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Town Startles — Episode 1 — The Ghost of Wen

Town Startles — Episode 1 — The Ghost of Wen

On a hazy autumn evening when the lights of Halloween decorations had just begun their nightly glimmer throughout the neighborhood and the first leaves had fallen from the trees, a Gala gamer was absorbed in the eerie glow of her computer’s screen. With a sudden shiver, she realized the time had finally come and approached the thermostat on the wall. With a deafening click that echoed through the halls of her sparsely furnished house, she flipped the switch from “cool” to “heat” and a grim rumble began to issue from beneath the floor. She would feel its dry warmth soon, but for now she reached for the nearest blanket she could find. It was a sharp and wiry monstrosity of wool that scratched the bare skin of her arms, but the temporary discomfort was worth it for the warmth it provided.

After a long day of playing to earn with an expertly crafted Town Star town that she had perfected over the last two weeks, the gamer was ready to ship the evening’s last load of cakes and call it a day. This shipment was enough to break her into the leaderboard, which was a good place to stop until tomorrow. Even after closing her Town Star town, a peculiar shade of green washed over her Twitter and Reddit feeds, neither of which contained any exciting news for the evening. Finally, she headed to Discord for her last check-in of the day with her favorite online home: The Gala Games community. Little did this gamer know, she was heading straight for an encounter with the Ghost of Wen.

With a glass of wine in her hand and armed with a generous supply of GIFs, memes and witty responses at the ready, she jumped into the discussion. This was a place where she was always welcomed and appreciated. From her Town Star expertise to her likable demeanor, to the pictures of her cats she frequently shared, she was a Discord star. After answering a few simple noob questions about Town Star strategy and directing a few more to for more information, she noticed that the chat room was oddly quiet for this normally bustling time of evening. These were usually the hours when gamers on her side of the world were settling down for the night, but also the hours when the other side of the world was having their morning coffee or tea, getting started for the day. She relished in the amusing chaos that often resulted from this cultural intersection of chatters. But tonight was different.

After a few minutes of strange silence, she started with the GIFs. First a cricket, the universal sign of awkward silence. Then she searched “/tenor hello” to find an adorable animated meme of a cartoon mouse banging on a wall, thinking it would at least elicit some emoji responses. Not a single one. Beginning to panic, she reached for the big guns: “Anyone there?” She thought that this Thor meme was bound to get some reactions, but there was still nothing. Her connection was fine, and all systems were functioning correctly. She sat there motionless, breathlessly waiting for someone to respond, even to the point of ignoring her cat as it asked for a meal. Beyond the cat’s meows, there was silence and stillness. She could hardly bear it.

Suddenly a familiar tone sounded, and an avatar she had never seen before with the name Ghost_of_Wen appeared at the top of her direct messages. Hoping for a meaningful discussion, she took a closer look at the avatar image. It was a strange closeup picture of a hand cupped around an ear, as if listening closely for something. Half expecting some kind of auto-spammed server invite, the gamer clicked the avatar to reveal a single word message followed by a question mark.


This was clearly not the correct spelling of the word, but anyone who had spent any time in the Gala Games community would know about this inside joke. Wen game? Wen leak? Wen drop? She chuckled inelegantly to herself in acknowledgement of the strangely placed joke, then responded to the message. “Wen what? 😜”. The response came almost instantly…


Even though central heat was finally filling the room, she shivered again. With a sudden bad feeling about this strange messenger, she quickly moved to block them from contacting her further. After the deed was done, she sighed a sigh of relief and fed her impatient cat the rest of a can of tuna from earlier in the day. When she returned to her screen, there were no new messages, which was more of a relief than she expected. However, looking at the various channels in the Gala Games community, she noticed a strange new channel called 🔊WEN_VOICE. There appeared to be two users currently chatting in this channel, which she had never noticed before. One of them was Ghost_of_Wen, and the other was her. Ghost_of_Wen’s name was blinking white to indicate that they were currently speaking.

Reaching for her headphones and quite fed up with what she now assumed was an inappropriate prank, she listened. As soon as she brought the headphones to her ears, the speaking abruptly stopped. There was a silence that seemed to last for several minutes, then suddenly Ghost_of_Wen loudly whispered…


With a startled scream, the gamer threw down her headphones and disconnected herself from the voice chat. With sweaty palms she logged out of Discord and opened Twitter, where she could not believe her eyes. One after another, her feed was filled with tweets from the same avatar and the same name: Ghost_of_Wen. Each tweet tagged her directly, followed by the 3-letter question that made her skin crawl: Wen? Scrolling down, she realized these tweets went on for many pages. She could not find the bottom. Her direct messages shared the same chilling story. Her email, Facebook, and Reddit feed were all overrun with the same message of torment.


