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Mr. Puddles for TOWNCoin

October 14, 2021

It was not long ago that Mr. Puddles captured the hearts of the Town Star community with his adorable bucket head, hose arms, and inspirational can do attitude. As one of our most affordable Town Star NFTs, as well as an incredibly useful one, he’s been an excellent choice for tons of new players trying out TSP2E in early access!

We’ve been telling you that there would be more opportunities to spend your earned TOWN in the store, and today we’re announcing Mr. Puddles as the next example!

Mr. Puddles is now available exclusively for TownCoin, at a price of 400 TOWN!

New Website

Don’t forget that the brand new Town Star website is LIVE. Check it out for the latest news, strategy guides, play-to-earn info and more!


The Town Star Crier — only at!

The Town Star team has tons of exciting stuff in store, and not just what’s in the Town Star store! Stay tuned for updates, releases, developer streams, a some huge reveals at Into the Galaverse, December 11th, 12th and 13th in Las Vegas!