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Version 1 Crafting | Project Cerberus

Version 1 Crafting | Project Cerberus

Buy VOX land for a limited time and get a 100% $GALA rebate!

Hey all! Let’s take a break from our meet the team entries to chat a bit about crafting. 

Yes, there is a reason you are collecting all those resources in V0.5! It’s not just about who has the biggest pile of wood and stone. 

The Crafting Hall

First we’ll take a look at our crafting space. Our little friends needed a place to put all their trinkets together so we built them a crafting hall. Unlike fantasy games with a “Ye Olde Blacksmithy”, we went a bit more modern with 3D printing machines. We figured that if VOX can have teleportation tech, 3D printing seemed like the way to go.

We have a new friend that lives here–Nuts McBolty– who will help players with the crafting process, overseeing any VOX or ProtoVOX that are spending their time here.

Why build a 3d environment for crafting? Well, we needed to start testing out crafting on landscape for V2. Being a small team we needed to do some R&D work around that, so we might as well combine it with the crafting development that was already happening. This allows part of the team to work out the 3D aspects for the next phase of the project– creating buildings and decoration– without affecting the current development of crafting. 

Crafting at its Core for Project Cerberus

In short, crafting is the ability to create items and eventually rooms, decorations and more!

  • Each Account will have a crafting button available in the Main Map UI that opens the players 3D Print Farm.
  • 1 Printing Station will initially be unlocked for each account.
  • Additional Printing Stations will be available to unlock.
  • Each station will have a level from 1-5.
  • Each station can craft 1 recipe at a time.
  • A worker slot will require that 1 worker is equipped in order for the Printing Station to function.

Those are the rules, so what can I make? For version 1, the list is limited, and we need your help to make sure the process works before we open up the catalog. Over time we will add more and more items to craft over time– some you can learn, some you can get as rewards and some you can purchase through the store. We will talk about the store in a later dev blog. 

With the game’s initial crafting system, you’ll have the ability to craft everything from powerups to more advanced crafting parts and even some surprises.  

So How Do I Craft?

First you go to the 3D room and Select a printer and add a VOX…

Select a recipe…



It’s that simple!

Two other systems fold directly into crafting: The store (buy items needed for crafting)

and account leveling, which will allow players to unlock more advanced recipes. 

We will talk about those features in a future blog real soon! – The VOX Populi

VOX Land is Back with a HUGE 100% Rebate Opportunity

VOX Land is Back with a HUGE 100% Rebate Opportunity

Welcome to July! It may be hot outside but we’re pleased to announce the coolest new item in the Gala Games store… VOX Land! 

As we prepare for Project Cerberus, VOX’s upcoming game, community members have been FOMO’ing hard about VOX land, which will be one of the best ways to get into VOX rewards! So the team got together and came up with a straight bonkers way for anyone to get their hands on a Rare plot this July!

Buy Land (Credit Card, USDC, USDT, GUSDT and GUSDC qualify for 100% rebate)

A Rare Plains Frontier plot of VOX land!

Rare Plains Frontier – $100

Each plot of Rare Frontier VOX Land is itself cause to celebrate…

When you buy this item with a credit card, GUSDT, GUSDC, USDC or USDT, you’ll receive $100 worth of $GALA back as a rebate! 🤯

Yes, we are that crazy. This definitely wasn’t us just filling out a spreadsheet wrong or anything.

Have we actually lost our pixels? Or maybe some VOX are holding us hostage… Maybe, we’re just really ready to party hard, VOX-style!

Don’t wait too long. This sale could end at any time!

Get your Rare VOX Land while you can

Behind the Cubes: Jeff

Behind the Cubes: Jeff

You can feel the excitement across every pixel of GalaChain as Project Cerberus starts to take shape. Everyone – human and VOX alike – are ready to start this party!

Before we dive into more about Project Cerberus in the upcoming weeks, we want to highlight more of the amazing real, actual human beings who put up with our constant onslaught of cubes day in and day out to bring you more voxelated glory!

This week, we’ve got a real treat from one of our human VOX pros. Meet Jeff… definitely a human made of squishy stuff just like you!

Tell the People Who You Are!

Hello world! I’m Jeff Brooks, AKA jeffgamedev, and I’m a game developer on VOX. I’ve been developing video games since I was just 11 years old, where I started writing text adventure games in C, and participated in the first ever online game-jams (we used to call them “compos”). 

I used ancient niche game libraries and engines that you may have never heard of, such as VERGE, Sphere, ika, Allegro, and Pygame and libGDX. I’ve been working as a professional game developer and full stack engineer for about 14 years now, and have been with the VOX team for just over a year.

I’m a husband, father, and horse owner that lives in the midwest of the United States. I’m a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls and Deus Ex games, and am currently on a mission to complete all of them.

What Guinness Book of World Records record would you like to break?

It’d be impressive to be the person that ported the most retro games to PC in history ever.

If you had to turn into a food, which one would you choose?

A giant chocolate chip cookie cake. Chocolate chip cookies are the best baked good.

If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?

Guile’s theme from Street Fighter. *FLEX*

Flex Indeed

What’s a TV show you hated that everyone else loved and why did you hate it?