Finally the gamer could take no more. She shut down her machine and backed to the opposite corner of the room. It was completely dark now, and a full moon could be seen outside her front window. As sweat rolled down her brow, she was struggling to catch her breath when a text notification came in. Relieved at the sudden distraction from the real world, she reached for her phone wondering who had texted. Then in a moment of sheer spine-chilling terror, she realized that her phone had been powered off and out of charge. Wishing she had never stopped playing Town Star, she tapped the phone’s face to see the incoming message…

🎃 Happy Galaween! 🎃
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Mr. Puddles for TOWNCoin

Mr. Puddles for TOWNCoin

It was not long ago that Mr. Puddles captured the hearts of the Town Star community with his adorable bucket head, hose arms, and inspirational can do attitude. As one of our most affordable Town Star NFTs, as well as an incredibly useful one, he’s been an excellent choice for tons of new players trying out TSP2E in early access!

We’ve been telling you that there would be more opportunities to spend your earned TOWN in the store, and today we’re announcing Mr. Puddles as the next example!

Mr. Puddles is now available exclusively for TownCoin, at a price of 400 TOWN!

New Website

Don’t forget that the brand new Town Star website is LIVE. Check it out for the latest news, strategy guides, play-to-earn info and more!


The Town Star Crier — only at!

The Town Star team has tons of exciting stuff in store, and not just what’s in the Town Star store! Stay tuned for updates, releases, developer streams, a some huge reveals at Into the Galaverse, December 11th, 12th and 13th in Las Vegas!

Introducing the Town Star Home Page

Introducing the Town Star Home Page

There has been tons of excitement around Town Star over the last few weeks, especially as we have launched early access TSP2E and introduced the world to the new reward token, TOWN.

Behind the scenes, we have been creating a website that will soon become the hub for all things Town Star. As of today, the site is live at Check it out!

Not only will this page be a great resource for the millions of brand new players we are anticipating over the coming years, but it will also be a continually useful reference for Town Star veterans.

Strategy Guides

One of the most important reasons for this website was the addition of strategy guides focusing on different aspects of the game. Initially the site is populated with 14 strategy guides, but dozens more are still to come. They will be added gradually over the coming weeks.

These strategy guides are designed to point newer players in directions that will allow them to learn and love Town Star as much as we do. Most of them do not contain incredibly detailed information, but we are confident that they are exactly the kind of instruction manual style info that 99% of new players are after.


Latest News

The Town Star blog will be gradually transitioning from here on Medium to the new Town Star website, where it is all presented with a charming small town newspaper theme.


In the Gameplay section, you’ll find articles that explain the basics of Town Star, from descriptions of the Weekly Competition Server, to rundowns of game controls and how to access building features.

Almanac (Coming Soon)

The Almanac is a work in progress that will chronicle past Town Star information. This will include past competition winners, details of meta changes, and possibly give examples of play-to-earn reward values.

It is our hope that the Town Star Almanac will become an essential catchup for devoted Town Star players, as well as an interesting and fun read for those who are new to the game.

Thanks to our amazing community for all your support. We have huge plans for not just Town Star, but the entire Gala Games ecosystem, and we hope you’re all enjoying the ride!

Check out the new site at, and join the discussion in Discord!

TSP2E — Frequently Asked Questions

TSP2E — Frequently Asked Questions

Today is the big day, and in just a couple short hours, Town Star Play-to-Earn Early Access is being released!

In THIS POST, we announced the basic details of #TSP2E, and now (one week later) we have filled out details, answered questions and tested the gameplay.

This FAQ is designed to answer all of your play-to-earn questions. If you have additional questions that are not covered in the list, join the discussion in Discord. This is a living document that will be altered and updated as necessary while we pioneer together into this uncharted territory. You’ll find an extensive FAQ HERE at Support.Gala.Games.


Will node operators get daily TownCoin distribution?

Yes, if they complete their node requirements for that day.

NFTS & Play-to-Earn

Will you only be able to earn with placed NFTs?

Yes. You will also need ⚡Gala Power⚡.

Will all Town Star placeable NFTs be able to earn?


Will skins also earn TownCoin?


What is the difference between a placeable NFT and one you apply?

Placeable NFTs are buildings or bots that do tasks for you or allow you to hold more items in storage. Skins are NFTs that you apply that (may) give you speed bonuses. Only placeable NFTs earn TownCoin.

Will there be a max number of VOX I can place in my town?

