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Rest weary adventurer, your Odyssey ends…but new Voyages await!

Rest weary adventurer, your Odyssey ends…but new Voyages await!

As we approach the launch of REDACTED NAME (code name Project Cerberus), the time has come for Vox Odyssey to end its journey. 

After your extensive travels collecting jars of pickles and mysterious dragon eggs, it is time to retire your walking stick, put your feet up and enjoy some well deserved downtime.

Oh No! What? Gala is ending our Odyssey? What are we going to do??

Fear not! Odyssey is all moving into Project Cerberus!!

All of your collections will move over and eventually be usable.

What about adventuring? 

Do not fret, true believers. There is a new way for your VOX to continue searching for treasures! 

We are thrilled to introduce Voyages!

Inside Project Cerberus, you can select one of your intrepid citizens and send them out on quests! 

Just like before, they will roam the VOXverse for resources, loot and even some rare treasures!

It’s pretty simple to get those denizens of your realm out on a voyage!

  1. Select a citizen. VOX of course are the best at adventuring, but Protovox can do this too.
    1. Rewards are scaled by account and worker stats. 
    2. The higher your account level, the more you can send out on voyages.
  1. Choose the biome of the mission.
    1. This allows you to target specific resources you might not have access to with your current lands.
    2. You will unlock more voyage-ready biomes as you level up your account. 
  1. Prep with new items. There will be specific new equipment to craft, find or buy that will help with Voyages, like a higher chance to find rare items, more bits per hour and other bonuses. 

Every time a worker is out, two types of rewards are guaranteed- Bits and EXP

There are plenty more mysteries waiting to be found in your Voyages, but I don’t want to give away the secrets!

So stay tuned my friends, you will see this feature in the Beta builds soon! – Vox Populi

iOS (via TestFlight)


VOX Rebate Sale: Desert Land Now Available!

VOX Rebate Sale: Desert Land Now Available!

Why not get away and catch some rays this September? We’re going to work on our tan… but not at the beach!

No, this time we’re headed for adventure! Pack your bedroll and plenty of water, because you’re heading to where summer lingers long and is as hot as it comes – the desert!

VOX Land Rebate Sale

This beautiful slice of dunefront property could easily be yours in our rare land sale starting today! This sale won’t leave you high and dry though – you’ll get the full value of what you spend back in $GALA!

Buy a Rare Desert Land for $100, get $100 bucks of $GALA back. Buy two Rare Desert Lands, get $200 bucks of $GALA back. You get the idea, right?

Stock up on your sand and cacti supply before the launch of our game while also stocking up on some extra $GALA!

Remember, all land can be combined into better plots following a future update in Project Cerberus. If you end up with three Rare Deserts you can slap them together into one Epic Desert!

This sale just started, but who knows how long it will continue! Bolts McWhiffles seems to have taken full control over the VOX Store… and who could possibly guess what that squirrel is thinking!? Better get them before she gets distracted by crafting new upgraded nuts or something.

Prepare for the VOX to Be Unleashed!

Project Cerberus is chomping its way through some of the last critical steps before it’s ready to grow into its v2 form. We couldn’t stop it if we wanted at this point… how do you stop a dog with three heads!?!

It’s coming one way or the other. Have you hopped into Project Cerberus and actually put your VOX to work?

Well, you’ll be a lot more ready for what’s coming next if you get yourself some nice prime real estate next to that tumbleweed over there! Come on… this sale won’t last long!

Rest weary adventurer, your Odyssey ends…but new Voyages await!

Introducing Version 1 of Project Cerberus – Play Now on Mobile

Hey all! Finally!

We’re thrilled to announce that the beta of Version 1 is now available for public testing. All the team’s hard work is finally coming to your eyeballs and iPhones (and Androids).

iOS (via TestFlight)


So what have we got for you?

V1 contains the last parts of the game’s foundational systems, ready to give you a taste of the overall Project Cerberus experience. Ultimately, V1 will let you enjoy all the features listed below, but some of them are not yet turned on for this public playtest.

  • Crafting!
  • The ‘Store’ 
  • Account Advancement
  • Land Merging 
  • Account sign in (and see your VOX/Land/Skins exc) 

This is all leading to our next releases, which will include self expression through building exterior/interior places, decoration and social systems like visiting each other’s homes. As we’ve mentioned before, we had to build this a bit backwards from a normal game development view, considering the crazy technical hurdles that needed solving before we could get to the ‘cool stuff’. That’s all the past, and the foundation is built! 

Here is a bit about each of the features: 


Hey, all that stuff your workers have been collecting? Now you can do something with it. 

  • It’s pretty easy. 
  • Click the crafting room in the upper right of the VOX main screen.
  • Select a crafting station.
  • Assign a worker – VOX or protovox in the upper right corner.
  • Select a recipe you want to craft and click next. 
  • Make sure you have all the parts needed and hit Craft. 
  • Ta-da… you made a thing! Just like shop class!

The Store

For now, you can only ‘sell’ items. 

You’ll eventually get the ability to buy crafting and other items, including exclusive decorations and other creative cosmetics. 

Additionally, we’ll have a Gala Games store with exclusive items sold for $GALA, the ability to buy in game currency and more!

Account Advancement

 By completing tasks you can level your account up, and open up new options and skills! Its that simple. 

Land Merge

Three lands of the same type can be merged into a land of greater rarity. For example, three common plains would make an uncommon plain. 

This feature is disabled for now in case we need to wipe out the databases before the real launch. Because it involves combining and upgrading NFTs, this feature will get a ton of in-house testing, so please be patient with all those rare lands you bought a few weeks ago. 

