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Alex Reborn 4: Heart of Vengeance

Alex Reborn 4: Heart of Vengeance

Thirteen years had passed since the flames of Izu consumed Alex’s world. Now a man of twenty, he bore the physical scars of his past. The wilderness had etched a feral resilience into his being, and now that he was no longer afraid to hold company, he was untouchable by the slings and arrows of ridicule. Within him still flickered the embers of hope for revenge, fueled by the memory of his fallen village and hardened by his love of firepower.

For the past four years, since the prophecy of the wizard Pyros (whom he had not encountered since), Alex had loyally carried the ancient shoulder cannon wherever he went. The shoulder cannon was an archaic weapon, wielded in days of giants, days in which men grew much taller and stronger than in Elysium today. His ability to shoulder the mighty weapon was uncanny, but its weight caused Alex’s back to hunch even further as the years went by. He welcomed these changes with good humor, knowing the cannon would be a part of him forever.

With his fears of people since defeated, Alex enjoyed traveling about, spending time with the inhabitants of various towns and villages throughout Elysium. With his cannon and firepower to protect him, he needed not even worry about the more perilous lands toward the center of the continent, where the Ring of Ruin exuded a strange and evil magic that produced nightmarish monsters. So Alex explored the lands looking for good company.

One evening he found a crowd in the bustling eastern tavern of Havenfall, nestled along the rugged coast, where he regaled the patrons with his outlandish tales, oblivious to the whispers of amusement that followed him.

But the evening’s merriment was all but shattered when a ragged and black-toothed sailor uttered a single phrase: Dark Sun. It was a name carved into Alex’s soul like a knife of fire, a name that awoke a dormant beast of rage within. Years of friendliness and genial composure crumbled, replaced by a primal fury that threatened to consume him. In a fit of confusion and rage, Alex nearly lit his cannon and set the entire place ablaze.

A seasoned sailor named William, with a handlebar mustache and a mighty anchor held as a weapon at his side, sensed the storm brewing within Alex. He left his place at the bar and quickly intervened, his voice a calming wave against the rising tide of anger in the young man. He took Alex aside, befriended him and listened to his tragic story, a tale of a lost village and a thirst for vengeance. William, seeing in Alex a reflection of his own past struggles, was moved with sympathy and camaraderie.

Together, they forged a plan. The sailor who had mentioned Dark Sun was a mate for Crimson Dawn, a notorious pirate crew rumored to be suppliers of gunpowder to the Dark Sun, became their target. Alex, with his imposing presence and shoulder cannon — an archaic relic from a forgotten age — and William, with his stoic strength and formidable anchor-axe, presented themselves as prospective mates for Crimson Dawn.

Their offer to join the crew was met with mixed reactions. The sight of Alex’s cannon intrigued the pirates, its power a tempting tool for their nefarious plans, but Alex’s wildness caused hesitation.

While the Crimson Dawn mates were unsure about Alex, William’s reputation as a skilled sailor and his calm demeanor spoke volumes for both of them. The crew, primarily from fear of treachery, decided to split them up. Alex, with his cannon, was granted immediate acceptance on the harbored ship’s crew. William, they declared, would have to prove his worth aboard another ship due to arrive within three days.

Disappointment flickered across Alex’s face, but William’s hand clasped his shoulder in a reassuring grip. “Remember our plan, brother,” he whispered, his voice a low rumble. “We will meet again soon, and together, we will see the Dark Sun extinguished.”

With a heavy heart, Alex watched his friend disappear into the crowds of Havenfall. He knew the plan was risky, but trust in William burned bright within him. It was time to infiltrate the enemy’s ranks, to gather information, and to strike the first blow against those who had stolen his childhood and his family.

The fire of vengeance burned brighter than ever, fueled by a newfound purpose. He would finally become the instrument of justice that would reclaim his lost innocence, bring peace to his thirsty soul, and forge a new destiny.

But the journey ahead was fraught with dangers. The Crimson Dawn was a crew of hardened criminals, and Alex, despite his feral skills, was an outsider. He had to tread carefully, walk a tightrope between suspicion and acceptance, all while carrying the weight of his past and the burden of his vengeance.

He knew that this was only the beginning. The path to justice would be long and arduous, but Alex was determined to walk it. He would not rest until the flames of his cannon’s vengeance had consumed the darkness that had consumed his world.


