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FASTR — A Proposal

FASTR — A Proposal

As part of the Gala Games strategy to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the blockchain space while also supporting grassroots indie game development studios, we are happy to present for your consideration the next game to join our ecosystem: FASTR!

Over the past weeks, many of you have had the opportunity to play FASTR, teaming up against one another and experiencing a truly early-alpha experience.

Project Name: FASTR

Game Developer: Melbourne Interactive Studios (MI Studios)

Genre: 5v5 Tactical First Person Shooter

Node Drop Mechanism: Up to 8.5% of all NFTs/Tokens Dropped to Node Operators based on the number of nodes online (More Nodes = Heavier Drops)

While no token is currently planned, in the event that a token is developed for FASTR, Node Operators would also receive a drop of this native token. In this event, there would also be a pool set aside for the future development of game specific nodes, though this will in no way impact the Founder’s Node reward pool in a negative way.

Release Date: Alpha early access release estimated to be early Q2–2022

Description: Welcome to FASTR, choose your operator and jump into objective based tactical action. FASTR is aiming to be the first competitive first person shooter available on the Gala Games Network. Each operator offers new ways to play and approach the battlefield with communication and teamwork as the key to a successful mission. Tap into your arsenal and handle a wide range of weapons and attachments to rain hellfire on your foes! FASTR features beautifully rendered maps with immersive and interactive elements, built from both painstakingly handcrafted assets and real world photogrammetry.

Part of the warehouse beta test map from FASTR
New Freight map (in development).

Conservatorship Funding

FASTR will become the first game put up for vote to be funded from the Gala Games Conservatorship funds. This process will be done by Founder’s Node owners using consensus voting that will determine if funds can be released to the developers.

Regardless of the outcome, the significance of this vote will help pave the way for grassroot indie game development studios to receive funding to complete their games all while being done in a decentralized manner.

Potential Voting Options

Question: Should FASTR be funded $1m USD from the Gala Games $100m Game Development Fund and be given an opportunity to be included in the Gala Games Ecosystem?

  • YES — A vote for funding FASTR and including it in the Gala Games Ecosystem
  • NO — A vote against funding and including FASTR in the Gala Games Ecosystem
  • ABSTAIN — A vote showing no preference

To Vote: Open your Gala Game Node Software (PC/Mac) and click on the “Voting” tab

Voting Duration: The Node Vote will run from 12pm PT on Sunday, October 31st 2021 until 11:59 AM PT on Monday, November 1st 2021.

Requirement to Pass: Simple Majority of Votes Cast

Node 2.0 Pre-Proposal: A Revision (aka Power to the People)

Node 2.0 Pre-Proposal: A Revision (aka Power to the People)

In the time since the Pre-Proposal on Node Rewards was released, there has been a great deal of discussion in our Discord and in person about exactly how to best structure the network so that it is resilient, highly functional, and serves the needs of the games that are coming to the Gala Games platform. While a great deal of calculation went into the initial proposal, we were contacted by quite a few people who said that their ability to produce content in support of the network would be negatively impacted by the structure of the pre-proposal. We decided that the best thing to do was present the full array of choices to the node network and allow YOU, the node operators, to choose how the rewards structure will work.

The one thing which is non-negotiable is that the IPFS version of the nodes is going to be required for the future growth of the network. This means that the nodes will have somewhat higher requirements but can still easily be operated on a home computer without special hardware requirements beyond what a basic computer would have.

There are essentially four different levers on which node operators will be able to vote:

Question: If every six hours results in one point in the daily distribution, how much should each subsequent six hours of stable connectivity be worth?

  • 0 points — You get nothing extra for providing more services (Maximum points in any 24 period for one node: 1 point)
  • .5 points — You get something, but not as much as you received for the initial six hours of uptime (Maximum points in any 24 period for one node: 2.5 points)
  • 1 point — Six hours is six hours and a node operator should be rewarded for each six hours they are supporting the network. (Maximum points in any 24 period for one node: 4 points)
  • 1.5 points — Node operators should be incentivized to continue providing stable connections beyond the initial minimum. (Maximum points in any 24 period for one node: 5.5 points)

Question: How much of a one-time referral bonus do you believe is fair for referring a node purchaser to the Gala Node Ecosystem?

