Bling it on with this Week’s Common Ground World Competition!

Bling it on with this Week’s Common Ground World Competition!

It’s time for a new week in Common Ground World, and that means a new weekly competition with $GALA prizes for top leaderboard finishers!

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New in Town?

If you haven’t played Common Ground World yet, this week is a great opportunity to join the fun and dive into the awesome community. Each week, players from around the world compete for three days with a unique new set of meta rules. Build an efficiently functioning town that produces and sells the right goods faster than the competition and you’re destined for the leaderboard.

Here’s the standard leaderboard reward chart

In addition to the huge variety of in-game buildings and characters, players can also take advantage of owned NFT items for an extra strategic edge. By playing with NFTs, you can enjoy faster and more flexible play, enhancing your production and avoiding costly builds. The best part of NFT ownership is that you actually own your items, so you can always list them for sale on the secondary market any time you want!

Last Friday’s Town Hall

Join us for the next live CGW Town Hall with the team, Friday August 16th at 8am PT on the Gala Games Youtube channel. If you haven’t caught last Friday’s yet, watch the replay at the link below.

Town Halls take place every 2 weeks on Friday morning. They’re the perfect place to get all the latest updates and hear about exciting new opportunities coming to the game!

Chandelier Earrings

This week’s competition starts at 10am PT on Tuesday, August 6th and ends at 10am PT on Friday, August 9th.

Your goal is to Craft and Sell Chandelier Earrings, which will fetch a handsome Star Boost for this event only.

Trade Time: 20s, 1 Gasoline
Biome: Desert S
Edges: Desert N, Desert E, Desert S, Desert W

You’ll be surrounded by desert, so be sure to stay hydrated! 💦

Chandelier Earrings

Ingredients: 4 Copper Jump Rings, 2 Silver Jump Rings, 2 Silver Wire
Craft Time: 100s, 200s, 400s, 800s
Affected By: Dirty

This Week’s Cash Boosts 💵

Copper: $1860 ▶ $3720
Silver Wire: $4390 ▶ $8800

This Week’s Star Boost ⭐

Chandelier Earring  ▶ 40K ⭐

To jump in the ongoing discussion and meet people from the team and community, be sure to join the Gala Games Discord server and check out the latest in the Common Ground World channels.

Build to Own, Build to Win

Common Ground World was created by the pioneers of social gaming, some of the same amazing builders who brought the world the beloved Farmville series. Don’t let the relaxing and adorable feel fool you. This game is a masterfully crafted strategic experience, enhanced by web3 ownership through GalaChain and regular global competitions.

You don’t need to download anything to start playing Common Ground World today. All you need is a free Gala Games account– The game opens right in your browser! So what are you waiting for? Start building with this awesome free game today!

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A New Competition Begins on July 30th, 2024

A New Competition Begins on July 30th, 2024

Get ready for an exciting new Common Ground World 3-day competition, starting at 10am PT on July 30th and concluding at 10am PT on Friday, August 2nd.

Here’s what you need to know to make the most of the new competition in hopes of bringing home some sweet $GALA rewards!

Play Common Ground World now

Starlight Color Craze

Craft vibrant Starlight Market Boxes with eco-friendly paper and paint made from Strawberries, Blueberries and Corn. Splash some color, go green with bamboo and paint your way to victory!

Sell Starlight Market Boxes

Trade Time: 20s & 1 Gasoline
Biome: Forest E
Edges: River N, Forest E, Forest S, Forest W

Check out the new recipe for Starlight Market Boxes 👇👇

Ingredients: 1 Red Paint, 1 Blue Paint, 1 Yellow Paint, 1 Eco Paper, 1 Wooden Box
Made in: Boxing Facility
Stored in: Warehouse
Affected by: Nothing

New Standard Cash value: $71K
New Standard Star value: 8329

This Week’s Cash Boosts 💵 

Clay Lump: $300 👉 $900

Ceramic Bowl: $2000  👉 $6000

Honey: $7500 👉 $22,500

This Week’s Star Boost ⭐

Starlight Market Box: 8329 👉 50,000

You’ll find more information about the standard meta values of all crafts in Discord’s #cgw-faq channel.

Guild Upgrade

If you’re a Common Ground World Node operator, it’s almost time to convert your Node Workload NFT from V1 to V2 to enjoy the full upgradeable capabilities of running a CGW Guild! 

Learn more about V2 Common Ground World Node and the Conversion Process

Common Ground World Guilds are the most exciting new game feature, unlocking a whole new level of team strategizing and turning all Node operators into Guild leaders! With shared NFT libraries, special Guild competitions and more, you’re missing out if you’re not part of a Common Ground World Guild! Get connected in the #cgw-guilds channel in Discord.