Alex Reborn 1: Childhoodwinked
Alex Reborn 2: Misfit’s Cry
Alex Reborn 3: Faith in Fire


Alex Reborn 5: Captain My Heart

The Bianca Chronicles 3: Jumping Ship

The Bianca Chronicles 3: Jumping Ship

“It’s all in the timing”, Bianca said quietly to herself as she watched the choppy white foam between the Albatross and the Salty Siren. The sun’s first rays appeared over the ship’s bow a deep blood red, but Bianca didn’t have time for old sailors’ tales and omens. She made her own destiny, and she had picked these battles a long time ago. If she didn’t make this jump she was fish food, but the turbulent waters between the tethered ships was nothing compared to the tempest raging in her heart that fueled her mission of justice.

Staring defiantly for a moment into the rising sun, Bianca thought of how far she had come since that dark night that changed her life at sixteen. Several long months ago Bianca thought she knew the secrets of the little town where she grew up, but she had been wrong–dead wrong. There was so much more to the story of her elderly protectors, Perkins and Clara, who were brutally killed by the pirates. Since running away from home to protect her mother, learning the truth had never been easy, but through a wide array of newfound skills (gambling and treachery, for example), Bianca gradually found the answers she needed.

In addition to the trials and troubles, these six months held many fond memories for Bianca. She would miss some of the merchant ship’s men, especially the ones who had helped her grow sea legs. Still, it was time to move on. She was grateful to the merchant captain, but he lacked the ambition needed to carry Bianca’s burden of revenge.

This restocking tether would be her only chance to infiltrate the enemy’s ranks. The joining of ships on the Red Sea was a rare occurrence on its own, but to think that the adjoined ship was the same crew that had killed her beloved Perkins and Clara–This could be no coincidence. Bianca had learned to not question events like these. The more attention she paid, the more she noticed that her entire life was a series of pre ordinations and fateful appointments. It was almost as if all the divine forces of Elysium were leading her to something. To what she didn’t know, but she would follow.

After checking the makeshift harness that fastened her dual sabers to her back one more time, Bianca stopped daydreaming and focused her attention on the waves below. She had to pick the crucial moment during which the Salty Siren’s deck was lower than that of the Albatross. The two ships bobbed chaotically in the choppy waters, and if she picked the wrong moment it was all over. She cleared her mind of distractions (she was so easily distracted these days) using the breathing techniques Perkins had taught her an eternity ago. After a few long breaths, her mind was sound and she was confident.

The pivotal moment came, and with the spryness of a seagull taking flight, Bianca jumped into her new life… once again.

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Previous Chapters of the Bianca Chronicles:

Chapter 1: The Sea is Yours
Chapter 2: The Darkest Night

Coming Soon:

Chapter 4: Captain’s Duel

Aiden’s Call 2: Earning His Wings

Aiden’s Call 2: Earning His Wings

Two years had passed since the eagle prophecy bestowed upon Aiden the mantle of leadership for the Guardian Angels clan. During this time, Aiden grew not only in stature but also in wisdom and compassion, his heart unwavering in his dedication to protecting the innocent and upholding justice.

As Aiden’s eighteenth birthday approached, the majestic eagles of the sky beckoned him to their realm, where he would face a trial that would determine his worthiness to receive their aid in his pursuit of righteousness.

On the day of his trial, Aiden stood at the edge of a precipice, the wind whipping through his hair, his eyes fixed on the swirling clouds above. As if in answer to his silent call, a golden eagle emerged from the heavens, its wings shimmering in the sunlight.

With a gentle nudge, the eagle led Aiden into the eagles’ realm, a world of boundless skies and ethereal beauty. Here, amidst the clouds, Aiden was given wings of clouds, and faced a series of trials, each designed to test his strength, courage, and moral compass.

He soared through treacherous storms, his body buffeted by gale-force winds and torrential rain. He navigated through labyrinths of clouds, his senses challenged by disorienting illusions and shifting perspectives. He faced the judgment of the eagle elders, their piercing eyes scrutinizing his every thought and action.

Aiden’s spirit remained unyielding, his determination unwavering despite the daunting challenges that lay before him. He demonstrated his strength by weathering the storms, his courage by navigating the illusions, and his integrity by facing the elders’ scrutiny without faltering.

