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Get Ready for Frank Miller Commemorative NFT Drops!

Get Ready for Frank Miller Commemorative NFT Drops!

“It’s time to prove to your friends that you’re worth a damn.”
-Sin City

Thirty years ago, iconic artist and writer Frank Miller created the neo-noir crime thriller series of graphic novels, Sin City, which broke down barriers and captured the comic world’s imagination. The raw and brutal humanity of Miller’s noir heroes made them relatable on a level that few artists in the space have ever reached.

The stories first appeared in April of 1991, as part of Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special, and over the following year they were released as 13 serial installments with intertwining characters and storylines. Many of us will never forget the gritty and hard-hitting fictional events of Basin City, which became the setting for some of our darkest dreams.

In 2005, Frank Miller teamed up with award-winning filmmaker Robert Rodriguez (of From Dusk Till Dawn and the El Mariachi series), to bring Sin City to life in a visual masterpiece of a film. Sin City became an instant classic.

As announced in April of this year with THIS POST, Gala Games has teamed up with the legendary creator himself, along with world renowned art studio Concept Art House, to bring the world an exquisite collectible series of limited edition NFTs to commemorate 30 years of Sin City.

After months of preparation, these historic NFT drops are finally slated to begin next week and the Gala Games team is star struck. The collectibles are absolutely beautiful, capturing all the noir excitement of Frank Miller’s original works of art and exploding into a new medium that profoundly says to the world, “these stories will live forever.”

When a real life hero of collectibles and creativity like Frank Miller acknowledges the paradigm shift at hand and affirms the power of digital collectibles, it makes a statement to the world almost as powerful as Miller’s sledgehammer storytelling and breathtaking art.

Check out the upcoming NFT drops now at Some will be limited in quantity, while others will be available only for a limited time. Still others will be so rare and unique that only a single edition will ever be owned. 

Sign up now at

Founder’s Node Pricing Update

Founder’s Node Pricing Update

To say that the Gala Games ecosystem has been growing by leaps and bounds may be the understatement of the year. Over the last several months, records have been consistently broken, increasingly higher goals have been set, and major worldwide traction has been gained.

With our Founder’s Nodes, we are building the world’s largest decentralized gaming network and essentially redefining the industry. Another word for “decentralized” is “distributed,” and an important part of our node network mission is effective distribution. We want as many dedicated gamers as possible to own licenses and operate Founder’s Nodes, not only for the ongoing rewards they will receive, but for the love of gaming and an honest desire to change the world.

New Pricing Increase Model

As many of you know, Gala Games Founder’s Nodes have always been set to increase in price at the rate of $100 for every 100 node licenses sold (each tier).

Beginning on October 1st (00:00 UTC), each new tier will trigger a $500 price increase instead of $100.

For example, if the current tier has node licenses priced at $17,000, the next tier’s pricing will be $17,500 per node license.

Under this new tier pricing system, node licenses will be capped at a price of $100,000 per node when the final Founder’s Node licenses are sold.

Nodes in Gala Only

In addition to this, we are also going to be moving forward with making the purchase of nodes available in GALA only. We have discussed making this change, ecosystem wide, but we will begin testing with the nodes. This is tentatively scheduled for October 1st, but this will be confirmed closer to the date.

Thank You

We are beyond appreciative to you all for being part of this ecosystem, and of course we will continue to grow, doing our absolute best to revolutionize gaming as you know it. We will always welcome your honest feedback and creative ideas, and we look forward to creating value for this ecosystem for many years to come.

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, including new games and new ways to play and earn! Make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!

Hackathon Finalists

Hackathon Finalists

With all the exciting growth and nonstop action of the last several months throughout the Gala Games ecosystem, time has flown right by. In a flood of new players, new projects and new possibilities, we nearly overlooked an important decision still waiting to be made. The original $10,000 GalaCon Hackathon has three finalists remaining. Initially, this was intended to be in a video interview format, but due to a recording error we needed to revert to a text-based interview. Originally, there were four finalists but one did not reply after repeated contact attempts.

Now as we look forward to our huge live event, GalaCon, it’s time to make a choice that will award one of these promising projects with $10,000 toward the development of their game. Please note that the winner of this Hackathon is NOT being added to the Gala Games platform in any way, nor will they be branded as a Gala Games game.

The winner will receive a $10k grant to use on further creation and development of their game.

You’ll find more in-depth rundowns on both of these games at THIS POST from March of this year.

Over the Water

Castaway: a Pirate Survival MMORPG

The first of the two finalists was introduced back in late March as Untitled Pirate Game. This MMORPG is being created by a small team (currently just 3 people) with great ambitions to become an incredible open world adventure of exploration.

Questionnaire Answers

When did you first begin exploring this idea?

November 2020

What are your most crucial development goals that are currently being held up by lack of funding?

Additional Developers for the game, assets, and music.

