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The New Battle: Season 6 Ends and Season 7 Begins

The New Battle: Season 6 Ends and Season 7 Begins

The conclusion of Season 6 has come… congratulations to all the victors!

As Captains across Elysium tend to their wounds and gather their forces for the next battle, let’s take a moment to appreciate the successes of the past before we focus on the struggles of the future.

Need a refresher on starting out? Check out this guide to getting your best foot forward right away in a new season:

The Victorious

The battle for Elysium is long, and many Captain’s strategies will fall short of victory. Still, there are those that persist and triumph. The few rise to the top to gain Elysium’s true power!

Total $ETIME in seasonal rewards: ~926k

Battle Power — 20% of Season Rewards

Think you’re powerful? How did your overall effort stack up against the other Captains?

  1. Hello World
  2. DubstepRod
  3. Sydney
  4. Elof
  5. beckoned

Arena — 20% of Season Rewards

No soldiers, no resource management… just battle. Did the arena lead you to glory or defeat?

  1. DubstepRod
  2. OwO
  3. Tired
  4. CaptWusl
  5. Mr.Geologist

Conquest — 60% of Season Rewards

This is what you all prepared for. The great battle that pits guild against guild, Captain against Captain. Was your battle for The Ring successful?

  1. Elof
  2. Jeryyyyy
  3. HelloWorld
  4. Inywer
  5. LordHeLL

Especially Honorable Mention

This season only one player achieved top 10 in all three rankings…

Congratulations to DubstepRod! At 6th in Conquest, 1st in Arena and 2nd in Battle Power, DubstepRod dominated the leaderboards this season!!!

EDIT: We actually have another rank dominator… Elof! Elof changed their name to “Tired” at the end of the season… and who couldn’t blame them for being tired… 1st place in Conquest, 3rd place in Arena and 4th place in Battle Power.

“Tired” at 3rd place in the Arena is, in fact, Elof! This means they too were an overwhelming force in this season… we salute them!

Check your final rankings in the following table! Shown are top 100 in Conquest and Battle Power and the top 50 in Arena!

Another Battle Begins

In season 6 we saw epic battles, unexpected outcomes and a new level of competition never before seen in Elysium. The battles that will come in Season 7 are up to the Captains who fight them… but if the escalation of the past is any indication, we’d expect to see more intense confrontations for power.

Unlike some previous seasons, Season 6 brought four guilds in the top of the Conquest ranks that were actively competing for the win. Fierce competition yields major fun… who will rise to the top next season? Will we see a new power rise to challenge The Ring, or will the rulers of previous seasons come back fighting and dominate Elysium once again?

Season 7 brings an all-new Mercenary, new season features and season Mercenaries, and above all else an entirely new chance to claim The Ring.

Keep an eye on Discord in the first week for daily codes… you’ll need supplies to get your war started. 

We’re not going to dive into the seasonal meta until you get a chance to hop in the game in the next hours. Stay agile in your tactics… you have no idea how a new Mercenary or new meta will affect your strategy. Those who capitalize on these opportunities are often among the victors.

Good luck in your coming battles Captains… and thank you for an amazing Season 6!

Don’t forget to update your game before Season 7’s launch at 5pm PT!

LabelRadar & Gala Music “NextUp” Contest Now Open for Submissions

LabelRadar & Gala Music “NextUp” Contest Now Open for Submissions

Gala Music is thrilled to announce the launch of the LabelRadar & Gala Music “NextUp” Contest, an exciting competition for emerging artists to showcase their talent and make their way into the web3 music world!

Partnering with LabelRadar, Gala Music invites aspiring musicians to submit their original tracks for a chance to win cash prizes, Mystery Box track features, professional music production software packages and a 5% revenue share for Mystery Box sales!

Submission Details

  • Open Date: Tuesday, Sept 24, at 12pm PT
  • Close Date: Sunday, Oct 13, at 11:59 pm PT
  • Eligibility: Artists must be at least 18 years old to enter

How to Enter

Artists can submit their original tracks via this Gala Music landing page, which will guide them to the submission portal, powered by LabelRadar. If you’re an aspiring artist, this competition is an incredible opportunity to elevate your music and gain exposure to Gala Music’s extensive fanbase.

Judging Process

Well-known artists Macy Gray and PLS&TY, along with key members of the Gala Music staff, will serve as judges to select the top 10 submissions. Each selected artist will then be asked to create a Gala Music Artist Profile and submit their track for release, which will then enter them in the NextUp Voting System.

Voting & Prizes

The top 10 artists will battle it out to become the community favorites, encouraging their supporters to vote for them on the Gala Music platform. Every account gets a free weekly vote, but users can also spend $MUSIC to unlock additional votes.

