump into the Gala Game’s Discord server and head to the #cgw-guilds channel—your gateway to joining an epic community of players! Find the perfect Guild to join, collaborate with like-minded strategists, and dive into team-based adventures. The action starts here, so don’t miss out—your future Guildmates are waiting!

Creating a Guild

As a Common Ground World Node V2 NFT owner, you now have the ability to create your very own Guild, bringing together players to dominate team-based events and score valuable Guild Resources!

But that’s just the beginning. With Library slots, Guild Leaders can lend their most useful NFTs to other members, allowing everyone to level up their towns and unleash sharp strategies! Imagine the possibilities—strategic gameplay takes on a whole new meaning as Guild members share in the benefits of key NFTs, amplifying their collective strength. It’s not just about individual success anymore; it’s about working together for the good of the entire Guild!

So rally your allies, pool your resources, and take your Guild to new heights—because in Common Ground World, unity is strength, and the rewards are waiting for those who seize them together!

Daily Challenges


Get ready for a new challenge every day in the Events category! Dive into the Daily Challenge and start collecting Town Points with your eligible Rewarding NFTs. Place them, complete the challenge, and claim your Town Points for your daily slice of the $SOIL rewards! The more you contribute to the challenge, the bigger your reward—it’s that simple!

Here’s how it works: when a Daily Challenge timer ends (5PM PT), the daily reward of $SOIL is divided among all players who completed the challenge. Your share depends on how many Town Points you contributed compared to everyone else. If you’re bringing in big points, you’ll claim a major chunk of $SOIL!

For example, let’s say Player A racks up 800 points and Player B scores 200. Player A will claim a whopping 80% of the daily $SOIL rewards, while Player B gets the remaining 20%. The more you contribute to the challenge, the bigger your rewards!

And it gets even better for Guild Members—if you’ve borrowed a Rewarding NFT from your Guild Library, you can still use it to collect Town Points in the Daily Challenge. In this case, the NFT’s owner takes 50% of the rewards, and you, the borrower, will snag the other 50%. Teamwork pays off!

Make sure your NFTs are held on GalaChain or as ERC-721s if stored on Ethereum, as ERC-1155 NFTs won’t work for the challenge—though they can be bridged!

You can find the current list of Eligible NFTs for Daily Challenges in the Annex 2 of this document.

Note: After the initial release, DIRT will be temporarily distributed in place of $SOIL to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

Upgradeable NFTs

Get ready to elevate your gameplay with Upgradeable NFTs! In this thrilling new feature, you’ll be able to take your NFTs to the next level—literally—by leveling them up through 20 tiers of enhanced abilities and effects. Using $SOIL and an array of upgrade materials, you can customize and amplify the powers of your NFTs like never before, adding a whole new layer of strategy to the game!

Upgrade Materials

The key to unlocking your NFT’s true potential! These non-fungible tokens come in three vibrant colors—Red, Blue, and Green—and five rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Collect them in Competitions, Social Activities, the Gala Store, and more! As you gather and combine these materials, you’ll boost your NFTs, unlocking strong new effects that could change the game in your favor. Participate in Daily Challenges, Events, and social activities to gather these precious upgrade materials, or grab them straight from the Gala Store. You’ll have everything you need to evolve your NFTs and keep your gameplay fresh & new!

Guild Upgrades

It’s not just your personal NFTs that can level up—Guilds can power up too! You’ll be able to increase member slots and Vault space for storing Guild Resources by upgrading the Guild Leader’s Common Ground World Node V2 NFT. But here’s where it gets even more interesting: upgrading a Guild requires $SOIL and merging other Node NFTs together to access a more amazing Guild!

Crypto Crafting & Bots

The future of automation is here with the introduction of Crypto Crafting! Back in the early days of Town Star, players were lucky enough to receive Bot parts—and now, it’s time to bring them to life! In Common Ground World, you’ll finally be able to mix and craft those Bot parts to build your very own robotic helpers. Whether you want to automate crafting lines or boost production efficiency, these Bots are ready to streamline your town-building flow like never before!