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is not funny.

What’s one super power you would NOT want?

Mind reading.

If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?

Protein bars

The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?

My wife and 2 kids.

What’s the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to rock?

Sandals with socks. Comfort with convenience. Please don’t judge.

Dad fashion is the final evolution. Double comfort… and we don’t care what you think 😉

What was the worst haircut you ever had?

I had a mullet when I was 5. At the time, I lived in the deep south! That awful Achy Breaky Heart song was on the radio all day.

What’s your favorite thing about VOX?

I’ve been a fan of voxel art forever. Since I was a kid, I always imagined 3D video games would capture the essence of 2D games and put it in a 3D world. VOX is this!

What is your most used emoji?


We believe that human and VOX cooperation is essential for the future of entertainment. We here at VOX believe in fair and equitable treatment of our humans. Boxy or rounded, we’re all working for a better future… squared.

Don’t forget to check out our last Behind the Cubes if you missed it!

We’ll see you before too long, as we keep highlighting the people who are fabricating the heads of the Cerberus as we speak. Stay VOXy out there!

Join us for a VOX Town Hall – Live on May 23 at 11am PT

Join us for a VOX Town Hall – Live on May 23 at 11am PT

If you’re curious about what’s coming for Project Cerberus and your edgy friends at VOX, you won’t want to miss today’s Town Hall with the team!

Recent VOX Articles

Behind the Cubes

Learn more about ProtoVOX

VOX Anatomy Lesson

This Town Hall event on the Gala Games Youtube channel is the first in a series that will take you deep into the minds of the VOX creators, not to be confused with the overlords… er– Board of Directors at VINC.

Set a notification and don’t miss the live Town Hall today at 11am PT! Give your hosts a shout in the comments!

NOTICE: Views expressed by members of the VOX team do not necessarily reflect the views of VINC or any VINC subsidiary, nor of the VINC Board of Directors, the Advisory Board to the Board of Directors, the special Advisory Council to the Advisory Board to the Board of Directors, the Press Secretary to said Special Advisory Council, nor the hairdresser of any current, past or future member of the VINC Board of Directors. By reading this, the user acknowledges that ProtoVOX do not have souls.

Mayhem3: The VOX Invasion

Mayhem3: The VOX Invasion

VOX has always been a unique presence in the Galaverse… our little voxel friends have hopped in and out of different properties and games over the years, but VOX really are bigger than any one project running on GalaChain. VOX were created on the idea of cross-utility and giving users a metaversal ‘VOXsona” to use wherever VOX are found! 

So this brings us to May Mayhem. Project Cerberus is still under development… but VOX still want to create a little Mayhem! 

This is the line of thinking that led VOX to hatch the perfect invasion plan across GalaChain. VOX are coming to your favorite competitions on the chain over the next month… can you satisfy the high demands that VOX put on competitors to achieve voxel glory!?

Weekly Incursions

VOX will be rolling out new Proto-Vox NFTs throughout the month, along with some other VOXish surprises.

Each week, the Great Council of VOX (The VOX are insisting we address the council as “VOX Populi”) shall choose one ongoing competition and sweeten the pot with a small supply of digital treasures. The council is watching to observe our progress… don’t let them down!

Week 1 (May 6th- May 12th) will see VOX rewarding the greatest competitors in Common Ground World… well, the greatest competitors based on VOX-logic. They aren’t after high placement on the leaderboard… oh no. In this contest, they are looking for the players who have sold the most Bicycles.

Why Bicycles, you may ask? Your guess is as good as ours. Trying to understand the reasoning of VOX is like a human trying to understand what it is to be dog.

Oh! And speaking of dogs, want a cute fluffy of your own!? Well, not exactly fluffy. VOX don’t have fluff… but it is a super cute doggo!

Finish in the top 100 of total Bicycles sold in the week 1 competition in CGW, and the glory of voxelated good boy could be yours!

Your beautiful new VOX pupper is a ProtoVOX (more on ProtoVOX coming soon!) that you will be able to use in Project Cerberus. Adopt him now and you’ll still have time to housebreak him before launch!

VOX Endgame

Each week of Mayhem there will be a small amount of the weekly prize given out. A lot of the items from this week will be Mayhem exclusives that you will not have a chance to get any other time.

If you don’t manage to place high enough in the competition you’re after, there will be another chance though! At the end of the month, VOX will put all the items they’ve given out into a special Mystery Box. This will give everyone one last chance to get in on the invasion!

Don’t want to leave your dreams of canine ownership up to chance? Now is the time. Each week will be your one and only chance to target farm the VOX prize that week… no item will be repeated in future weeks. 

The competition in CGW starts in just a few days. Need to go practice before you fight in the great VOX invasion?

VOX Forever

There’s some incredibly exciting development happening on Project Cerberus, and we’ll be back next week to talk more about the latest highlights. For now though, all the VOX are far too busy finalizing invasion plans to sit down and chat!

We’re excited for what’s coming up… and we imagine that VOX are too, just based on all the maniacal laughter we’re hearing.

You never know where they’ll be heading for the next invasion. Be ready, because we’re pretty sure the future is made of cubes.