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Pass the Discounts Please! Gala Black Friday Deals and Specials

Pass the Discounts Please! Gala Black Friday Deals and Specials

Pass the Discounts, Please! Gala Black Friday Deals and Specials

Another year and so much to be thankful for. As we head into the last weeks of 2024, we wanted to offer a slew of awesome deals for you, our amazing Gala community, to enjoy!

There’s a lot going on, but below we’ll outline all the doorbusters (no, that’s not right. Screenbusters? 🤔) coming to you and how you can get the most out of your budget this Black Friday!

Champions Arena

Champions Arena is an epic mobile RPG battle game from Gala Games!

Bonus Gems from packs: Gem Pack VI and Gem Pack VII will reward double gems on purchase for a limited time!

This bonus is limited to one purchase per account for each pack.

Magic Stone Bundle: 30% off within the in-app store!

BONUS: Purchase at least $500 of items within Champions Arena between November 26th at 6pm PT and December 9th at 6pm PT and get the following as a bonus after the event!

Legendary Jia (non-NFT), Legendary Champion Box and a Legendary Equipment Box!

Special Limited Burn Sale: 10 Legendary Devi & Stan for sale on the Gala Store. All $GALA spent for these items will be burnt, which will qualify the buyer for extra tickets in the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes!


In Mirandus we’re rolling out two brand new in-game pets! The Pet Hawk and Pet Phoenix will be available this weekend for the first time, and they’ll both be listed at a temporary 10% discount! These discounts will kick in pm Wednesday, November 27th at 11am PT and run through Monday, December 3rd at 11am PT!

All $GALA used to purchase items for Mirandus is burned, meaning you’ll end up with extra tickets for the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes!

Eternal Paradox

Grants and Emblems: From Wednesday, November 27th at 6pm PT to Monday, December 3rd at 6pm PT Land Grants and Immortal Emblems will be discounted 40% in the Gala Games Store.

Discount Coupons: On Wednesday. November 26th at 6pm PT, all players will receive a 30% discount coupon for in-app purchases with gems.On November 27th at 6pm PT, all players will receive another 50% off coupon.  These will both be usable for 24 hours from when they are received only!

Discounted $GALA options: From Wednesday, November 27th at 6pm PT to Monday, December 3rd at 6pm, some of the biggest items in the Eternal Paradox Store will have $GALA temporarily added as a payment option, with a 70% discount for any purchases made with $GALA!

  • Mercenary Tome: Miraculous
  • Mercenary Tome: Sea’s Call
  • Fortress of the Wild
  • Ancient 7* Torsten (Wind Type)
  • Ancient 7* Ava (Fire Type)
  • Mercenary Tome: Nature’s Fury

Common Ground World

The Common Ground World Litepaper shares the details of CGW's web3 vision for the future!

From Wednesday, November 27th to Tuesday, December 3rd, four of the biggest fan-favorite NFTs will be discounted 30% with any available payment method to celebrate!

  • Specialty Coffee Cart
  • Sand Castle
  • Crystal Sanctum
  • Boxing Facility (Epic)

All $GALA used to purchase items for Common Ground World is burned, meaning you’ll end up with extra tickets for the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes!


Gala Games' VOX is now VEXI - same edgy attitude, new name, new game.

VEXI has a load of new festive costumes and ProtoVEXI marked down for the holiday season! The following packages will be available for a 30% discount

  • Cobber Costume and VEXI Bundle
  • Gobbles Costume and VEXI Bundle
  • Stuffles Costume and VEXI Bundle
  • The GOAT Costume and VEXI Bundle

In addition to the above sweet deals, there will be a 50% discount on a special ‘Get Them All VEXI Box’ that will get you all the newest super-festive skins!

All $GALA used to purchase items for VEXI is burned, meaning you’ll end up with extra tickets for the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes!

Gala Film

All Moment Packs will be temporarily discounted 16.21% from their original price.

Crack open a moment pack at a discount and let the popcorn pile before the upcoming $FILM launch!

Tapper Games

Protecting yourself from stealing will be extra sweet in Dogs for the Founder. Protect your Coins at a 67% Discount for a limited time!

Dogs for the Founder, Music Coin and Treasure Tapper will all have extra, Premium Quests. Purchase to tap into extra passive Coin gain every hour!