Imagine your Bots taking over tedious tasks, freeing you up to focus on even bigger strategies! Just remember, your Bot parts must be in a GalaChain-linked wallet to participate in this next-gen crafting feature.

VOX in Common Ground World

VOX are about to enter Common Ground World! Get ready to place any of the thousands Town Star VOX Collectibles in your Town to add a touch of personality, and get help to earn extra Town Points in all your Daily Challenges. It’s time to put your VOX to work and unlock more in-game perks!

Further Development

  • Common Ground Academy & Consumable Boosts – Boost your gameplay with impressive time-limited consumables!
  • Extended Guild Content – Supercharge your Guild with new capabilities and greater rewards for teamwork.
  • Referral Program – Invite your friends, and earn exclusive rewards for growing the Common Ground World fellowship!
  • Town Visits – Explore your friends’ and Guildmates’ towns to get inspired or offer tips.
  • Native Mobile Version – Play Common Ground World right into its own mobile version app!


The team would like to deeply thank the incredible Common Ground World community for their outstanding support, whether you joined during the earliest days of Town Star or if you are recently starting this adventure. Your enthusiasm, feedback and passion pushes us to provide the best game everyday; we invite you to keep discussing, sharing your perspective and always challenging us to make the best possible game. We make Common Ground World together!

Common Ground World aims to transcend entertainment into global sustainability, promoting values and principles of environmental impact while providing a fun adventure for players. 

Our goal is to put power in the hands of our players to let them decide the future of the game through new content and features based on a collective mission: Organizing through Guilds, improving NFTs and enhancing the node ecosystem, among others.

Welcome to a new era of conscious gaming; welcome to Common Ground World.


Annex 1. Weekly Rewards List. Subject to change.

Rank$GALA Reward
11 – 2511,000
26 – 507,000
51 – 1003,500
101 – 2251,400
226 – 400500
401 – 600250
601 – 900150
901 – 1200100

Annex 2. List of eligible Rewarding NFTs as of September 2024. More may be added in the future.

NFT NameTown Points
Express Depot1
Basketball Court2
Mirandus VOX2
Gala Turntable3
Uncommon Basketball Court3
Water Tank3
888 Orb of Hope5
Death Row Records5
Rare Basketball Court7
The Lab7
Alfa Fountain Ok8
Town Star VOX8
Mr. Puddles9
Buggy Water Bot10
Brine Storage11
Grape Storage11
Sugarcane Storage11
Water Tower11
Wheat Storage11
Epic Basketball Court13
Haunted Crypt14
Haunted Graveyard14
Rare Brine Storage14
Rare Grape Storage14
Rare Sugarcane Storage14
Rare Water Tower14
Rare Wheat Storage14
Wheat Stand14
Epic Stylin Ride16
Solar Panel16
Epic Brine Storage17
Epic Grape Storage17
Epic Sugarcane Storage17
Epic Wheat Storage17
Rare Wheat Stand17
Epic Water Tower18
Epic Wheat Stand20
Legendary Basketball Court20
Bitrue Wheat24
Simplex Sugarcane24
Lolli and Pop Shop25
Broken History30
Legendary Stylin Ride32
Alfa Fountain Good35
Legendary Brine Storage45
Legendary Grape Storage45
Legendary Sugarcane Storage45
Legendary Wheat Storage45
Alfa Fountain Great50
Rare Lolli and Pop Shop55
Haunted East Wing60
Haunted West Wing60
Tesla Coil60
The Noir Hero60
Galaverse in the Mediterranean Sea67
Golden Egg70
Rare Bitrue Wheat70
Legendary Water Tower72
Legendary Wheat Stand72
Alfa Fountain Majestic75
Haunted Porch79
OKex Barter Station91
Rare Simplex Sugarcane100
Rare Solar Panel100
Epic Bitrue Wheat120
Haunted Main Tower140
Rare Tesla Coil140
Into The Galaverse 2021202
Legendary Lolli and Pop Shop350
Legendary Solar Panel666
Legendary Tesla Coil1155
Epic Simplex Sugarcane1629
Legendary Bitrue Wheat2577
DigiFinex Cotton2832
Legendary Simplex Sugarcane3027
Ancient Bitrue Wheat3075
Ancient Simplex Sugarcane3075

Annex 3. $SOIL and Upgrade Materials required by Level to improve a non-Node Upgradeable NFT. Subject to change.

