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Corrupting Darkness and Purifying Light: New Champions for Season 8!

Corrupting Darkness and Purifying Light: New Champions for Season 8!

Azazel and Bishop are entering the battle, just in time for Season 8 in Champions Arena!

Arena Season 8 has already begun, and two new Champions have stepped into the battle!

Our new Champions this time are both the same and opposite, depending on your perspective. On one side we have the fallen angel, seeking comfort in the chaos after everything was ripped away from her for a simple shred of doubt. On the other we have the survivor, a broken man, driven to take his vengeance out on all evil he encounters.

Welcome to Bishop and Azazel!

Check them out on the Gala Games YouTube!

Both of these Champions share one common thread– they have nothing to lose. They are fully dedicated to their fight in the arena… no matter the cost.

Azazel, Fallen Angel

Azazel was once a paragon of nobility… champion of the Avatar Guardians. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Cast out, Azazel has learned the ways of the demons of Ka-Drax. Her fighting tactics rely on deep magic few can duplicate. She’ll reinvigorate her friends even as she saps her enemies. All of her attacks will deal damage based on the highest Attack among all party members rather than her own Attack.

Normal Attack will strike out at an enemy while simultaneously healing the ally with the lowest current HP. A card match will also cause her to gain Mana.

Spell Orb will attack an enemy with larger damage and grant Mana to Azazel. A card match will cause some of the damage caused by Spell Orb to heal the ally with the current lowest HP.

Curse Explosion deals damage to all enemies, inflicting Crit Rate Down. A card match will cause the Skill to grant a barrier to all allies based on Azazel’s Attack.

Pain Siphon allows Azazel to strike back immediately at an opponent whenever they deal a Critical Strike to an ally. When this activates, Azazel will also increase her Turn Gauge.

Bishop, Indomitable Exorcist

A monster took everything Bishop loved away. Now he’ll take everything from every monster.

Bishop had only started to get what he wanted from life when the vampire took everything he loved. He couldn’t save her, and he never forgets it for a second. He won’t fail to save anyone again. Every bullet is designed to end the life of something wicked.

Normal Attack deals damage to a single enemy based on Attack. A card match will increase the damage.

Critical Draw deals damage to a single enemy Attack. A card match will increase the damage.

Rumble Shuffle deals damage to a single enemy Attack. A card match will grant Bishop Overload. If Bishop already has Overload, he will instead receive a x2 multiplier to his Crit Power for the same duration.

Overload is a buff given by Rumble Shuffle. When Bishop has this status, he will gain additional Crit Power for each debuff on the enemy.

Let the Battle Begin!

Will you search your summons for the alluring darkness or the searing light? Either side you choose, the battle is coming.

Just as with previous new Champions, these two newcomers will have an increased chance to be summoned and will receive a VP boost in battles.

Just like always, these Champions are only available through in-game summons. This means the first to find them will be members of a very exclusive club, if only for a short time until more start to enter the fray!

Good luck out there Champions, whether you choose the light or the dark!

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The Nexus Arrives in Champions Arena

The Nexus Arrives in Champions Arena

Borrow from or lend Champions to other players through the powerful Nexus!

Something has arrived that will forever change Champions Arena — Nexus NFTs. These items serve as the rental vehicles within the dynamic world of Champions Arena, acting as a bridge between Champion NFT owners and enthusiastic players, ready to enter the battle. The magic happens when these two worlds collide, opening up new avenues for collaboration and collective rewards.

At the heart of the Nexus NFT system is the symbiotic relationship between three key players: the Nexus Owner, the Champion NFT Owner and the player.

Read more about how The Nexus fits into the overall economy of Champions Arena in our litepaper:

Nexus Owner: Facilitating Connections

The Nexus Owner plays a pivotal role in the ecosystem, accumulating rewards for enabling NFT owners and non-NFT players to seamlessly connect and collaborate.

By allowing a Champion NFT to be attached to the Nexus, the owner opens the door for other players to utilize that Champion and potentially receive $GALA rewards without possessing the NFT themselves.

The Nexus owner themselves will receive a portion of any VP acquired by NFT Champions using their Nexus.