Epic Stationary Shop

Craft without Water Drums and use half the crops for vibrant paints. Perfect for efficient, colorful creations!

Available on: Friday, July 26th
Price: $199.99
Supply: 500

Get your Stationary Shop now in the Common Ground World store

Common Ground World Town Hall

Don’t miss your opportunity to hear all the latest town chatter from your friends on the Common Ground World team, every two weeks live on Youtube! The last Town Hall took place on Friday, July 19th at 8am PT. If you missed it, watch the replay at the link below! 👇

Don’t miss the next Town Hall, this Friday (August 2nd) at 8am PT!

Gameplay Reminders

When using offline mode, you must log back in before the event ends to make fast forward happen. It is run by your computer currently, and if you do not load the game back up, fast forward will not take place.

If you use Fast Forward check in often, the longer you stay offline, the longer it takes to bring your town up to date.

Always make sure the game is the only tab in the browser.

Don’t fully cover the browser window with another window or program if you are actively playing. If you do, make sure to relaunch the game before trying to play again.

Summer Strong

We’re having a blast with all these summer vibes, with new players and some amazing competitions. As always, we’re glad you’re part of this awesome community and we look forward to bringing you more exciting updates in the weeks and months ahead! 

If you’ve never played Common Ground World before, what are you waiting for? It’s absolutely free and played directly from your browser. It’s easy to learn but endlessly challenging to master. It’s a relaxing beauty of a competitive strategy game, and you can even win $GALA for placing in the weekly competition!

Play Common Ground World now

Common Ground World Node Workload NFT V2 Incoming

Common Ground World Node Workload NFT V2 Incoming

We’re coming up on the second phase of our distribution for Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs. Check out how this affects you, your guild and your $DIRT!

Guilds are live in Common Ground World, and Node Workload NFT owners are already rallying their guilds to build bigger and better together!

There is one more step in our distribution of Node Workload NFTs, however. Coming up next week, we’ll move to V2 of these NFTs!

Node Workload NFT V2

During the initial distribution of Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs, we made a miscalculation in our numbers, and 97 users were left without the NFTs to account for their existing Town Star Nodes. To rectify this issue and pave the way for the development of upgradable Node Workload NFTs, we will be issuing new V2 Node Workload NFTs for Common Ground World.

These NFTs will be identical to existing versions from a functional standpoint. In fact, you’ll still pile up daily $DIRT whether you have a v1 or a v2. To use your Workload NFT in-game as a guild, however, you’ll need to convert to the new v2 NFTs. 

Updating your Node Workload NFTs

When the exchange opens, you’ll be able to find Common Ground World Node Workload NFT v2 in the Common Ground World Store. Unlike a regular purchase, however, the cost of acquiring this item will be one Common Ground World Node Workload NFT v1. This will initiate an even exchange for these two items, giving you the updated NFT.

This distribution will begin on July 29th at 10am PT.

At the time the exchange opens, all guilds in Common Ground World will be disbanded, as the v2 NFT becomes the official guild NFT. Guild owners should exchange their v1 for a v2 as soon as possible so they can get their guild together again using the new item.

Again, this is only necessary if you intend to use your Node Workload NFT as a guild in Common Ground World. If you do not, either the v1 or v2 versions will be identical in your wallet for the time being.

There is currently no duration for this exchange. If you purchase a Node Workload NFT v1 from a secondary market, you can easily exchange it for a v2 version. When/if the exchange is closing, we will let you know significantly in advance along with explaining the next steps.

NOTE: While you will need to have a v2 Node Workload NFT in your GalaChain wallet to use it in game, all Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs will still receive $DIRT distribution. All Common Ground World Node Workload NFTs will still get their $DIRT distribution, regardless of whether they are v1 or v2 – in your GalaChain allowance or your wallet on GalaChain.

Building for the Future

We realize this may be an inconvenience for some, but seeing this process through will create an easier path forward for all players. We’re proud to be the first operating Node Workload NFT in the Gala Ecosystem, and we thank you all for taking this journey with us!

This transition is coming. We’ll be in touch with more details as it approaches, but we wanted to alert everyone to the change as soon as possible.

Get your guilds ready and get the word out there so you can keep building the future of Common Ground World!

This Week’s Competition | A Starlight Market Box Bash!

This Week’s Competition | A Starlight Market Box Bash!

Gather round, Common Ground World players and get ready for another exciting weekly competition, starting tomorrow (Tuesday July 23rd) at 10am PT!