Level$SOIL Req. per LevelMaterials Requirement
270052 Red Common Materials + 40 Green Common Materials + 32 Blue Common Materials
31,20054 Red Common Materials + 40 Green Common Materials + 32 Blue Common Materials
41,50054 Red Common Materials + 40 Green Common Materials + 32 Blue Common Materials
51,70016 Red Uncommon Materials + 40 Green Common Materials + 32 Blue Common Materials
62,10016 Red Uncommon Materials + 16 Green Uncommon Materials + 32 Blue Common Materials
72,50016 Red Uncommon Materials + 16 Green Uncommon Materials + 16 Blue Uncommon Materials
83,00016 Red Uncommon Materials + 16 Green Uncommon Materials + 16 Blue Uncommon Materials
93,6008 Red Rare Materials + 16 Green Uncommon Materials + 16 Blue Uncommon Materials
104,3008 Red Rare Materials + 8 Green Rare Materials + 16 Blue Uncommon Materials
115,2008 Red Rare Materials + 8 Green Rare Materials + 8 Blue Rare Materials
126,2008 Red Rare Materials + 8 Green Rare Materials + 8 Blue Rare Materials
137,5004 Red Epic Materials + 8 Green Rare Materials + 8 Blue Rare Materials
149,0005 Red Epic Materials + 4 Green Epic Materials + 8 Blue Rare Materials
1510,8006 Red Epic Materials + 5 Green Epic Materials + 4 Blue Epic Materials
1612,9001 Red Legendary Materials + 6 Green Epic Materials + 5 Blue Epic Materials
1715,5001 Red Legendary Materials + 1 Green Legendary Materials + 6 Blue Epic Materials
1818,6002 Red Legendary Materials + 2 Green Legendary Materials + 2 Blue Legendary Materials
1922,4002 Red Legendary Materials + 2 Green Legendary Materials + 2 Blue Legendary Materials
2026,8002 Red Legendary Materials + 3 Green Legendary Materials + 4 Blue Legendary Materials

Legal Disclaimer

The purchase or sale of any digital asset involves risk. The information in this Litepaper is provided for informational purposes only, and we urge you to read this material carefully and ask us any follow-up questions that you may have before joining the Gala Games platform. You should also consult with your legal, accounting, or tax advisors regarding any applicable laws, rules or regulations that might govern your purchase of the digital assets discussed in this Litepaper or your participation in the Gala Games platform, and regarding the tax or other financial implications of any purchase or sale. By your purchase or sale of any digital assets or tokens offered by Gala Games, you agree to assume the risks of such participation, and Gala Games disclaims any liability thereof.


Today on Gala Games Plays: Common Ground World

Today on Gala Games Plays: Common Ground World

Join members of the Common Ground World team today from 3-5pm PT on the Gala Games Youtube channel as they show you how to build!

With the first week’s special May Mayhem competition now in full swing, this is a great opportunity to power up your gameplay with tips and tricks straight from the source!

Canine Companions

Animal Companions are a great way to boost the productivity and speed of your town!

Sparky the Legendary Great Pyrenees is on sale for 15% off while supplies last – Without taking up any space in your town, he’ll increase the movement speed of your farm animals, Ranchers and ATVs!

Lucy the Border Collie will increase the crafting speed of your Milk Barns, Chicken Coops and Sheep Pens in Common Ground World!

Lucy the Border Collie just dropped yesterday, offering a nice boost to the crafting speed of your farm buildings, including Milk Barns, Sheep Pens and Chicken Coops!

Set a notification at the link below and we’ll see you there!