Nexus Owners can upgrade their Nexus using Gems as well, unlocking additional NFT slots and increasing their Nexus’ power. This not only enhances their percentage share of rewards derived from each attached Champion, but also expands their overall VP potential by letting more action happen in their Nexus.

NFT Champion Owner: Empowering the Arena

For the Champion NFT Owner, the Nexus becomes a key tool for getting the most out of their Champions. By attaching their Champion NFT to a Nexus, players without NFTs can utilize their possessions in-game, splitting Victory Points with the owner in the process. The more players are drawn to use their Champions, the greater the potential for rewards.

To amplify their impact, NFT Owners are incentivized to upgrade their Champions, making them more enticing for players. Additionally, purchasing aNexus NFTs can be doubly effective for your potential VP gain. Attaching your own NFTs to you Nexus allows you to reap the benefits of Nexus Owner and NFT Owner!

Players: Fighting for Victory

Players, the lifeblood of Champions Arena, accumulate VP by actively participating in the game. Players can now get involved in VP distributions and the meta-game of competition in Champions Arena even without owning a Champion NFT.

The system enables players to get their hands on a Champion NFT, but also encourages players to acquire more Champions… as more VP are awarded for more NFT Champions on a team. Furthermore, owners will always receive more VP without sharing rewards between an NFT owner and Nexus owner, so it provides a clear path for players to build their collection, thus increasing their potential rewards.

The Nexus-Powered Arena

In this interconnected ecosystem, Nexus NFTs revolutionize the traditional gaming experience by fostering collaboration, incentivizing strategic upgrades, and creating a mutually beneficial relationship between NFT Owners, Nexus Owners and players.

As Champions Arena continues to evolve, Nexus NFTs will continue to stand as a new way for all players to interact with the arena, their fellow players and their collections of Champions. The Nexus changes how everyone interacts with the arena.

The Nexus is a valuable tool in your battles… how will you use it to even more glory in Champions Arena?

Spotlight: Luddy and Beatrice

Spotlight: Luddy and Beatrice

Today we’re diving into the strengths and potential strategies for two new Champions in the arena — Beatrice and Luddy!

We hope Season 6 is off to a great start for everyone. Have you managed to summon the new Champions yet? With boosted summon rates and boosted VP to welcome them to the arena, the time is now!

If you haven’t managed to find them yet, never fear! Today we’re going to dive a little deeper into the Legendary Champions Beatrice and Luddy’s skills so you’ll have some insight on how to both use these new Champions… and defeat them when they show up across the arena from you.

Beatrice, Knights of the Sky

As is expected of all Knights of the Sky, Beatrice is always vigilant!

Beatrice functions as a defender on teams, but is a little different from other tank types we’ve seen in the arena before. Her Normal Attack has the ability to reduce the opponent’s turn gauge, but this is just the start of her ability to control the battlefield.

Beatrice can taunt opponents with fairly reliable efficiency from her 2* attack, allowing you to get the attention on her much earlier than other defenders that need a 3* to start laying down taunts. Furthermore, her Angel Dive ability also boosts her block rate, meaning once you’ve got enemies taunted to you, she has what she needs to defend against them.

Her 3* ability pumps up the tank style even further, giving her three stacks of attract and granting Defense Up to all party members on card match. Combined with her 2* Taunt, this skill could mean that all eyes have to be on Beatrice for an entire turn if timed right.

The Passive Skill, Angel Counter, is what ties it all together. When she blocks an attack, she’ll activate Counter Stance, which will counterattack any enemy who assaults her and apply an Attack Down Debuff to them. She’ll also counterattack a random enemy every 4th time her allies are attacked!

Make no mistake, this is an angel of vengeance!

Luddy, Mechanic Hammer

Luddy knows that the right tool for the right job is important. Sometimes, the right tool is just a really, really BIG one.

Luddy is a mechanic, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do some serious damage. Destruction is part of construction, afterall.

Luddy’s attacks focus on dealing big damage based on her Attack stat, but each of her card match bonuses offer some shenanigans that can crank up her damage so high that it makes her ridiculously sized hammer look small.

Card match on her Normal Attack will grant extra Turn Gauge… essential to get her combos rolling fast in a match!