Does your game have the potential to appeal to massive audiences?

Most definitely, the game has a genre that is massive. (MMORPG Survival)

On a percentage scale, how complete is your game?


What is your mission statement?

Create the games today that will live to see the future.

How will your game empower the players of the world in a new way?

It will listen to the players and make sure it knows its community. Without the players there is no game. We want to focus on developing the game around the community.

Is there anything we should know about your background or experience that would make the Gala Games ecosystem more inclined to choose your project?

I have managed crypto projects before so I am not completely new to the scene. I also am a Management Information Systems major, and have been running game servers for over 10 years. I also have experience in Unreal Engine and Agile Scrum project management to get this project done.

Under the Water


The second of the two finalists is the science fiction adventure game of underwater mining, exploration and conquest. Aquathereum has been in the works for years and has a larger team of 7.

Questionnaire Answers

When did you first begin exploring this idea?

5 years ago

What are your most crucial development goals that are currently being held up by lack of funding?

None, I’m financing it myself, but I would consider to share game to get to Gala player base and advertisement

Does your game have the potential to appeal to massive audiences?

I can include last trailer that will render this question mute

On a percentage scale, how complete is your game?


What is your mission statement?

Multiverse chain of games built on Unreal 5 engine

How will your game empower the players of the world in a new way?

Play to earn + immersive game play that will lead to VR if tech will be good enough

Is there anything we should know about your background or experience that would make the Gala Games ecosystem more inclined to choose your project?

no answer


The third finalist is an incredibly unique and compelling idea that puts the player into the driver’s seat of anything and everything on the planet (and beyond). Experience control of everything around you in Possession. The idea and game is currently being developed by a single person, with a handful more ready to join once more funding is available.

Questionnaire Answers

When did you first begin exploring this idea?

Around 3 years ago now

What are your most crucial development goals that are currently being held up by lack of funding?

A PC capable of developing the game.

Does your game have the potential to appeal to massive audiences?

It does, there will be many gameplay styles to choose from, whether you’re a fan of stealth, combat, survival, exploration, story, freedom, you will have something to sink your teeth into.

On a percentage scale, how complete is your game?


What is your mission statement?

To redefine the way people play games, to give players a choice to play exactly how they want, be it playing as a creature, or a human, or simply the entity itself.

How will your game empower the players of the world in a new way?

I believe the story and setting of the game will certainly empower players, they will see the physical world and spiritual world conjoined in a way that has never been done in a game before, this will help to open minds and give people new perspectives on life and the world around us.

Is there anything we should know about your background or experience that would make the Gala Games ecosystem more inclined to choose your project?

I am an extremely passionate individual, and will not rest until I have brought this game to the people in the way that I envision. I have amazing ideas that will not only benefit Possession, but also games following it if the first is successful, Possession will take place mainly on Earth, but if there were to be a second the story and setting would be expanded to continue the Entity’s journey beyond our world. I also have ideas for the Possession IP that would be perfect for the NFT scene within the Gala Ecosystem. I’m a gamer of 31 years and it’s about time I return the years of enjoyment I’ve had from the industry by adding to the industry with my own touch, and what better place to do that than with the one company that’s actually making a real difference?

That’s about it folks! We don’t have any more information than you do, and now it’s time to vote for a winner! Remember that this is not a free pass onto the Gala Games platform, just a great financial boost for a hardworking indie game developer. Help us decide!

To Vote

This is a Discord vote by emoji situation. Locate the most recent pinned post in the #Announcements channel of the Gala Games Discord Community and cast your vote using the designated emoji reactions.

Voting will be open until Friday, September 10th, at which point the post will be unpinned and a winner will be chosen!

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord and get ready for more incredible news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!

The Gala Games Store — Remodeled

The Gala Games Store — Remodeled

As many of our followers have already noticed, some major updates to the Gala Games store recently went live.

Picture the old man that runs a small town grocery store. His merchandising isn’t the best and his street sign may be falling apart. He doesn’t care much, because everybody knows where to get the groceries. He figures that sales will be the same whether or not he makes cosmetic updates. He may be right.

That’s not us. Gala Games is a data driven company with none of the inconveniences of a physical location and all the customization benefits of a 21st century internet business. There are billions of gamers in the world and we intend to reach them effectively. We have a team hard at work full time on not only sharing our offerings, but doing so in the most visually compelling, convenient and easy-to-understand ways possible. Led by Nina Desai, our Director of UX, this team analyzes data and always makes positive changes as we continue to grow. This store page remodel is the perfect example of a streamlined user experience, responding to months of feedback and taking positive action.

New homepage carousel!

User experience is incredibly important to us, especially as a blockchain gaming company. Many other blockchain projects and games come with a nightmarish user experience that can easily turn anyone without extensive blockchain knowledge away. At Gala Games, we think blockchain aspects should be nicely hidden behind a curtain, allowing for web3 functionality with a comfortable and convenient web2 user experience. In other words, blockchain games will find mass adoption when they are no longer called “blockchain games” but simply “games.”