  • 0 points — You get nothing extra for referring a new node operator
  • 5 points — You get something, but less than the current structure
  • 10 points — You receive a bonus in points which is similar to the current structure
  • 15 points — You believe that one-time referrals are essential to growing the ecosystem

Question: How much of an ongoing referral bonus do you believe is fair for referring a node purchaser to the Gala Node Ecosystem?

(Note: these figures are expressed as a % of the rewards received by a node operator)

  • 0% — You get nothing extra for referring a new node operator
  • 5% — You get something, but less than the current structure
  • 10% — You receive a bonus in points which is similar to the current structure
  • 15% — You believe that ongoing referral bonuses are essential to growing the ecosystem

Question: If the node operators elect to continue the long-term ongoing referral bonuses, how many levels deep should this bonus extend?

  • 1 level (Less than they extend currently — to direct referrals only)
  • 2 levels (The same distance as they currently extend — to referrals of referrals)
  • 3 levels (One more level than they currently extend — to referrals of referrals of referrals)

There may be several more options, but these are the basic points node operators will be able to vote on. These options are currently being explored by our statistics and economics teams. Prior to a vote, a more in-depth post will be shared with the community showing these findings and sharing some backtracked analytics to see what the network would look like with these various settings in play. We will also actively engage with the community to learn their thoughts on the broader issues, hosting several AMAs and panels of community members to discuss these options. Stay tuned for a lot more news, debate, and discussion on these points!

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord ( and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!

Into the Galaverse

Into the Galaverse

Anyone who has been around the Gala Games ecosystem for more than a few days has undoubtedly heard of the big event the company is planning in Las Vegas for December 11th, 12th and 13th… Into the Galaverse.


About the Galaverse

Gala Games is leaving the conventional aspects of the convention behind, creating something incredible and unique with this epic in-person event. There will be a variety of worlds to explore, creatively built from the concepts of your favorite Gala Games titles. There will be early access releases, VIP entertainment, wining and dining and more. You’ll get the latest news of exciting things to come and even some sneak peaks of things further down the road. There will be gifts and prizes. Most importantly, this is your opportunity to personally meet members of the Gala Games team.

Galaverse Tickets

Passes will be sold starting on Sunday, October 10th. They will be sold through the Gala Games store as blockchain NFTs in 3 different rarities.

These NFT passes will not have any future utility outside of representing admission to a day of the into the galaverse event, but they will always belong to you as a unique collectible reminder of the incredible time you had at the first Galaverse event.

Passes will be sold on a per-day basis, with a limited quantity available for each day and rarity. While we will not yet reveal the prices for these tickets, the availability of each rarity is listed below.

Epic — 660 tickets (330 Saturday, 330 Sunday)
Legendary — 60 Tickets (30 Saturday, 30 Sunday)
Ancient —20 Tickets (10 Saturday, 10Sunday)

Each of these single day tickets also comes with a live stream access pass to Monday’s virtual event.

Node Dropped Tickets

As with every new NFT introduced into the Gala Games ecosystem, a portion of these tickets will be dropped to lucky node operators. We understand that every node operator who receives a dropped ticket may not be able to join us in Las Vegas this December, but we sincerely hope that you can. These tickets will not be valid for secondary market sales.

30 Rare Tickets will be dropped to node operators.

We can’t wait to see you in Las Vegas on December 11th and 12th!


Wemade Tree and Gala Games Sign MOU

Wemade Tree and Gala Games Sign MOU

Wemade Tree, the blockchain subsidiary of massive Korea-based gaming company Wemade, and Gala Games (Gala.Games), the fastest growing blockchain gaming platform in the world, have signed an MOU, agreeing to work together on current and future projects designed to promote worldwide growth and awareness of blockchain gaming. Using its WEMIX blockchain platform ( which currently boasts the acclaimed Mir 4 Global and several other gaming titles that are popular throughout the world, Wemade Tree now plans to work together with Gala Games through cross-functional in-game items, NFTs and more.