Orbital Swing is where it really starts to get interesting, as a card match there will activate her trademark Heavy Hammer buff. While this status is applied, Luddy will not crit ever. She will, however, gain 50% more attack. This means you don’t need to stack Crit for unreliable damage on Luddy — she can just build up pure Attack to massively scale this reliable % Attack boost.

Galaxy Hammer is a 3* AoE attack to all enemies that does respectable damage even without a card match. This ability’s card match only works when Luddy has Heavy Hammer. If it is applied while she carries this buff, she’ll further increase her damage by 30% and ignore 35% of target defense!

Her Passive Ability, Force Field Breaker, is another opportunity to boost Luddy’s damage. At the start of any turn where she has no debuffs on her, she’ll receive an automatic, one-action Attack Up Boost. This can stack with the Heavy Hammer buff to absolutely wreck the enemy.

Enter the Arena

Season 6 is well underway now. Hopefully this season will mean tons of glorious combat, serious loot and more powerful Champions for your arena team!

Don’t forget that Battlepass 3 was recently introduced! You can always claim rewards you’ve already qualified for on the Battlepass if you purchase it late, so it’s never too late to grab one.

Don’t forget about Valsharha, the new Champion in Battlepass 3!

Hopefully you encounter Luddy and Beatrice soon while summoning! Until then, now you at least know what to watch out for when you face these fierce Champions in the arena.

Good luck in your battles!

Summon New Champions in Season 4

Summon New Champions in Season 4

Season 4 introduces 2 brand new Legendary Champions into the fray–Enjoy a heightened chance to summon them for a limited time!

Greetings, valiant warriors! A new season has dawned in Champions Arena, and with it comes exhilaration, adventure, and a sprinkle of Legendary might! Prepare your best strategies, gear up, and step into the Arena because Season 4 promises battles like you’ve never seen before.

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New Legendary Champions Await!

This season introduces an unprecedented opportunity for summoners. Enter Danishka and Miko — two brand new Legendary Champions set to make waves in the Arena. Their power, skills, and mystique are the talk of every town, and now, they can be part of your formidable team!

Here’s the most thrilling part: during this season, every summon at their Estate’s Altar of Champions grants a heightened chance to acquire Danishka and Miko. Such a generous boost won’t last forever, so seize this moment to welcome these legends into your ranks.

Looking for the edge that will get you through that unbeatable Campaign battle? Look no further than new Champions Danishka and Miko!

Exclusive Growth Package for the Lucky Summoners!

For those fortunate enough to summon Danishka or Miko, a special surprise awaits. Exclusively for you, the New Champion Growth Package will become available for purchase. This package is brimming with essentials to supercharge your new Legendary Champion, propelling their abilities and might to celestial heights. It’s the perfect kickstart for your new companion in their Arena journey.

Season 4 Updates, Fixes, and More!

As with every new season, we’re committed to enhancing your gaming experience. Season 4 brings along a plethora of updates, tweaks, bug fixes, and ability adjustments, ensuring smoother and more thrilling battles.

  • Login now for a special random Aura Box reward.
  • Danishka and Miko are now available in both types of Summon, with an enhanced limited-time chance to summon.
  • The new Champions are now eligible for the 15% VP New Champion Bonus in the PvP Arena.
  • Lavina, Safrina and Jia are no longer eligible for the New Champion Bonus.
  • Growth Packs for the new Champions are now available in-game.
  • A random time delay has been added when items are listed on the Trade Market, so listed items will no longer appear immediately.
  • Quixote’s critical hit rate has been increased, and passive play, status effect icons have been added.
  • Nerdan, the new Battlepass Champion has been added to the book.
  • The term “Curse” has been replaced with “Reinforcement Prohibited” in the Tower of Trials description.
  • Descriptions have been added to the Estate Board and Estate Store.
  • In the Estate Board, all quests reset at the daily reset time, even if they weren’t completed or the rewards weren’t collected.
  • Once completing a quest on Estate Board, a part of the rewards go to the Estate’s Storage in the Store. Those who have authority over the Estate may sell such items.
  • Multiple typos have been collected in the Spanish version of the Arena lineup screen.
  • The error “Maximum 3” has been removed from the description of Varnas’ passive unique status effect.
  • The bug where the text of skills being used would intermittently not display correctly.
  • Typos in the passive skill description of Kingtitan were fixed.
  • Soulstone tab sorting criteria has been adjusted.