As the final trial approached, Aiden stood before the eagle council, the wisest and most powerful of their kind. They presented him with a choice: to remain in their realm, to become one of them, or to return to Elysium, to continue his journey as a Guardian Angel.

Aiden, his heart filled with gratitude for the eagles’ guidance, chose to return to Elysium, knowing that his true calling lay in protecting those who needed him most. The eagle, recognizing the purity of his intentions, granted him their blessing, promising to come to his aid whenever he walked in alignment with their noble ideals.

With a newfound sense of purpose and unwavering resolve, Aiden descended back to Elysium, ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead. He had earned his wings, not through physical prowess alone, but through the strength of his character and the unwavering purity of his heart.

Song of Aiden | Part 2

The call had now rung out for two long years,
Extolled and praised with laughter, joy and cheers.
As wisdom in the child of eagles grew,
And to his heart he called a faithful crew.

When eighteen years had gone the eagles came
To impart truth and test him with the same.
Ascending to their realm where he could fly,
Brave Aiden faced their Elders in the sky.

Through tempests soared and winds they battered strong,
He trusted wings of cloud and went not wrong.
The eagle Elders judged with piercing eyes,
Which held in gaze his triumph or demise.

Unshaken, unyielding, Aiden prevailed,
While knowing he would die if he had failed.
Through storm and visions, Aiden’s soul did soar,
So far above the valley’s rocky floor.

The eagle council, wisest of the kind,
Presented him a choice to test his mind:
“To stay” said they, “with us among the clouds,
Or turn back hence, to lowly, earthbound crowds.”

With gratitude, the hero chose his path,
To stand betwixt the innocent and wrath.
Moved so by his noble sacrifice,
The eagle elders loudly blessed him twice.

“With greater wisdom now you shall descend,
Calling truly every eagles friend.
And when your noble path with ours aligns,
We’ll grant assistance, true as sun that shines.”

Previous Chapter:

Aiden’s Call 1: Guardian’s Crest

Coming soon:

Aiden’s Call 3: Shadow Showdown

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Alex Reborn 3: Faith in Fire

Alex Reborn 3: Faith in Fire

When you open yourself to the wonders of life, they will often light a fire within you somewhere along the way.

The sun, a fiery orange globe peeking over the horizon, cast long shadows across the beach as Alex skipped down the shore. His laughter, a symphony of joy and childish abandon, echoed in the crisp morning air. He was a whirlwind of energy, his eyes sparkling with the excitement of a new day, his dark hair adorned with seashells and coral fragments, a testament to his adventurous spirit.

Alex, despite years spent alone, had cultivated a remarkable resilience, a fractured personality that housed both solitude and companionship. He conversed with himself, weaving intricate tales and cracking witty jokes that left him doubled over with laughter. His humor, born from the solitude, was as unique as his spirit, a beacon of joy in a world that had seen so much darkness.

As Alex stooped to pick up a particularly beautiful starfish, his eyes caught a glint of light in the distance. An orange-cloaked figure stood at the mouth of a nearby cave, watching him with curious eyes. Intrigued, Alex momentarily forgot his usual aversion to strangers.

The figure, cloaked in orange robes, chuckled softly, then lit a curious device in his hand. A stream of fireballs, shimmering with an array of colors, erupted from the device, painting the sky with an ephemeral spectacle. Alex watched, mesmerized, as the fire danced and twirled, a captivating display unlike anything he had ever seen.

The stranger beckoned Alex closer, a warm smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. As Alex approached, the fear of people that had clung to him for so long like a shadow began to fade. The fire ignited a warmth within him, melting the isolation that encased his heart.

“I am called Pyros,” the stranger said, his voice deep and resonant. “And you, young one, are destined for great things.”

Pyros, with an uncanny knowledge of Alex’s past and future, sensed the boy’s yearning for connection and purpose. He saw the potential within him, a raw talent waiting to be nurtured. With a twinkle in his eye, he introduced Alex to the wonders of firepower.

“This is no magic,” Pyros explained, gesturing to the cave floor, where an intricately carved and ancient looking cannon sat. “This is the power of fire, a force that can forge both destruction and creation.”

For the next fortnight, Alex became Pyros’ student, learning the secrets of fire and gunpowder. He honed his aim, mastered the intricate mechanics of the cannon, and absorbed Pyros’ wisdom like a parched sponge. The fear that once ruled him slowly gave way to confidence, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose.