NextUp voting on Gala Music will last for one week, opening on Friday, October 18th at 12pm PT and closing on Friday, Oct 25, at 12pm PT.

Top 5

The top 5 artists with the most votes will each receive $1,000 and their song will be featured in a special NextUp Mystery Box, slated for release in November. These songs will become Gala Music exclusives indefinitely, with winners also getting a chance to share in the revenue generated from Mystery Box sales.

Final 3

Additional prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place vote counts will include music production software packages from leading music brands such as GForce, Ujam, Ace Studio and more.

The 1st place package is valued at ~$5200.
The 2nd place package is valued at ~$1980.
The 3rd place at ~$1380.

Don’t miss out on this unique chance to break into the industry and get discovered! Submit your track now and be the next rising star on Gala Music.

“NextUP” Contest Terms & Conditions

Start your submission today!

RingWatch: Season 6 Conquest Recap

RingWatch: Season 6 Conquest Recap

The war is subsiding. The Ring has come to a halt, and today BTB held the power with a clear victory over some tough competition!

This season was close… down to the wire right to the end. Unlike last season, a clear guild winner for the overall season is a difficult call. BTB probably has the most representation at the top ranks of Conquest Victory Points… but EPx and GFX members are right up there as well.

Let’s go to Alex and Torsten for the details!

Alex: Torsten!? I thought I took care of you already

Torsten: Seasons ago filthy pirate. Haven’t you figured this out yet?

Alex: Ooo, well I do believe that I may have some idea of the cyclical snafu we seem to be caught in… but I suppose life’s about small pleasures. Think fast Torsten! — BOOOOOOOM

Torsten: Na, not enough juice this time little man. Got that bomb resisting Immortal stat up since we last met.

Alex: Immortal wha? What nonsense are you talking!? You know what, never mind. We have a battle to discuss.

Opening Moments

The opening minutes of the Conquest were intense, with guilds quickly enacting their individual strategies. BTB jumped out to an early lead in the first period, with S12 and EPx just behind. GFX got a slow start, trailing BTB by nearly half just before the end of the first period.

Point totals before the end of period 1

The end of the first act didn’t lessen the tension, as each of the top three guilds gained around 800 points from the bonus, putting more distance between them and GFX, who only added around 600 to their total.

The Ring Enters Play

As The Ring of Ruin opened, it was still anybody’s game. FUN struck the first blow, taking the Ring almost immediately after it opened. OzK was quick to come snag it out of their hands, however. FUN took it back… but then EPx conquered it and settled in for the long haul.

This decision would be impactful. With 16 Ruins and four guilds competing hard, there just aren’t enough for everyone. The max Ruins that any guild can hold is five — after that you can’t start new rallies to take more Ruins. EPx holding the Ring gave them a critical advantage over their other two close contenders.

Score at the halfway mark of Conquest (:45)

BTB, EPx and S12 stayed tightly clustered, but GFX couldn’t maintain consistent control over as many Ruins through this second period and started to slip behind further.

Final Push

EPx continued to dominate the Ring, but they were unable to close the gap on BTB as the latter sat on a consistent 5 Ruins the whole first hour.

Score after second bonus (1:00)

The second bonus scoring put some more distance between BTB and their closely trailing EPX, and some extra distance between EPx and their trailing S12. GFX gained just less than BTB in the second period, but they gained enough to keep them in the battle for the final push.

The scoreboard only got closer as we approached the end… BTB’s score was high, but not high enough that it couldn’t be caught with a big enough bonus. EPx still had the Ring, and that could mean big changes at final scoring.

In the end, nothing was sure before the final bonus scoring. GFX made a massive sprint to the bonus at the end to not only catch up to S12, but overtake them by 400 points. BTB’s consistent gameplay and control over Ruins paid off, and they ended up chasing out to a dominating 1000+ point lead over EPx!

Congratulations to BTB on this amazing strategic victory… but also, congratulations to everyone who participated! There wasn’t a dull battle among the Conquests this season. We can’t wait for the exciting battles to come!

Alex: I’m not sure we’ve had one that close in a long time. You know, I heard everyone ganged up on S12 in a secret alliance.

Torsten:  I think that’s stupid. That would mean so many people had to cooperate… plus I saw them all attacking each other. Still, mutual enemies can complicate everything. Or maybe simplify it depending on your perspective.

Alex: I don’t particularly know about all that. I was just trying to spill some tea! BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Torsten: Ugggh, I forgot how annoying you are.

Alex: Well, maybe you don’t reappear next season then?

Torsten: Do you think I chose to be here with you?

Alex: Point taken. On that note, outro time mysterious voice!

Thanks Alex and Torsten for the great coverage… and the emotional reunion!