Hit the Arena

Prepare yourself, champion, for a season bursting with challenges, new allies, and legendary encounters. Forge new alliances, strategize your moves, and ascend to greatness in Season 4 of Champions Arena. The Arena awaits your valor!

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Introducing a New Battle Pass Champion

Introducing a New Battle Pass Champion

The October Battle Pass has been added, and with it Champions Arena welcomes the Epic Champion Nerdan!

The October Battle Pass has been added, and with it Champions Arena welcomes the Epic Champion Nerdan!

Battle Pass owners will gradually unlock perks throughout the month as they complete quests. Eventually, this includes Nerdan himself along with a big pile of Soul Stones to get him beefed up right away!

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What Is the Battle Pass?

Let’s do some quick review for anybody out of the loop on what a Battle Pass does within Champions Arena.

The Battle Pass progresses as you complete daily and weekly quests. The top row is available to everyone, but the bottom row will only be received by players who have purchased the Battle Pass.

If you purchase a Battle Pass after completing a few steps, that’s ok! You’ll receive all achieved rewards when you unlock the Battle Pass… even if you’ve already left them in the dust!

Nerdan the Hunter

Nerdan has been fighting in countless battles to protect the World Tree for ages. His arrows always landed on the enemies of the forest. Nerdan’s discerning judgment and leadership in battle are an inspiration for the guardians of Eretria. While Nerdan knew about the anomalies happening all over the world, he wasn’t interested in doing anything other than protecting the World Tree. However, when he heard about an ascetic wandering in the badlands, Nerdan took up his bow and announced that he was going on an adventure. Little fairies must have known what was up because they asked him to let go of the past and stay in the forest. Nevertheless, Nerdan stayed impassive as he readied his bow. His arrows will always find their marks.

This month’s Battle Pass exclusive Champion is Nerdan, The Arrow of Dawn. This Epic hunter is a high damage striker who only shoots more deadly arrows as the battle goes on.

For anyone who missed last month’s Battle Pass featuring Selena, this could be a great chance to get your hands on a high damage striker. For anyone already happily battling with a Selena, this Harmony champion can add some welcome variety to your squad.

As a Prosperity Champion, Selena fills an entirely different role on a team than the Harmony Nerdan.

Nerdan’s attacks are built around doing high damage to opponents, but also to grow in power as the battle progresses.

The longer Nerdan fights, the higher Experienced Archer goes, increasing his damage for each stack. Once he has five stacks, not only will he receive a flat 40% damage boost, but he’ll ignore 35% of an enemy’s Defense when attacking with a card matched Arrow Shower.

With these high damage skills, Nerdan is an expert at striking some powerful first hits on enemies. His real power, however, rests in dealing massive damage at the late stages of a battle. Keep him alive long enough to get warmed up and watch him take down even the most fortified opponents.

Grab a Battle Pass Today!

Until people decide to mint Nerdan and put him on the market, the Battle Pass is the only way to get your hands on this Champion. There’s just under a month before Nerdan leaves the Battle Pass forever, so don’t delay too long!

Unfortunately, the Battle Pass is only available on mobile devices at this time. We are hoping to make it available on the Gala Store soon for the convenience of any desktop players, but in the meantime players can purchase the Battle Pass on any mobile device or app player… even if they normally play on PC!

A Battle Pass is the best way to keep getting rewards throughout the month. In addition to Nerdan, those who complete the Battle Pass will have accumulated the following rewards, beyond what is available in the free pass:

  • 150 Nerdan Soul Stones
  • 150 Soulstone Selectors
  • 2 Premium Summoning Tickets
  • 2500 Lapiz
  • 2 Magic Equipment Chests
  • 15 Upgrade Stone (Level 4)
  • 30 Upgrade Stone (Level 3)

There’s only a little over three weeks left to complete this Battle Pass! What are you waiting for?

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