DFTF and Music Coin temporary Premium Quests
Treasure Tapper new Premium Quest at discounted price

All $GALA used to purchase items for any of our tapper games is burned, meaning you’ll end up with extra tickets for the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes!

Gala Games of Chance – The Path to Transparency

Gala Games of Chance – The Path to Transparency

At GalaChain, we have always believed in fostering trust and fairness at every level. As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, we’re thrilled to unveil our vision for the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes.

This is much more than the most exciting new way to earn $GALA; it’s a crucial step in our ecosystem’s journey toward a fully transparent and verifiable random number generation (RNG) process,  built on GalaChain and powered by Gala Games Founder’s Nodes.

The First Few Drawings

To kick off the Epic $GALA Sweepstakes, the initial draws will use a 32-byte seed generation process to ensure fairness and accuracy. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. Seed Generation Before Entries Open: Before any entries are accepted, a 32-byte seed will be randomly generated.
  2. Hash Transparency: The hash of this seed will be made publicly available at , ensuring transparency from the outset.
  3. Seed Reveal After the Draw Ends: Once the drawing ends, the unhashed seed will be revealed and can be viewed by anyone at .
  4. Verification: Using both the hashed and unhashed seed, users can validate that the seed and hash match, using the code included below. This will allow users to generate the winning numbers themselves, compare them with the official results, and confirm that the numbers were predetermined and not altered after entries were accepted.

Verify Code 👇

import Provable from 'provable';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const seedHash = process.argv[2];
const seed = process.argv[3];

if (!seedHash || !seed) {
  console.log(`Usage: ${process.argv[0]} ${process.argv[1]} <seedHash> <seed>`);

function verifyHash(seedHash, seed) {
  const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(seed).digest('hex');
  if (hash === seedHash) {
    console.log('Seed and seed hash match');
  } else {
    throw new Error('Seed and seed hash do not match');

function calculateWinningNumbers(seed) {
  function getUniqueOutputs(numOutputs, generator) {
    const outputsSet = new Set();
    while (outputsSet.size < numOutputs) {
      const next = generator();
    return Array.from(outputsSet);

  const winningNumberGenerator = Provable({
    count: 100,

  const winningNumbers = getUniqueOutputs(8, () => {
    const hash =;
    return (Provable.toInt(hash) % 99) + 1;
  }).sort((a, b) => a - b);

  console.log('The winning numbers are', winningNumbers);

verifyHash(seedHash, seed);

This approach ensures that the first few drawings are transparent, traceable and verifiable, setting the stage for a more advanced decentralized random number generator (RNG) that will be usable by creators throughout the growing GalaChain ecosystem.

The Goal: A Transparent Random Number Generator

Over the coming Sweepstakes drawings, we will roll out a revolutionary random number generator (RNG) powered by Gala’s 25,000 Founder’s Nodes and built on the robust infrastructure of GalaChain. This innovative system will transform how winners are selected, creating a process that’s not only fair but also fully verifiable by anyone in the community.

Here’s how it will work: 

  1. Generation of a Secret Hash: The process begins with the creation of a secret hash. This hash acts as the starting point for a decentralized, transparent chain of events.
  2. Conversations Between Nodes: The hash is passed through a chain of randomly selected Founder’s Nodes. These nodes communicate with one another, building a trail that’s visible and traceable on GalaChain.
  3. Combining Founder’s Node Addresses: The addresses of all participating nodes are combined to produce a single unique hash.
  4. Determining the Winning Number: This final hash is then used to determine a number between 1 and 100, which corresponds to the drawn number. In each Epic $GALA Sweepstakes drawing, 8 unique numbers are determined.

Why This Matters

With this system, every step of the draw process will be:

  • Decentralized, with no single entity controlling the outcome.
  • Transparent, where the chain of node interactions is open to verification by anyone.
  • Traceable, with every drawing able to be tracked back through GalaChain, ensuring complete fairness and accountability.

Looking Ahead

The path to transparency is a journey, and we’re excited to take it with you. While we will endeavor to provide what transparency we can in the first few draws, the rollout of our decentralized RNG will mark a significant milestone for not only the weekly Epic GALA Sweepstakes—but for the GalaChain ecosystem as a whole.

Stay tuned as we continue to innovate, delivering fairness and transparency in ways only GalaChain can.

