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Thinking Poker: Tells

Thinking Poker: Tells

You squint in the glare from your giant stack of chips. The dealer slides cards across the table, but you’re not in a hurry to look. Instead, you’re staring intently at your opponent on the button. 

They look at their cards, letting out a short but distinct sharp inhale. You see their pupils contract slightly as they glance at their hole cards, then they look straight to their chip stack before raising to 4x the blinds.. You glance at your cards – not good enough. 

You fold your big blind. The player on the button has told you everything you need to know.

Poker is a game of incomplete information. You make the wisest decision you can with the information you have available to you. This means that being able to deduce hidden information from available information can lead to a huge advantage at the tables. 

This leads us to one of the pillars of poker skill, but often the most misunderstood and misused concept in the game – reading opponents.

Poker Tells

In the heat of a game, reactions or behaviors taken by a player can potentially reveal information about their hand or mindset to other players. When a person’s subconscious behaviors give away the information they are trying to keep hidden, we refer to that as a tell.

Reading tells is about deducing hidden information from information that you already know. Very often it is also about deciding what assumptions about human behavior are likely versus possible. Nothing is ever a sure thing in an incomplete information game, but hints at someone’s likely attitude towards their cards can let you make a more informed decision when the action is on you.

Let’s say that your opponent has pushed a large bet into the pot and sits back from the table, letting out a deeply relieved sigh. This player has sent a clear signal – they aren’t engaged. The stressful time during the hand was making that bet, and now they don’t feel the need to watch intently as players decide whether to call, fold or raise.

This player’s behavior indicates that they think they have the best cards. The bet is placed, they don’t have anything to worry about. Don’t jump to conclusions too fast though! Is this typical behavior for that player? Are they feigning confidence in the hand to cover up that they don’t have absolute rags? Probably the latter. Players have a tendency to try and appear strong when they are really weak. 

Tells that speak the truth are usually more subtle… like an attitude boiling over in slight, subconscious actions. It’s important to note, however, that tells are not an exact science – humans are individuals and will often react differently to the same stimuli.

Yes, brow sweat can be a sign of a sudden loss of confidence… but it can also mean that it’s just hot in that room. Or maybe that guy is particularly sweaty when he’s hungry and his tummy just rumbled. Everyone is different, and actually trusting a tell from any player requires some degree of baseline reference for their behavior. You have to watch and understand your opponent before their tells are valuable to you. If you haven’t noticed throughout life, people are quite complicated.

It’s also incredibly important to note that tells cannot change cards. Knowing a tell only changes the way that you perceive the action of the game and informs your decision based on your cards.

Recommended Reading: Mike Caro’s Book of Poker Tells

This poker classic is basically considered required reading for people who want to play live games. It predates online play, but there’s applications for the psychology of online players as well.

Caro walks you through the basic psychology of poker tells and assumptions about how behavior indicates attitude to their hand. 

Knowing that a player thinks they have good or bad cards doesn’t inform you exactly what their cards are or make the result of the hand any different. It simply gives you more information so that you can make wise decisions regarding your own cards within the hand.

Online Poker Tells

It’s easy to assume that tells are only something that plays into live games, but that’s not exactly true. You may not be able to see your opponent’s body language playing online, but you can definitely still deduce information from their behavior.

Think about what information you do get from opponents in online games. Most obviously, you get betting amounts. At the speed online poker moves, this is actually incredibly useful information. In a lot of ways this kind of data can be more reliable than physical poker tells.

Say you have an opponent you’ve been at a table with for an hour. You’ve played dozens of hands against them and have noticed some patterns. They like to raise 3x the big blind in bad position and 4x the big blind in good position, and they very rarely limp in unless they are on the button. They tend to fold low draws pre-flop you’d guess, because you never see them get caught chasing.

One hand, you notice them uncharacteristically limp in from good position. Once there’s a 5x raise back to them they fold. A likely assumption to be made from this based on their typical behavior is that they had a high suited straight draw. J/10 suited maybe? Q/K suited? It’s unlikely they would have backed down so easily if they had the nut straight draw at A/K, so you can deduce 3-5 likely hands that they had from this behavior.

That didn’t give you much advantage at the time because they folded. You do, however, understand more about that player’s behavior. Maybe that will let you dodge a disaster when they limp in next time and catch a J/10/10 on the flop?

Minor Information, Major Advantage

In an incomplete information game like poker, little bits of information and likely assumptions can add up to a big edge at the table.

Let’s imagine that you have an opponent who you haven’t quite gotten a read on. They’ve been hanging on calling several times and haven’t yet raised or bet themselves. The flop comes 5/9/Q with suits scattered. They keep calling and playing very passively.

The turn comes a J. Suddenly, the player is much more engaged in the hand and responds to your bet with an instant raise – previously they had been considering each check carefully for several seconds. When you call their raise, the river comes a second Q. You check to the raiser, and they hammer a massive bet at you.

So what do they have? From their behavior, there’s one rather likely situation – they carried a 10/K into the flop. This explains why they wanted to hang around for as cheap as possible until their J dropped on the turn. They still had a live draw and an over card. Since the table draw is a gutshot, they know that they have drawn to the nut straight, and they’re hoping that they caught someone with the lower straight draw.

This is definitely not a sure thing. They could potentially have a busted gutshot draw with a 6/7 or something, and they’ve chosen to pretend that they have the nut straight to scare you off. Most people aren’t brilliant actors under pressure, however, so deciding whether they are trying to mislead you is a far simpler proposition than attempting to guess their random cards offhand.

One more thing about this example – they’ve been representing hitting the nut straight. You can put that hypothesis to the test! A second queen dropped on the river. If they have hit the nut straight, they’ll know that someone who had two pair going into the river – queens over X – will just have hit a full house on the river. That beats their straight. 