Watch Friday’s Town Hall Replay

Thanks to the magic of live streaming, our bi-weekly Common Ground World Town Hall events live on as replays, giving players who couldn’t be there a chance to catch up on the latest and greatest updates and news from the game. Don’t miss your chance – Link below 👇

Our next Town Hall event is happening on Friday, August 2nd at 8am PT! Be there 👩‍🌾

This Week’s Box Bash

Running from 10am PT on Tuesday, July 23rd to 10am PT on Friday, July 26th, this contest features aged Oak Barrels, glittering Gold and Sweet Jam, celebrating some of the community’s top picks! Raise a toast, spread the sparkle and enjoy crafting your way to victory!

Goal: Sell Startlight Market Boxes
Trade Time: 40s & 1 Gasoline
Biome: Desert N
Edges: Desert N, Mountain E, River S and River W

In addition to the standard $GALA rewards, top finishers will also pick up a special Crafty Candy Shop Blueprint, reducing the craft time of all Candy Shops, both in-game and NFT! Craft time reductions are determined by the rarity of the Blueprint from Uncommon (10%) all the way to Diamond 💎 (20% boost!). Good luck!

Starlight Market Boxes

Check out the new standard recipe for this craft, voted in by the community!

Ingredients: 8 Oak Barrels, 15 Gold, 2 Jam, 1 Wooden Box
Made in: Boxing Facility
Stored in: Warehouse
Craft time: 60s
Affected by: Nothing
Standard Cash: $100K
Standard Stars: 5010

💰Cash Boosts

Gold: $4880 👉 $9760

Oak Barrel: $5500 👉 $11K

Jam: $25K 👉 $50K

⭐Star Boosts

Starlight Market Boxes: ⭐5010 👉 ⭐50K!!

New NFT Items Available

 Iron Mine (Rare)

This eco-friendly marvel crafts without being slowed down by nearby Water, producing just a third of the pollution compared to a regular Iron Mine! Keep your production swift and your air clean with this rare gem of a mine!

Price: $199.99
Supply: 350

Get your Rare Iron Mine now while supplies last

Gameplay Tips

  • When using offline mode you do need to log back in before the event ends to make fast forward happen. It is run by your computer currently, and if you do not load the game back up, fast forward will not take place.
  • If you use Fast Forward check in often, the longer you stay offline, the longer it takes to bring your town up to date.
  • Always make sure the game is the ONLY TAB in the browser it’s running on.
  • Don’t fully cover the browser window with another window or program if you are actively playing. If you do, make sure to relaunch the game before trying to play again.

Thanks for Playing!

If you’re enjoying Common Ground World, thank you so much for being part of our amazing community. If not, we hope you’ll consider joining in the relaxing and strategically challenging action today! It’s fun and easy to learn, created by some of the same developers who brought the world the beloved Farmville franchise!

You can start playing Common Ground World right away in your browser through Gala Games– No need to download anything or spend any money at all! You’ll love watching your town grow!

Play Common Ground World now

A New Competition Begins on July 30th, 2024

Common Ground World | Harvest Pie Hoedown!

It’s a new week, Farmers, so get ready for a new exciting Common Ground World 3-day competition event packed with new challenges and strategies to explore and new ways to win!

Play Common Ground World now

Watch the Recent Town Hall

If you haven’t caught the latest CGW Town Hall from Friday, July 5th, check it out at the link below for the latest on community questions, new NFTs and more!

Join us this Friday, July 19th for the next bi-weekly Town Hall, just before the Harvest Pie Hoedown competition ends. We’ll be streaming live at 8am PT– If you have questions, you can submit them now at THIS FORM.

Harvest Pie Hoedown!

Start: 10am PT on Tuesday, July 16th

End: 10am PT on Friday, July 19th

This week’s meta is all about the scrumptious Fruit Pie, packed with Blueberries, Apples, Strawberries, Sugar and Dough. With all the farmers pitching in, it’s a berry good time for a bountiful harvest!

Goal: Sell Fruit Pies

Trade Time: 60s & 1 Gasoline

Biome: Plains S

Edges: River N, River E, Plans S, and Ocean W


In addition to the standard $GALA leaderboard rewards, it’s a Blueprint Week, your chance to pick up the new Crafty Candy Shop Blueprint!

Blueprint: Crafty Candy Shop

Owning the Crafty Candy Shop Blueprint will reduce craft times for all crafts in the Candy Shop, as well as Lolli and Pop Shop NFTs. Boosts vary based on Blueprint rarity:

Luxury – 20% craft time boost

Platinum – 18% craft time boost

Legendary – 16% craft time boost

Epic – 14% craft time boost

Rare – 12% craft time boost

Uncommon – 10% craft time boost

New Crops & Crafts

This week we’re introducing a new crop and two new crafts to make way for those delicious Harvest Pies!