Play Epic Gala Sweepstakes

Gala Games introduces weekly Sweepstakes prize drawing

Gala Games introduces weekly Sweepstakes prize drawing

The Gala Games team is excited to announce a weekly new chance for players to earn $GALA… Introducing Epic Gala Sweepstakes.

Each week as $GALA is burned throughout the GalaChain ecosystem, a portion of that $GALA (2%) will be spared and set aside, added to the current Epic Gala Sweepstakes prizes.

Whenever $GALA is spent on certain digital goods or used as a transactional fee, that $GALA is removed from $GALA’s current supply.

Here are a few examples of actions that cause $GALA to be burned (removed from supply):

  • Purchasing a first-party Gala Games item with $GALA
  • Paying $GALA as a transaction fee for redeeming, transferring or bridging tokens
  • Using $GALA in any of our Telegram mini-app tapper games
  • Creating or accepting a swap on GalaConnect
  • Making a Founder’s Node NFT transfer-ready

This new no-purchase-necessary game of chance will issue free tickets in the upcoming drawing to users whenever they burn $GALA or enter by mail.

Right now, for every 100 $GALA used in eligible ways, you’ll receive a free Epic Gala Sweepstakes Ticket with a chance to earn $GALA in the inaugural drawing. Additionally, anyone is welcome to take advantage of the free mail-in ticket option described in the Epic Gala Sweepstakes Terms & Conditions.

Get ready for Epic Gala Sweepstakes. 🔥🔥🔥

Use $GALA, Earn $GALA

This is an ongoing sweepstakes gaming event that allows players to pick their own numbers with each free ticket as each event progresses toward the drawing.

Each ticket is activated when its owner picks a set of numbers. At the event’s end, 8 numbers are drawn and entrants earn $GALA based on how many numbers they were able to match from the picked winners. Once the winning numbers are announced and the winners are paid out, it’s time to begin again with a new event!

Each weekly drawing will take place at 12pm PT on Wednesday. ⌚

Transparent Prize Drawings

The GalaChain team is excited to take this opportunity to create an important GalaChain application: A decentralized random number generator (RNG).

Fairness and transparency are paramount to an effective gamified giveaway system like this. It’s important for participants to know that the system’s integrity can be trusted and not tampered with.

For the first few drawings, Gala Games will employ a trusted third party RNG system for the selection and delivery of winning numbers, but shortly after launch, we expect to release a fully decentralized, GalaChain-based RNG system. More details about this upcoming system are coming soon in a Path to Transparency blog, which we will share with the community for feedback and discussion.

Ultimately, the team envisions a dedicated GalaChain node network with the purpose of powering on-chain RNG features for fairness, security and transparency in games of chance.

Basically, Epic Gala Sweepstakes is only the beginning.

The First Drawing

Starting immediately, every time you use $GALA in eligible ways you will automatically receive free Epic Gala Sweepstakes tickets at a rate of 100 $GALA = 1 Epic Gala Sweepstakes Ticket.

For the first drawing, the prizes will consist of 2% of all $GALA removed from circulating supply during the contest period, plus a special injection of 1 Million $GALA from the team. 

View the current Epic Gala Sweepstakes prizes

The first Epic Gala Sweepstakes drawing will be held on Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 at 12pm PT.

Maybe it’s time to level up your Gala Games NFT collection. 😎 With the items linked below, all the $GALA you spend counts toward free Epic Gala Sweepstakes Tickets! 👇


Important Details

  • All tickets are only valid for the next available drawing; unused tickets will expire and have no future utility.
  • No purchase is required to acquire a free ticket in each week’s Epic Gala Sweepstakes. Requirements for mail-in entries are available in the Terms & Conditions.
  • When tickets are submitted (numbers picked), the user incurs a transaction fee of 10 $GALA. Please note that $GALA spent on this fee is burned and therefore qualifies toward additional free tickets.
  • Prizes for each drawing will consist of a portion (2%) of the $GALA redeemed throughout the contest period, rollover prizes that were not won in previous drawings, and any $GALA that has been injected into the prizes at Gala Games’ discretion.

Not all platform purchases on Gala Games, Gala Music and Gala Film are eligible to accrue free Epic Gala Sweepstakes tickets – only those that cause $GALA to be removed from supply – A list of eligible Gala Games items is available HERE.

Good luck in the Epic Gala Sweepstakes!