If you come back over the top and they falter, that’s more evidence that they were on that straight draw. You may even be able to represent a late full house aggressively and scare them away altogether even.

Thinking Strategy

Like anything in poker, there’s a difference between understanding tells and applying tells. It takes practice to make the observations necessary to draw valuable information from tells, and even more practice to establish the discipline to know when and when not to act on likely assumptions about another player’s behavior.

Start to put your skills to the test. As you watch the behaviors of your opponents you’ll get better and better at it. You don’t need a poker club or casino to go to… you can start working on playing off of player behavior on Sweep It Poker today for free! See how your opponents react to different situations, and start to think about why when their behavior changes. 

Stay tuned for more deep dives. Keep practicing your ability to read people as you’re out there thinking poker!

Gala and Coinflow Integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay for Seamless NFT Transactions

Gala and Coinflow Integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay for Seamless NFT Transactions

Announce the latest development in our partnership with Coinflow: the integration of Google Pay and Apple Pay as new payment options for the Gala Games ecosystem. This update marks a significant milestone in our mission to provide our community with the most accessible and versatile payment solutions.

Expanding Payment Horizons

Continuing to build on our recent integration with Coinflow, we’re now enabling Google Pay and Apple Pay as payment methods, making it easier than ever for users to interact with our platform. This enhancement empowers our users to engage with the Gala ecosystem using the payment tools they trust and prefer, streamlining the experience of owning and interacting with digital assets on GalaChain.

For the first phase of this rollout, Google Pay and Apple Pay options through Coinflow are limited only to the Gala Games store, but with future updates we hope to expand this payment variety to Gala Music, Gala Film and beyond.

Streamlined Mobile Experience

As part of our ongoing efforts to innovate and enhance the user experience, the addition of Google Pay and Apple Pay underscores our commitment to bringing decentralized entertainment to a broader audience. With the recent wave of new users coming from our free Telegram mini app “tapper” games, Treasure Tapper and Music Coin, creating a smooth mobile onboarding experience has become especially important.

These payment methods are recognized and used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, making them a natural fit for our ecosystem. With this integration, we are not only simplifying transactions but also paving the way for more mainstream adoption of web3 digital assets.

The Future of Decentralized Entertainment

We are excited about the possibilities this integration opens up for our users and the broader Gala community. As we continue to innovate and expand our ecosystem, we remain committed to making decentralized entertainment more accessible, engaging and rewarding for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our journey! Together, we are reshaping the future of entertainment on GalaChain.

How to Secure Early Access and Discounts on Gala Music NFT Releases using Loyalty Pools

How to Secure Early Access and Discounts on Gala Music NFT Releases using Loyalty Pools

Learning to navigate the Gala Music ecosystem can be incredibly rewarding, especially when you know how to leverage the Loyalty Pool system to get early access to NFT releases. Here’s a guide on how to secure your spot in the early access line and maximize your benefits as a Gala Music superfan.

Understanding Early Access Timing

Early Access for Gala Music NFTs begin one hour before the open public sale. If a public sale is scheduled for 1 pm PT, the early access sale opens at 12 pm PT. This one-hour head start can be crucial, especially for the most sought-after NFT releases, which are limited to just 100 copies.

Unless otherwise noted, every Gala Music NFT release includes a one hour early access sale period for Loyalty Pool contributors.

Loyalty Pools: Your Key to Early Access

Early sale access is granted through the Loyalty Pool system. By locking your $MUSIC tokens in support of your favorite artists, you unlock exclusive benefits, including early access to the NFT sale. This system is all about showing your loyalty without losing control of your assets—you’re not spending your $MUSIC; you’re simply holding it in specific support of an artist.

To get started, visit the Loyalty Pool Hub. Here, you can choose which artists to support by contributing to their Loyalty Pools.

How Contributions Work

Contributing to an artist’s Loyalty Pool is different from tipping. While tipping involves transferring $MUSIC to the artist, contributing to a Loyalty Pool allows you to keep your $MUSIC. 

Unlocking Loyalty Pool Levels

There are currently two levels in the Loyalty Pool system that offer benefits:

  • Level 2: By holding at least 500 $MUSIC in an artist’s pool, you gain exclusive Discord access, early track sale access, and a 5% discount on NFT tracks from that artist.
  • Level 3: With at least 1000 $MUSIC held, you unlock all Level 2 benefits plus additional perks that are at the artist’s discretion.

Planning Ahead for Early Access

To ensure early access, you need to hold your $MUSIC in an artist’s Loyalty Pool at least 20 hours before the NFT release. The system takes a daily snapshot at 5 pm PT to determine who has access for the next 24 hours. Planning ahead is crucial, especially if you’re eyeing a high-demand release.

Flexibility and Strategic Contributions

One of the best features of the Loyalty Pools is the flexibility they offer. You can add or remove your support for artists at any time. This means if you only have 1,000 $MUSIC, you can strategically reallocate it between different artists’ pools, gaining early access and discounts on various track releases. A little planning goes a long way in ensuring you never miss out on your favorite releases.

Maximize Your Benefits

By consistently supporting your favorite artists through Loyalty Pools, you not only get early access to certain sales, but also enjoy discounts and exclusive community interactions. Whether you’re looking to support up-and-coming artists or secure rare NFTs, the Loyalty Pool system is your gateway to becoming a Gala Music superfan.

Remember, the more strategic you are with your $MUSIC, the more benefits you can unlock across the platform. Keep an eye on upcoming tracks, plan your Loyalty Pool contributions accordingly and enjoy the perks of being ahead of the curve in the Gala Music ecosystem.

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