The season isn’t over yet! There’s a final arena competition to wrap up in a few days. You have a little less than three days to bulk up that battle power! It’s not over until it’s over!

We’ll see you again very soon to discuss the winners of Season 6 and the dawn of Season 7!

Web3 Explainers: Layer 2

Web3 Explainers: Layer 2

Layer 2 (L2) blockchains are solutions built on top of an existing Layer 1 (L1) blockchain (like Ethereum) to improve its performance. In simpler terms, if the blockchain was a road, Layer 1 would be the main highway, and Layer 2 would be like a smaller, parallel road built to ease traffic on the highway. The goal of Layer 2 chains is to make transactions faster, cheaper and more scalable.

Why Do We Need Layer 2?

Blockchains, especially popular ones like Ethereum or Bitcoin, often face issues like slow transactions and high fees when too many users are trying to make transactions at once. This is because every transaction has to be processed by all the computers (or “nodes”) in the network, potentially slowing things down and making performance inconsistent.

Layer 2 chains help solve this by processing transactions separately from the main blockchain, reducing the workload on Layer 1. Once the transactions are bundled or “rolled up,” they are sent back to the main blockchain, significantly speeding up the process.

How Do Layer 2 Solutions Work?

Layer 2 solutions relieve some of the main blockchain’s burden, allowing users to conduct transactions without congesting the main network. Here’s a breakdown of how this works:

  1. Transaction Bundling: Multiple transactions are grouped together.
  2. Processing Off-Chain: These transactions are processed “off-chain,” meaning they don’t happen directly on Layer 1.
  3. Settlement on Layer 1: After processing, the result of these transactions is sent back to the main blockchain, reducing the load.

An easy analogy would be an amusement park with long lines for rides (the Layer 1 blockchain). Layer 2 would be a fast pass line that processes smaller groups more quickly, then checks them in with the main system.

“What is a Layer-2 Blockchain?” – CoinBureau, October 2023

Examples of Layer 2 Solutions

Polygon (formerly Matic): One of the most well-known Layer 2 solutions for Ethereum, Polygon uses a technology called “sidechains” to help Ethereum scale. Polygon runs alongside Ethereum, processes transactions off-chain and then updates the Ethereum blockchain with the results.

Arbitrum: This uses a method called “rollups” to bundle transactions together, verify them off-chain and then submit the summary to Ethereum. It helps reduce costs and speed up transactions.

Optimism: Similar to Arbitrum, Optimism uses rollups to bundle transactions and reduce the cost of using Ethereum while keeping the security benefits of Layer 1.

Why is Layer 2 Important for Web3?

In the Web3 world, where decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, and DeFi (decentralized finance) platforms are booming, scalability and low transaction costs are critical. If users have to wait a long time or pay high fees every time they want to interact with a blockchain, mass adoption becomes much more challenging.

Layer 2 solutions are important because they offer:

Scalability: More transactions can be processed, allowing blockchains to handle millions of users at once.

Reduced Costs: Since fewer transactions are processed directly on Layer 1, the fees (often called “gas fees”) can be significantly lower.

Faster Transactions: Moving some of the work off-chain means transactions can often happen in seconds or minutes instead of hours.

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 and Beyond

  • Layer 1 (L1): This is the foundation, or main blockchain, like Ethereum, Bitcoin or GalaChain. It provides the most security but often struggles with speed and high costs as it grows in popularity.
  • Layer 2 (L2): These are secondary systems that sit on top of Layer 1 and help by processing transactions faster and more efficiently without compromising too much on security.

Think of Layer 1 as a big city with traffic congestion. Layer 2 is like a fast train running above ground to take people out of the crowded streets and speed up their commute. The existence of this train benefits not only the riders of the train, but the car commuters as well, who can then enjoy less congested streets below.

“Layer 3 Blockchains: What They Are and How L3s Improve Scalability” – CoinGecko Guides, November 2023

Layers are Key to Blockchain’s Future

In a world where blockchain usage is growing daily, the technology needs to scale quickly. Layer 2 solutions are not just an option but a necessity for the future of Web3. They ensure that decentralized platforms can function smoothly without making users deal with high fees or slow transaction times.

With the rise of popular Layer 2 solutions like Polygon and Arbitrum, users can look forward to a blockchain world where interacting with decentralized apps and services is as seamless as using traditional web apps—fast, cheap, and scalable.

GalaChain is a Layer 1 blockchain with the potential for integrated Layer 2 systems. Once the GalaChain ecosystem is used by enough external developers and users, organization will be streamlined through the use of multiple layers.

DevSpeak: Cloud Computing

DevSpeak: Cloud Computing

Welcome back to another edition of DevSpeak! In this series, we’re all about filling you in on the basics of terms you’ve probably heard tossed around in tech circles without fully understanding what they mean. Today, we’re diving into one that’s been around a while but is still causing its fair share of confusion – cloud computing!