If you are Level 100 and own 100 VOX you will be able to place and earn with all of them. However, this may make it difficult to complete the Town Star Daily Challenge that is required to earn your daily TownCoin.

Will VOX need to be placed by a road?


How are NFT rarities determined?

Town Star NFT rarity will be determined by total supply on-chain.
VOX rarity will be determined by their current rarity according to rarity score at

What can my VOX earn?

VOX rarity will determine the amount of TownCoin you can receive. To see your rarity go to

Will VOX placed have proximity effects?


Will the Farmbot be usable in the future?


How many NFTS can I play with? What happens if I place more NFTs than my power Level?

You can play with as many NFTs as you would like. If you play with more than your Gala Power Level allows to earn, the highest earning NFTs will default to earn.

Do my NFTs need to be placed while I’m doing the Daily Challenge?

For the purposes of play-to-earn, your earnable NFTs only need to be in your town at the time that you collect your TownCoin earnings.

Can I transfer NFTs to multiple accounts to collect Daily rewards more than once?

No. This goes against the following Terms and Conditions: Section 3.8 (vii); (viii); (xiv); (xviii). Gala has the right to terminate or suspend users access immediately and without any notice in accordance with Section 4 of the Terms and Conditions.

⚡Gala Power⚡

What is Gala Power?

⚡Gala Power⚡ is a system of levels proportional to how many of your NFTs will be eligible for daily play-to-earn TownCoin, based on the amount of GALA and TownCoin you are currently holding. In the future, this number may also include other factors such as NFTs, account age and referrals.

Will GALA in your Treasure Chest count towards your Gala Power?


Does BSC GALA count towards your Gala Power?

No. Only GALA and TownCoin in your Inventory (& Treasure Chest) count towards ⚡Gala Power⚡.

Will holding TownCoin have benefits?

Yes. Holding TownCoin will add to your ⚡Gala Power⚡at a 2X rate.

For example, if you are a level 2, you can get to level 4 by holding half as much TownCoin as you could holding GALA.

How often is Gala Power updated?

⚡Gala Power⚡ will be updated in real time. A refresh may be required to view the updated value.

If I withdraw GALA will it immediately affect my Gala Power?

Yes, withdrawing GALA will immediately affect your ⚡Gala Power⚡.

How will levels of Gala Power relate to the number of NFT eligible for rewards?

Each level will allow you to place one NFT to earn TownCoin. Example: if you are level 20, you will be able to place 20 NFTs to earn TownCoin. You can place as many NFTs as you would like. Your Level limit will take the highest earning NFTs to count towards your TownCoin earnings.

How are the amounts of GALA and TownCoin held used to determine ⚡Gala Power⚡ level?

⚡Gala Power⚡ Equation:
Gala Power = Gala Coin + (Town Coin*2)

⚡Gala Power⚡ Scale (Subject to change)
Levels 1–20: Every 5K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 21–35: Every 10K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 36–45: Every 25K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 46–55: Every 50K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 56–65: Every 100K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 66–73: Every 1M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 74–81: Every 5M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 82–86: Every 10M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 87–94: Every 50M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1
Levels 95–100: Every 100M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by 1


What will future TownCoin utility be?

Here are two examples:
Items will be released in the Gala Games store that are purchasable only with TownCoin.
Eventually, buildings will be upgradeable by spending TownCoin.

What is the max supply of TownCoin?

1 Quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) (to 8 decimals)

Where can I purchase TownCoin?

Currently, you can only earn TownCoin.

Can we exchange TownCoin for GALA and vice versa?

Unfortunately, we do not provide functionality for token exchange on the Gala Games platform. However, like GALA token, TownCoin is an ERC-20, meaning that users may at their own discretion create swaps and list the token on exchanges.

Why implement a new coin rather than use GALA?

While Gala Token is integral to our gaming ecosystem, we have set our goals high towards the number of games we want on our platform. As such, in order to allow each of our games to have a functional play to earn mechanism, each game needs to have its own token.

Will TownCoin go to Inventory or my Treasure Chest?

TownCoin will be deposited in your Treasure Chest, and show up under your Inventory tab as Treasure Chest items.

When can I claim TownCoin?

Anytime after completing your Daily Challenge and before the daily universal timer runs out.

Will I eventually be able to purchase Season Passes with TownCoin?

Yes, but not necessarily for the first round.

Daily Challenges

How often will the Daily Challenges change?

At launch the Daily Challenges will be the same, but they will reset every 24 hours. Reset will happen at 0:00 UTC.

Are Daily Challenges on individual or universal time?