When the time came for farewell, Alex stood tall, the cannon resting comfortably against his shoulder. He was no longer the scared boy who wandered the wilderness. He was Alex Reborn, a warrior forged in fire, ready to face the world with newfound courage and a heart filled with the warmth of friendship. As he turned to leave, Pyros’ parting words echoed in his ears, “Remember, Alex, fire is a powerful tool. Use it wisely, and it will guide you to your destiny.”

With a final wave, Alex ventured out into the world, his heart ablaze with newfound hope and the promise of a future illuminated by the flames of his cannon. He was a misfit no longer, but a warrior, a friend, a survivor, forever marked by the fire that had illuminated his way back to the true path, whatever that may be.


Alex Reborn 1: Childhoodwinked
Alex Reborn 2: Misfit’s Cry


Alex Reborn 4: Heart of Vengeance

Eternal Paradox–Make Time for ETIME

Eternal Paradox–Make Time for ETIME

Eternal Paradox has successfully launched on iOS and Android, so let the accumulation of Eternal Time begin!

Have you been playing already? If not, what are you waiting for?

Eternal Paradox is live in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, so get it downloaded on your favorite device and dive into the paradox today! Between play sessions, don’t forget to leave us a review in your app store!

The Mercenary clans need your help and leadership to stand a chance against the forces of Shakram, hell-bent on world domination or destruction. Can the Mercenaries unite under a new generation of leaders in time to set Elysium free from the Ring of Ruin’s mystical grasp? Whether good or evil will prevail, your help is needed, so get in the game.

Eternal Paradox

Gather Eternal Time

As you team up with your Guild, take on enemy forces, and strategize for seasonal position, one of your most important goals is to accumulate Eternal Time (ETIME), the official GalaChain reward token of Eternal Paradox.

Lots of different gameplay activities factor into the daily distribution of ETIME rewards, and the total amount of ETIME available for distribution (on a daily and seasonal basis) is determined by how much is spent on in-game purchases, as outlined in greater detail in the Eternal Paradox Litepaper.

Spend Eternal Time

One of the key purposes of ETIME is its use as the exclusive token used to purchase certain extremely rare and limited in-game items.

Each season, new ETIME exclusive items will be revealed and released. For starters, we have decided to unveil the ultimate battle Mercenary in all her glory… Behold, the Ancient 6-star Bianca (Wind):

The Ultimate Bianca!

If you’re the type of player who just cannot rest until you have the BEST, then your saved ETIME now has a purpose. But be warned: Accumulating enough ETIME to purchase this beauty will be a long and arduous road.

High Tier — 6 Star Bianca (Wind)

This in-game-only OP Bianca is the top tier ETIME item, with only 5 total available for purchase.

Mid Tier — Special Mercenary Tomes

Summon exclusive Mercenaries with these awesome ETIME Tomes!

Special Mercenary Tomes are coming soon!

Special edition Seasonal Mercenary Tomes will also soon be available in limited supply, allowing purchasers to summon a single minted version (chance of Rare to Ancient) of special editions of available Mercenaries from different clans!

Each season will bring in new exclusive options for Tomes containing special editions of Mercs you can’t get in any other way, so keep a close watch for updates and stack that ETIME!

Low Tier — In-Game Packages

You’ll want to push and shove for these special gameplay-boosting packages, available in the 3 different varieties listed below.

The best part is that as part of our special launch event, the ETIME prices of these items are marked down by a massive 50% for the first 1000 purchasers of each package. Right now, take your pick for only 75 ETIME per package. Once 1000 have sold, packages will return to the normal price of 150 ETIME, so act quickly!

Resource Package — Supply: 1000
Speedup Package — Supply: 1000
Comprehensive Package — Supply: 1000

Bridge Eternal Time

ETIME may also be bridged from GalaChain to Ethereum, where it will still be visible in your Gala Games inventory. However, with no exchange listings and insufficient supply in the wild for trade, there is little purpose for this beyond long-term cold storage.

As the first season progresses and ETIME is minted, we will keep you informed of any developments with external exchanges or decentralized exchange pairings as they become available. For now, be patient and just let your ETIME rewards build up, or spend them on the exclusive ETIME sinks available in the game.

Back to the Paradox

We’ve captured your attention long enough. The Mercenaries crave your leadership, so download Eternal Paradox and start playing now!

Eternal Paradox Store