Account log in

We have this disabled in the beta currently just to keep things focused. Still, very soon we’ll let you log in with your Gala account to see all your own VOX, lands and skins in-game.

Right now, just for a preview, we put in the VOX as wandering folks in the crafting area. They are all pulled from the thousands of VOX available so who knows what you might see wandering around. 

Let’s talk about the crafting area for a second. This was really built out as an area to test some building ideas for 3D, to ensure scale and look was ok for when we move to the building on landscape features. Will this crafting room stay as a thing? We are not sure, but we would love to hear about any slowdown, crashes or problems with that area in particular.  We already crushed some bugs in there that were making older Android phones explode. Please keep an eye out for battery use and overheating too. 3D on phones can be mean. 

So here we go, rushing towards a release! We appreciate your help in testing our game and we can’t wait to share the next features with you soon!

–The VOX Populi

Please note that all features described in this blog are subject to change for any reason and without notice. Additionally, as Project Cerberus is still an in-development mobile gaming project, access is not guaranteed at any time or for any duration. Thanks for helping us test Project Cerberus!

iOS (via TestFlight)


Introducing Bolts McWhiffles!

Introducing Bolts McWhiffles!

The VOX POPULI have decided that it’s time to start introducing some of the unsung heroes of the VOXVerse!

To start, we decided to sit down with Bolts McWhiffles in the newly created crafting room that is like a second home for her. This is a very capable squirrel, right at home in her trusty self-made robot contraption that helps her and has all sorts of tools and contraptions available on it to help her put things together. Bolts uses this machine as if it were an extension of herself.

She is the creator of almost every recipe that can be crafted in the VOX universe. The Leonardo da Nutci of the VOXverse. You know the creator of the Mona Peanut…

Vox Populi: Hey Bolts! Nice to meet you.

Bolts McWhiffles: Nice to be here. 

VP: So where did you come from? How did a squirrel become the master of crafting with the VOX?

Bolts: Ah, my origins are as tangled as a squirrel’s nest! I was once a carefree baby nut collector, frolicking in the dappled sunlight. Then — bam! — I found myself all alone, like a hazelnut forgotten in the back of the pantry. Gala Girl, the kindest VOX you will ever meet, scooped me up and brought me to her workshop. And there it was—the magical moment when I discovered my true calling!

I started playing around with nuts and bolts and putting things together. I figured out I had a real gift for it. Far more than most of the VOX. After a time, I took over the workshop. I created these fancy 3d printing machines and have been teaching VOX on how to craft ever since. 

In this real gameplay shot from development of Project Cerberus, we can see Bolts McWhiffles in action alongside VOX !

VP: But how did you become the VOX crafting guru?

Bolts: Well, I invented the Nut-o-Matic 3000 — a 3D printer that churns out widgets faster than a caffeinated chipmunk. And I taught the VOX how to wield those printing machines and little tools. They owe me a lifetime supply of hazelnuts, by the way.

VP: Is there a favorite thing you like to build?

Bolts: Anything that uses nuts of course! [McWhiffles chitters at her own joke] Seriously though, I like to build Idols. They have unique shapes; are a bit more complicated to build. The VOX have figured out how to use those idols to gain power, or to gain knowledge of more advanced items to create. 

VP: Do you see anything new going on in the VOXVerse?

Bolts: Well, I have been helping the Vox Populi on creating even more recipes and items to build- and places to store them. I have been supplying specs for rooms, doors, windows and all sorts of exterior items to create to help the VOX create places to live. Its a big, exciting task.

VP: Thanks for your Time Bolts!

Project Cerberus | It’s a Land Merge!

Project Cerberus | It’s a Land Merge!

So now that you’ve got all that land from the recent Plains Frontier sale or from May Mayhem– including a bunch of duplicates– You’re probably wondering what you can do with them…

What else? Smash them together to make even rarer land!

With the initial launch of Project Cerberus V1 (coming soon), all VOX landowners will have the ability to use this feature, merging and improving their collected land as they please.

For example, if you have 3 Common Plains, you can smash them together into 1 Uncommon Plains! 

But you do need a piece of special VOXTech to achieve this. 

The IsoCube

IsoCubes are what VOX use as a powersource. Need to run a teleporter? Use an Isocube. Power a starship? IsoCube. They are so powerful that they can help bind full parcels of land together and improve it! It is the purest form of a voxel cube in the universe.

There are different types of IsoCubes, from common ones that can be found in nature, to the super rare ones that can only be purchased from vendors, which are greatly coveted by all VOXkind. 


Ok, so you now have your IsoCube and your 3 identical parcels of land. What’s next? 

Here’s a step-by-step:

  1.  Select 3 duplicate lands (same type, same rarity).
  2. Add your IsoCube.
  3. Hit the merge button and watch the planet-shaking creation magic happen! 

The above image shows the merging of 3 Common Fantasy lands into an Uncommon Fantasy land. It includes all adjustments in terms of what resources can be collected and the number of workers allowed on the land.

Here’s the really cool part: This process actually creates (on the fly) a brand new land NFT.🤯

I know, right? It’s one of those smooth and convenient web3 gaming experiences we’ve all been waiting for: The ability to create and mint something in a game. No fuss, no muss. Easy peasy, geometreezy.

Just imagine the possibilities with that functionality in the future! It’s like our own real world IsoCube technological Power! Mwuahaahaa!! Seriously though, we’ll only use that power for good; in other words, to create fun game experiences that are adorable and addictive.

Till next time,

The VOX Populi