Universal. Challenges will change at the same time for everyone every day. This is subject to change.

Season Passes

What is a Season?

A Season is a to-be-determined length of time that your Pass will allow you to participate in Daily Challenges and potentially earn TownCoin. You will need to purchase a new Pass for each Season.

Can I purchase multiple Season Passes?

This is to be determined.

Will I be able to purchase and gift Season Passes in the future?

Not at first, but possibly in the future.

Will there be a lifetime Season Pass available?


Will there be an auto renew feature for Season Passes?

Not at first, but possibly in the future.

Weekly & Play-to-Earn Servers

What is the Weekly Server?

The Weekly Server hosts the Weekly Competition in Town Star where people fight for top rankings to earn GALA. While you can also participate in the P2E aspects, it is not required.

What are the Play-to-Earn Servers?

The P2E Servers run for 30 days allowing you to create amazing builds for your towns AND earn TownCoin by completing your Daily Challenges.

Will all instances of the Play-to-Earn Server be open at the same time?

Yes. You will be able to choose where you would like to place your town in any of the servers.

Can I play in both the Weekly and Play-to-Earn Servers?

Yes. You can have a town in both places, however you can only be active in one at a time and only collect TownCoin from ONE per day.

That’s it for now! Keep your eyes on the blog for more exciting updates as they become available, and join the discussion in the Discord community. We hope you all have a blast making history with us in Town Star Play-to-Earn!

“Keep Mooooovin’ up!” — Headmaster Cow
“Beak kind to each other!” — Professor Chicken

-your TCU Faculty Advisors

Town Star Play-to-Earn Overview

Town Star Play-to-Earn Overview

After many weeks of heads down hard work on a massive Town Star update, we’re thrilled to be kicking off Early Access to #TSP2E RIGHT NOW!

Frequently Asked Questions
Discord Community
Get in the Game!

The following document was built as a beginner’s explanation, introducing future and current Town Star players to the concept of play-to-earn and explaining how to get involved. For more in-depth info, please visit the FAQ or start a conversation in Discord.

What Does it Mean to Play-to-Earn?

Playing to earn is a new type of gaming, and you’ve stumbled across one of its greatest pioneers: Gala Games. Thanks to blockchain technology and the power of NFTs, players can now truly own their in-game assets in a way they never thought possible.

In the past, online games had to lock down players’ in-game assets, assuring players through careful placement of harsh terms of service that anyone caught prescribing real world value to the items would be severely punished. Gamers have lost countless assets to these kinds of violations, sometimes tragically being banned from play or locked out of an account years in the making.

Now, a few bold companies like Gala Games are empowering gamers with games like Town Star, in which players are not only allowed to truly own their assets, but encouraged to trade them on secondary markets as often as they would like. In some cases, players are even able to earn rewards for playing with these owned items. That is the basis of play-to-earn.

Instead of paying simply to play, gamers can now pay to unlock and enhance their ability to earn. Town Star makes this incredibly simple to both understand and practice, with a clear play-to-earn economy that will be described over the following paragraphs.

Solar Panels are the latest example of a Town Star NFT, available now exclusively for TownCoin!

Town Star NFTs

Some Town Star items are playable by anyone in the game at any time. These items cost only in-game money. This money must be generated and spent entirely in the game. It is not transferable and has no real value outside of the game. Other items are limited in supply and can actually be owned by players on an individual basis. They are called blockchain items, or NFTs. These items are different from strictly in-game items in several ways…

  1. They are limited in supply.
  2. They may be purchased in the Gala Games store while supplies last.
  3. They may be transferred between players.
  4. They may be transferred out of the game.
  5. They may have real world value outside of the game.
  6. Using them in the game may earn additional rewards. (more on that in the next section)

TownCoin — The Play-to-Earn Reward Token

TownCoin is a token that was created by Gala Games exclusively as a reward for playing-to-earn with Town Star NFTs. Unlike imaginary in-game money that cannot leave the game, TownCoin is a real cryptocurrency that lives on a blockchain. It can be transferred between players, listed on third-party exchanges, or bought and sold on those exchanges.*

*Gala Games makes no predictions, promises or speculations about the value of TownCoin, which is determined entirely by its trade markets. All TownCoin rewarded through playing shall be unminted in a player’s treasure chest. As such, in order to transfer, list, buy or sell, users must first actively mint the token.