Players are stashing more Coins than ever in Dogs for the Founder, preparing for $TREZ

Players are stashing more Coins than ever in Dogs for the Founder, preparing for $TREZ

Attention tapper dogs! 📢

Dog-gone are the days when your Stashes were limited by the size of your Vault. 😎 Introducing THE BIG STASH, making it possible to STASH more and to STASH MORE QUICKLY.

Play Dogs for the Founder

Why Stashing is Important

Thieves are always on the prowl in Dogs for the Founder. In fact, many would say the only thing easier than tapping and upgrading for easy rewards is taking rewards for others. We have players from across the globe in our free $TREZ tapper ecosystem, and there’s no way you can be vigilant enough around the clock to keep all those Coins safe on your own. 🥷 Trust us, there are plenty of other players out there who want what you have.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your future rewards safe from those sticky-pawed mutts! You can store your Coins in the Vault, but your Vault is capped and you’ll have to spend crucial Coins from your collection to upgrade its capacity.

Looking to secure a large amount of collected Coin rewards? Then the Gala Stash is your answer. Using the super-special encrypted web3 power of GalaChain, your stashed Coins will be kept safely away from anyone looking to steal from you! 

Unlike the Vault, your Gala Stash is as limitless as a decentralized network. Pay a teeny amount of $GALA and stash your Coins away.

The Big Stash

With this latest update, your Stashing actions are no longer limited by what you can store in the Vault. Previously, you could only stash as much (for 1 $GALA) as would fit in your Vault at its current level.

Now, thanks to the amazing BIG STASH feature, you can go beyond that limit as much as you’d like. This means you can stash more Coins than before in a fraction of the time.

No Limits, more rewards.

$TREZ is coming, so STASH BIG, big dogs! 🐶

Play Dogs for the Founder

Steal & Revenge Strategy Lands in Music Coin

Steal & Revenge Strategy Lands in Music Coin

As the road to $TREZ rewards continues with our growing ecosystem of Telegram mini app games, Music Coin has some awesome road trip jams sure to make your journey a memorable one.

While you’re tapping for future $TREZ rewards with Music Coin, don’t forget to listen to all the latest tracks from the world of decentralized music on Gala Music. Listen free, vote on what’s next and collect $MUSIC rewards for supporting the network.

Play Music Coin

The Sound of Strategy

Today, Music Coin has leveled up with an exciting new feature set that will keep you cheering. Every player can now STEAL Coins from unsuspecting fellow players who have been foolish enough to leave their stash unprotected.

Music Coin’s Stealing features work similarly to those in Dogs for the Founder, Treasure Tapper and Gala Meow Coin, offering each player a daily allowance of STEAL TOKENS that can be used to try their luck at swiping piles of Coins from other players.

Do not underestimate the Stealing ability, which has the potential to either make or break your Music Coin gameplay. If you make the most of this feature, millions of additional Coins each day could come pouring into your game, allowing you to upgrade your Quests, level up your Vault and most importantly, be ready for the big $TREZ TGE, which is getting closer and closer.

But be careful with what you’re keeping unprotected in the game, because other players can target you as well. But if you’re diligent and watching your notifications, you’ll always have a limited-time chance to get revenge on them, stealing Coins back!


More Steal Tokens

If you can’t get enough of that Coin-thieving action, you can use $GALA from your connected wallet to buy more Steal Tokens once you’ve expended your 3 free tokens for the day.

Vault Your Coins

It’s tough to watch your back when you’re wearing headphones, and these beats are too good to stop. Thankfully, the VAULT lets you hide away a limited amount of in-game Coins to keep them protected from thieves.

Everyone has access to a Vault of their own – Level yours up using in-game Coins so that it’s prepared to  keep even more coinage safe.


Extra Security with the Stash

If you’re too big-time for the Vault’s limitations, then the STASH is the protection feature for you. It’s like a blockchain-powered fortress for your coinage. It’s unlimited in its capacity, but you’ll have to spend 1 $GALA from your linked wallet every time you make a deposit into this perfectly secure facility.

Yep, when it comes to your Music Coins, you can put a price on peace of mind… It’s 1 $GALA. 😎 Stash as much as you want as often as you want, keeping it 100% safe from sticky-handed street corner buskers.

Get Tapping, Fam

What are you waiting for? Get out there and steal some coins from the loafers – You gotta make big moves if you want to make it big in the music industry. You gotta play the game.

Play Music Coin