Imagine you’re organizing a huge event. You could either buy everything yourself—chairs, tents, catering equipment—or you could rent all of these items for the day, using them only as long as you need, and then return them. This is more or less how cloud computing works for businesses and individuals in today’s world.

Cloud Computing, Defined

At its core, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services such as storage, processing power, databases, and software over a shared connection, often referred to as “the cloud.” Instead of owning physical hardware or software on your premises, you access and use these resources online, typically through a service provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud.

Think of cloud computing like using electricity. You don’t need to own a power plant to run your lights, fans, or electronic gadgets. You simply plug into an outlet and pay for the amount of electricity you consume. Similarly, cloud computing lets you “plug into” vast computational resources and only pay for what you use without owning any of the underlying infrastructure.

While this cloud connection typically happens over a standard internet connection, providers typically create permissioned and secure ways to access resources.

The Silver Linings of the Cloud

There’s lots of ways that the idea of the cloud has been amazingly beneficial in people’s lives. We often don’t even think about all the ways we interact with cloud services today, even though many things we do are facilitated by cloud computing under the hood.

Cost Efficiency

Using the cloud means you may not have to buy expensive hardware or software upfront.

Imagine a startup needing 100 powerful servers for just one week to run some tests. Buying 100 servers would be incredibly expensive, and those servers might sit unused afterward. Instead, they can rent these servers in the cloud for the short time they need them and save a lot of money.


Let’s go back to our party example. Oh no! More guests showed up than expected! You’ll have to scramble for more chairs, tables, and food.

In traditional computing, if your website traffic unexpectedly spikes, you’d need to buy more servers – expensive and time consuming. With cloud computing, however, resources can scale automatically. If your needs grow, you can instantly be allocated more computing power or storage from the cloud. Similarly, if traffic drops, you only pay for the reduced amount of resources used without having bought extra servers you don’t need anymore.


When all the tools are yours, your flexibility is limited to your toolkit.

Cloud computing allows businesses to be flexible in how they use their resources. If your project requires more computational power for a short period, you can ramp up easily without complicated logistics. If you need less, you can scale back. No long-term commitments are required, and there are enough cloud providers out there that they have an interest in keeping their customers happy.


Physical servers are in a place, and setting up secure ways to access your resources anywhere you want is complicated and a potential security risk. The cloud is already set up for this.

The cloud allows you to access files and applications from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. No matter where you are, you can access the tools you need.

The Darker Side of the Cloud

While cloud computing has plenty of benefits, it’s not without its downsides.

Security and Privacy Concerns

When you rent something, you don’t have full control over it. You have to trust whoever does have full control over it.

When you store your data on someone else’s servers (in the cloud), there’s a risk of breaches or data leaks. While cloud service providers invest heavily in security, they can still be targeted by hackers. Not all cloud services are equal – look carefully at the ToS on a cloud provider and make sure you’re comfortable with the level of access they themselves have to your data.

Downtime and Outages

Back to the party example — delivery truck is stuck in traffic. Nothing you can do. You’ll have an event without seating for a while. 

Even large cloud providers experience outages. If their systems go down, you could lose access to your tools and resources. It’s worth noting that they typically will know what they’re doing and work hard to fix problems. Being out of control can be hard, however, and with cloud services you’ll have to accept that there may occasionally be issues that are out of your hands.

Ongoing Costs

While renting might save you money upfront, long-term rental fees can add up. For some businesses, using the cloud can become more expensive over time than buying your own resources.

Cloud services do what they do because they’re trying to make money. Expanding your own infrastructure can save you money in the long run, so it’s important to make sure that cloud computing you use is mutually beneficial.

Vendor Lock-In

One more visit to the party example. Let’s say that delivery truck does show up, but they brought double the tables and no chairs! At this point, it’s tough to get another truck from another company out there without sending away the one that has the rest of your party supplies… even if minus chairs.

Switching between cloud providers isn’t always simple. Each provider has different systems, and moving your applications and data from one to another can be time-consuming and costly. It’s best to do research on any cloud provider you work with an ensure that you’re pretty likely to be happy with their service.

Parting the Clouds

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way we think about accessing and using digital resources. By making powerful tools available over the internet, the cloud has changed the way both businesses and individuals interact with the digital world. However, like any technology, it comes with trade-offs – just because something can be handled on the cloud doesn’t mean it always should.

Much like renting versus owning, cloud computing allows companies and individuals to use what they need when they need it, without the hefty upfront cost. The functionality that these services have unlocked across the whole of the internet has opened up new ways to build, collaborate and navigate life. 

That’s it for today, but we’ll be back soon with another DevSpeak!