Adding TOWN to Supply

  • Players earn TownCoin from playing with NFTs
  • Node operators receive TownCoin in a daily distribution as a reward for operating their Founder’s Node

Uses for TOWN

  • Exclusive NFT items that can only be purchased with TownCoin
  • In-game upgrades and benefits that are purchasable only with TownCoin
  • Holding TownCoin provides additional benefits to Gala Power

Playing with NFTs to Earn Rewards

Basically, players are able to earn TownCoin rewards when they are using NFT items in their Town Star build, as long as certain requirements are met.

Daily Challenges — Each day’s rewards are “unlocked” with the player’s completion of an in-game daily challenge. Examples of daily challenges could include earning a certain number of Stars in a 24 hour period, shipping a minimum quantity of a particular good, or anything along those lines.

Example only, details subject to change

Gala Power — Each player has a level called Gala Power that is determined (at first) by the amounts of liquid GALA and TownCoin held in their player wallet. This will later be amended to include additional factors such as NFT ownership, account age, and referrals. For each level that Gala Power increases, a player can play 1 additional NFT eligible to earn TownCoin rewards. For example, a player with Gala Power level 1 can earn from the placement of 1 NFT and a player with Gala Power 7 can earn TownCoin from the placement of 7 NFTs.

Season Pass — In each Town Star Season (exact Season length TBD), players who wish to earn TownCoin will be required to hold a ticket, an NFT item called a Season Pass. The Season Pass acts like a key, through which a player is able to earn TownCoin (provided that other criteria are met) throughout an entire season.

example of a Season Pass (all details subject to change)

NFTs in the Town Star collection have widely varying supplies, a.k.a. blockchain rarities. Each NFT earns daily TownCoin in an amount proportional to its blockchain rarity. Essentially, the more rare the item, the more TownCoin it will earn on a daily basis when placed in the game.

With the example of VOX, the NFT avatars sold by Gala Labs that can also be placed in Town Star for play-to-earn rewards, each placed VOX earns daily TownCoin in the exact same quantity as its rarity score, as currently displayed on RARITY.TOOLS.

Other NFTs, such as storage buildings of varying rarities, bot homes, fountains and resource-providing stands, each have individual TownCoin allocations based entirely on their blockchain rarity. For more information about how this is calculated, visit the GALA GAMES KNOWLEDGEBASE.

How to Unlock and Claim P2E Rewards

  1. Make sure you have some Gala Power. The simplest way to do this is to acquire some GALA or TownCoin and store it in your player wallet. With early access of TSP2E, GALA and TownCoin held in a player’s wallet will be the determining factors for that player’s Gala Power level. Below is the initial scale of how Gala Power levels are gained. These numbers are subject to change at any time.

Levels 1–20: Every 5K Gala Power held increases your Gala Power level by one.

Levels 21–35: Every 10K Gala Power held increases your Gala Power level by one.

Levels 36–45: Every 25K Gala Power held increases your Gala Power level by one.

Levels 46–55: Every 50K Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

Levels 56–65: Every 100K Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

Levels 66–73: Every 1M Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

Levels 74–81: Every 5M Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

Levels 82–86: Every 10M Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

Levels 87–94: Every 50M Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

Levels 95–100: Every 100M Gala Power held increases your Gala Powerlevel by one.

⚡Gala Power⚡ Equation:
Gala Power = Gala Coin + (Town Coin * 2)

2. Secure your Season Pass. In the inaugural Season of TSP2E, everyone will have access to daily earning potential without the requirement of a ticket, but beginning with the next Season, an active Season Pass will be required to participate.

3. Place your in-game NFTs. Remember that simply playing Town Star is not enough. You must also have a number of placed in-game NFTs, as each individual NFT is connected to a specific amount of daily TownCoin that can be earned. NFTs must be placed in-game at some point during the 24 hour period and be active when you claim your TownCoin. Even if they are placed 2 minutes before the countdown expires, they will be eligible for earnings as long as the other requirements are met.

4. Claim your TownCoin. Once all above requirements have been met, you will be prompted to claim your TownCoin. If you do not claim your reward before the countdown expires, you will forfeit that day’s reward. Claiming TownCoin is as simple as clicking the prompt once your daily challenge is completed.

Claimed TownCoin will be delivered directly to the player’s Inventory, but there may be a slight delay from the time of claiming until it appears in the Inventory.

That completes the rundown of Town Star Play-to-Earn (TSP2E). If you are looking for more in-depth information including specific numbers, more technical explanations and frequently asked questions, please visit THIS PAGE of the Gala Games KnowledgeBase.

Thanks to our incredible community for all your support! We hope you all love #TSP2E! Join the Discord, watch the blog, and get your NFTs in the Town Star store!

“It’s udderly astounding!” — Headmaster Cow
“Earning around the cluck!” — Professor Chicken

-Your TCU Faculty Advisors