The MOU of these two successful blockchain projects includes plans to integrate cross-utilization of in-game items on both platforms (WEMIX and Gala Games), and collaboration in non-fungible token (NFT) business development. Additionally, the two companies will work together to develop and run blockchain-backed games and cooperate on worldwide advancement of blockchain technology.

The joining of forces between these two companies has the potential to bring the empowerment of blockchain gaming to greater numbers of players worldwide than ever before. Both parties will work together in the near future to discuss the terms and conditions of these agreements, and both parties are confident that this cooperation will prove an incredible opportunity to reciprocally extend their reach throughout the world.

About Wemade

Wemade (KOSDAQ 112040) is a well-established game company with a global presence. Traditional businesses have revenue streams from game services and license fees for popular game titles (IP), including ChuanQi. Even though the game service itself is globally oriented, the current business environment is still very broken, relying on local players for publishing, marketing, and especially payment.

Using native platform tokens as a means of exchange opens up one truly global marketplace and enables borderless peer-to-peer transactions by connecting users from all over the world. This complements their existing business model as a global platform/service provider and provides more significant value to their game players.

Wemade Tree is a subsidiary of Wemade dedicated to the blockchain business. Wemade Tree will lead the blockchain space by leveraging the expertise and strength of the Wemade group.


WEMIX is a blockchain-based global game platform developed by Wemade Tree as its flagship blockchain game service division. WEMIX is a platform for gaming dApps that provides users with a wallet and marketplace for digital assets (fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens). WEMIX wants to foster a blockchain game ecosystem with the “experiential value” of users as its core.

About Gala Games

Gala Games, founded by Eric Schiermeyer (co-founder of Zynga), is building the largest decentralized network of gamers in the world. Using blockchain technology and employing a wealth of experience from the professional gaming industry, Gala Games aims to empower players through ownership, an economy of rewards, and an unmatched gaming experience. Learn more at Gala.Games.

Updates to Gala Games Inventory

Updates to Gala Games Inventory

The Gala Games team is making great strides toward completion of the in-house blockchain upon which this ecosystem will ultimately run: GalaChain.

We are incredibly excited about the progress being made, and we can hardly wait to bring you a long-term solution to unpredictable and irritating Ethereum network fees (gas), as well as a means of fast and nearly free transactions throughout the Gala Games ecosystem. The platform update described below is an important step in transitioning the user experience from minting items from a Treasure Chest to transferring items from GalaChain to Ethereum, where they can be withdrawn and traded externally.

This update has already taken place, and is designed to shift your understanding of the characteristics and differences of items/tokens in Treasure Chests and Inventory. Treasure Chests will eventually be phased out, and their function is now covered by an Inventory section called GalaChain Inventory.

“Treasure Chest” Inventory will now be managed through Inventory

What Happens to the Treasure Chest?

What Gala Gamers have come to know as the Treasure Chest will (in the not-too-distant future) become known as GalaChain, an entire blockchain. GalaChain will not be limited to the functions of the Treasure Chest, but everything the Treasure Chest currently does will eventually become an example of a GalaChain function.

When an item or token is awarded to a player’s GalaChain Wallet, it will be minted on GalaChain. Similarly to the way items are currently “minted” from the Treasure Chest, items and tokens will have the ability to be transferred from your GalaChain Wallet to your Ethereum Wallet. When this export happens, you will still be required to pay gas fees, just as you currently do when items are minted from the Treasure Chest.

This is what players will see when converting GALA [GC] to GALA [ETH]

Once GalaChain is released (several months from now), players will be able to not only transfer items or convert tokens from GalaChain to ETH, but also send items/tokens to other players’ GalaChain Inventories. Remember that GalaChain will be a completely separate blockchain where items and coins are minted.

Notice ETH-based GALA and GalaChain-based GALA

Hopefully this update helps everyone (noobs and veterans alike) understand the process that we are working toward as our development team works hard on GalaChain, a real Gala Game-changer!

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, including new games and new ways to play and earn! Make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!