A Look at the New Store

  • A centralized place to view everything — Rather than having to visit a different “store” for each game, all NFT assets can now be found on a single STORE PAGE.
  • Filter tools — Now you can look for items based on rarity, price, type, or availability.
  • A search option — This allows you to quickly locate any item in the store, searching by name.
  • Recent drops on the homepage — The homepage has also been redesigned, with a new carousel slideshow at the top and some new organization, including links to the most recent NFT drops from all projects.
  • Game info and screenshots — On each product page, you’ll now find information about the item and the game, including screenshot and links. There is also a category below showing the most similar NFT items currently available.

Building to Last

Our team has been handpicked from the most skilled and experienced gaming industry experts in the world. With hundreds of years combined gaming experience, the Gala Games team knows how to create and deliver products built to last, and built to attract millions.

I believe user experience design will ultimately determine how widespread adoption of blockchain technology is. My goal is always to make sure someone with limited knowledge or experience is able to play our games and use our products. But that can’t be at the expense of being transparent with the technical framework blockchain enthusiasts are so passionate about. So it’s always a balancing act- I find that the more we focus on our game art and mechanics, the better we can reach the widest population of players.

  • Nina Desai
    Director of UX

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord community and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Join at Gala.Games!

VOX: A New Type of Drop and the Gala Games Promise

VOX: A New Type of Drop and the Gala Games Promise

Gala Games has made a name for itself doing things differently. From the perspective of mainstream gaming, we have differentiated ourselves by asking what would happen if people were able to actually OWN their in-game assets. From a blockchain perspective, we have gone in new directions again and again. Often, people have gotten quite salty with some of what we have done, but we just keep on working and innovating. This is not going to change.

Tuesday’s VOX drop was very much a return to purist NFT-tech or the ERC-721 as an homage to the NFT greats in the world…the CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties of NFT history. However, while the pure form was retained, Ethereum showed that it was not quite as well suited for this type of sale as it once was. Additionally, several factors, such as verifying the contract and revealing it beforehand (which was designed to allow the community to see the contract first), creating opportunities for people to jump to the front of the line and sidestep some of the protections we had put in place to serve the community.

The whole drop sold out in 8 minutes, which is a massive success. However, it left a LOT of people out in the cold who wanted to get their hands on some VOX goodness, but were unable to get any.

In the past, we had other drops, such as the Potions for Mirandus, which sold out in minutes as well. While we had only intended to sell 50% of the potions, we filled orders with the remaining 50% and refunded other orders. We have made a reputation for always doing our best to serve the community. A project is nothing without the community behind it, and we want to make sure that the community understands that we know the vital role they play in growing the world’s largest decentralized gaming ecosystem.

So, with this in mind, we would like to address the pain many felt as their VOX transactions failed or got crowded out. It is no surprise that there will be another VOX series focused around Mirandus, so what we have decided to do is this: For each failed transaction that hit the VOX contract, we will be tallying the amount of ETH spent in gas fees and dropping ERC-1155 tickets that will be worth one VOX in the Mirandus VOX drop. This means that users can share these tickets, give them as gifts, or sell them on the open market. In the days before the Mirandus VOX drop, a snapshot will be taken of these ERC-1155 tickets, and the address holding those tickets will be whitelisted for that number of Mirandus VOX. While these VOX will be free, users will still need to pay the ETH gas to operate the contract. However, they will be able to do so before the contract opens for sale to the general public via a smart contract whitelist. Additionally, some of these ERC-1155 tokens will be dropped to the Gala Games Node Ecosystem.

The average cost of a VOX + gas was about $750…but we feel that is a bit high. So, if you had a failed transaction that was initiated before the VOX sold out and confirmed within 24 hours of the drop, you will receive one ticket for each $400 (or portion thereof) in gas fees spent on transactions from the moment the contract opened for minting. For example, if a particular wallet attempted to purchase and spent $1950 in gas fees, they would receive 5 tickets while a user wallet that spent $350 in gas in an unsuccessful transaction would receive one ticket. These numbers are in aggregate per address, not per transaction.

These tickets will be tradeable, and will be captured in a snapshot at a future date before the VOX Mirandus drop.

Note on Cancelled Transactions: If you had a cancelled transaction, you can also be included for the gas fee for the replacement transaction. However, you MUST fill out the “VOX Cancelled Transaction Form.” Please fill this out even if you have filled out the previous form. We have no way to see your cancelled transactions unless you tell us, so you MUST fill out the form.

We recognize that this isn’t the perfect solution that everyone wanted, but it at least addresses the lost gas fees on failed transactions. We are moving forward on process improvements in the future.

Thank you for being here and being an awesome community! We look forward to many years of working together to advance the decentralization of gaming!