Blueberry Field

Build Cost: $ 900
Affected by: Dirty and Salty


Cash: $300
Stars: 1
Ingredients: 3 Water
Made in: Blueberry Field
Stored in: Silo
Craft Time: 60, 120, 240, 480s
Affected by: Dirty & Salty

Fruit Pie 

Cash: $43,850
Stars: 520 (meta value this week is 50,000)
Ingredients: 1 Dough, 2 Apple, 3 Strawberry, 4 Blueberry, 1 Sugar
Made in: Cakery
Stored in: Storehouse
Craft time: 40s
Affected by: Nothing

💰 Cash Boosts

Flour: $2000 👉 $ 6000

⭐ Star Boosts

Fruit Pie: 520 👉 50k

New NFT –Blueberry Stand

Dropped on Friday, July 12th, this market stand gives passive Blueberry to surrounding buildings in a large area (3-2-1 passive Blueberries).

Price: $199.90
Supply: 200

Get your Rare Blueberry Stand now


When using offline mode you must log back in before the event ends to make fast forward happen. It is run by your computer currently, and if you do not load the game back up, fast forward will not take place.

If you use Fast Forward, check in often. The longer you stay offline, the longer it takes to bring your town up to date.

Always make sure the game is the ONLY TAB in the browser on which it’s running.

Don’t fully cover the browser window with another window or program if you are actively playing. If you do, make sure to relaunch the game before trying to play again.

Litepaper Feedback

The team is still taking feedback on the litepaper released a few weeks ago. 

Everyone is welcome to submit feedback through this form.

Don’t forget to join the Discord community for all the latest discussion and Common Ground World updates!

Good luck with your towns this week. May your Fruit Pies be the sweetest in the land!

Play Common Ground World now

Scream for Chocolate Ice Cream | Common Ground World Weekly

Scream for Chocolate Ice Cream | Common Ground World Weekly

Play Common Ground World

Did you catch the awesome Common Ground World Town Hall from last Friday, July 5th! It was a good one. Watch the replay now 👇 and don’t miss the next live Town Hall on July 19th at 8am PT!

Weekly Competition for Chocoholics

The new competition this week is all about crafting Chocolate Ice Cream from delicious farm fresh ingredients homegrown in your town.

For a complete rundown of the weekly competition and all the latest announcements, check out this post in the Gala Games Discord community!

Chocolate Chill

 Sell as much Chocolate Ice Cream as you can in the new competition that starts tomorrow (Tuesday, July 9th) at 10am PT and runs until Friday July 12th at 10am PT!

Trade Time: 20s and 1 Gasoline

Biome: Desert W

Edges: Desert N, Ocean E, River S, Desert W

New Building

Use the new Ice Cream Parlor to craft your frozen goodies and take home the prizes!

New Crafts

Before you can make your delicious Chocolate Ice Cream, make sure you have an Ice Cream Cone to serve it in!

Cash = $18,500
Stars = 227
Ingredients = 1 Sugar, 3 Corn Starch, 2 Egg, 1 Milk
Made in Bakery
Stored in Storehouse
Craft time: 40s
Affected by: Nothing

Get ready to craft the richest and most delectable chocolate ice cream in town… with Chocolate Ice Cream!

Cash = $125,000
Stars = 8448
Ingredients = 1 Ice Cream Cone, 2 Ice Block, 2 Salt, 1 Milk, 1 Chocolate Bar
Made in Ice Cream Parlor
Stored in Storehouse
Craft time: 960s (with 0 Cold), 480s, 240s, 120s (with 3 Cold)
Affected by: Cold

💲Cash Boosts

Sugar: $2300 👉 $6000
Ice Block: $4500 👉 $12,000

⭐Star Boost

Chocolate Ice Cream Cone: 50K

New NFT Sales

The following new items are currently available while supplies last!

Rare Ice Cream Parlor

Cool down with this Ice Cream Parlor (Rare)! This delightful Shop keeps your Ice Cream Scooper moving at double speed, and comes fully stocked with its own supply of cones. No need to fetch—just scoop and serve the sweetest treats in Town!

Buy Rare Ice Cream Parlor now

Stars and Stripes Monument

Celebrate the Independence of the United States with this monument lowering the labor and building cost for the whole town while also removing 1 Shade from a large area around it. This NFT’s cost reduction bonus is not stackable with itself.

Get your Stars and Stripes Monument now

Stay Cool with Common Ground World

This week is a perfect time to enjoy a cool treat while making the most of your Common Ground World build in the weekly competition. And if you’ve never played Common Ground World before, this is a great time to get started on the amazing strategy game that brings regenerative agriculture to life with a chance to win some real $GALA rewards!

No download is needed. You can start playing now right in your browser with a free Gala Games account!

Play Common Ground World now